Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 665: The result is out! ! ! !

The appraisal result may have been ruined now, and there is no way to show it to her.

After experiencing the actions of the Cheng family, Ruan Su had already taken a very indifferent view of the family relationship.

It's just that she didn't expect Ye Yanli to run out and tell her this.

It is false to say that it is not shocked.

But after the moment of shock, she couldn't explain the unclear anxiety in her heart. Yes, she would also be nervous, and she would also be uneasy.

She didn't know if she should believe in Ye Mili, but Ye Mili, a man who has always been elegant and handsome, was crying like a child at this time, making her have to face this matter and the kind of kinship he had for himself. Fetters.

Therefore, she took the man's big palm, "Ye Shao, if we are really relatives, this result is just icing on the cake. Although it doesn't matter if the result is ruined now, let's just make another one."

Her voice is very soft and gentle.

Ye Yanli looked at her silently, as if he didn't know her.

She is sometimes cold, sometimes strong, and sometimes cold. She always smiled Qianxi only in front of Bo Xingzhi, she seldom would be so gentle.

"Xiao Su, let's do it now."

Ruan Su looked at him and helped him from the ground, "Okay. Go to our hospital and do it, I will do it myself."

Ye Yanli was stunned, "Can the City No. 1 Hospital also do it?"

"Not open to the outside world." Ruan Su explained to him, "It's not a professional appraisal agency, but it also has equipment for DNA testing."

Bo Xingzhi finally figured it out now.

Dare to love Ye Mili. Isn't it because he has a strange feeling for Ruan Su, or is there some ambiguous thoughts, people just... come to confess their relatives?

This oolong is really a big deal.

If the Ye family were really Ruan Su's relatives... it was a family.

Then he will have to call Uncle Ye Yanli from now on?

Bo Xingzhi suddenly became ill, and his handsome face was dark.

They used to be peers. Suddenly Ye Yanli was going to be one generation higher than him. He couldn't help but think of Xie Jinyan, aunt Ruan Su...

Do you want to follow the same path as your good brother?

The same fate?

If Ruan Su could find his relatives, he would be very happy for her, but...this situation is somewhat embarrassing for him!

Ye Yanli is not more than 30 years old. He is the fifth and most famous diamond king in country M. He is really a few years older than him!

Are you going to be his wife's uncle?

There was a flurry of thoughts in his mind, and he saw Ruan Su was already changing his shoes.

Without saying anything, he quickly followed.

After leaving the house, Ye Weili originally planned to drive, but Song Jiayan snatched the car key, "I'll drive it, you sit next to me."

Seeing his emotional ups and downs, she was not relieved.

Ye Yanli didn't object, and took the passenger seat directly.

Two cars left the villa area one after the other, and then slowly merged into the traffic.

Quickly speed up and drive quickly.

When he arrived at the parking lot of the No. 1 Hospital of the city, Ruan Su got out of the car and stood there waiting for them. Song Jiayan drove the car behind and stopped.

The four of them entered the elevator together.

The elevator was quiet, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a little strangely serious.

Ruan Su took them all the way to the top floor of the inpatient department. Song Jiayan and Ye Yanli had never set foot here, and Bo Xingzhi had come here for the first time.

There are few people on the top floor, and the whole floor is quiet.

The young nurse at the nurse station saw Ruan Su stepping out of the elevator and was taken aback, "Doctor Ruan, what's the matter?"

Ruan Su took out a certificate and shook it at her, "I'm going to use the instrument to do an appraisal."

The little nurse stood up quickly, "Oh, okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Then she picked up the walkie-talkie, "Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu, Dr. Ruan wants to do the identification experiment himself, come here quickly."

After she finished speaking, a little nurse ran over after a while, "Doctor Ruan, who do you want to do the appraisal with? Please come with me, I need a blood sample."

"Me and him." Ruan Su pointed at himself and Ye Mili.

The little nurse was leading the way, and suddenly a trace of surprise crossed his eyes.

Who doesn't know that Dr. Ruan and that Ruan Fangfang are sisters. I heard that they are half-parents or something. She is also hearsay.

Why do you still have to do a paternity test with this gentleman now?

It was also operated by Dr. Ruan himself.


But she is not a talkative person, and she does not dare to gossip at will.

Immediately took Ruan Su to the place of collection, began to collect blood, and carried out a series of pre-identification work.

The little nurse is very quick, taking notes while collecting.

First, Ruan Su’s blood, hair, and nails were collected. The collection was very comprehensive.

Biye Weili only provided a few drops of blood at the beginning, which is much more comprehensive.

After the collection, Ye Nianli's heart was plopped and plopped.

He had always thought that Ruan Su would not agree to do an appraisal, not only would he refuse, but he might even scold him. Now it seems... he is too nervous, too worried...

