Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 662: More important than your life

"Damn it! Didn't he mean he is a weak pianist? Why did he drive so slippery?" Looking at the silver sports car running desperately not far away, a man in black finally couldn't help cursing. "Get out, let me come!"

Thinking of the scene just now, the man in the driver's seat got out of the car with lingering fear and gave way, "Tiger, you can be careful."

Huzi stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards Ye Yanli's sports car like crazy.

"Dare to play drag racing with Laozi, do you think you are a car god?" Huzi gritted his teeth at the thought of their own car being rear-ended just now. He exuded a dangerous and gloomy atmosphere, and quickly doubled the speed of the car.

Ye Yanli's eyes were deep, and his piercing eyes exuded a strong horror. He stepped on the accelerator under his feet and felt the madness of the car behind him, and he became more calm. Seeing Heizi behind was about to catch up.

He suddenly slowed down. The black car rushed too hard and quickly surpassed Ye Yanli's sports car. Ye Yanli looked at the other two cars trailing in the rearview mirror, turning the steering wheel and slammed into it. The black car passing by.


The two cars collided, and the silver sports car then landed on the railing on the side of the road. The black car made a rapid rotation toward the road, sweeping the two black cars aside.

At this moment, Ye Yanli quickly started the car again and left in the opposite direction. Unexpectedly, the black car came up immediately, and there was an endless sea in front of it.

Seeing that there was no escape, Ye Yanli suddenly stepped on the brakes. The moment the black car caught up, he picked up the file folder in his arms and plunged into the sea.

Even if he is dead, it is impossible to give these black-clothed people cheap these appraisal results.

Who are these people?

"My grass, he jumped into the sea!"

"Have you made a mistake?"

"Which of you can swim?"

Several people in black looked at each other, and in the end they could only shake their heads and sigh, and drove away.

The rain in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, and the drizzle has long turned into a downpour, and the heavy rain pours onto the sea like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Sputtered waves one after another.

The sea breeze screamed, rolling up huge waves and slamming against the beach on the shore.

Ye Yanli didn't know how long he had been swimming. He was exhausted, but he clung to the file folder in his arms. This file folder was a plastic box. Although the box was sealed, it was soaked in sea water for so long. Will also seep into the sea water.

But he can't take care of that much, he just wants to get closer to the shore now, and closer.

His whole body was soaked long ago, and the cold sea water was tightly engulfing him. Suddenly a spray came over, and the sea did not pass over his head. He almost was not beaten to death by the spray.

His head is dizzy, the salty and wet sea water is constantly pouring into his mouth and nose, and his consciousness is gradually blurred,, I don't want to die.

I haven't recognized Xiaosu...

He shook his head, trying to continue swimming forward, but his body was as heavy as he was tied to countless large rocks. He was so tired that he almost lost his strength, and there was no strength in his body.

at this time!

Suddenly, a pair of arms propped up his waist.

He woke up in an instant, slowly opened his eyes, and saw a familiar and beautiful face. The woman was clasping his waist with both hands, her legs swimming vigorously in the sea and kicking. Trying to drag him to the sea level so that he can breathe fresh air.


Why is she here?

Isn't he dreaming?

Song Jiayan tried to breathe, and while holding Ye Yanli forcefully, she swam forward. Fortunately, she was not an ordinary weak woman, and she didn't have the power to bind a chicken.

Anyway, she also trained with Ye Yanli in the Air Force for more than a year, so she is still stronger than an ordinary woman. She frowned and looked at the file folder that Ye Mianli was holding tightly in her arms. Without this thing, Ye Mianli would swim a little easier.

"Miss!" A man's voice came. Song Jiayan couldn't care about wiping the water on her face, and shouted desperately, "Come and help!"

The men on the speedboat immediately jumped down with a few plops and swam towards her.

With all their hands and feet together, Ye Mili was picked up from the sea and rescued on the speedboat.

He was lying weakly on the deck of the speedboat, gasping for breath.

Song Jiayan knelt and sat beside him, "I will help you to get the water out of your lungs. It may be a little painful, so bear with me."

As she said, she began to press on Ye Yanli's chest, pressing hard, Ye Yanli couldn't help tilting his head, coughing violently, and vomiting out several mouthfuls of salty and wet seawater.

At this time, he felt much more comfortable in his chest. Fresh air was suddenly sucked into his lungs. He breathed a long breath and sat up from the deck.

The rain was still pouring down, Song Jiayan was soaked all over her body, she was wearing a white shirt and black pants.

The shirt is tightly glued to the body at this time, and the outline of the exquisite figure is almost invisible.

