Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 636: These are all pig teammates! Slap!

Ruan Su couldn't help but want to laugh, "I've found out, you women, one by one, seem to regard marrying as a lifelong goal, as if you are living to fight for men to grab men. Are your life empty, or life too lonely? Only? Can you find a man to show the value of your life?"

He Qiuqiu is like this, Ruan Fangfang is like this, and this Ami'er is like this...

It seems that these women live for the purpose of marrying a good man.

Regardless of their status, status or background, their ultimate goal is to marry? !

This is too...

Isn't it ridiculous?

She was a little dumbfounded. She really didn't know if her men were too attractive, or these women lived too narrowly.

Amel stretched out her hand with sharp nails to try to pinch Ruan Su's chin, but Ruan Su drew away lightly and cut Amel's arm back with a backhand.

"Why? Turned into anger from embarrassment?"

Amel's angry face flushed red, "You let go! A woman of your background dare to despise me, why are you? You are a rubbish! You are not worthy of thin! You are not worthy of him, you are still Let's let go of the words here!"

"You pornstar, other than a beautiful face, what do you have?"

"Wait for me, I think you are being forced by someone, if you are J, will Bo still want you!"

Amel was so angry that she cursed. As early as when she saw Ruan Su, she immediately sent a message and ordered a few bodyguards to let them in through the back door of the restaurant, and soon... they would come and take Ruan Su away!

Ha ha--

"Yo! Why? Still thinking about calculating me? What kind of tricks and tricks does your IQ want to do?" Ruan Su looked at Amel's beautiful face, "I have nothing else, I have strength! Now you don't want to. Is it held by me?"

She stretched out her hand and patted Amel's cheek, "Look at this smooth little face, I advise you, don't provoke me anymore, maybe one day I am upset, so I will scratch your face. After all. I'm just a woman who comes out of a small door. I am barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes."

She was smiling clearly, but Amel felt the utter coldness.

It was a kind of cold from the bones, Ruan Su Mingming was so beautiful and beautiful, but Amel felt that she was possessed by the devil.

She was so frightened by Ruan Su that Huarong was pale, and she screamed, "Let go of me! Ah--"

Ruan Su took advantage of the situation to let go of her. She was already struggling desperately. With a bang, her body slammed into the door panel and fell to the ground again.

Her screams attracted two waiters in the restaurant.

"Miss, oh my goodness! What's wrong with you?"

"Are you hurt?"

The waiter hurriedly lifted Amel from the ground.

She was thrown dizzy and stared at Ruan Su in disbelief, "You wait for me!"

Ruan Su smiled slightly, looking glamorous, "Miss Ami'er, you wore such high heels and fell accidentally. What is my business?"

She pointed to the water stains on the ground, "You sprinkled the water on the ground here."

"You! It's you at all, you pushed me down!" Amel's chest was constantly rising and falling with anger.

Because Ruan Su and Yami'er stayed in the bathroom for too long, Bo Xingzhi and Boller couldn't wait outside, and walked towards here.

As soon as I came over, I saw Amelie, who was screaming and looking gloomy, pointing at Ruan Su, violently violent.

When she saw Boller, she complained aggrieved, "Daddy, she bullied me, she pushed me to the ground!"

Ruan Su glanced at Bollair and said lightly, "There are two waiters here. You can ask if they saw my Miss Tiya Mier."

The two waiters looked at each other, before seeing Boller asking, they said quickly, "No, we didn't see anything."

"She fell down herself."

"The ground is already slippery."

Amel's eyes straightened with anger, "When you came over, I had already fallen, and she was the one who pushed it!"

Bo Xingzhi's face was cold, "Miss Amel seems to dislike my wife very much."

"By the way, Miss Amier said just now to find someone to be strong, J me. Miss Amier... Would you like to explain to everyone?" Ruan Su smiled and raised the phone and tapped the screen. Mi'er's frantic roar came directly.

What she said just now was heard clearly and plainly by everyone.

Amel's face suddenly turned white, "No...I don't."

But what was ringing in the phone recording was her voice, clear to my ears.

"Miss Amel, I want to ask, you said that finding someone to strengthen me, where are those people? Where are they?" Ruan Su smiled calmly and looked at her.

Amel's lips trembled, she stared at Ruan Su, but her heart suddenly touched her throat!

Now she only hopes that those bodyguards will never show up.

However, the more she was afraid of something, the more it came.

