Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 642: The risk is great! ! Famous doctor! !

Ruan Su heard the mournful cry and immediately walked towards the crowd, and saw a child lying dying in the middle of the crowd. In front of the child there was a Terra car that hit the flowerbed. It was smoking.

The child was covered in blood and was held in the arms of a young woman.

Ruan Su walked over quickly and squatted next to the young woman, "I am a doctor, let me take a look."

There were tears on the young woman's face. She lifted her dim teary eyes as if she had seen a savior, "Doctor, please, please save my child."

At this moment, the door of Terra's car was opened, and an old lady with gray hair and very elegant dress staggered out of the car.

She coughed violently as she walked.

"I stepped on the brakes, but the brakes failed. I saw that you were about to cross the road. I originally wanted to stop."

The old lady hurried over to explain, but many passers-by became dissatisfied after seeing her, "What kind of car are you driving when you are old?"

"If you don't go home for retirement, you will run out to harm people."

"Yes, you are so old, so you should squat at home."

"Looking at this kid being hurt so badly... won't your conscience hurt?"

Ruan Su has been checking the child's injuries all the time, "Don't move him casually. It is possible that his ribs are broken, his arm is also broken, and whether his brain is always temporarily unknown."

As she spoke, she tore off the skirts of her clothes and began to help the children bandage their traumatic wounds.

The child closed his eyes tightly, and it was obvious that he had lost consciousness. The old lady has been standing behind Ruan Su and the young woman guilty and worried.

"It's all my fault, and I didn't expect the brakes to fail."

While speaking, Ruan Su raised her head, and then the familiar face of the old lady came into her eyes, her brows were stared, "Mr. Ye?"

Ye Tan was also stunned.

She did not expect to meet Ruan Su here.

"Miss Ruan?"

Ruan Su glanced at Ye Tan, and then at Terra Motors. "Tetra Motors is an electric sedan, also called a high-end electric sedan. Recently, there have been frequent incidents of brake failure. I did not expect that Mr. Ye also has one."

This kind of car is obviously very unstable.

What's more sad is that the brand of Tela Motors refused to recognize it.

Don't admit that there is a problem with his car. Putting all the responsibility on consumers, saying that consumers are for profit, so they deliberately frame the brand.

But it's not dead, this Terra car is a high-end electric sedan brand under the Tang Group.

The Down Group’s attitude is very tough and is not responsible.

Even though public opinion on the Internet has been very strong recently, and netizens are very indignant, they have not shaken the thoughts of the Tang Group in the slightest.

Ye Tan originally had good driving skills and had been driving for more than ten years.

She never thought that she would capsize and land on a Terra car.

The brakes failed, almost causing life danger.

This kid is still so young, if there is a long-term and short-term, not to mention that she is not liable for legal responsibility, she will suffer and feel guilty for a lifetime of conscience.

Seeing Ruan Su kneeling on the ground to bandage the children's wounds, Ye Tan felt a sense of security inexplicably.

But glanced at Terra, her eyes were cold.

The ambulance came quickly and stopped to the scene of the accident with a whistling sound.

An emergency doctor jumped out of the car on the stretcher and carefully carried the child onto the stretcher. Only then did he look at Ruan Su.

"Doctor Ruan? When did you return to Jiangcheng?"

A pleasant surprise sounded, Ruan Su raised his eyes and saw his former colleague Dr. Li in the City No. 1 Hospital.

She smiled, "I just came back two days ago."

"Oh, you are so famous. There are really a lot of big guys who want to see you for surgery. They were all rejected by the dean. Recently I heard that an old professor came from abroad. He was seriously ill and wanted to let you. Surgery! Would you like to go back to the hospital to have a look? The dean will be happy to know that you are back."

Dr. Li said excitedly, "Let's take this child to the hospital first, let's talk back!"

No matter how you chat, it is impossible to ignore the patient's life.

Ruan Su patted the dirt on his body, "I will pass too."

She took out her mobile phone and called Bo Xingzhi, "There is a patient here. It's very serious. I'll go to the hospital. You can go back first when there is no traffic jam."

With that, she also walked towards the ambulance.

The young woman saw that the child had been carried away, and hurriedly followed.

Ye Tan stayed with the traffic police to take notes. The traffic accident was shocking.

After a short while, I was on the news, I was on a certain note, and I was swiped everywhere.

"Terra once again lost control and ran into a child."

"Terra Motors, do you dare?"

"Is this the first few accidents of Terra?"

"The brakes didn't work, my God, it's terrible."

"Bless the children safe and sound."


After Bo Xingzhi received Ruan Su's call, his whole body was full of depression.

Did this woman forget why they went out today?

It's... helpless.