Ye Yan tightened his throat, only to feel a scorching heat in his lower abdomen, and his cold and wet body seemed to be lit by a raging fire in an instant.

He dared not stare at her anymore, and said hoarsely, "Why are you here?"

"I just drove by the beach and saw your sports car there. I also found several people in black wandering and searching. I think you should be in danger, so you took a few with the mentality of trying. Come here alone." Song Jiayan said with lingering fears, "Fortunately, I have more thoughts. Fortunately, I really tried it."

At the thought of the scene she saw on the speedboat just now, her heart almost suffocated.

At that time, she saw a black spot floating up and down on the sea from a distance, and it was about to be swallowed by the sea at any time.

Closer, closer, really a man!

She immediately jumped into the sea and came to rescue people without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, it was really Ye Yanli.

She held Ye Weili's hand that was soaked in the sea water, "I was in a hurry. I didn't look for a big yacht. I only found the smallest simple speedboat. If you bear it, we will be able to get to the shore immediately."

There was nothing on the speedboat, only a simple first aid kit. There was a large bath towel in the first aid kit. Song Jiayan dragged it over to wrap Ye Weili.

The man's handsome face was pale, and he didn't look very good.

It would be great if there was a bowl of hot and spicy **** soup now.

When Song Jiayan thought of this, she immediately contacted her family and asked the servant in the kitchen to quickly make some **** soup and prepare some dinner.

It was dark now, and the entire sea was full of deep cold, and the black sea looked like a monster with a huge mouth.

The sea water was constantly splashed by the wind, and the heavy rain was constantly pouring. Ye Weili couldn't help holding Song Jiayan in his arms, and gave her half of the bath towel.

"We use it together."

The speedboat hummed and drove fast, and arrived at the shore about twenty minutes later.

A few of them immediately got into a seven-seater black business car, and the car hurried forward.

Even now, Ye Mianli still held the three file folders tightly in his arms, he was like holding his treasure, and he didn't let go.

Song Jiayan looked at him curiously, "What's pretending here? Why are those people chasing you?"

"It's a long story." Ye Yanli's arms became a little stiff.

He let go of the file folder in his arms, then moved his arm, "This is a paternity test."

"What are you talking about?" Song Jiayan's eyes widened suddenly, "Why do you want to do this? Aren't you from the Ye family?"

Ye Yanli was defeated by her brain. He raised his hand and poked her forehead, "What do you think? This is the result of my appraisal with Ruan Su."

"Miss Ruan?" Song Jiayan blinked her eyes, and suddenly said mysteriously, "I think, Miss Ruan is a little like you, not to say that she looks very alike, it's that kind of feeling, it feels just like that. I can’t tell what it looks like."

"Especially when you are smiling, who else, Li Zhuoyan, too, the three of you feel very similar to others, that kind of breath."

"Li Zhuoyan?" Ye Yanli remembered Li Zhuoyan's pretty face in his mind. The little girl was very talented and she was also very talented at the piano.

It's also a music genius.

His attention had been focused on Ruan Su before, but he had never thought about the possibility between Li Zhuoyan and the Ye family.

And... The Cheng family didn't mean that Ruan Su's sister and mother died in a car accident.

He sighed, so Li Zhuoyan could not be from the Ye family.

Now that he knew that Ruan Su had a blood relationship with him, he could not wait to fly to Ruan Su immediately to tell her the good news.

But on the one hand, he was a little hesitant. Would Ruan Su dislike his uncle who suddenly appeared? Would not want to recognize their Ye family?

As if he could see his hesitation, Song Jiayan held his big palm, "If Miss Ruan knew that you were relatives, she would be very happy too."

"Will she? Before... we misidentified Li Meixing's mother and daughter, and the mother and daughter always wanted to hurt her." The more Ye Nianli thought about it, the more regretful he felt, and he felt that he was really blind.

"Good things take a lot of trouble." Song Jiayan smiled and comforted him, "Let’s go to my house first, Song's wife boiled the **** soup, you take another shower, change into clean clothes, and we will go to her, okay?"

Ye Yanli hesitated a little, "It's better to go to the hotel, it's not appropriate for me to go to your house in such a panic."

It's so rude.

"It doesn't matter, Ye Yanli, listen carefully, I like you, and I want to marry you. You like me too, and you want to marry me too. The two of us will be engaged soon."

Song Jiayan looked at him affectionately with a pair of beautiful eyes, "Why do you care about these external things? You almost lost your life in the ocean. Nothing is more important than your life."

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