Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 654: Will be beaten to death!

In an instant, flash floods came! Roaring and surging, swept in. Roaring like a group of frightened wild horses, rushing from the valley, unstoppable.

The helicopter was at this moment, and it rose into the air in an instant!

Bo Xingzhi hugged Ruan Su into his arms with lingering fears.

He stretched his arms and held her tightly, a heart almost jumping out of his throat.

He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if it was one second late!

Ruan Su was hurt by the ribs he was holding. She twisted her body, trying to make him hold it less tightly. "We have to get into the plane quickly."

Bo Xingzhi didn't seem to hear her, but instead hugged her tighter.

The man's hot breath sprayed into her ears, and the dark and deep eyes contained feelings that were so strong that it almost burned her heart, "Just now, I almost lost you."

His dull voice was in his ears, mixed in the wind.

At their feet was a vast ocean flooded by mountain torrents, and the roaring wind swayed them both on the ladder.

But it can't stop what Bo Xingzhi wants to do most at this moment.

He hugged Ruan Su tightly with one hand, and firmly grasped the ladder with the other hand, so that they would not fall down.

Even so, his thin lips still accurately captured the woman's lips that were blown by the wind so cold that there was no trace of temperature.

He wants to kiss her!

Now he just wants to kiss her fiercely, feeling her existence!

If she was swept away by the flash flood just now, he would be crazy!

He will die!

He loves her, and he can give her his life.

As long as she is okay! As long as she is safe!

And Yin Luo, who was not far above their heads, lowered his eyes and saw this hot and lingering scene.

Suddenly felt that being a single dog had suffered countless dog food crits.

This dog food was scattered...

You have to look at the environment too, right?

In this sky full of wind, this sky full of rain curtain, the freezing is going to freeze to death...

He suddenly felt that he was colder, but he could only tightly wrap his raincoat.

When the ladder was slowly dragged into the plane, Bo Xingzhi also let go of Ruan Su.

A medical staff was brought in each helicopter and was busy helping the injured and unconscious teenagers with rescue work.

Jiang Chengliu, who had been holding on until Ruan Su stepped into the plane, saw her, tears burst out frantically, "Sister Su, I'm about to die... I'm really afraid that I will close my eyes and look again. Not you anymore."

He struggled to get up and let Ruan Su hug him, but Bo Xingzhi blankly put him on the simple stretcher again, and ordered him coldly, "Lie down!"

very scary……

Jiang Chengliu had no choice but to lie down again, thinking that he wanted to be comforted. He was even more aggrieved. He still couldn't be hugged by Sister Su... to comfort him. Heartbroken.

His tears kept falling all of a sudden. It ended up more fiercely, "I don't dare anymore, I don't dare to sneak out and play like this anymore."

"Adventure or anything is not fun at all. No matter who is bewitching me, I won't come."

He was thinking about it, Ruan Su keenly frowned and looked at him, "Why do you come to such a place?"

The curiosity is too heavy.

"Not a school doctor in our school infirmary. He always tells us about his experience as a donkey. He said that this place is very beautiful, very good, and not dangerous at all. It is recommended that we young people go out to meet the world and go out. After walking, you will know how beautiful the mountains and rivers are."

Jiang Chengliu wiped his tears again. Even though the plane was warm, his face was still pale and his body was still trembling. He was now covered with a down jacket and a thick blanket.

But he still felt cold, very cold.

His body was dirty, muddy water, cold hands and feet, Song Yan handed him a cup of hot water, he took a few sips, and finally felt more comfortable.

It's too cold, it's really too cold here.

"School doctor?" Ruan Su glanced at Bo Xingzhi, the man thoughtful.

"Yes, he has just applied for the job not long ago. He is very young and only a few years older than us." Jiang Chengliu wiped his tears again, feeling that he was so hopeless and useless to cry like this.

But he was really frightened and almost died. He had never died so near before, and he almost thought that he really wanted to see Lord Yan.

The only brothers in the family were him and his eldest brother. If he died again, the eldest brother would have no relatives in the world...

"Check it out." Bo Xingzhi immediately told Song Yan, always feeling that this matter was not that simple.

Song Yan nodded, "Yes, Master."

Bo Xingzhi’s gaze fell on Bo Wenhao, who was lying quietly next to Jiang Chengliu. The young man’s face turned blue with cold. Although he helped him take off his dirty clothes, he is now wrapped in a thick quilt and covered with a thick down jacket. But his expression still didn't ease anymore.

Fortunately, they also prepared an oxygen tank, which was sufficient to prevent him from being deprived of oxygen.

