Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 653: he died? How can it be?

Then he stood up with his body forcibly, and used all his strength to wave his hands, trying to get the people on the plane to pay attention to him.

The wind reached seven or eight, and the rain became denser. The wind engulfed the rain and hit the face like dense bullets.

It hurts, it hurts!

My eyes couldn't be opened at all under the intensive wind and rain, I could only squint, and the sky was dark.

The line of sight was severely affected.

Rescuers stepped on the bumpy mountain road at this time and walked forward with great difficulty.

But the wind was too strong, the rain was too dense, and it was difficult for them to walk.

Jiang Chengliu was desperate, and it was impossible for the people on the plane to see them.

The phone is completely out of power, even if it has power, it can’t be used even when it is wet by rain. The whole world is overwhelmed. He only hears the sound of the plane getting closer and closer, but he opens his mouth and the wind is crazy to him. Pouring in his mouth, he couldn't scream with a hoarse voice.

Even if he waved his hand about to break, the other party still couldn't see him.

He had almost no strength, limp in the mud.

There was a howling gust of wind around him, and bullet-like raindrops slammed on him frantically. He was surrounded by all the companions who had passed out in a coma, and Bo Wenhao was dying.

Jiang Chengliu's tears fell fiercely again. He wiped his tears severely, and at this moment, he suddenly heard a loud voice, "Is anyone?"

That was... through the loudspeaker.

He exhausted all his strength to pick up a stone and threw it towards the source of the sound.


His voice was shattered in the gusty wind, wrapped in the wind and rain, and could not be transmitted at all.

He is desperate...

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly shot straight towards here through the rain screen.

Jiang Chengliu was struggling excitedly to sit up from the ground, but he had exhausted his strength when he threw the stone just now. At this moment... he has no strength at all.

Yinluo, the captain of the Skyhawk rescue team, rushed forward and shouted, "Is anyone?"

"anyone there?"

The other team members also kept yelling, "Anyone? If anyone, please answer!"

However... the only answer to them was the sound of the squally wind and the torrential rain on the mountain.

At this moment, suddenly, a stone plopped and fell into a puddle.

Immediately attracted their attention, Yinluo said loudly, "Go over there, maybe someone."

The deputy captain frowned and looked at the dark unknown place, "Captain, maybe the stone rolled down from above."

"If you don't try, how do you know if someone is really there? If someone is really asking for help?" Yinluo glanced at him, then glanced at the direction where the stone was thrown and said.

So, he took a group of team members and walked over in that direction, one foot high and one foot high.

At this moment, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su had already arrived in this dense forest. The helicopter was blown by the wind in the sky so it was very difficult to travel, almost tottering.

Fortunately, the pilots are all very experienced Southern Stars outstanding.

But there are steep peaks or dense woods everywhere, and it is very difficult for the plane to land.

Finally, Bo Xingzhi made a decision, "Let the ladder go down."

"It's too dangerous!" Song Yan was startled, "Master, the wind is so strong, the ladder will be shaken by the wind in mid-air!"

"It's important to save people, Wen Hao and the others are still below, life and death uncertain." Bo Xingzhi said with a headache, his great grasp of Ruan Su's hand, "Don't go down, stay on the plane and wait for me to come back."

The sound of Bo Xingzhi was like a heavy hammer hitting her heart hard. Ruan Su shook his head, "I used to live alone in a dense forest for a month. My survival skills in the wild are not worse than yours. I want to go down too."

She looked down at the deep dark forest under the plane, "One more person has more strength, let's go."

With that, she took the raincoat she had prepared a long time ago and put it on her body, and after putting it on, she put her rain boots on her feet.

He also carried the emergency rescue kit on his back.

She moved very quickly, and there was almost no time for Bo Xing to stop reacting.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her helplessly, he really didn't want her to be in danger.

"My wife, don't make trouble..."

"Bo Xingzhi, don't you like the feeling of fighting side by side with me?" Ruan Su suddenly approached him, the extremely beautiful face with fair and smooth skin, with a porcelain-white luster.

The dark pupils looked at him firmly.

Bo Xingzhi's heart shook slightly, and after all, he sighed silently. "Okay. Let's go down together."

The door of the cabin was opened, and the wind came in, causing pain and pain in the cheeks.

Thinking of his brother being in such a precipitous environment, his thin eyebrows suddenly frowned. "After you get it back, you must have a fight first, and see if he will dare to make fun of his life in the future."

His icy voice seemed colder than this cold wind.

"I don't know how he is now... Do you want to fight first?" Ruan Su glared at him, "Hurry up, we are ready to go down."

