Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 643: This intricate relationship

Ruan Su frowned slightly when she looked at all of Jun Moli's situation on the medical record.

There is a serious expression between the expressions, "Brain tumors are the most risky for brainstem surgery, and Mr. Jun's just deep in the location, the operation is difficult. Naoqian is the life center of the human body, which controls many important functions such as breathing, heartbeat and circulation. If you are not careful, the patient may stop breathing and heartbeat."

"Dr. Ruan, this was previously called a restricted area for surgery..."

The director of cranial neurosurgery looked at Ruan Su with concern. In recent years, there have been successful cases of surgery, but there are very few cases.

And they are all successful by foreign experts...


"It doesn't matter, I'm here to lead the sword." Ruan Su raised his eyes and looked at the director, "Mr. Jun and Mr. Ye's husband and wife are both people who have made contributions to society. You can't ignore him while he is sick."

"But... Dr. Ruan, the success rate of this operation is really too low. Even if it is successful, the sequelae are very serious... The consequences are really..."

The director looked at Ruan Su with red eyes, "The risk is too great."

Just then Ye Tan walked in. She looked at the director and then at Ruan Su. "Our family and he himself agree that Dr. Ruan will perform the operation himself. If Dr. Ruan is also not good, we really I don’t know who else can save Mo Li."

She sighed heavily, “We used to search in France, Paris, or London. I also wanted to go to M country to find a doctor, but... Although we are from M country, I still don’t know why. Trust Dr. Ruan inexplicably."

She stepped forward and held Ruan Su's hand, "Doctor Ruan, my husband will ask you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will definitely not put Mr. Jun at any risk during this operation." Ruan Su patted Ye Tan's hand and looked at the director. "Notify all the doctors in the department for a consultation at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. "

"Yes, yes, Doctor Ruan."

The director quickly went down to make arrangements.

Ruan Su's words are as authoritative as the dean of the city's No. 1 Hospital.

As he walked out, he thought to himself, what is the sacredness of this old couple, and asked Dr. Ruan to call the old lady in honorifics.

The old lady does seem to be very elegant, is it some kind of wealthy family?

Thinking of this, he ran into a few little nurses head-on. The little nurses were gathered around the cell phone, "Oh my God! They are really great professors and scientists."

"Yes! I didn't expect it to be so great."

"It's a pity that I got this disease. God doesn't have eyesight. I don't know if Dr. Ruan can do anything about it."

The director walked over curiously, "What scientist?"

"Director, don't you know? The old Mr. Jun Moli who just moved in, and his wife, are all amazing!" The little nurse held up her mobile phone to show the director, "Although they are not from our H Empire, But it's still quite powerful in Country M."

The director saw... the feat of this famous couple.

No wonder Dr. Ruan said that they have made a lot of contributions to society...

The director felt that the names of the couple were familiar, but because he usually didn't pay attention to matters in the scientific world, he didn't think of it.

It suddenly dawned on me now.

"Okay, let everyone know quickly for a consultation in the afternoon."

The director ordered the little nurse to turn around and leave.

Ye Tan returned to the ward after hearing Ruan Su's decision.

Jun Moli was lying on the bed soundly asleep, his sleeping appearance looked very quiet. It may be because of his old age, or because of his illness, so his breathing seemed a little heavy.

Ye Tan slowly sat on the side of the hospital bed, reaching out to help him tuck the quilt, as if he was afraid of waking him up.

The hand hesitated for a moment and finally put it down.

She just sat there quietly, watching Jun Moli quietly all the time.

I don't know how long it took.

When Ruan Su came in, he saw the afterglow of the setting sun spilling in through the window, falling on Ye Tan's body, and her pale frost temple was dyed with a faint golden layer.

It looks quiet and peaceful.

She remembered that when she first saw their husband and wife in a Chinese restaurant, they were so calm and atmospheric.

As before.

It can be seen that the husband and wife are very affectionate and their relationship is very good.

"Are you hungry? The hospital has a restaurant..." As soon as Ruan Su spoke, he was gently interrupted by Ye Tan, "I'll wait for him to wake up and eat together."

She smiled at Ruan Su, "Is the consultation over?"

Ruan Su nodded, putting his hands in the pockets of his white coat, his slender neck was very beautiful. "The operation is scheduled in the morning the day after tomorrow."

"That's good, no more delay." Ye Tan coughed in a low voice, then raised his head and said, "He was my senior, and we met in an experimental competition at the time. We have always been competitors. All kinds of tit-for-tat, you know. When you were young, no one would admit defeat."

"I didn't expect that he would confess to me later."

