Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 639: Emergency landing!

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Your biggest mistake is that you hurt our flight attendant and the passengers around you."

"Respect for others is also respect for yourself."

Ruan Su looked at the man blankly.

The middle-aged man regretted not at the beginning, his face was earthy, like a concubine.

If time can go back, he will definitely not do it like this.


There is no regret medicine in this world, and it is impossible to turn back time.

Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su's little hand and blew lightly, as if he was coaxing children in a kindergarten, "Blowing will not hurt."

Ruan Su: "..."

Is this man really naive and addicted?

She pulled her hand back uncomfortably, and pushed his body a little bit, "Hurry up and go back to work."

Bo Xingzhi hooked his lips, "Take care of yourself."

The cabin gradually calmed down, and no one dared to do anything, even to whisper.

The air is terribly quiet.

In the lounge, Ning Jie rubbed scald ointment on her hand.

He Qiuqiu came over and brought her a drink, "Drink some water."

"Thank you." Ning Jie took it and sighed.

In the scene just now, fortunately Ruan Su took the shot, the moment she shot, she was so handsome and exploded.

Her heartbeat almost stopped suddenly.

"The few people just now were too weird." He Qiuqiu sat beside Ning Jie, "I really don't have quality. Are your hands okay?"

"Fortunately, there was no blistering." Ning Jie glanced at her well-medicated hand, "If Miss Ruan hadn't deterred them, I guess they would still have trouble."

"Isn't there a thin captain? The thin captain's deterrent power is no less than hers." He Qiuqiu's eyes drifted with disdain. Although she didn't feel like it in her heart, she felt that Ruan Su was in the limelight again.

But it is impossible to admit that Ruan Su is a cowboy.

"Miss Ruan is still very good." Ning Jie patted He Qiuqiu on the shoulder. "But that gentleman had already filed a complaint at that time, and the report is expected to be written by then."

"Captain Bo said, all the troublemakers are blacked it's not our fault." He Qiuqiu muttered.

Ning Jie smiled and did not speak any more.

The plane didn’t take off until half an hour later. "Hello passengers. Welcome to the Southern Star Airlines flight. About to take off..."

The plane finally took off smoothly.

At 6:30 in the evening, after serving the captain and co-pilot in the cockpit, He Qiuqiu and Ningjie also allocated dinner to the passengers.

The sky was getting dark, and it was pitch black outside, and there was nothing to see.

Sitting near the wing, you can see the navigation lights flashing outside! Only when taking off and about to land, you can see the little lights below!

Ruan Su looked at the dark sky outside and took a bite of dinner.

Southern Star's in-flight meal tastes good, and it is not very perfunctory and tastes unpalatable.

After entering the night, the entire cabin became very quiet, but she was not sleepy at all.

When there was still two hours away from Jiangcheng, the plane suddenly began to become bumpy.

Although Ruan Su wasn't asleep at this time, she took the blindfold and put it on her eyes, and took a nap in the small moment of darkness.

Song Yan had been sitting next to her very dutifully and took an aviation magazine and read it.

He didn't bother Ruan Su, his responsibility was to follow her and protect her.

Ruan Su suddenly felt violent shaking and tremors all over his body.

She frowned and quickly pulled the blindfold off her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Song Yan, who also craned her neck and looked towards the cockpit.

"What happened? Did you encounter an air current?" Ruan Su glanced around the cabin and found that the surrounding passengers were swayed by the air current.

Some passengers have already begun to scream, but because of the lesson of the middle-aged man before takeoff, they did not dare to curse loudly.

You can only vent your inner fears with the cry of fear.

But only a few minutes, the cabin fell into chaos.

"It may be due to airflow or other reasons, it shouldn't matter." Song Yan said quickly, but his heart was hanging in his throat.

Ning Jie has begun to appease the passengers at this time, "Hello passengers, the latest weather detection news has come. Jiangcheng and the cities near Jiangcheng have all six strong winds, so strong air currents are generated in the sky. Don't panic. Don't panic. There is still one hour and forty minutes away. We will urgently contact Jiangcheng Tower to ensure a safe landing."

At this time, the passengers in the cabin had long been dizzy by this airflow.

At this critical moment, no one dared to move, and some children had already begun to vomit.

He Qiuqiu and the stewardess began to stumble one by one to hand out disposable vomit bags to the passengers.

Ning Jie has been stabilizing the emotions of the passengers, constantly broadcasting various precautions and safety reminders.

About ten minutes later, this strong airflow finally passed, and the plane began to fly smoothly again.

But Ruan Su always felt a little uneasy.