At this moment, a few men in black rushed over and said to Amel when they entered the door, "Miss, where is that woman? We will take her away immediately!"

The bodyguard is originally an order for an action, and can't have his own personal thoughts at all.

They all obeyed Amel's orders. They came in without looking at the atmosphere here, nor thinking about the current situation.

Yami'er turned his eyes and was almost stunned by these pig teammates.

She squeezed her eyes at the man in black and blinked, but the man in black couldn't understand at all, "Miss, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you cramping? Do you want me to buy you eye drops?"

Amelie was so angry that she pointed at the man in black and couldn't speak. After a while she shouted, "Get out of here!"

The man in black shrank, and had to turn around and leave with a few men.

The atmosphere in the bathroom was strangely quiet.

Only Amel's rapid breathing could be heard.

She hardly dared to look at Bollaire's face, and she dared not look at him.

Bollair didn't expect his daughter to be so stupid. He had just negotiated cooperation with Bo Xingzhi. Southern Star Airlines is strong. If it can introduce the aircraft manufactured by its company in batches, it will be a huge income for the company of Bolaire.

it's good now……

This idiot Amel actually offended his wife.

Boller's face was livid and raised his palms, and slammed Amel's face fiercely, "Apologize! Apologize to Mrs. Bo immediately!"

Bo Xingzhi coldly glanced at the father and daughter, his cold voice echoed in the bathroom, "Mr. Bollair, your sincerity in this cooperation really shocked me, the cooperation was cancelled! My wife was attempted to be kidnapped today, and I will pursue Yami. My lady’s legal responsibility, I believe that the judge in London will give me a fair and just trial."

Bo Xing Zhi Yin's eyes fell on Boller, who was stunned by the furious Bo Xing Zhi, even if he had been in the business world for many years, he still crawled into a cold sweat on his back.

Although Bo Xingzhi had always been cold and domineering, he became so hot that no one could let it go.

Boller's face turned black and white, and it took a while to react. He slapped Amel's face again, his voice almost squeezed out of his teeth, "Apologize! Apology! Did you hear that? Do you think? Are you going to jail? Do you still want the stocks of our family business to fall? Huh?"

Amel covered her hot cheeks humiliatingly, and her bright face was wetted drop by drop with tears.

Her crying face made people feel sympathetic, but no one in the room would sympathize with her.

She cried louder and louder, "I don't...I don't, what kind of status is she, why is she..."

Borel was trembling with anger by this stupid daughter who was still confused, and the veins on her forehead violently. He grabbed Amel’s hair, held her head, and pressed her to Ruan Su. , "Apologize! Did you hear that!"

Amiel was so frightened by her violent father that she almost lost her voice. Tears kept falling, and she had to lower her head, staring at Ruan Su in humiliation and unwillingness, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Ruan Su drew a tissue from the tissue box on the wall of the toilet and gently wiped the tears on Ami'er's face, but what he said was extremely mocking. "Miss Amel, there is nothing wrong with the lifelong pursuit of marrying a good man. What is wrong is that you should not miss other men's men, and what is more wrong is that you should not try to hurt other women."

At this moment, Boller's cell phone rang.

When he received the call, his eyes went dark and his body shook, "What did you say? The order in the Middle East was also cancelled? Why?"

Ji Youyou, who hasn't said a word, said coldly, "Because you offended my girlfriend! It's that simple."

"Beauty, you are from the Middle East..." Boller has never paid attention to the two women Ji Youyou and Ruan Su, and praising them is just a polite remark, thinking that these two women are vases.

At this moment, he took a closer look, and then reacted violently, and then suddenly awoke.

"You are... you are... are you the female prime minister in the Middle East?"

"I just think of who I am now. It seems that you are not too blind." Ji Youyou sneered, then looked at Ami'er, "What's the use of having a good background? God seems fair. I gave you a good background, but didn't give you a good brain. If you have a brain anymore, what about the girls who live a good life on their own?"

"The Prime Minister... The Prime Minister..." Yamier stared at Ji Youyou in disbelief.

The woman she has always looked down upon has such an identity?

"Although our Middle East is a small developing country, but... I am also a woman who works **** my own to gain a foothold. Unlike you, you can only rely on your family and your background. You are a rice bug!" Ji Youyou Lengao said.

Li Yanbei looked at her in love and affection, he liked her domineering look.

Very charming.

Ruan Su couldn't help laughing, "My girlfriends and husband are too domineering, so I can only be a little woman spoiled by you?"

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