Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 657: Shame, shame, slap!

Ruan Su was startled, "What do you want them to do?"

Bo Xingzhi took her hand, put it to her lips and kissed it lightly, "You'll know soon."

He looked down at her nice little face. He hadn't slept all night last night, and a faint cyan appeared in her eyes, but she looked good.

"Or, let's take a break." Bo Xingzhi said, then looked at Jiang Chengwu again, "I was so tired last night, please feel free."

With that said, he took Ruan Su directly back to the lounge in Ruan Su's office.

Ruan Su is indeed tired, and those children are now safe and out of danger.

She nestled in the man's arms with peace of mind and closed her eyes.

Bo Xingzhi was lying on the bed with her arms around her. Everything that she experienced from yesterday to now, scenes after scenes floated before his eyes as if they had been in a movie.

Especially the moment Ruan Su jumped off the plane, it kept playing back in his mind time and time again.

At that moment, she was so beautiful!



Bo Xingzhi looked at Ruan Su again. She had a quiet face and even breathing. It was obvious that she was exhausted.

After watching for a long time, Bo Xingzhi slowly closed his eyes.

At the door of the other wards at this time, Bo Wenhao and Jiang Chengliu, a pair of good friends, were about to open the door and enter.

"I'll wipe it, if it weren't for my sister Su and your brother, we would have died." Jiang Chengliu stared at the phone angrily, and said to Bo Wenhao beside him, "How can they take a bite back?"

"It's too much." Bo Wenhao was also very angry. But he still suppressed his anger, "Forget it, listen to what they say."

Some students just woke up, while others were still asleep.

The sober classmates were shocked when they heard what their parents had done.

The boy named Xiaowen before had a face of disbelief, "What does this have to do with you? I am happy to go on an adventure. The decision to go on an adventure is made by a group of us, not by the two of you forcing us."

"Forget it, I'll call my mother."

Xiaowen dialed his mother's phone, "Mom, I woke up. You are not in the ward to take care of me, where did you go?"

Xiaowen’s mother is the middle-aged woman who jumped the highest and most fiercely, "Son, you are awake. Mom will go back later. Mom is busy outside! Get something to eat when you are hungry."

After speaking, his mother hung up the phone.

Xiaowen blushed with anger and his neck was thick, "Your brother and your sister-in-law saved me. It is impossible for me to avenge my grievances. The life-saving grace will be reciprocated by the spring. My mother did this kind of thing... too embarrassing."

In half an hour.

Several videos appeared on Weibo.

Almost all the teenagers in the video were wearing medical gowns. The teenagers introduced themselves as soon as they spoke, "I am one of the eighteen fellows. At that time, the decision to explore was not forced by anyone, but was a joint decision made by me and my classmates. .I can’t put the responsibility solely on Bo Wenhao and Jiang Chengliu. I am already 18 years old, and I will be responsible for everything I do.’s not like the kind of turmoil on the Internet. In conclusion, everything is the responsibility of Bo Wenhao and Jiang Chengliu. I am also grateful to netizens for caring about us, but it is really not what you think."

"We originally wanted to treat this expedition as a graduation trip and draw a good end to our university life. However, we did not expect to encounter bad weather and a very dangerous environment. We almost died of freezing there. Sum and Miss Ruan rescued us. I am very grateful to them. I hope everyone can see the truth, and not everyone there."

This is a clarification video.

Clarified the truth of the facts.

By the way, he slapped his troubled parents in the face severely.

A young man named Xiaoshan also recorded a video. At the end of the video, he said a few words specifically, "Dad, Mom, you are kind and brave, and you are also very honest. I don’t understand why you also participated in this. I hope you can stop this matter and don’t continue to hurt our saviors. Without them, your son might have died."

At this time, on the Chenfeng website, the person in charge of Chenfeng was dumbfounded when he saw these videos reposted frantically on the Internet.

He gritted his teeth with anger, rushed into the conference room, and shouted displeased at the parents of those teenagers, "What are you doing? Why didn't you take care of your rascals? Let them talk nonsense on the Internet?"

"What? What nonsense?" Xiaowen's mother looked at the person in charge blankly.

She usually works in a small company to make money. She doesn't have a high salary or big insight.

I usually brush a certain tone, but I don’t understand the popularity and search on the Internet at all.

She just wants to get the remaining money now.

She has more than one child, Xiaowen, she also gave birth to a second child a few years ago. Although Xiaowen has gone to college, she still has a younger sister who is only five years old.

So the family burden is also quite heavy.

So she wanted money more eagerly.

