Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 663: The group pet is undoubtedly! Four brothers?

Ye Yanli stretched out his arms to embrace Song Jiayan in his arms, and Jun's face was moved, "Yan'er, thank you."

"Why are you polite with me?" Song Jiayan snuggled in the man's arms, "We are here."

While talking, the commercial vehicle stopped in front of a villa.

Ye Yanli got out of the car with her and stepped into the door of the villa.

The Song family is a big family, and Mr. Song has three sons.

The three sons gave him four grandchildren and one granddaughter.

Yes, the only granddaughter is Song Jiayan.

So... Song Jiayan has always been a favorite of her since she was a child. The four older brothers above called her a favorite, and that was called a beloved one.

I heard that Song Jiayan brought Ye Mili back. The four older brothers who had gone out to socialize were unpaid, and the ones in the study also came out, and the ones who originally wanted to go out did not play anymore.

So... when Ye Yanli stepped into the living room drenched, he saw Grandpa Song with three sons and four grandchildren, neatly arranged with eight men from the Song family...all sitting on the sofa in a precarious manner, brushing together. Brushingly looked at him.

Ye Yanli: "..."

Song Jiayan was also taken aback for a moment, "Grandpa, uncle, second uncle, dad... eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother... why are you so together?"

Usually, there are very few people in the house that are gathered together. Generally, they are busy with their own tasks. When eating dinner almost every night, either this is missing or that is missing.

It's rare to get together like this.

The three Song family ladies who heard the movement walked out of the room at this time.

Mrs. Song couldn't help laughing when she looked at the men at home, "You and Ye Shao are about to get engaged in these two days. Your brothers have not met him yet. Hearing that he is coming, he must meet him. ."

The second wife of Song also said, "Yes, our little princess of the Song family, no matter who you marry, you can't lose dignity."

Song Jiayan's mother, Mrs. Song San, is the mother-in-law who looks at her son-in-law more and more satisfied, "Ye Shao looks handsome and has an extraordinary family background, which is pretty good."

Ye Yanli finally understood that the men of the Ye family gathered so together that they dared to give themselves a bit of prestige?

He was a little embarrassed, and a little bit ridiculous.

But after another thought, this shows that the Song family attaches great importance to Song Jiayan.

It's just that he was so embarrassed the first time he visited, it was really embarrassing.

Watching the ground dripping slowly because of his damp clothes, now...has already dripped a circle of water stains on the ground, a lively chicken. Ye was so embarrassed that he could not wait to pull out a three-bedroom and one hall.

It's over, it's over, his marriage to Song Jiayan...

"Sorry, I had a little accident today. I..."

Ye Yanli was about to explain, when he heard Song Jiayan next to him take his words, "He was hunted down and fell into the sea. Fortunately, I rescued him."

"Chasing?" Old Song frowned, "It seems that the group of people who framed the Ye family are not giving up."

"Do you need our help?" Song Ci raised his eyebrows, "Big Brother still has some people in his hand, who can help you."

Song Shi casually rolled his sleeves, "Ye Shao, although I may be two years younger than you, but... if you really become my brother-in-law in the future, I will naturally protect your second brother. I am here. The manpower is at your disposal."

Song Yuan sneered, "On our Jiangcheng site, there are people who dare to chase and kill you? I'm so impatient to live."

Song Qu looked up and down Ye Mianli, "Are you injured? Yan'er, don't hurry up to take him to a hot bath, we are similar in figure, let's wear my clothes."

"Okay, I see." Song Jiayan dragged Ye Mili and walked upstairs. Ye Mili hasn't reacted until now.

Don't dare to get off the horse?

These four brothers... don't seem to be so difficult to get along with.

Are they supporting themselves?

Ye Xianli was a little confused.

Song Jiayan took him into the guest room and helped him turn on the hot water in the bathtub. There was a splash of water, and the woman looked at him with a smile, "You take a hot bath, I will help you find a set of mine Brother Si's clothes."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Ye Mianli took off his wet clothes and submerged his cold body in the bathtub, recalling scene after scene during the day in his mind.

There was a cold sharp flash in his black eyes.

Song Jiayan went to the closet in Song Qu's room to pick up a set of comfortable home clothes, and put them on the hanger at the bathroom door, "I put the clothes here, you wash them out and take them out, I'll go out first."

There was a splash of water in the bathroom. I don't know why her face turned red all of a sudden, especially through the glass door of the bathroom, you can see the figure of the man inside.

He seems to be washing his hair?

Song Jiayan's face suddenly turned redder, and she heard the man's voice full of magnetism, "Okay."

She blushed and ran out, took a deep breath, and then went downstairs slowly.

Everyone in the Song family downstairs looked at her, making her feel uncomfortable.

