Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 638: He is a scum! Fear of fear!

"What's the situation with your plane? Why hasn't it taken off for so long?"

"It's just light rain outside, isn't it? It's not a pouring rain, why the delay?"

"A rainy day will generally not affect the normal take-off of the plane. As long as there is no thunder and lightning, it can take off under the premise of ensuring safety. What are you doing?"

He Qiuqiu helplessly began to explain, to appease the emotions of these travelers.

“Rainfall generally does not affect the take-off and landing of aircraft. It is often the clouds and wind in the sky that affect the aircraft’s take-off and landing. Although the amount of rain is small, it will form air currents in the air and form fog. Fog will affect the The control of the aircraft. Unstable airflow will also affect everyone’s safety.”

"If you encounter dark clouds, it will be more serious, that is, the clouds with the highest charge content will affect the flight safety of our aircraft."

"Moreover, because the visibility is too low, the progress of flights in and out is slowing down, so our queue time will be extended. There are still many flights that have not taken off, and we can only go back."

He Qiuqiu's remarks are well-founded and can be said to be well-organized and very clear.

She completely changed her impatient attitude towards tourists in the past.

It seems that because Bo Xing stopped on the plane, her entire performance has improved, not a level.

Ning Jie was stunned by her performance.

This He Qiuqiu always wanted to play with the eldest lady's temper, and when he encountered a difficult passenger, he would directly change to someone else.

She avoids herself, or quarrels with the passengers altogether.

She received the most complaints.

Ruan Su didn't respond. She had been reading the magazine. Song Yan sat next to her and would look out the window from time to time.

He looked at the gloomy sky outside and frowned, "It has been raining for so long, and it's still falling."

Ruan Su turned over another page of the magazine and said lightly, “The main air current of the British Lord comes from the Atlantic Ocean in the northwest. The warm ocean current releases a lot of moisture into the air. When moisture encounters cold air, it will form rain. So London loves rain very much."

The misty rain casts a layer of Sherlock Holmes’s mystery on London. Many streets in London are not visible at a glance. They are usually curved, giving you the feeling of a winding path.

But for the passengers who are anxiously waiting for takeoff at this time, they don't have the leisure to appreciate the annoying drizzle.

A middle-aged man shouted very rudely, "When will I take off? I have millions of big business to talk about. If I delay my business talks, can you afford it?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, his eyes cold.

The middle-aged man wore a leopard print shirt, a large gold chain around his neck, and a black tattoo on the back of his exposed hand.

At first glance, it looks like a social person, not easy to provoke, not easy to provoke.

There was no more smoke sitting there and yelling.

Ning Jie walked over with a smile on her face, "Sir, I'm sorry, we don't know when we will take off for the time being, please stay calm and understand, everything is for your safety."

"You fart!" The middle-aged man cursed directly, swearing, "How awesome are you? Are you an airline? Be careful I buy your company."

Ning Jie's face suddenly turned blue and white, but her good professionalism still made her hold back her anger, and explained patiently with a stiff smile, "Sir, our Southern Star Airlines has always put customers first..."

Before she could finish her words, the middle-aged man got up. He got up very fast and very rough. As he got up, the coffee on the small table in front of him was overturned by him, and it was hot and black. The brown liquid splashed onto Ning Jie's face and arms.

Not only that, but the surrounding passengers were not spared.

It was more or less splashed by coffee stains.

Suddenly there was a mess in the cabin.

"Are you sick? You made it all on my clothes!"

"What are you doing? You burned my ears!"

"It's all on my trouser legs!"

"My face too! It's disgusting!"

Several passengers near the middle-aged man stood up and shouted.

The situation in the cabin began to get out of control. Everyone was in a bad mood, but now it's like this again.

Ning Jie was a little blinded, and He Qiuqiu and several other stewardess were blinded too, and one after another began to comfort the passengers.

But these passengers are now on the verge of collapse. One is more irritable, some quarreling with Ning Jie and the others, and some with middle-aged men.

"Get off the plane, what do you do to trap us here?"

"I want to go down!"

"Compensation, you soiled all our clothes, you indemnify us! Aren't you talking about a million-dollar business?"

"You are so rich, you lose us."

When the chaos was overwhelming, He Qiuqiu stumbled to the front of the cockpit, "Thin captain, thin captain, it's not good, there is a commotion in the business class!"

Ning Jie was so angry that she couldn't help being angry at these troublemakers, "Wang Nian, clean the ground, all the passengers, can you stop the noise? Can you be quiet for a while?"

