Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 660: This is your end

President Tang seemed to be pouring his head with icy water.

He stood there, his pupils suddenly tightened and stared at the phone in disbelief.

What about he...?

Endless panic and fear swept through.

Song Yan clearly saw the changes in his expression before and after, he sneered, "Why, your golden master abandoned you?"

President Tang was shocked and looked at Song Yan in surprise. How did he know?

But he has a hardened mouth, and he will not admit it, pretending to be very confident and say, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Who is behind you, my young master knows exactly that the Bo Group is a vegetarian?" Song Yan was too lazy to talk to him. "It's best to remove all your drafts and slander my young master and Ruan. All those videos of the lady are also removed. Then!"

Song Yan paused and continued, "Then publicly apologize, saying that everything is a misunderstanding. I won't let you publicly admit that it was you who directed and acted yourself and bought those parents. Just say everything is a misunderstanding."


President Tang subconsciously refuted.

He could imagine how angry Madam Tang would be if he really helped Bo Xingzhan do this, and how miserable his end would be.

"Impossible? Then you want to try my young master's methods?" Song Yan smiled very mildly, waved his hand, several men in black immediately surrounded the head of Tang.

One man held a dagger directly against President Tang's neck, and another man held a dagger against President Tang's face.

A few of them pressed him to the wall tightly. He seemed to be a specimen stuck to the wall, and he didn't dare to move.

"Why... let's try it." A dagger appeared in Song Yan's hands at some unknown time.

At this moment, a man in black picked up an orange from the fruit plate on the coffee table in the office and placed it on Mr. Tang's head.

Song Yan looked at him with a smile, "Let's see if I can hit this orange, how about it?"

Mr. Tang's face was earth-colored, with big beads of sweat on his forehead, rolling down.

There was violent panic in his eyes. The moment Song Yan threw the dagger, he screamed, his throat was like a broken gong, and closed his eyes, "No, no!"

With a flutter, the dagger sank into the orange, and a few drops of orange juice splashed on Mr. Tang's face and head!

He was as if he had just been salvaged from the pond, wet and sweaty.

He gasped and gasped and didn't die... He didn't die.

He looked at Song Yan with some distracted eyes, and when he saw Song Yan raise the dagger again, and when he was about to throw it again, he quickly shouted weakly, "You...whatever you say..."

"Clarify, I will clarify immediately."

"Don't throw the dagger anymore, I'm so scared..."

He was so scared that he almost peeed his pants, his legs trembling.

He really couldn't bear this kind of psychological suffering.

"Isn't it enough to be obedient earlier? You have to suffer." Song Yan gracefully handed the dagger to the man in black next to him, and then took the handkerchief and wiped his hands.

He looked at Mr. Tang indifferently, "Also, it is not easy for the parents to recover the 100,000 yuan."

"Huh?" President Tang was stunned, "Can't you want to come back? They didn't help me do something... Why should I..."

"Only, I can kill you at any time." Song Yan still smiled very mildly, "You still want money, you choose one of the two."

"Fate, fate... Don't worry, I won't ask them for the 100,000 yuan. Don't worry..." Tang always felt that he was really tortured.

Too cruel.

The clarification Weibo was sent out soon.

The official Weibo of Chenfeng website posted this incident as a misunderstanding. The parents also made some radical remarks because of their love, and apologized for the things that ruined the reputation of Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su.

After this Weibo was posted, Chenfeng Daily and Chenfeng Evening News also hurriedly reposted it.

The uproar of the Eighteen Travellers incident suddenly came to an end.

The most confused is the parents, "We are... over? No need to recite words?"

"It doesn't seem to be necessary."

"Then we have the remaining 100,000 yuan, will there be any more?"

"I do not know!"

When they were at a loss, Mr. Tang walked over in a panic, the assistant behind him carrying a handbag, and then came to these parents.

The parents looked at Mr. Tang in shock. Mr. Tang is usually very high-spirited, wearing a big-name suit, a famous watch, and his shoes spotlessly clean.

However... Now President Tang is very embarrassed, his clothes are disheveled, and his face is sweaty.

"This is the remaining one hundred thousand yuan, one for each person. After I come and receive it, I hope that you will never mention what has happened in the past few days. This matter has passed."

Mr. Tang’s assistant started to send money to everyone. After the money was sent, Mr. Tang looked serious, "I hope everyone is tight-lipped. From now on, we will not owe each other."

He didn't want to have anything to do with this matter in the future. Otherwise, Bo Xingzhi would send someone over to mess with him and make him worse than life. Then he would be too miserable.