"What are you pretending to be confused? I tell you, if these things are screwed up, don't want to get your remaining money, you have to spit out the money you called you before!" The person in charge just didn't point to them. The nose scolded.

Xiaowen's mother was shocked, her attitude was not low enough to even look at the person in charge. She only dared to explain in a low voice, "There must be some misunderstanding in this, Mr. Tang, don't be angry... "

Compared with the arrogant look when he quarreled with Ruan Su Bo Xing Zhi before, it was like two people.

Dad Xiaoshan became anxious. He had already seen the videos on Weibo, including his own son.

He was really angry and anxious, "President Tang, don't worry, we will definitely handle this matter."

joke! The money given to them by the Chenfeng website is enough for them to earn one or two years of income.

Two hundred thousand yuan is not a small sum. For an ordinary working family, their monthly salary is only a few thousand yuan.

Suddenly there was an extra 200,000, which is simply a windfall.

Now they have taken one hundred thousand yuan, and there is one hundred thousand yuan left.

The son is true too. Isn't this ruining his wealth?

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I became humble and eager to explain, "Mr Tang, the child is young and ignorant. Don't be angry, we will go back now and let them delete the video."

"No need to go back, I have a copy here. As long as you follow the above to record the video and record the interview."

The person in charge of the Chenfeng website smiled evilly. He threw a document in front of these parents, "I will send a reporter to interview you later and remember what I want to say, okay?"

"Understand, Understand, Understand."

"Okay, okay, don't worry."

The parents nodded and bowed one by one and escorted him out of the meeting room.

When the person in charge saw the unpromising appearance of these people, the corners of his mouth showed a trace of contempt, and his eyes were contemptuous.

It's really a bunch of **** who have never seen money, but a mere two hundred thousand can make them obey that way.

It's as if I have never seen money in my life.


The sky was getting dark, the lights were beginning to come up, the moon quietly climbed up the treetops, the breeze gently stroked the gauze curtains, and the beautiful woman on the bed slowly opened her eyes.

She was awakened by the scent that came in waves.

She sat up and looked a little confused, Fanxiang?

The belly seems really hungry.

Ruan Su got up and got out of bed and found that the door of the lounge was not closed. She walked out wearing slippers and saw that the table outside was full of steaming delicacies.

Bo Xingzhi was putting the last dish on the table from the dining car himself.

His back is slender and tall, wearing a black shirt, his sleeves are rolled up to his forearms, and he looks neat and tidy, and he serves dishes skillfully and beautifully, as if he is making a blockbuster movie.


Too beautiful!

When she was thinking about it, Bo Xingzhi turned around and saw her. The man smiled and waved at her, "Wash your hands and come and eat."

She stood there without moving, but stared at Bo Xingzhi with scorching eyes, "When did you become Brother Tianluo?"

The man met her bright eyes, and suddenly his chest was choked. The eyes were so bright that they hit the soul, and he struck another heavy hammer on the soul that was already surging in love.

He couldn't help but walked up to Ruan Su, his dry and warm palms gently cupped her small face, "Brother Snail, Sister Xiao Su, who is only you, hurry up and eat."

His forehead touched her forehead lightly, and warm breath brushed her cheeks, Ruan Su blushed, broke free and jumped back, "I'm going to wash."

A few minutes later, Ruan Su came out.

She sat in front of the table, and Bo Xingzhi raised her hand and handed her the chopsticks, "This is Dongjaktai cuisine. I plan to open a branch in Beijing in the future. If I arrive in Beijing, I can also eat authentic Jiangcheng cuisine. I feel pretty good. ."

"This is a good idea. Lacrosse is estimated to be able to reopen in half a year." Ruan Su smiled, "The building is being rebuilt. It is now being renovated and can be reopened at that time."

Bo Xingzhi thought of Lacrosse so many employees, so many employees with talents and skills, Lacrosse is simply a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

"Where are they now?"

Ruan Su gave him a very flat look, "Do your own thing. You don't think they only do LaCrosse's job, do you? LaCross is just their home, and now they go out to work."

Bo Xingzhi: "..."

He felt that he had endured the invisibly contempt and crit from his wife.

He forced his respect and decided to change the subject, so he picked up the phone.


I saw the latest hot search on Weibo.

#我家儿是被博's threatened#

#Children said is fake, Bo's mourning the heavens#

The man frowned, he clicked one of them directly, and he saw the latest interview videos of the parents.

Xiaowen's mother burst into tears and cried, "My child is very simple, he must be threatened by Bo's family."

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