Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 661: Paternity test results

Mrs. Tang stayed at the police station until late at night before returning to the hotel.

She paid a lot of compensation, not to mention, and was criticized by Ping An Jiangcheng.

The Tang family originally lived in the capital, and couldn't reach Jiangcheng. She returned to Jiangcheng specifically for Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, and stayed in a hotel.

She was so angry that she almost smashed all the things in the hotel.

She asked Tang Zhizhong to find someone to dredge her relationship. What was the result? As a result, Tang Zhizhong didn't find anyone at all. As expected, it was a man who lived by, and the sow would go up the tree.

Not only did she pay a fine for compensation at the police station today, she was also embarrassed.

She was so angry that she stared at the Weibo posted by Pingan Jiangcheng on her mobile Weibo, and almost didn't faint with anger.

There was even a photo of her on it, telling how she led people to beat others, how much she was fined, and how many days she needed to receive education.


After she paid the money, she still couldn't leave Jiangcheng, and had to go to the police station to listen to ideological and moral education classes for seven consecutive days.

Can she not be angry?

She is not a three-year-old child, nor a primary school student!

Why educate her like this?

However, they are law enforcement agencies, and she has to listen.

She was aggrieved and about to collapse.

"Damn Ruan Su, **** it! Why don't you die!"

She threw the pillow on the bed to the ground fiercely, and stepped on her feet several times again, as if she would feel comfortable only by venting like this.


It started to rain in the morning in Jiangcheng, and the lingering light rain continued to fall, like silk as dense as a net.

Paternity Testing Center.

Today is the day to get results.

Ye Yanli drove over in the drizzle early in the morning.

When he came, the appraisal center had just started to work.

He ran to the window to receive the result, and the nurse looked at him indifferently, "The result will not be delivered until 9 o'clock. You can wait a while."

Ye Yanli sat down anxiously in the rest area and waited patiently.

Said it was patience, but in fact, he was up and down in his heart, uneasy.

He glanced at the window from time to time, feeling as uncomfortable as several cats were scratching.

This kind of waiting is extremely uncomfortable.

He looked forward to a good result while he was afraid of a bad result.

This feeling……

It made him feel uncomfortable, as if he had been in itchy powder, and he was fidgeting.

But he still held back.

Wait a minute, it will be done right away.

The result came out immediately.

He took a deep breath and saw a man in a white coat walking towards the window holding a stack of file folders. He bounced off the chair in an instant and rushed towards the window.

"Did the appraisal results sent over the other day come out?"

The man glanced at Ye Yanli, then nodded, "I've come out, what's his name?"

Ye Yanli hurriedly reported his name, and saw that the man started rummaging, and he handed it over to the female nurse before, "You look for these, I'll look for those."

The two looked for it together, and soon found Ye Yanli's share.

"Sign in this column and have received it." The nurse gave him a form.

Ye Yanli held the signature pen, her fingers trembling.

Got it, got the result...

He finished signing, took the file folder and opened it with shaking hands, three, two, one!

He opened it sharply, and then quickly turned to the last page.

His eyes widened, staring at the result, his brain went blank.

He turned around like crazy and grabbed the man in the white coat who was about to leave, "Is this a mistake?"

The man glanced at him like a neuropathy, and then explained a little impatiently, "How could it be wrong? We are the most authoritative appraisal agency in Jiangcheng. I don't know how many copies are sent to us for appraisal every day. How could it be possible? Did you make a mistake specifically?"

A trace of sadness flashed across Ye Yanli's handsome face, but he didn't say much, grabbed the result and walked out.

When he arrived in the car, he sat in the driving seat and opened the file again, still looking at the three words of the result with some disbelief, "Non-relative."

How could it be a non-relative?

He felt that his instincts could not be wrong at all.

However, he soon adjusted his mood, started the engine, and the car rushed out of the underground garage of the appraisal center like a flying arrow.

He dragged his car all the way and went straight to another appraisal center.

This appraisal center has a small reputation, and it's far worse than the one he went to just now.

After he parked the car, he stepped in and went straight to get the results.

This time he lost the anticipation and apprehension that he had when fetching the results for the first time. He opened the file with a calm expression. After reading it, he put the file in the co-pilot's seat.

Then he left this appraisal center and drove to another one.

This was already the third appraisal center he went to.

He walked in again and fetched the result. After fetching it, he still looked at the result calmly.

After reading it, he started the car again.

Throughout the morning, he ran to four appraisal centers in total.

