Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 641: Let's get the certificate

After Ruan Su hung up the phone, he returned to the room. Bo Xingzhi was still asleep, and Ruan Su was tired. Although he took a nap on the plane last night, he couldn't sleep well at all.

She soon fell asleep and slept soundly.

She was awakened by a kiss. Ruan Su slowly opened her eyes and met the man's charming eyes. His obsidian-like eyes glowed with enchanting brilliance.

"Wife..." The man's magnetic voice rang in his ears, his sturdy chest came into view, Ruan Su's eyes flashed, and he looked lazily at his coveted figure, "What time is it now? ?"

"Guess..." Bo Xingzhi's thin lips leaned close to her ears, and the scorching breath flicked her ears, making Ruan Su's ears suddenly red.

This man...

Why are you so sultry?

"I don't want to let it go." She curled her lips and glanced at the sky outside the window. It was very dark. You could see the moon hanging high by the window. It should be at least eight or nine o'clock.

"Are you still angry?" Bo Xingzhi curled his lips, his eyebrows were stained with a smile, and he looked unparalleled.

The man's big palm gently supported her thin waist, "Why don't we do something bad... to adjust the atmosphere?"

Ruan Su looked at him speechlessly, daring to feel that this man was full and asleep, so he had the strength to toss her.

But she was not disgusted, instead she took the initiative to hook Bo Xingzhi's neck.

"Husband... Then we..."

Her eyes were charming like a fairy, and under the white moonlight, she was even more beautiful.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her like an elf under the moon, her throat moved slightly, only to feel the searing heat in his heart.

He couldn't help it anymore and pressed her into his arms.

Thin lips swallowed up.

All night long.

In the early morning of the next day, there was a light rain in the sky. The strong winds yesterday did not get any storms or the like, it was just light rain.

The rustle of rain rang in his ears, Ruan Su gently opened his eyes and saw the meandering raindrops on the glass window.

The weather in Jiangcheng is like spring all year round, unlike Beijing, where it is icy and snowy in winter, the sun is like fire in summer, and the wind and sand are still great.

But the capital is the center of power.

Compared with Jiangcheng, a relatively slow-paced city, Beijing is really full of impetuousness and temptation, conflicts of desires, and balance of power.

Ruan Su retracted his thoughts, sat up slowly and went to the bathroom to wash.

Familiar bedroom, familiar furnishings, familiar bathroom, everything is so familiar.

Even the skin care products are the brands she usually uses, as if everything is what she looked like when she was not divorced.

She walked to the closet calmly and gently opened the door of the closet. As she thought, there were some styles of clothes she usually wears. Whether it is color matching or style, she is used to wearing them. which type……

This man...

The eye sockets she looked at turned out to be a bit hot.

She doesn't know how to call him affectionate? It should be said that he is nostalgic.

It is false to say that you are not moved in your heart. Fortunately, I also fell in love with him, if not?

The thought of Bo Xing's disappointment and loss, and finally turning into despair, made her feel sad.

She walked back to the bathroom to wash, and when she was done, she found a set of home clothes to wear. When she left, she packed a lot of clothes in the suitcase in order to act realistically.

The closet is almost emptied.

Now it's full, her size, her style...

There are some small video softwares that have this kind of script.

"I don't know what my girlfriend likes, I'm a straight guy."

It's not that you don't know what your girlfriend likes, but that you didn't install her in your heart.

I don't want to know her deeply and love her, so... how can you know what she likes?

"Why do you think girls don't know how to be satisfied? I've said that, I will definitely buy it for her next time."

"I have said that, I will definitely take her to see her parents next time."

Ha ha ha-falling in love is not just talking about it, it's for making it!

Ruan Su put on skin care products on his face and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Is this admitting that Bo Xingzhi is doing very well?

Women are really easy to satisfy, maybe it is a cabinet of clothes, or a cabinet of bags, or even a cabinet of lipstick and high heels.

"Why is a man giggling?" The man's slender and powerful arms circled her waist from behind, his chin was knocked on her shoulder, and his charming eyes looked at her in the mirror with a smile.

Ruan Su stood on tiptoe and dropped a kiss on the man's cheek, "Because... I miss you."

The sound is sweet and soft.

Bo Xingzhi was obviously taken aback.

Somewhat staring at her in a daze, at that moment he suddenly didn't know exactly when and where.

It seems that there is no Mrs. Bo from the time of the divorce... she is back again.

The former Ruan Su just looked at him with such a clever smile, soft, delicate and pretty.

But at that time, she was just a vase in his eyes.

His mind shook, and his Adam's apple began to roll slightly.

" haven't called my husband for a long time."

This house is full of their four-year marriage and all the memories.

