Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 640: Engagement Banquet

The plane finally landed smoothly to Zheng City.

The passengers on the plane had long been dizzy and confused by the bumps.

After Ning Jie led all the flight attendants to send all the passengers down, she was suddenly exhausted and collapsed.

"If this kind of wind comes a few more times, my life will be lost."

"Fortunately, Captain Bo landed in Zheng City. If it is in Fei City, it is really too far. They will definitely complain." He Qiuqiu also sat next to her and took a sigh of relief.

The tone is all worship of Bo Xingzhi.

While talking, the thin line wrapped in the black captain's uniform walked over.

He carries a fierce aura, and his whole body exudes a cold and abstinence aura.

It was already early morning, and the dazzling sunlight outside the window came in.

An aircraft about to take off or landing is clearly visible in the distance.

He Qiuqiu quietly turned the corner of his eyes to Bo Xingzhi. He was not only honorable, but also impeccably handsome. Her heart thumped and thumped, with a hint of excitement, "Captain Thin... today... "

Before she could finish her words, Bo Xingzhi glanced at her, He Jie and others, and interrupted He Qiuqiu lightly, "Everyone performed well today, and the bonus has doubled."

Ning Jie and the others couldn't help cheering after listening, "Captain Thin is mighty!"

"Chief Bo is mighty!"

Bo Xingzhi had already walked out, stretched out his slender fingers and pulled the tie of the matching shirt in the captain's uniform as he walked.

A few minutes later, he saw Ruan Su who was waiting for him at the airport gate. The woman was wearing a long black windbreaker with a white sweater inside and a pair of sneakers on her feet.

She was tall and slender, and her skin was white and shiny.

The morning sun shines on her, she is like a little fairy running out of the world of elves.

Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but raised his lips slightly, and strode towards her, stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "Beauty, are you waiting for me?"

Ruan Su reached out and pinched the man's waist, "So poor?"

Bo Xingzhi reached out and put his arms around her slender waist, "Let's go, go home."

The two got into the car together, and Song Yan started the car.

Bo Xingzhi's sturdy body was overturned, his eyes fixed on her delicate face, "Does the hand still hurt?"

Ruan Su's two small hands pressed against his chest, and the water in his eyes was full of luster, and his mind was slightly flustered.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Then... let me check?"

In the next second, the man grabbed her little hand and covered her soft palm with his thin lips.

He raised his head after a kiss, "It doesn't seem to hurt anymore."

Ruan Su: "..."

Is it so nauseous?

The man's warm palms put his arms around her shoulders, "Next month there will be a gold helmet world pilot knowledge contest, I..."

"Are you going to participate?"

Ruan Su raised his eyes and looked at him.

Bo Xingzhi hooked his lips, "No, I'm a judge."

He grabbed her little hand and played casually, "The Golden Helmet Pilot Knowledge Contest was held for 16 times. Only the one in which I participated in H Empire won the championship."

"So, you are the champion?" Ruan Su understood immediately.

She raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, and the faint sunlight projected from the car window enveloped his three-dimensional profile, which was profound and charming. "My man is the best."

Hearing her compliment, Bo Xingzhi slightly raised the corners of her lips, and poked her cheeks with her distinct fingertips, "This time the venue for the competition is in Jiangcheng."

The car slowly stopped in front of the gate of Jiangsong Villa.

The door of the car was opened, Ruan Su jumped out of the car and looked at the familiar door, "It's been a long time since I came back."

"Uncle housekeeper always finds part-time workers to clean, and can move in at any time." Bo Xingzhi hooked her lips, and her warm and dry palm took her hand and walked inside.

After fingerprint authentication, the two stepped in.

The housekeeper was sitting on the sofa watching TV boredly when he suddenly heard the door opening from the door, which was shocked.

Halfway through the yawn, he stopped abruptly. After seeing the two who stepped in, he still kept his mouth wide open, his eyes flashing with shock, and he rubbed his eyes exaggeratedly, "I didn't look Wrong? Madam, you are back?"

He didn't say hello to Bo Xingzhi, he passed the man directly, and quickly came to Ruan Su, "Are you really back?"

"Yes, long time no see." Ruan Su said hello with a smile, "How well is your health recently?"

As she said, she took out a Ruilan No. 133, "Strong one, come one."

The housekeeper did not doubt the medicinal properties of the medicine, and he quickly took it, so excited that there were no tears in his eyes. "Ouch, madam, why are you so good to me?"

He hurriedly poured a glass of water and swallowed the medicine.

Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes glanced at him who was exaggerated. The old man ignored him and kept showing his hospitality to Xiao Su.


"Eat some breakfast and rest." Ruan Su put down his bag as he said, tugged his apron to his waist, "What do you want to eat?"

As soon as she looked up, she found that Bo Xingzhi was staring at her scorchingly.

