Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 632: Envy, jealousy and hate are useless

Bo Xingzhi sat down on the captain's seat blankly, his long, narrow eyelashes were slightly narrowed, and under the bridge of his nose were thin lips that were tightly pressed.


Before every flight, there is a meeting.

This is essential.

His voice is cold and abstinent, but it is extremely magnetic and very beautiful.

He Qiuqiu's head was a little dizzy. When she heard Bo Xingzhi's voice again, seeing such a handsome man, her heartbeat was so excited that she almost fainted happily.

In the past, Bo Xingzhi was the living signature of Southern Star Airlines. Everyone wanted to fly with him on the same flight. He was handsome and skilled.

But when it turned out that he had bipolar disorder, he never flew again.

For a long time, these single flight attendants were in depression for a long time.

He didn't expect that one day he would fly around. He Qiuqiu suddenly felt that he had waited so long and persisted for so long, and it was all worthwhile.

On a Boeing passenger plane, He Qiuqiu stood at the door of the cabin and greeted every boarding passenger. "Good morning, and welcome to the Southern Star Airlines flight."

The slender and beautiful flight attendants in flight attendant uniforms busily shuttled through the aisle, and the passengers also entered the cabin one after another, found their own seats under the guidance of the flight attendants, and started this new journey.

He Qiuqiu was in a particularly good mood today, and the voice of greetings was also very pleasant and very enthusiastic.

"Sir, your seat is here."

"Madam, I will help you carry your bag."

When she saw a beautiful figure appeared in her eyes, the smile on her lips suddenly stiffened on her face.

It was a tall figure wearing a beige windbreaker, even if she wore a big sunglasses on her face, half of her face was covered, but He Qiuqiu recognized her at a glance.

Ruan Su!

Why is she here?

She, a shameless woman, was so cheeky that she was flying with Captain Thin?

Thinking of this possibility, He Qiuqiu wanted to throw Ruan Su outside! Keep her from stepping into the cabin.

Ruan Su only carried one of the latest bags of Xiang grandma, and she didn't even bring any luggage.

He Qiuqiu couldn't help but start thinking about whether her luggage stayed in the same suitcase as Bo Xing.

Thinking about it this way, her whole body is not good.

She stood there stiffly, and even forgot to greet her.

But Ning Jie had already greeted him at this time, her attitude seemed to treat some VIPs, "Miss Ruan, please here, your seat is in business class, please come with me."

Ruan Su took off his sunglasses and looked at Ning Jie with a smile, "Crew Chief Ning, it's been a long time since I saw him. I didn't expect that his first flight back and forth was to cooperate with you again."

"It's my honor to be able to work with Captain Thin." Ning Jie didn't expect that this time it would be the end of the line.

To Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, the go-around was not a trivial matter.

"Crew Chief Ning's mouth is smeared with honey." Ruan Su couldn't help but jokes. Before boarding the plane, she checked the weather forecast. The next eight hours of flight will be sunny and good.

It is only nine o'clock in the morning, and eight hours later, it will be only evening.

Everything will go well.

Ruan Su was personally taken to the seat by Ning Jie. After she sat down, she began to look out the window.

The plane took off formally soon. With the sound of Bo Xingzhi's magnetic voice, she raised her head and looked in the direction of the cockpit of the plane.

The sweet voice of the man rang in his ears, "Hello passengers, welcome to take the Southern Star Airlines flight. I am the captain of this plane."

This kind of long-lost self-introduction seems to have not been heard for a long time.

Ruan Su curled his lips, his eyes stained with a faint smile.

He Qiuqiu is inversely proportional to Ruan Su's joy.

At this time, she finally had time to rest. She poured a glass of Coke and drank several sips before she calmed down.

Ning Jie walked into the lounge and saw her, frowning slightly, "Qiuqiu, you can send a glass of juice for Mrs. Bo."

She deliberately instructed He Qiuqiu to let He Qiuqiu know that Bo Xingzhi already has a wife!

He Qiuqiu was a little annoyed, "I don't want to see her, and I don't want to contact her."

"If you work with personal emotions, you don't have to follow the plane when you fly back." Ning Jie looked at her with a serious face, "It will be lunch time soon. You are responsible for sending it there."

After speaking, Ning Jie turned and left.

He Qiuqiu paled with anger, but she had no choice but to obey, who made Ning Jie the flight attendant.

She prepared lunch and drinks, and walked towards Ruan Su.

At this moment, Bo Xingzhi just walked out of the cockpit and said when he saw He Qiuqiu, "Help me prepare a lunch."

After that, he sat in the empty seat next to Ruan Su.

It doesn’t feel too warm to be able to have lunch with my wife while working.

He Qiuqiu rolled his eyes with anger, but had to turn around and return to take a lunch and drink.