Suddenly he didn't know where an unspeakable emotion came out, "I love you."

Ruan Su was amused by his confession, "What do you do so silly early in the morning?"

She raised her hand to hit him on the chest, but the man grabbed her little hand, "I confessed very seriously, Mrs. Bo. Let's get the certificate, just today."

As he said, he found a snow-white shirt from his closet, and then found Ruan Su also an identical trumpet.

"Wearing a white shirt to receive the certificate seems to have a sense of ritual."

Ruan Su looked at these two shirts that were exactly the same as lovers, "Are you ready already?"

"Preparing every minute and every second."

Bo Xingzhi kissed her again, and said briskly, "Wait for me to wash. Let's set off."

Ruan Su nodded and went downstairs.

The housekeeper has already ran to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy some fresh ingredients.

Seeing her coming downstairs, he opened the bag happily, "Madam, come and see, the fish I bought are fresh, as well as this mushroom, and this lettuce. What shall we eat this morning?"

Ruan Su smiled and walked over, "Boil some rice porridge and stir-fry two more dishes. How about cooking lettuce with garlic and bean sprouts in vinegar? It's better to eat lighter in the morning."

"Okay, okay. I'll go get these dishes now." The housekeeper turned happily and got into the kitchen.

When the wife is at home, it is a fireworks!

When Bo Xingzhi went downstairs, he saw Ruan Su was cooking, and he eagerly leaned over, "I'll come back for dinner, let's go first."

Ruan Su glanced at him with a faint expression.

Bo Xing stopped panicking, he nervously grabbed her thin wrist, his voice hoarse, almost broken, "Aren't you unwilling? Do you want to be with me?"

He couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

"My wife, have I performed badly lately? Or am I annoying?"

"Or am I not handsome anymore? Am I getting old?"

"So you look down on me?"

"Or... do you fall in love with someone else?"

Bo Xingzhi was going crazy by Ruan Su's attitude.

Ruan Su glanced at the man whose eyes were red, raised his hand and tapped his forehead somewhat unbearably, "I can think, why not write an online novel? What are you doing here?"

Bo Xingzhi was stunned, "What?"

"No matter how urgent you are, you have to eat breakfast! Not eating breakfast is not good for your stomach. I have done it all." Ruan Su said, turning around and taking out the dishes in the wok and putting them on the plate.

The slender figure went out carrying the plate.

Upon seeing this, Bo Xingzhi quickly took out another dish.

The housekeeper bought some dumplings and some pies.

Although there were only two dishes, the three of them were very satisfied. After eating breakfast, Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and walked out of the villa and got into the car directly.

He personally took the seat of the co-pilot, after the car started.

His palms holding the steering wheel were slightly sweaty, and his throat was dry. "Have you brought your ID card? Did you bring your household registration?"

Now he seems to be a nervous hairy boy, and he seems to be a chattering old man.

Ruan Su didn't know how many times he answered him, "Take it, take it all. Take yours and mine."

"That's good, that's good." Bo Xingzhi took a deep breath. "Isn't it Sunday today? They won't take a rest?"

Ruan Su Fu, what is the domineering temperament of this man?

What about high cold abstinence?

This is still endless for Rosso.

However, looking at him like this, Ruan Su's heart was filled with sweet ripples.

When the car passed an intersection, it ran into congestion.

There are many cars and people jammed at the intersection, bustling with traffic.

Bo Xingzhi honked his horn irritably, "What's the matter? Why is there a traffic jam?"

Ruan Su calmly patted the back of his hand, "Don't worry, this intersection is usually smooth, so it's probably a car accident."

Bo Xing's face turned green with anger, "Forget it, let's switch lanes."

As he spoke, he was about to turn around, but... at this moment, he saw a steady stream of cars coming from behind from the rearview mirror and stopped to the back of his lane.

In other words, they were stuck in the middle of the lane.

I can't go back, and I can't walk out.

You can only wait for the traffic jam to end.

"Good things take a lot of trouble." Ruan Su smiled, "Isn't that just getting the certificate? I can't run."

Then she pushed open the car door, "I will go down and see what happened."

When she got out of the car, her slender figure immediately attracted the attention of many people.

She walked toward the area surrounded by the third floor and the third floor, where the most people were.

She squinted slightly and saw the traffic policeman in uniform evacuating the traffic. Not only that, but the sound of an ambulance was heard in the distance.

It seems that there was indeed a car accident.

"My child!"

A stern cry came into his ears, Ruan Su heard frowning, and quickly pushed aside the crowd and rushed inside.

I had a minor operation today, and the wound was fierce and painful... I lay on the bed for three hours, and finally got a chapter, ah, ah, it hurts. Sorry, it's more late...

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