Time passed quickly, and the plane finally approached Jiangcheng, but the strong tremor began again, crazier than the previous tremor.

Some timid passengers have already started to cry.

"what happened?"

"Why is this plane shaking so obviously?"

"Mom, I'm so scared."

At this time it was approaching the early morning, and the sky outside was bright, but the visibility was very poor, and the plane kept shaking in the air.

Ning Jie's voice came from the broadcast again, "Hello passengers, the plane is about to land and it is already very close to the ground, please don't walk around casually..."

She kept repeating various precautions and safety matters.

Ruan Su looked out the window, and when he saw that the plane was almost the same height as the terminal building, the plane suddenly shook.

Then it started to lift again, and the plane went around!

Accompanied by crazy tremors and strong turbulence, the sound of vomiting in the cabin one after another, and a strong and unpleasant smell wafted in the air.

The wind and sand are very strong, and the wind blows up the wind and sand, making it almost impossible to open your eyes.

Jiangcheng has always had a favorable climate, and it is also in the south, so there is rarely such a big wind and sand.

Ruan Su's beautiful face was hidden in the early morning light, constantly feeling the plane's crazy hovering in the air.

Hovering in a large circle, accompanied by the howling of strong wind, accompanied by violent tremors.

But there is still no way to make an emergency landing smoothly and safely.

Inside the cockpit at this time.

Bo Xingzhi's face was tight, his slender and powerful palms were manipulating the plane, and his perfectly contoured face was reflected in the first officer's eyes.

He swallowed his saliva and looked at the sky with very low visibility outside and the frantic wind and sand, "Captain Thin, what shall we do now?"

Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Contact the tower, unable to land."

In such a strong wind and such a strong hurricane, although he did not ask, he could guess what the situation in the cabin is now.

If an airplane encounters strong winds or air currents when landing, the airplane is very likely to descent abnormally, deviate from the original gliding trajectory, or go out of altitude to cause a safety accident.

There are still hundreds of passengers on the plane, which is very risky, so it can only be forced to land.

The forced landing can only choose airports in nearby cities.

Five minutes later.

Ning Jie was sweet and a tired voice came from the cabin again, "Hello passengers, because this flight has encountered strong winds in Jiangcheng, we can only choose to make an emergency landing in the nearby Fei City. We express our deepest apologies for the inconvenience."

Fei City is far away from Jiangcheng, about five to six hundred kilometers.

After hearing Ning Jie's broadcast, the inside of the cabin suddenly exploded.

No matter how good the temper is, the passengers who are afraid of Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi can't stand it.

"I came to Jiangcheng to attend a friend's wedding!"

"I went back to Jiangcheng to visit relatives!"

"I'm going to sign a contract. If the contract is not signed, what will I do in the second half of the year? Will it go bankrupt?"

"I knew that the plane was so unstable, so I took the high-speed train. What kind of plane do I take? Isn't I just flying fast?"

"Too **** depressed."

"It's really unlucky."

The passengers began to complain very irritably, complaining while vomiting.

After the plane circled over Jiangcheng for about twenty minutes, it finally turned around and flew towards Fei City.

After the flight stabilized, the toilet on the plane was finally reopened.

Suddenly a dozen people lined up.

He Qiuqiu and the others walked up and down the aisle one by one with their plates, vomiting bags.

Ning Jie nodded, and the number of vomit bags was almost desperate.

What if the vomit bag runs out by then?

She couldn't imagine that picture.

In the cockpit at this time, Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows displeasedly after receiving the notice to make an emergency landing in Fei City, "Contact the tower, can you make an emergency landing in Zheng City, Zheng City is only 200 kilometers away from Jiangcheng, Fei City is too far."

The co-pilot quickly contacted and replied to him after a while, "Zhengshi is also a strong wind...but it is smaller than Jiangcheng, it is a level 4 wind."

"I made an emergency landing in Zheng City. If Zheng City fails, I will fly to Fei City." Bo Xingzhi made a decisive decision.

He has a serious face and firm eyes.

The co-pilot nodded quickly, "Okay, I will contact the tower now."

After ten minutes passed, Ning Jie's head almost collapsed.

After receiving the notification, she hurriedly broadcast again, "Hello passengers, I have received the latest news. Because of the strong wind, this flight will be changed from an emergency landing at Fei City to an emergency landing at Zheng City."

"Zheng City is much closer to Jiangcheng!"

"Fei City is really too far!"

After the passengers heard the latest arrangement, their irritation and anger were finally relieved temporarily.

After all, the fat city is really too far away.

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