Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 659: A look of scum, domineering!

"Song Tezhu didn't know if it was done." Ruan Su stood in front of the window and pulled the curtains easily before turning around to look at the thin line on the bed.

I always feel that things will not go so smoothly.

"If he can't even handle this little thing, he doesn't deserve to stay by my side for so many years." Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes narrowed slightly, like a lazy lion, exuding intense sleepiness. "Go to sleep."

Ruan Su didn't speak any more, but directly sat on the bed and lay down beside him.

The man stretched out his arms to hug her into his arms. She lay on him, listening to the man's powerful heartbeat, which seemed to be a special piece of music. Gradually, the sleepiness hit, and she fell asleep.


Morrowind website.

In the conference room, several parents were still performing various acts, and a few reporters from the Morrowind website were there to instruct them to brew their emotions, "Yes, that's it. They have to behave very miserably, otherwise how could it cause them? The sympathy of the public?"

"You cry too fake, want to cry, cry!"

"And you, don't be bitter, hurry up. It's half past nine, hurry up and go back to sleep, I'm exhausted!"

"Cooperate quickly, hurry up!"

Several parents have long been exhausted, they are not professional actors in the first place.

The effect of the video shot always makes the website dissatisfied.

Except for Xiaowen's mother and Xiaoshan's father's approval, they were posted on the Internet.

The other videos made by these parents are either stiff or unnatural, or they just can’t cry.

I was so angry that one of the cameras would crash after a day, "Do you really want money? Just cooperate if you want!"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry."

"We can definitely shoot well."

The parents only agreed, and then they went to the corner to brew their emotions and recite what they wanted to say in the video.

Just then, there was a bang!

The door of the meeting room was kicked open.

There was a rushing voice from the receptionist, "Who are you? Why did you break into our company?"

"I'm going to call the security guard!"

"Get out!" a cold man's voice sounded.

Then came the screams from the front desk, "Hit someone! You hit someone!"

Several reporters looked towards the door of the conference room in shock, only to see a tall man with a few men in black who broke in.

As soon as he entered the door, a man in black took the phone and started video recording.

The appearance of several parents reciting the manuscript and the appearance of desperately brewing emotions were all recorded by the other's mobile phone.

A few reporters hurriedly stood in front of these parents, staring at Song Yan with a vigilant look, "What are you going to do?"

Song Yan glanced coldly at their nervous faces, "Nothing, but just want to take your job!"

"You're so loud, what are you..." A reporter pointed at Song Yan's nose so angry that he was about to curse. As soon as his hand stretched out, a man in black took a step forward and grabbed his hand. One discount!

It hurts so much that he yelled, "Let go of me! Ah-it hurts!"

"Where is your President Tang?" Song Yan said coldly, as if he hadn't heard his howl like a pig.

"Yes, in the general manager's office!" The reporter replied stutteringly. As soon as he said it, the man in black immediately let go of his finger.

He backed up a few steps before hiding his hands to the back of the crowd.

It's so scary!

These people now look like villains who kill people without blinking in his eyes. He just wanted to hide away.

Song Yan ignored them, turned around and walked in the direction of the general manager's office.

Mr. Tang, who heard the noise outside, did not get off work. He was on the phone with Mrs. Tang.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, you don't need to worry about me, little brother. It's such a big trouble, it's definitely enough to make Ruan Su feel bad."

"Yes, yes, well, don't worry, I will continue to toss them."

"I won't tell you anymore. I heard someone is coming outside. I'll hang up first."

After speaking, Mr. Tang hung up the phone. The moment he hung up, the door of the office made a loud noise, and Song Yan rushed in with a few men in black.

President Tang was shocked, but he pretended to be calm and stared at them, squeezed the phone, frowned and said, "What are you going to do? Do you know who I am?"

"Isn't it just a dog from the Tang family." Song Yan smiled sarcastically. "How does the dog think he needs to be treated?"

"You!" Mr. Tang did not expect Song Yan to be a crit when he opened his mouth. He was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick. So get out of me."

He held his cell phone, "Otherwise, I will call the police! The police will definitely buy you a drink!"

"Call the police? Okay, just wait for this thing in my hand and I need to hand it over to the police. It saves me calling." Song Yan stretched out his hand, and a man in black immediately handed a portfolio to him.

He slowly opened the seal of the portfolio and glanced at President Tang slowly, "I think you should be very interested in this thing in my hand."

President Tang's heart jumped, and he stared at Song Yan with a guarded look, "Don't be frightened, do you think I was scared?"

