Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 656: Reverse black and white, shameless!

"Legs on your son's body are my brother forced them?" Although Jiang Chengwu thought it was ridiculous, he wrangled and scolded a middle-aged woman here. He felt that he was degrading his identity and style.

"I don't care, you must compensate us, otherwise we will sue you."

The middle-aged woman is still clamoring there.

Other parents echoed by the side, "You are responsible for these expedition accidents. What family raises what kind of dude."

"At least each child should compensate us with 500,000 yuan. Don't you can donate tens of millions with donations? What is this 500,000 yuan?"

"Yes, we are lucky this time. The kids are fine. If anything happens, you will have to pay for our lives. It's not as simple as asking for money."

"If it doesn't work, we will find the media to expose that you rich families don't treat the children of our ordinary families as human beings."

"Yes, it's too much!"

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want with money?"

Ruan Su had a headache when he heard it, "This matter..."

Bo Xingzhi took her hand and shook his head at her. Then he said to the parents who kept yelling, "I will let my lawyer communicate with you. I don't mind going through the legal process. If it is determined that my brother and Young Master Jiang are legally responsible, we can compensate. But if there is no legal If you do, I’m sorry everyone, we won’t be responsible.”

"For humanitarian reasons, I will bear the medical expenses of your sixteen children, but the rest... everything is in accordance with the law."

The man's voice was sonorous and powerful, and it was sharp and cold that could not be refuted.

His body was strong and his voice was cold, and those yelling parents were shocked by the momentum emanating from him so that they could not speak.

Jiang Chengwu quickly said, "Bo, let's share it equally."

"It's just a little money." Bo Xingzhi's voice was faint.

After a while, the most arrogant middle-aged woman reacted. She jumped high and then plopped and sat on the ground. She began to pat her thighs and hammered the floor, crying and yelling, "Oh my God! This is killing people, and yet Don't want to lose money!"

"Does this still make sense?"

"Exposure, I will now find the media to expose their ugly faces!"

Other parents are also very enthusiastic, it seems that they have been wronged by a huge amount, and they must find someone to redress their grievances immediately.

"Let's go to Wen Hao's ward to see if he is awake." Ruan Su doesn't want to pester these people anymore, it makes no sense.

She turned around and left, but when the middle-aged woman saw that she was going to go, she suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed towards her, blocking her way.

"I don't care, you have to lose money, don't want to leave if you don't lose money."

"Hello, this lady, I am President Bo's personal lawyer. You can talk to me about anything."

At this moment, a young man wearing glasses walked out of the elevator carrying a briefcase. He looked a bit rushed, but he spoke in an orderly manner.

He looked at the middle-aged woman with a smile, "Please come with me, there are chairs here, you can talk to me in detail."

Taking advantage of the time he was talking to the middle-aged woman, Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and turned and left.

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth with anger, "I don't want to think about it with you, I want to talk to Ruan's, whose surname is Bo."

"I am their client and their attorney, and talking to me is the same." The lawyer still smiled with a good temper.

At this time, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi had arrived at the door of Bo Wenhao's ward, and Jiang Chengwu followed.

"Miss Ruan, Bo, thank you for saving Xiao Liu this time."

"Raise your hand." Ruan Su looked at him with a headache, "As long as you think differently from those parents."

She was quarrelled with a headache.

As soon as Bo Xingzhi saw him treating Ruan Su diligently, he became irritable.

But thinking that Jiang Chengwu is not a bad person, he had to say in a deep voice, "How is Young Master Jiang?"

"He's pretty good. I'm probably going to be discharged and go home today." Jiang Chengliu glanced at Bo Wenhao in the ward, "How is Wen Hao?"

It didn't take long for Bo Wenhao to wake up, but his head was blind.

Seeing the three people stepping into the ward, he was even more confused.

The voice almost murmured, "I am... still alive? I am saved? I am not dead?"

"If you die, your brother won't be angry." Ruan Su couldn't help but teased when he looked at him so stupid. "Let's talk about it, why did you go to such a far place? That place is so dangerous, your brains are convulsed?"

Hearing Ruan Su's familiar voice ringing in his ears, Bo Wenhao felt like he was dreaming.

The wind is gone, the rainstorm is gone, and the environment where people freeze to death is gone.

How clean is the window now, is he in the hospital?

There was a faint fragrance of flowers in the room, and there was a bottle of fresh scented flowers on the bedside table next to him.