When she sent it over, she saw Ruan Su was feeding Bo Xingzhi beef, her intimate and ambiguous appearance, so angry that He Qiuqiu almost threw out the lunch in her hand.

Bo Xingzhi's thin lips opened, and Ruan Su sent a piece of beef in.

He chewed gracefully twice, then opened his mouth again, and Ruan Su tacitly put a piece of broccoli in his mouth.

This dog food! Sprinkle crazy!

He Qiuqiu was forced to eat a good dog food and did not dare to scream, so he could only put his lunch in front of Bo Xingzhi, "Captain Bo, this is your lunch."

Bo Xingzhi just responded indifferently, "Thank you."

He didn't have the kind of sweetness when interacting with Ruan Su.

It's like two people!

He Qiuqiu received a crazy crit once again.

She couldn't help but feel sour. "Captain Thin, you two are really affectionate."

"Watching you show affection, I feel that I am dazzled by the show."

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyelids, and did not look at He Qiuqiu, his voice was cold and serious, "We don't have a show, because we are usually so affectionate."

He Qiuqiu's eyes quickly stained red, "Use it slowly."

She was so angry that she turned and fled.

When she was gone, a smile appeared on Bo Xingzhi's handsome face, and this smile was always filling his handsome face.

"She likes you." Ruan Su took a sip of his drink.

"That's her business." Bo Xingzhi took a bite of the tender prawn and fixed his eyes on Ruan Su's beautiful face.

Ruan Su glanced at the white clouds outside the window, "After you go around, I am afraid that the stock price of Southern Star Airlines will rise sharply. Should I take the opportunity to buy some?"

She suddenly changed the subject, and Bo Xing stopped for a moment, and sighed, "Wife, other people have taken a fancy to your husband, can you feel a little bit of crisis? At this moment, you are still thinking about making money?"

Ruan Su couldn't help being happy. "There are so many women who like you. If I feel a sense of crisis one by one, I will be exhausted soon."

This feeling is very good, it is easy and pleasant that has been long-lost.

They know each other, they are too tired to live.

The plane flew smoothly. After the two had lunch together, Bo Xingzhi continued to return to the cockpit, staring at the dashboard.

Ruan Su was bored, so he started reading.

She brought a few magazines, just to pass the time during the boring journey.

Ning Jie went over to give her a drink halfway through, but it didn't bother her.

The news of Bo Xingzhi's return to flight was heard by some media who did not know where.

The overwhelming marketing accounts on social platforms began to fall.

"Captain Bo went back and forth again, is his illness cured?"

"How can a mentally ill go back?"

"Is this because Southern Star Airlines has no captain?"

"In support of the go-around, he is very professional and should not waste talents!"

The titles of this one are bloody.

However, Southern Star Airlines seems to have expected that after the news of Bo Xing's go-around, some people will question it.

Before this matter fermented, a thin medical examination report was immediately thrown out on the official blog.

The report clearly shows that Bo Xingzhi has no mental illness.

But this report still attracted a lot of netizens' poison, "I think this report is false."

"But it's true that he never got sick again!"

"The professional quality is so strong, we should go back!"

"Never fly on Southern Star Airlines anymore."

"I like Bo Xingzhi, support him!"

Netizens insisted on their own opinions, and they couldn't talk about it.

Just when they are fighting over the Internet.

The party's plane has slowly landed, Ruan Su walked out of the gun compartment and came all the way to the airport lobby.

He saw Bo Xingzhi standing at the exit waiting for him.

There are people coming and going in the airport, but he is particularly eye-catching, especially eye-catching, attracting the attention of not knowing how many passengers come and go.

Bo Xingzhi pulled a black suitcase and walked straight towards her.

The man looks outstanding, and every step he takes is like stepping on the cusp of everyone's heart.

He looked down at her, stretched out his big palm to hold her hand, "Let's go, let's go to the hotel."

The destination of this flight was London. At this time, the weather in London was still very cold. There was a black car parked outside the airport. Seeing Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, the driver immediately got off the car and opened the door respectfully.

The heating was turned on in the car, which immediately made her body warmer a lot. Ruan Su leaned on the comfortable seat, she shrank like a lazy cat in her arms.

"I'm a little hungry."

Bo Xingzhi looked at her sideways, "What do you want to eat?"

"Anything is good, just fill your stomach." Ruan Su red lips lightly opened, and spit out two words.

The man stretched his brows and looked at her tenderly, "You certainly don't like the local specialties here. Why don't you find a Chinese restaurant?"

Hearing him talking about Chinese restaurants, Ruan Su came to be interested and asked him, "Is it authentic?"

After half an hour, the car stopped in front of a red-tiled brick house, surrounded by some very distinctively decorated shops. Ruan Su saw a Chinese-style restaurant at a glance.

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