"What are you all looking at me doing?"

Elder Song sighed heavily, took the cup of tea that Mrs. Song handed him, took a sip, and then slowly said, "Yan'er, things in the Ye family are in chaos. , I'm afraid you will be affected too. Our Song family has been following the golden mean for so many years..."

"Grandpa, I like him, I love him, I am not afraid. What's more..." Song Jiayan wanted to talk about the relationship between her idol Ruan Su and Ye Yanli, but before she finished speaking, she heard Song Ci's voice sound. "Ye Shao."

As soon as Song Jiayan looked up, he saw Ye Yanli had walked downstairs. He looked refreshed and handsome in the beige suit she prepared for him.

"Are you hungry? Have you had dinner?" Mrs. Song San, Song Jiayan's mother, looked at them with concern, "There is a midnight snack in the kitchen. Do you want to eat some?"

Song Jiayan was indeed hungry, and nodded, "Okay!"

"If you want to eat, let's eat together, let's go!" The Song old man stood up, so...a group of Song family walked toward the restaurant mightily.

Ye Yanli also hurriedly followed, but when he arrived at the restaurant, he was immediately dumbfounded.

This is a supper, this is clearly a sumptuous meal.

The dining table was filled with a dazzling array of delicious dishes.

Whose supper is so rich and varied?

Grandpa Song coughed a little uncomfortably, "Sit down, everyone."

Song Jiayan also blinked, and said in shock, "Grandpa, didn't everyone wait for us and didn't eat dinner?"

The men of the Song family suddenly looked a little uncomfortable, "What are you talking about? We have eaten it a long time ago."

"Yeah, how can you guys be that important?"

"Hurry up, don't you like shrimp?"

Having said that, Song Jiayan laughed and sat down with Ye Weili.

He whispered to the man's ear and bit his ear, "They must have not eaten, and I am embarrassed to admit."

There was warmth in Ye Nian's heart.

Although the Ye family is also a big family, but... he really rarely feels this kind of care and affection from brothers.

Especially when four more brothers appeared on the top of the head all of a sudden, it felt... very strange.

The three ladies of the Song family were very gentle and generous.

In the end, Mother Song said softly, "Our family does not have so many rules, and there is not so much intrigue. There are many things in your Ye family, and they are very complicated, and they are dangerous. I originally did not agree with this marriage. But Yan I really like you very much."

"Auntie, what are you afraid of? There are brothers like us! We will definitely stand in front of her if there is any danger." Song Ci said indifferently.

"But in the future, she will stay in the Ye family. You can't live with the past." Mother Song still has some worries. "Ye Shao, I don't have any extra demands on you. I hope you can take good care of her. After all, Since I was a child, I have been rich and rich, and my family loves and hurts."

"Don't worry, even if I go to die, I won't be willing to hurt her a little." Ye Yanli deeply felt Song Jiayan's status and position in the Song family.

"Everyone can say beautiful things. You'd better do what you say." Song Shi glanced at him.

Ye Mianli felt pressured and immediately responded, "I will do what I say."

After eating, it was early morning.

Ye Yanli also knew that there was no way to find Ruan Su now.

He was also very tired, lying on the bed in the guest room and soon fell asleep.

A good night's sleep, Ye Yanli woke up early the next morning. After he finished washing, he just opened the door and saw a servant standing at the door of his room with a paper bag about to knock.

The servant saw him open the door and said quickly, "Ye Shao, these are your clothes."

"Thank you." Ye Yanli took the paper bag and turned back to the room. The clothes were brand new and he was wearing a brand. It was all his size, and he quickly changed it and went downstairs.

Song Jiayan has already got up, "My fourth brother's new clothes are cheaper for you."

Ye Yanli, anyhow, said nothing in Ye's family, the future Patriarch.

But at the Song family, he suddenly became the youngest, with several older brothers and uncles pressed on it. He cautiously said to Song Qu, "Thank you fourth brother."

Song Qu looked arrogant, "No thanks, let's have breakfast."

The Song family, a big family, sat at the dining table mightily and began to eat breakfast.

The family atmosphere is very harmonious, this kind of atmosphere is very warm and warm, and it has been warm to Ye Yanli's heart.

After eating breakfast, he and Song Jiayan went out directly. He called Ruan Su, "Miss Ruan, are you going to work in the hospital today?"

Ruan Su just got up, still wearing a pajamas, she yawned, "I'm not going today, what's wrong?"

"I have something important to find you, may I ask the address of your home..." Ye Yanli listened to her familiar voice, and his heart began to beat wildly inexplicably.

"Oh, Villa Jiang Song. Is there anything going on? Do you still need to talk in person?" Ruan Su asked suspiciously.

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