The ambulance screamed and rushed towards the hospital. Twenty minutes later, it stopped decisively at the door of the emergency department.

Ruan Su also got out of the car, and the colleagues in the hospital were stunned when they saw her.

They greeted her one after another, "Doctor Ruan is back?"

"Doctor Ruan, long time no see!"

"Will you do this emergency patient? You just sent him here."

Ruan Su felt their enthusiasm and immediately said, "I just happened to be passing by, at the scene of the car accident. The kid suffered a lot of injuries, so I'll take the charge. Is this OK?"


The young woman is a little blinded now.

She is also from Jiangcheng, so she naturally knows that there is a well-known first surgeon in Jiangcheng, Doctor Ruan.

She didn't expect that she would be lucky to meet Ruan Su just now!

How sad, painful, and terrified she was before, how lucky she is now.

I was so lucky that I met the wonderful doctor.

He will definitely pull his son back from the hands of the **** of death!

The operation lasted about two hours.

Two hours later, the child was finally pushed out of the operating room.

It’s almost the same as Ruan Su’s judgment at the beginning, “I had a few broken ribs and CT scans were no problem. Fortunately, I didn’t hurt my brain, my arm was broken, my calf was broken, and I needed recuperation. Drinking some bone broth should recover better than adults."

The young woman held Ruan Su's hand with tears in her eyes, "Thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome." Ruan Su nodded and saw Ye Tan who had been sitting there not far away.

"Mr. Ye, what's the matter?"

Ye Tan sighed heavily, "The car was sent for appraisal, and the result of the appraisal accident has not yet come out. I'm here to pay for the medical expenses."

As she talked, she took out a thick envelope from her bag and handed it to the young woman, "This is some cash, and treat it as my compensation. Anyway, is the car malfunctioning? it's all my fault."

Her attitude is very sincere.

The young woman looked at such an educated old lady, her face was ugly, "I have no obligation to be polite to the perpetrator. It is not rare for me to keep your money."

She raised her head, with a hint of pride on her face, "I only hope that my son can wake up and be healthy and safe."

Ye Tan sighed heavily, his face was full of guilt, "I'm sorry."

The traffic police came to mediate again, but the young woman was still very tough.

Ye Tan was also very helpless, so she ran out again and bought a lot of maintenance outlets at the nearby shopping mall, and sent them in a lot of trouble.

The attitude is very good.

"Miss Ruan, I have something to ask." Ruan Su stayed in the hospital and did not leave. Although the operation was completed, she had been staying in the hospital to observe the children's situation.

She thought that Ye Tan was going to talk about the children, but she didn't expect Ruan Su to be stunned when the other party spoke.

"Miss Ruan, my wife, he..."

"What's the matter?" Ruan Su looked at her strangely.

Isn't that the old professor who came back from seeking medical treatment from abroad is the couple of them?

Isn't this a bit of a coincidence?

She thought quietly in her heart.

"My wife is getting older and has a brain tumor in the past two years. It is still a relatively remote location. It is said that if the operation is successful, there will be a 50% chance of becoming dementia. How can his brain...become dementia? He has done a lot of useful research... Dr. Ruan, we have found out that you are a master in this field."

Ye Tan said that his eyes were flushed with red, "At the beginning, we were in a foreign country, we were also destined. You..."

Ruan Su looked at the amiable old couple in the Chinese restaurant at the time, as well as the gentleness of Jun Moli.

Take another look at Ye Tan's haggard and helpless look now.

She is not a hard-hearted person, "Is Mr. Jun staying in our hospital?"

"Yes, he lives in the brain surgery ward."

Ruan Su nodded and turned to the director of the pediatrics department and said, "Director Wang, the 58-bed kid pays more attention to him. It hasn't been long since he had the operation. If there is any abnormality, he will immediately respond to me."

After the explanation, she followed Ye Tan to the brain surgery ward on the 16th floor.

In the ward near the end of the corridor, Mr. Jun Moli was sitting on the hospital bed with a book and watching carefully.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he slowly raised his head and saw a slender woman appear at the door of the ward. She was dressed in a white coat and looked elegant and beautiful.

Jun Moli was startled, "Miss Ruan?"

Ye Tan hurriedly stepped forward, "Ms. Ruan turned out to be the famous doctor Ruan we were looking for. It's really where we never meet in life."

Jun Moli smiled and put down the book in his hand, "I really didn't expect that Miss Ruan was so young and capable."

It's fake to say it's not surprised, but can Ruan Su perform surgery on him...

They came with hope, not wanting to leave with disappointment.

Ruan Su didn't greet them too much, but went directly to the brain surgery to check Jun Moli's medical history.

"This old gentleman's condition is not optimistic. The brain tumor is very unusual, and the risk of surgery is also great."

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