Ruan Su personally helped him check his body. After a few minutes, she looked at the worried eyes of Bo Xingzhi and Jiang Chengliu, "Short-term loss of temperature, if the loss of temperature is too long, the consequences will be disastrous."

After speaking, she thoughtfully said again, "Contact the doctors on the other planes to see how the teenagers are doing, if they lose their temperature for too long..."

The physique of these teenagers is not as good as Jiang Chengliu and Bo Wenhao.

Even Bo Wenhao lost his temperature in the end, and she was worried about other people...

As he spoke, Song Yan screamed, "There is a young man who is critically ill! If you don't get rescued, he will..."

Ruan Su frowned, "The wind and rain are so heavy, the helicopter flying in rainy weather is inherently dangerous. If you speed up rashly..." But soon, she made a decision, "Send me to that plane."

"How to send it?" Bo Xingzhi clasped her shoulders, "It's too dangerous."

"Life is at stake!" Ruan Su looked at Bo Xingzhi firmly, "If the two planes are put on the ladder at the same time, I will definitely be able to jump over. You help me!"

"Xiao Su, don't!" Bo Xingzhi shook his head at her, his big palm clasped tightly, and he pressed her into his arms with a sharp edge, his voice hurried, "Don't go, don't! We can fly right away." Go back to the hospital. Don't risk it!"

"Bo Xingzhi!" Ruan Su struggled to get rid of his ardent embrace, "It is important to save people. These children are all coming out with Wen Hao and Xiao Liu. If they are on a business trip, they will definitely be inseparable from us. Especially because of this. Someone contributed..."

What Ruan Su said, why don't you know what you are doing?

But when she thought of jumping from one plane to another under such a high sky, he just...

"But no matter what, I don't want you to take risks, I don't want you to have anything..."

Suddenly, he seemed to have made up his mind, "We are together!"

Live together, live together!

Ruan Su glanced at him, "How can it be as scary as you said?"

Bo Xingzhi's thin lips pressed tightly into a straight line. He did not speak any more, but turned and ordered the pilot to open the cabin door and lower the ladder.

Song Yan also contacted another helicopter at the same time and asked them to open the hatch and lower the ladder at the same time.

Yinluo was shocked.

He, the rescue captain who had saved lives and had experienced countless dangers, was stunned by the couple.

"You... Bo, are you kidding your own life? Don't be like this..."

Ruan Su looked at Yinluo at this time. The man in front of him was tall and handsome, with an inexplicable heroic righteousness.

Yinluo is also looking at her, beautiful and eye-catching!

It's hard to believe that such a delicate woman would actually decide to jump off the plane!

Is there a mistake?

"Can you? You are a girl..."

But he hadn't finished speaking yet, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi had already stood at the door of the cabin, the wind was raging, and Ruan Su's long hair was lifted, and her raincoat was raised against the cold.

She is as beautiful as a nine-day fairy.

It seems to be flying away at any time!

Everyone on the plane was stunned.

Even more shocking is that the man next to her held her hand tightly, as if she was her most perfect and strong patron saint!

Guard her firmly, so firm, so reliable!

Then everyone watched as they both climbed down the ladder together, while the two planes were walking side by side at the same time, even if they were side by side but in order to avoid a collision and a flight accident.

So there is a little separation between the two planes.

But it's just such a small distance, about two to three meters away, and the two ladders are also so far apart. If the jumping strength is not enough, or the wind is too strong, it is likely that the two of them will fall into the air!

Fell to death!

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi firmly grasped the ladder, and the strong wind blew them in the air.


Yinluo couldn't help but squeeze a sweat for them.

Song Yan couldn't stand it. He found a long rope from the toolbox of the plane, then climbed onto the ladder, and handed the rope to Bo Xingzhi, "Master, fasten this rope!"

Bo Xing nodded, took the rope and tied it to Ruan Su’s waist, "This is a safety rope. Both ends are tied to the waists of both of us. If you don’t make a jump, you won’t fall to pieces. Just treat it as bungee jumping."

Ruan Su nodded.

She looked at the ladder on the opposite side, which was constantly swaying in the wind, at a distance of two meters.

The two pilots had never encountered such a dangerous thing in their lives. The two of them tried to get closer together, trying to narrow the jump distance between Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

Two meters, one and a half meters, one meter...

At this moment, everyone only saw the woman jump, as if performing acrobatics!

All people's hearts suddenly stopped!

Can hardly breathe!

"Ruan Su!"

Bo Xingzhi's voice roared, and Ruan Su firmly grasped the opposite ladder amidst his uncontrollable roar! There is a rope between her and Bo Xingzhi!

She turned around and looked at him!

Ten thousand years at a glance!

The wind was raging, and she smiled at him with a beautiful and confident smile, "Come on! I'll catch you!"

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