She really couldn't bear it.

At this moment, there was a loud bang!

The noisy people suddenly looked at the source of the sound in shock.

I saw that the small table in front of the middle-aged man with the big golden chain was forcibly broken by a beautiful and eye-catching woman's bare hands.

"If you want to be this small table, you will continue to quarrel and continue to make noise."

Ruan Su smiled slightly, bright and touching.

She shook the broken small table in her hand, which was particularly dazzling.

Everyone stared at her in shock, dumbfounded.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that such a slender and beautiful woman would break a small table with her bare hands!


This is too scary, right?

Ruan Su threw the small table board in front of the middle-aged man, "compensate all the passengers who were splashed with dirty clothes and apologize to the flight attendant."

The middle-aged man was so earthy that he almost peeed his pants in fright, "Okay, okay, I'll make compensation right away."

He hurriedly took out the red banknotes from his briefcase, and began to make equal compensation one by one.

After it was over, I looked at Ning Jie's coffee-hot arm and the dirty stewardess uniform, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. My fault. This is compensation..."

He grabbed a handful of banknotes and stuffed Ning Jie into Ning Jie's hand. Ning Jie stepped back two steps, "Apologize, I accept it, but I won't ask for the money."

The middle-aged man looked at Ruan Su awkwardly, as if waiting for Ruan Su to speak.

However, Ruan Su did not pay attention to him, and turned his cold eyes to the other passengers, "And you, the flight delay is for the safety of everyone, and it is not a deliberate delay of everyone's time for no reason. So... don't make any more trouble," Understand?"

The passengers were as quiet as chickens.

No one dared to speak again.

In the face of absolute force, no one dared to make mistakes.

However, after the atmosphere eased for a while, a young man pointed to the small table and said, "This small table...who will pay the compensation?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, "I will pay, I will pay, how can I make the woman pay? I will pay, and the cause is me."

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows and threw him a look that counts you.

At this moment, a tall man wearing a captain’s uniform walked out of the cockpit, and his cold voice sounded, “Hello everyone. I’m the captain of this flight. We will contact the tower as soon as possible. Arrange to take off. Delays are our responsibility, but no one can control the changes in the weather."

He paused and then said, "All the passengers who made trouble just now will be blacklisted by Southern Star Airlines. Severe punishment will not be granted."

Passengers of this kind of trouble, there will be the first time there will be a second time.

When he said this, everyone was shocked again.

"He is the president of Southern Star Airlines..."

"He said he would blacken us."

The face of the middle-aged man was even more ugly, "Thin, thin captain, it's all my fault, I shouldn't take the lead in making trouble. Everyone is because of me..."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him coldly, "I'm sorry, it's too late."

He stepped away from his slender and strong legs and came straight to Ruan Su, stretched out his big palm and gently held Ruan Su's small soft hand, looked at the red marks on her hand, and said distressedly, "Does it hurt?"

He now suddenly felt that it was just to blacken out these troubled passengers, and it was too cheap for them.

It made her hand so red!

Ruan Su shook his head, "It doesn't hurt, but it's just a small table."

Everyone was shocked when they looked at Bo Xingzhi's spoiling appearance.

Even those who didn't know Ruan Su had to start guessing her identity at this time.

Suddenly I didn't know who called, "She is Ruan Su!"

Older people may not know, but none of those young people don't know.

They all started to get excited, especially since 80% of these passengers were from Empire H. Ruan Su's fame was obvious to all.

The middle-aged man didn't know who Ruan Su was, and he didn't pay attention to these internet celebrities, celebrities and the like at all.

He felt even more timid, who did he provoke?

He asked the young passenger next to him in a low voice, "Is this heroine very famous?"

"That's not it!" The young passenger immediately began to teach him science. "Do you know that "Idol Loves Picking Up Trash"? She wrote the script, she is the producer. Do you know the Glyry Grand Prix? She is acting Guest, do you know what international piano competition is? She is a judge!..."

"Oh, most importantly, she is the wife of Southern Star Airlines, the wife of Captain Thin."

"I heard that he is still a good friend of the president of Centenarian Pharmaceuticals."

The middle-aged man turned black in front of his eyes, wishing to explode in place.

He made a face of mourning, but didn't cry, "Miss Ruan, I'm sorry, Captain Bo, I'm sorry...I will definitely change my evil and return to righteousness in the future, and never make trouble for no reason."

He can't afford it!

In the eyes of these people, his big contract of one million is scumbag!

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