Everything is so beautiful.

He used to be so close and so close to death...

His eyes were hot, and it was hard to imagine how he was rescued.

"Brother, sister-in-law..."

He wiped the tears that came out of his eyes and choked, "It's not because of our school doctor. He said it was super fun and fun..."

He talked about how he and Jiang Chengliu decided to set off, and then asked his classmates together.

There is no major difference from what Jiang Chengliu said, almost exactly the same.

When Jiang Chengwu listened to this incident, he always felt that something was wrong.

"This school doctor is so eloquent, you are so heartbroken?"

"He described it very well, and we were curious. Originally, we wanted to have an unforgettable graduation trip after we graduated." Bo Wenhao said sadly and regretfully, "As a result, we didn't expect that the situation would be so bad there..."

"Okay, your brother has sent someone to investigate this matter. We just want to know more about it." Ruan Su patted him on the shoulder, "In the future, I'll take a long look, don't be fooled anymore. ."

"Fortunately, none of you are okay. If some of you pass away, will you regret it forever?" Bo Xingzhi stared at Bo Wenhao solemnly, "You have graduated, and you are no longer a child. Can you do things in the future? After a while? I hope you won't be so sloppy in your work in the future."

He rarely teaches his younger brothers and sisters so harshly.

But this time he was really angry.

Bo Wenhao nodded heavily, "Brother, I remember."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"In." Bo Xing replied indifferently.

The door of the ward was opened and Song Yan walked in.

He looked a little strange, and he saw Bo Xingzhi and said, "The school doctor resigned. Just the day before the young master set out to explore, he suddenly resigned. Now the school does not know his whereabouts."

"So... this expedition is really someone deliberately lure? What is the purpose?" Ruan Su frowned, puzzled guessing.

"I'll know soon." Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm afraid the target is..."

"I'm rubbing, what kind of ghost news is this?" Jiang Chengwu watched the latest news on the mobile phone, only to curse. "Inverting black and white is not so inverted, right?"

"Mr. Jiang, what happened?" Song Yan asked immediately.

"Look at it." Jiang Chengwu handed the phone to a few people.

I saw that the headline of the APP of a well-known portal website turned out to be "The young master of the Bo group has tried to kill his classmates in the name of expedition."

And it was accompanied by a video of the troubled middle-aged woman crying and complaining.

In the video, she said in tears how pitiful her son is now, and how much Bo Wenhao was before he woke up. In order to harm her son, she deceived her son into the mountains and almost died.

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su not only didn't care about her son's life or death, but also didn't pay compensation, they also scolded her and asked security to beat her.

That was even more wronged and pitiful than Dou E.

However, at this moment, another one was pushed.

"Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su are really as good as you have seen?"

I deeply complained about how hypocritical the couple Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su are. The usual kind of charity masters are all pretending to be fake.

Noble sentiments are also false.

Hypocritical and disgusting, help to abuse.

The younger brother is a rich second-generation dude, who has nothing to do and has a lot of rubbish.

"This website is called Chenfeng, and there is also the Morning Wind Morning and Evening News. Why are you doing these false reports now?" Jiang Chengwu was so angry that he almost broke his phone.

"That's not right, why didn't they mention my little six? Didn't the parents scold me just now?"

"So, it's us. It's not you." Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, with a mocking look on his pretty little face, "Who is the messenger behind this scene who looks unpleasant to us?"

"The major shareholder behind the Chenfeng website is the Tang family." Song Yan has already checked the details of the Chenfeng website clearly. He raised his mobile phone to Bo Xingzhi, "Master, take a look. I doubt this. The parents were also bewitched by the Tang family."

Bo Xingzhi looked at the information on the Morrowind website on his phone, and a chilling icy feeling poured out of his eyes. "The Tang family still doesn't have a long memory, it seems that the lessons are not enough."

"The reason why these parents can be manipulated by the Tang family is definitely giving enough money." Ruan Su continued to analyze, "Being rich can make ghosts pervert. Framed we can get a sum of money that they can earn for many years. , They definitely want money."

People in these days are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed.

"Then what shall we do now?"

Song Yan was stunned, feeling as if the matter had been guessed by the young master and Miss Ruan, what's next?

How to fight back?

"These children are probably going to wake up. Wen Hao, go to condolences them with your Young Master Jiang. The relationship between classmates is invaluable." Bo Xingzhi Hei Ze's eyes fell on his brother, "What should you do? clear."

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