Bo Xingzhi nodded, and he quickly put on a raincoat, rain boots, and fully armed. Everything was ready, he suddenly hugged Ruan Su tightly in his arms and stepped onto the ladder.

Song Yan followed closely behind.

The wind was violent and the rain was raging.

The man's embrace was warm and hot, Ruan Su's head was in his arms, feeling the man's body temperature and the sound of wind whizzing past his ears.


It's cold in this bad weather.

At least it has to be several degrees below zero.

Bo Xingzhi saw Ruan Su's long hair being lifted by the wind, and couldn't help but scold Bo Wenhao several times in his heart.

If it weren't for his inconspicuous brat, Ruan Su wouldn't have to come here to suffer this foreign crime.

The ladder was slowly lowered. Fortunately, everyone followed the ladder. The wind was so strong that the ladder was skewed in mid-air. Only by holding the ladder tightly can you stabilize your figure.

In the end, everyone fell steadily down the ladder to a hillside.

The group of people began to walk deep and shallow into the mountain. After walking for a long time, they did not find the Skyhawk rescue team, let alone Bo Wenhao and his group.

Ruan Su's hands and feet were already cold and almost unconscious, and his face was turned pale by the wind.

Bo Xingzhi held her hand tightly. Although they had prepared and dressed very thickly, they still couldn't withstand the bad weather.

Song Yan and their heads are all wearing miner's lamps, which makes it easier to move forward.

Holding the flashlight in my hand is not only tired, it is also cold, and it consumes energy.

At this moment, suddenly, Bo Xingzhi heard a man's surprise voice, "Found it! There!"

It sounded not far away. Although the sound was floating in the wind, he still heard it. His ancient martial arts were talented and his ears were much stronger than others.

"Go! Let's follow the direction of the sound!"

As he said, he led Ruan Su Songyan and the others towards the direction where the sound was made.

The road under my feet is getting muddy, harder and harder to walk, and narrower and narrower.

As the road is difficult, they are particularly difficult to walk. After they walked some distance, a few spots of light appeared not far away.

There are more than a dozen men there. One of the tall men standing in the front is about to carry a young man on his back.

That man is not someone else, but Yinluo.

"Go, let one carry one, and go quickly! If this col is dragged down, it will soon be submerged by water, and then none of us will be able to escape."

Hearing Yinluo's voice, Bo Xingzhi looked in the direction of his gaze, and he saw a crack behind the mountain col, and there was a continuous flow of water in that crack.

If you postpone it any longer, I'm afraid that the water will flow more and more, and maybe it will drown in their direction.

Bo Xingzhi saw the situation and knew that time was pressing and there was no extra time to waste.

Immediately rushed over with someone.

When Yinluo saw the appearance of Bo Xingzhi, he was taken aback. "President Bo, are you here?"

Bo Xingzhi nodded at him, looked at Bo Wenhao, who was already frozen and unconscious, took the boy from Yinluo's back and put it on his back. "Kindness without saying thanks."

Song Yan took a few brothers and carried a few teenagers, it was too cold here.

"Anything left?" Bo Xingzhi roared loudly.

"No! All eighteen are here." Yinluo immediately replied, "Let's go quickly, otherwise, if this crack is broken, there may be a backlog of floods behind the mountain."

He is the captain of the rescue team and is very experienced.

So the group quickly turned and left with the teenagers in distress.

The helicopter was still hovering on the top of the mountain.

Half an hour later, all of them arrived at that small hillside.

The helicopter lowered the ladder, and everyone climbed up the ladder one after another and entered the helicopter.

Yinluo and the others also boarded the helicopter, and just before boarding the plane, Ruan Su turned around and accidentally saw a small grass on the edge of the hillside that was ravaged in the storm and almost fell. .

She was stunned, that was... a very hard to find herb, no night grass?

She became stiff, and the hands that were about to climb up the ladder had a pause. She turned around and rushed towards the nightless grass. Bo Xingzhi was originally in front of her, and he and she were ready to go up when everyone got on the plane. .

As a result, she saw her suddenly rushing towards the side of the hillside as if she was crazy, and Yinluo, who had already climbed the ladder halfway at this time, glanced at it and just saw the rushing flood!

He looked at the two people still below and shouted loudly, "The flash flood has broken out, come up soon!"

It's too late to say, then soon!

Ruan Su had already caught No Ye Cao and pulled it hard!

Bo Xingzhi, staring at the mountain torrent, roared like crazy, and he was about to sweep Ruan Su, and he screamed, "Xiao Su!"

At the same time, he stretched out his arm towards Ruan Su!

He almost exhausted all his strength.

Ruan Su leaped forward and took his hand.

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