Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 637: You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous

Bo Xingzhi stretched out his long arms to lock her tightly in his arms, "If you were just a little woman, then there would be no big heroine in this world."

Although he didn't watch many online dramas, he didn't watch many online novels.

But I heard that there is a theme called the heroine.

He deeply felt that those fictional heroines were weak in front of his relative Xiao Su.

"We, Beifeng Airlines, also decided to cancel the cooperation." Li Yanbei is determined to support his wife, so he glanced at Boller, "Although your aircraft is of good quality, our Beifeng Airlines is not the only choice for your family. "

There are 1,500 booths in the industry that participated in the air show this time, but it is not only Bollair.

Boller was so angry that he lost the cooperation of the three companies at once.

For him, this is nothing short of a disaster.

He kept pulling the hands of Amel's hair and didn't let go. He was so angry that he didn't dare to vent to others, so he could only vent to Amel.

He lifted Amel's head with a "bang" and slammed into the wall of the bathroom!

Amel was hit and dizzy, and a sharp pain came from her head. She screamed and struggled, "Ah! Let go, Daddy, let go!"

But Bollier was really going to explode. He grabbed her head and bumped it several times. The blood flowed down Amel’s head, and Amelie curled up on the ground weakly in pain. There is almost no way to make a sound.

Boller let go. He stared at his dying daughter on the ground, and shouted at the bodyguard outside the door, "Don't take her to the hospital yet!"

The bodyguards were so frightened that they did not dare to make a sound.

Hearing his voice at this moment, he rushed over, lifted Ami'er and left.

The rest of the bathroom returned to quiet, and Boller said with an ugly face, "I'm sorry everyone, it's all my goddess, I just hope you can think about cooperation again..."

"Business matters belong to business matters. This kind of squabbling between women is originally a private"

"How can business and personal matters be confused? My daughter also apologized to Mrs. Bo..."

Bo Xingzhi's deep gaze fell on Ruan Su, his big palm gently rubbing her waist, "Bollaire, are you finished?"

He interrupted Boller's voice abruptly. Boller was taken aback and looked up at him, "Bo... We have known each other for many years."

"So what? Knowing for many years does not prevent your daughter from wanting to harm my wife." Bo Xingzhi said sharply, "I didn't hold you accountable for being extra face, cooperating, and avoiding talking."

After speaking, he took Ruan Su's hand and left, and Song Yan quickly followed.

Ji Youyou and Li Yanbei also stepped on their legs and left.

Bollier was left alone in the bathroom.

His eyes bulged out of anger, staring at the direction they were leaving.

"Bo, Li, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

He didn't believe that he could be defeated by these Orientals as the plane king.


After leaving the restaurant, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su said goodbye to Ji Youyou Liyan North Road directly at the door, and then drove back to the hotel.

And that night, Ami'er was slowly awake in the hospital.

She looked at Bollier with some fear. She never knew that her father was so angry that it would be so crazy and terrifying.

She shrank into the bed, her eyes drooping.

I heard Boller’s gloomy voice resounding in the ward, “Don’t worry, if you have been wronged today, Daddy will definitely give you justice. If you are angry, if you are angry, you will hate the behavior Ruan Su, you are hurt because of them. Daddy is angry. Everything is because of them."

Amelia suddenly raised her head and met Boller's sinister eyes. Tears filled her eye sockets, "Daddy, it hurts me so much."

Her forehead was wrapped in thick white gauze, and she looked very haggard and embarrassed. Even after the painkiller was given, her wound was still aching.

She has been spoiled since she was a child, and Boller always spoiled her before.

This was the first time she had seen Bollair send this with a big temper, so she was frightened.

Although Boller was angry, his sanity had returned at this moment. After all, blood was thicker than water, and he regretted why he was so impulsive at the time. In order to save the business, he beat his daughter so much.

He stepped forward and hugged Amel. "Daddy was confused at the time. If it weren't for Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, none of this would happen. Don't worry, Daddy will avenge you."

The father and daughter talked for a while, and Amel fell into a deep sleep because of the pain in her head.

And near the hotel at this time.

The night sky resembles a navy blue curtain, dotted with sparkling stars, which makes people feel deeply intoxicated.

Because of the wind, Ruan Su put on a windbreaker and a mask when he went out.

Bo Xingzhi walked towards the hotel hand in hand with her. When passing by the milk tea shop, Bo Xingzhi bought a cup of milk tea for Ruan Su.