Especially after this incident, he thoroughly understood.

Rather than being Mrs. Tang's minion, it is better to clear the relationship early and run away.

Mrs. Tang would definitely not let him go. He had already liquidated all of his property just now, and called his wife and children, asking them to go to the airport to meet him.

After he paid the money, he immediately flew away and left H Empire.

Anyway, the money he made was enough to eat and drink for the rest of his life.

As for the Morrowind website and the Daily Evening News, he doesn't care who loves to manage and who manages.

Nothing matters.

There is no need to go against the conscience and betray Ruan Su, the parents are almost cheered with joy.

Get the money and leave immediately.

As soon as he walked to the door, Mr. Tang stopped them and said, "Don't tell your children! Mr. Bo said, the world is too ugly, so let's leave a little good for the children!"

The parents turned their heads in shock. Xiaowen's mother said in a puzzled way, "What's the matter?"

"If it wasn't for Bo Xingzhi, why would I apologize publicly?" Tang always felt that he was leaving anyway, so he might as well tell them the truth of the matter, "Bo Xingzhi did not allow me to expose it in order not to affect the future and reputation of your children. You are such a disgraceful thing that I bought. say, what is it about doing?"

The parents looked at each other and looked at Mr. Tang in disbelief, "Is this true?"

"We treat him like this, he still does it?"


The parents suddenly lowered their heads in shame. They felt deeply guilty, guilty, and reflective, and felt that they were too shameless and shameless.

He betrayed his own soul for money and betrayed his son's future.

"Well, you guys go quickly, there are big people behind me, I can't afford to provoke them, we will be indefinitely in the future." Mr. Tang hurriedly walked outside the door after he finished speaking.

Just as he walked to the door, a group of people in black rushed towards him, punching and kicking directly at him, and he was lying on the ground with his hands firmly holding his head.

But this time, he didn't make any howls.

Because he heard the clear sound of high heels stepping on the floor, and he saw a pair of white high heels appear in front of him, and a high voice with the disgust of gnashing teeth resounded above his head, "Go against the heavens, you dare to betray I!"

The blood slid down Mr. Tang's forehead, dripping to the corner of his eyes, he raised his hand and wiped it, and saw that all the back of his hand was a shocking red.

He was not angry, but smiled.

"Sister-in-law, you are so kind to me! When Bo Xingzhi came to clean up me, you abandoned me, and now you blame me for betraying you. The two of us are just each other."

Madam Tang raised her hand and slapped it on his face, making a crisp sound, "Trash! What's so scary about being a thin line?"

"If there is nothing to be afraid of, why don't you dare to come? People are gone, and now you are here? Why didn't you come just now?" Mr. Tang had a sarcasm in his eyes, "Master Xing will be able to guilty, but will you support me? Or? Say, you can't find the door to me?"

The parents didn't leave at all. Hearing the movement outside, one by one shrank at the door and looked out.

As a result, I saw this terrible scene.

Xiaowen's mother whispered, "Although Mr. Tang threatened us to do something before, he actually gave us 200,000 yuan. Now we can't just stand by."

"I called the police."

"I recorded the video to keep evidence."

Mrs. Tang heard soft whispers from the door, but she didn't hear them really.

"Who?" She said coldly, and the men behind her rushed to pull the parents out like crazy.

Seeing them, Mrs. Tang sneered, "Look at this group of rubbish, one is more poor than the other, it is disgusting to see it, why don't you get out of it?"

When the parents heard her, they rushed towards the elevator.

They just pressed the elevator, and the elevator door opened. The police station was next door to the Chenfeng website. They went upstairs as soon as they received the call.

As a result, I saw Mr. Tang who was beaten to the fore.

"Mrs. Tang, please come with us." The police headed by the police usually have some friendship with Mr. Tang, after all, they are neighbors. Seeing that he was beaten covered in blood, he suddenly became angry, "Gathering a crowd to fight is subject to punishment according to regulations. Let's go!"

"Do you know who I am? How dare you come over and arrest me?" Madame Tang was so angry that smoke came from her head, "Why do you come over and arrest me?"

"You have broken the law. It is necessary to go with me." The policeman smiled, "Do you still want your men to attack the policeman?"

Madam Tang's face suddenly turned into pig liver color, and she gritted her teeth with anger, "Okay, very good! You will all wait for me!"

She stepped on her high heels angrily and turned away.

President Tang was also helped by the police and walked towards the elevator.

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