"I suggest you read it clearly before speaking." Song Yan took out a printed receipt of the transfer record and held it in front of Mr. Tang, "Look at your dog's eyes clearly and see what this is."

"No!" When Mr. Tang saw the receipt, he couldn't help but backed up a few steps. His face was pale and his arrogance was gone, " do you have such a thing?"

"If you want to have it, you will naturally have it." Song Yan glanced at him contemptuously. "President Tang, I advise you to be more acquainted. Go to the police station and defend yourself, admit that everything is your own self-directed and self-acted, frame our family. Master and Miss Ruan. Otherwise...I will expose all of these..."

President Tang took a deep breath, "Are you a thin line?"

"You don't change your name or sit and don't change your surname. Song Yan." Song Yan's voice was frost-like chill.

But when I heard Mr. Tang's ears, it was like a ghost charm.

Cold sweat began to ooze on his forehead, and his back was also wet with sweat.

Song Yan! Turns out to be Bo Xingzhi's most capable assistant, Song Yan!

Legend has it that Bo Xing stopped killing and decisively, and the assistants around him also got his true story, and made an aggressive move.

Didn’t Mrs. Tang say that Bo Xingzhi was not as scary as the legend?

But this thunderous method, the operation of directly looking to the door and shaking his face with evidence, is this not scary enough?

Need to hand it over to the police?

There was a panic in Mr. Tang's heart, but he insisted that he didn't want to show weakness, and Mrs. Tang would definitely find a way to keep him.

He was also a member of the Tang family anyhow.

Although it's just a side branch, and it doesn't matter if it only manages a small portal news website, but... if the Tang family really abandoned him, it would be uneconomical!

He felt a lot more comfortable when he thought about it.

"This transfer was not made by me, but by an employee. I guess he had some shady transactions with his parents. Moreover, this employee resigned yesterday."

He spoke swearingly, and directly shifted all the responsibilities to the employees, "What can't be done by wage earners these years?"

"You pushed it completely. Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? I believe it if you say it?"

Song Yan waved his hand, "Bring people over to me!"

President Tang looked at Song Yan in amazement, he was a little puzzled, more afraid of the unknown.

He looked calmly at the door, wondering what Song Yan was going to do.


A man was dragged into the office by two men in black.

Then the man who tried hard was pushed in front of Mr. Tang.

When Mr. Tang saw the familiar face and familiar figure, he was taken aback, his expression showing a trace of panic and surprise, "Xiao Wang? Why are you here? Didn't you go back to your hometown?"

"Don't continue to pretend to be confused. He has already hired everything. You gave him the money. What else do you want to say about the money he transferred?" Song Yan said coldly.

If it wasn't for the young master to worry about the future lives of those teenagers, he really wanted to throw this manager Tang to the police station now.

"Fraised, he is framing!" Mr. Tang pointed at Xiao Wang and cursed, "Why are you so bad-hearted, I'm so good to you, you said you want to resign, I will give you the travel expenses, and give you an extra month. Salary. You framed me so much."

Xiao Wang was aggrieved and was about to cry, "President Tang, I can't help it. If I don't vomit something, they will break my leg and send me to the police station."

"You... the white-eyed wolf, I'm so angry!" Mr. Tang was so angry that his eyes were full of smoke.

While angry, he turned on the phone and sent WeChat to Mrs. Tang.

He pointed his finger quickly and asked Mrs. Tang for help.

Song Yan watched coldly, what he was waiting for was this moment.

Mr. Tang sent WeChat and thought he was doing something unconsciously.

However... half a minute passed, and Mrs. Tang did not respond.

One minute later, Madam Tang still did not respond.

He was a little anxious, he wanted to call, but in front of Song Yan, he didn't dare.

He was walking around the office in a hurry like an ant on a hot pot.

Angrily yelled to Song Yan and the others, "It wasn't me who did it, or I did it, you guys go quickly, it's useless to bring Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang..."

At this moment, his WeChat rang, and he quickly turned on the phone without cursing any more.

When he saw Mrs. Tang's response, his heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

All the hopes just now shattered in an instant.

"Think of your own way. You can't do this little thing well? You do all of this, and it has nothing to do with me. You can do it yourself."

This is……

He was abandoned?

Mrs. Tang is so cruel?

This woman is too shameless. She does things for her, and in the end nothing is good. She also got an abandoned son?

He was cold all over, as if he had fallen into an abyss.

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