He was holding the milk tea, Ruan Su pulled down his mask and took a sip from time to time.

In fact, she doesn't like this sweet thing very much, but since he bought it, she thinks it's good to drink it once in a while.

When he was about to walk to the door of the hotel, he said, "Take another sip."

She shook her head, "Stop drinking, it's too sweet."

The man held a cup of milk tea, "One bite, one bite."

Ruan Su said helplessly, "Well, just take another sip."

With that, she took off the mask, and was about to lie down on the milk tea cup and take another sip.

Suddenly, the man suddenly leaned over and covered her red lips with a clear breath.

He didn't deepen the kiss, but quickly withdrew, looking at her with deep eyes dozingly, "This bit is really sweet."

Ruan Su: "..."

What does this man want to do so all of a sudden?

Also play this kind of tricks that sweet first love couples can only play.

She looked at him and couldn't help smiling. Suddenly she felt that there were not too many beautiful things in this world, but the wind that blew at night and the men who spoiled him were so beautiful and so good.

She thought she might never forget this kiss in the night breeze in her life.

However... at this time she didn't know that the future is too long, and there are too many uncertainties in life, just as a huge vortex is sweeping towards her and Bo Xingzhi.

The next morning, the sky began to be drenched with light rain, and the silky rain wet the ground.

Ruan Su wore a long white shirt with a pair of black pencil pants underneath.

She watched the drizzle outside the window, flashing the images of last night in her mind.

This man was extremely gentle and lingering, wrapped in a strong masculine breath, so tired that she woke up in a daze this morning and found that it was already past seven.

She looked at the thin line still sleeping, the man's three-dimensional features and angular face were almost perfect.

After watching for a while, she walked to the bed again, lay down and continued to look at the handsome and angry face beside her.

Before she knew it, a faint smile appeared on the corners of her lips.


The man beside him suddenly opened his eyes, Ruan Su stretched out his hand and squeezed his face, "Get up on the flight at half past twelve."

Bo Xingzhi grabbed her hand, laughed lowly, and stole an incense on her smooth little face, "It's still early, it's not eight o'clock."

"So let's get up for breakfast?" Ruan Su blinked, his black and white pupils looked at the man's handsome face.

Bo Xingzhi hugged her thin waist, and squeezed her face with her big palm, as if she was retaliating against her for pinching him just now, "How about...Shall we exercise again?"

Ruan Su didn't say a word and glared at him. Why is this man so energetic?

She hadn't reacted yet, the man had turned over, Ruan Su quickly put his small hands against his thick chest, "I'm hungry, I'm really hungry."

However... it was too late.

They arrived at the airport at ten o'clock on the flight at half past twelve, and did not eat breakfast.

After hurriedly sign in, the meeting will be held, and after the meeting, you have to rush to inspect the flight situation.

Ruan Su pouted in the waiting hall. He had known so long ago. Fortunately, nothing went wrong.

The normal commercial fixed flight is one and a half hours to one hour and the crew must arrive at the airport.

Business jets and temporary charter flights are more advanced, about two hours or so. Because the route is not fixed, the dispatch application is good. Enter the cockpit with one waypoint and one waypoint to get the route navigation information.

So this man likes to bully her, but he is never sloppy at work.

In the past, he would arrive at the airport about two and a half hours in advance for the flight he flew to make preparations in advance.

After all, it is necessary to check closely to ensure that it is correct, because a little mistake in the flight is a major event, especially on international routes. That's all terrible things. So this matter is not sloppy, you have to check it carefully.

When everything was in order, Ruan Su and Song Yan listened to the sound of the announcement in the waiting hall and lined up with the flow of passengers to board the plane.

After the last passenger boarded the plane, Ning Jie came over and informed all the passengers very politely, “Hello passengers, it’s still raining outside. Although it is light rain, there are still flights delayed, so for the time being. I don’t know if our flight will be delayed. If there is a delay, please don’t be upset, please understand. For your safety, please follow our crew’s arrangements."

Ruan Su checked the time, and he was about to take off in five minutes.

It seems that listening to this means that you can't take off.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Ning Jie once again notified everyone of the delayed take-off in a sweet voice.

He Qiuqiu sat in the lounge, watching the drizzle outside the window.

"It's really annoying!"

"I don't know when I can fly."

Soon, half an hour passed.

The plane remained motionless.

Some travelers were already a little impatient, and some started yelling and cursing.

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