Ye Tan laughed, "Look at me, what do you tell you about this?"

"Do your couple have no children?" Ruan Su looked at her suspiciously.

Ye Tan's face became stiff, and it took a long time before he said, "Back then, my brother's child went missing and I also had certain responsibilities. We...have been very guilty and never have a child again. Let's just use it as an atonement for that child. Our husband and wife have no children."

Ruan Su looked at Ye Tan in shock. There were very few families that didn't even want children in that era.

After all, forming a family in the past, and passing on from generation to generation was the most basic task.

Such an excellent gene does not have any offspring?

What a pity.

"Don't think about it this way, there are many unknown things in this world, and some things are not necessarily your responsibility." Ruan Su comforted her in a low voice.

This is a kind-hearted and story-telling couple.

Especially Ye Tan is also surnamed Ye, she always thinks that she should have a certain relationship with the Ye family, right? It has not always been rumored that Miss Ye Family was lost and missing.

Now Ye Tan also said...

Ruan Su has no hobby of spying on the privacy of other people's homes.

She also didn't want to investigate the Ye family.

After all, the relationship between the Ye family and her was pretty good.

"We have not dared to contact the family all these years because of our guilt. Li and I have been doing research abroad incognito. We have made many achievements and won many awards. Both of us have donated the prize money in the name of the family. The society is doing good deeds. But... even if it is like this, our hearts with Li Qi are still full of pain and guilt."

"Whenever I think of that child, my heart throbs."

Ye Tan covered her chest, her eye sockets flushed, and tears were faintly surging outward.

I don't know if it was because of Ruan Suhe's eyesight, or because Jun Moli's condition was the last straw that crushed her, she didn't know why she wanted to talk to Ruan Su.

But she was really going crazy.

"The family has been contacting us too, let us go back, but why do we two have a face to go back?" Ye Tan closed his eyes sadly, and clear tears slid down her cheeks, "So many years have passed, me and Li Li also had some contacts and asked people all over the world to find them, but the child...had no news."

"If she is still alive, she must be stunning, better than all the children in the family."

"But... No, after so many years, there is no so-called genius who matches her. Even if we have heard of you, we heard that you are great and powerful, but you are too young."

"Wife..." Jun Moli's voice suddenly sounded, Ye Tan was shocked, as if waking up from a dream, he quickly wiped away tears.

Looking at Ruan Su with some embarrassment in his eyes, "I'm sorry, Doctor Ruan, I lost my mind just now. I shouldn't have told you this."

Ruan Su smiled, walked to her side, wiped her tears, "According to your age, I should call you grandma, why are you so polite? Sometimes it helps Ease your emotions. You can rest assured that if your child is still alive, she will definitely be fine. Ji people have their own visions."

"Thank you for your kind words." Ye Tan said quickly, blaming himself for his gaffe.

But Jun Moli did not blame her, but sat up from the hospital bed, "Doctor Ruan, my illness..."

"I just talked to Mr. Ye just now, and the operation will be done the day after tomorrow. Don’t worry, Mr. Jun, I won’t let any accident happen." Ruan Su finished speaking, exhorted some precautions, and comforted Ye Tan before going out to make arrangements. The nurse came over to deliver the sick number meal.

"I was really gagged just now, and I don't know why, I always feel very kind when seeing her." Ye Tan was embarrassed when she thought of being so gagged in front of a junior.

I'm old, isn't this a joke?

"Now you know that your face is blushing?" Jun Moli smiled, as if he was looking at the little girl, "You can talk about it, so you don't have to worry about it every day."

Ruan Su said well, people's emotions are always to be vented, and they can't always be suppressed.

The couple spoke for a while, and after eating, Ye Tan went to wash the dishes, and when they came back, they found that Jun Moli was asleep again.

He was getting more and more sleepy, and she was always afraid that he wouldn't be able to wake up as soon as he fell asleep.

She walked over quietly, sniffed his breath, and found that she was still breathing, and then sat down.

At this time, Ruan Su thought for a long time, and finally sent a WeChat message to Ye Yanli who was far away in M ​​country, "Is your aunt a scientist?"

After the WeChat was sent, Ye Yanli immediately replied, "Yes, her name is Ye Tan."


The night is like ink, and January is like a hook, and the stars in the sky are shining.

Ruan Su, who had been busy all day, dragged his exhausted body back home and found that the living room was brightly lit.

A certain man was sitting on the sofa with a sullen look, and when he heard the sound of her entering the door, he stared at her with a cold and resentful expression, "You still know how to come back?"

The tone of the complaining husband...Chi Guoguo...

Ruan Su was taken aback, a little amused, "What are you doing?"

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