Compared with the capital, Jiangcheng is much smaller, and there are only four appraisal centers in the whole city.

After he got Ruan Su's blood bag that day, he divided the only little blood in the blood bag into four parts and sent them to the four appraisal centers.

He was afraid that someone would use the results to trick him, and then mislead him.

Sure enough, he guessed right, the appraisal result was a problem.

But the other party estimated that he would not have thought of it in this life, he actually sent four blood samples for identification.

Therefore, among the four appraisal results, only the first one showed that it was a non-relative.

All the other three shows are kinship, the same matrilineal kinship.

So... Ruan Su and him are really relatives.

He looked at the same three results with a heart pounding, his nose was pantothenic, and his eye sockets were gradually reddening.

Matrilineal kinship...Matrilineal...This shows that the elder sister...she and Ruan Su are mothers and daughters, and her elder sister left a bloodline for the Ye family, leaving Ruan Su!

At this moment, he seemed to be a three-year-old child, holding these identification results tightly to his chest, crying like a child.

"Sister...Sister, I'm sorry, I've only been sure until now."

"Sister, it was my fault that I mistaken Li Meixing's mother and daughter."

Ye Yanli's mood was like a roller coaster, with great ups and downs, great joy and sadness.

He restrained his emotions, processed his mentality, and then sat down.

He is going to find Ruan Su, he must find Ruan Su.

Tell her the good news.

He started the car.

The silver sports car slowly drove into the traffic, his hands holding the steering wheel slightly hardened, the light rain in the sky was still flying, and the ground was slippery and slippery.

Just as he was passing an intersection, suddenly several black cars suddenly appeared behind him.

He didn't think much about it, he squeezed his steering wheel, and at this moment, a car rammed into his car very fast.

He manipulated the steering wheel skillfully and slammed to the right, and the car narrowly evaded the car.

But the car slammed into the guardrail.

When he was about to stop the car and look at the other party, he saw two men emerge from the smoking car. The man was still holding a steel pipe with a thick arm in his hand.

Ye Yanli frowned, and then saw that one of the several sunspots that had been following him began to accelerate and rammed into him.

If he still doesn't understand what is going on, then he is too stupid.

These people are in a group, and their target is him!

Ye Xianli accelerated immediately and stepped on the accelerator.

Several black cars behind him followed like crazy.

It just so happens that there are very few pedestrians and very few vehicles on this section of the road.

While observing the situation behind him from the rearview mirror, he firmly grasped the steering wheel.

These people are obviously in the same group as the person from the Buying Appraisal Center. Could they have discovered that he had done four appraisals and came over to grab the appraisal results?

They don't want him to recognize Ruan Su!

They even wanted to kill him! Hit him to death, disguised as a traffic accident.

The danger is approaching frantically.

The black cars chased him like crazy.

Ye Yanli stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car made a humming sound. He looked ahead, and the car drove forward like a speed.

His car has excellent performance, the speed is directly over 200+, his temperament is gentle, and he rarely drags.

But it does not mean that he will not drag racing.

Ye Yanli squinted his sober and deep eyes as he stared at the road ahead, the scenery on both sides of the road retreating rapidly.

The cars behind were chasing after each other, and they were about to hit them, especially when two cars flanked from side to side, trying to pinch the car that Ye Weili had in the middle, if they hit them at the same time.

Ye Yanli is very likely to overturn at this speed!

The consequences of a car rollover can be imagined, and the bloodshed is light.

"Bang!" A car rammed Ye Weili's car and slammed into the right rear door of the car!

But Ye Yanli didn't slow down, he kept speeding up, speeding up and then speeding up.

Even if the car slammed into it, he still didn't change his face, and the body shook violently.

But he was quickly stabilized.

The car looked a short distance away from the opponent, but within a few seconds, the cars caught up again.

Ye Yanli's charming pupils tightened slightly, and he quickly turned the steering wheel and rushed to a black car next to him and slammed into it! The driver of that car reacted quickly. Before the car hits, he hurriedly turned around and slammed the brakes, and the car ran across the road steadily!

He was about to get up and catch up, but he made a bang.

The three black cars behind him ran into rear-end collisions because they were driving too fast!

The poor car was violently knocked over, and the rear of the car was shattered.

Ye Yanli watched from the rearview mirror that the cars chasing him turned into the scene of the accident. He quickly stepped on the accelerator and continued to fly forward.

However, soon! The black car that took the lead quickly catches up again.

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