Ruan Su met the man's obsidian pupils, her heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and her breath rushed across her limbs, suffocating slightly.

His handsome face was shrouded in a faint sunlight, and a little bit of brilliance sprang up from the depths of his eyes, like a drowning pool under the bright sun.

"As long as you do it, it's okay." Bo Xingzhi stared at her, if there was a seemingly nonchalant smile.

The narrow eyes fixedly stared at her apron.

Time seems to have suddenly returned to the time when there was no divorce.

She always wears an apron and asks him, what do you want to eat?

Her skin is white and delicate, like a peeled egg, everything is delicious and attractive.

She is so good-looking and so beautiful, it is a kind of beauty that I want any man to hold her in his arms and cherish forever.

The housekeeper's nose began to sour for a while, "Then... madam, just make scallion pancakes, cook noodles, there are only eggs and spring onions in the refrigerator...there is nothing else."

Ouch, I drool just thinking about it.

It's been a long time since I had eaten the meal made by my wife.

The housekeeper couldn't help rubbing his hands to see how warm the picture was.

If... his eyes couldn't help but fall on Ruan Su's stomach, it would be nice to have a little young master.

When the time comes, he takes the baby every day, thinking about it, and he feels that life is simply not too beautiful.

Ruan Su, who didn't know what the housekeeper's brain made up, went directly into the kitchen and took out the only ingredients in the refrigerator.

The kitchen door was closed, and the hum of the cooker hood came from inside.

The uncle housekeeper also felt a little unreal to get in front of Bo Xingzhi, "Master, are you two reconciled?"

After all, he is old, and he doesn't usually go online or read Weibo or the like.

So I didn't know that Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su had reconciled early.

I was still immersed in excitement at this moment.

Bo Xingzhi nodded, took off the captain's uniform and hung it on the hanger in the hallway. "Yeah. I'm going to take a shower."

With that, he turned upstairs.

The housekeeper grinned and smiled like a three-year-old kid, "I'm going to beat my wife."

This life is really hopeful!

The housekeeper has always taken care of Ruan Su, so Ruan Su has always regarded him as a kind elder.

She didn't make scallion pancakes, she made scallion noodles directly.

The simple and fragrant noodles lie quietly in the pot accompanied by green onions.

Ruan Su took the bowl and filled three bowls, and the housekeeper hurriedly took it out.

Bo Xingzhi had already taken a shower and went downstairs, just to see these three bowls of steaming scallion noodles.

His hair was not blowing, it was a little messy, but it was not dripping.

Maybe he was really hungry. He pulled out the chair and sat down and took a deep sniff, "It's really fragrant."

Ruan Su laughed lowly, "Try it."

She hasn't started cooking for a long time, and she was so busy some time ago. She has been working non-stop every day, and she has no chance to cook.

Bo Xingzhi picked up his chopsticks and immediately started eating noodles. When the noodles were soft and waxy, the aroma of the food spread in his mouth.

The uncle housekeeper also began to lower his head to eat noodles, and praised as he ate, "My wife's craftsmanship is still so good, it's really delicious."

Fortunately, Ruan Su did a lot, and after the bowl of noodles reached the bottom, the two of them went to serve another bowl.

Ruan Su didn't eat the second bowl.

After eating the noodles, Bo Xingzhi stood up and washed the dishes consciously.

The housekeeper cleans the table.

Ruan Su turned upstairs to take a bath, and the hot water washed her body warmly.

When she came out of the shower, she found that Bo Xingzhi was asleep.

I flew all night last night, and when the sky was getting bright, I was forced to land by a strong wind.

He is also very tired.

Ruan Su looked at the phone for a while, and lay down beside Bo Xingzhi after receiving the message.

As soon as she lay down, the phone rang, and she was taken aback. Fortunately, it was in vibration mode.

She grabbed the phone and walked out of the bedroom, picking it up in a low voice, "Hey."

"Miss Ruan, it's me, Ye Mianli."

Ye Yanli's familiar voice rang from the phone, and Ruan Su glanced at the closed door of the room, "What's the matter? Ye Shao? Is something wrong?"

"That's it. Next Friday is my engagement banquet, and I specially invite Miss Ruan to attend."

"Engaged?" Ruan Su was a little surprised, "and..."

"It's Song Jiayan." Ye Yanli's voice was faintly cheerful. "Our Ye family has gone through this tragedy, and it's time for a happy event to take a chance on bad luck."

"Okay, I will definitely go there, bless you." Ruan Su smiled.

"Mr Bo must come, too. I have sent the invitation." Ye Yanli said something to Ruan Su and hung up.

As soon as the phone hung up, she received another call from Song Jiayan, "Miss Ruan...I..."

She was a little embarrassed to speak, but Ruan Su said first, "Congratulations! Ye Shao has already called me just now. I will definitely go then."

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