The collection process went smoothly.

After it was over, the little nurse gave all the blood, hair, and nails collected to Ruan Su.

Ruan Su put on the sterile gown, then rushed to Bo Xingzhi, Ye Yanli and Song Jiayan outside the door and said, "Wait for me."

The little nurse also put on sterile gowns and became Ruan Su's assistant.

The two stepped into the laboratory together.

Ye Yanli watched Ruan Su's back disappear behind the closed door, and he fell heavily onto the lounge chair.

Song Jiayan sat next to him and gently took his slender arm, "Since you are relatives, you will be relatives no matter what. So you don't have to worry too much. What's more, you need to do the appraisal by Miss Ruan herself. I believe she is."

Ye Yanli raised his head, her dark eyes looked at the woman's beautiful face, "I just didn't expect that she would take the initiative to make an appraisal so simply and neatly."

It was shocking!

When he heard her say that he could do it again, his brain was buzzing up to now.

It was as if it were the most beautiful language he had ever heard in the world.

Bo Xingzhi looked at Ye Mianli calmly, looking at the opponent's face, as if he wanted to find a shadow similar to Ruan Su on his face.

The thought that Ruan Su would have relatives in the future, his heart seemed to be touched by willow silk, as if covered with catkins.

It's a bit itchy, and a bit sour.

He actually started to think naively, if she had relatives, would those relatives take away her attention, take away her eyeballs...

He has some headaches and strokes his forehead. Isn't that there are many more people competing with him?

When Ruan Su didn't know the relationship between Ye Yanli and her, he took good care of the Ye family.

After that... Isn't that even more so with the level of relatives?

He felt that his position was a bit precarious.

But after another thought, Xiao Su had a relative, wouldn't there be more people who love her?

Ye Xiaoli seemed to love her very much.

Inside the laboratory.

Ruan Su wiped the sweat from her face with her sleeve, and she observed the numbers displayed on the instrument.

Concentrating on holding his breath, manipulating the instrument.

Time passed bit by bit, and when the last step was completed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, let's go out first."

The result will be analyzed in three hours. The hospital's equipment is the most advanced, so you don't have to wait too long.

Ruan Su opened the door, and Ye Fanli stood up abruptly.

Ruan Su rubbed his forehead and looked at the long corridor. The light was blazing white on everything in the corridor, and the air was quiet and cool.

She walked towards Ye Yanli and Bo Xingzhi.

Ye Yanli looked at her as if it melted in the white light, and his heart seemed to melt in this silence with her steps.

"Xiao Su... how did it turn out?" He moved his lips, and his throat became dry and tight.

"I won't come out until three hours later." Ruan Su curled his mouth unconsciously, his voice seemed to comfort Ye Yanli, "Didn't you say that you did it? Did it turn out to be my uncle? What are you still afraid of?"

Ye Yanli didn't know what he was afraid of.

Maybe it was the people in black who chased him down, or maybe he himself was too afraid of losing.

I lost my sister I loved the most, if I lose my sister’s child again...

He will die.

He will definitely die.

"I..." Ye Yanli didn't know what to say.

His eyes droop slightly, it is obvious that he is the elder, but he doesn't know if it is because of nervousness or what, his face is a little pale, and his long eyelashes cover his eyelids, almost childish.

It's like a child who is eager to get toys.

Ruan Su couldn't help but want to tease him, "Why are you a big man, obviously my uncle, who happens to be like a kid, and you need me to comfort you?"

She paused and said, "Don't be so serious about gains and losses, you will be more relaxed."

Song Yan walked out of the elevator at this time, carrying a few cups of coffee in his hand, and sending them to Bo Xingzhi.

Ruan Su took a glass and took a casual sip, "Special Assistant Song, thank you."

"It's just a cup of coffee, what thanks?" Song Yan showed a faint smile on his face. Then he looked a little cramped and said to Bo Xingzhi, "Master, I want to ask for a leave."

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, "What?"

"Cough!" Song Yan coughed lightly, his ears turned pink, so he turned his face away and looked at Bo Xingzhi again after a while, "What? I'm going to the airport to pick up a friend in the afternoon. "

There was a trace of teasing in Bo Xingzhi's eyes, "The violent little Lori is back?"


Song Yan's face suddenly blushed, "She is small and young, I am afraid she will be lost at the airport."

Ruan Su almost burst into laughter, "Special Assistant Song, when the violent woman Jian Qiqi beat someone with a hammer, you were still in the school grass! How could she get lost?"

"Then what, I... I'll take one step first." Song Yan almost escaped in Ruan Su's laughter. Before the elevator could not wait, he went straight into the safe passage next to him.

Bo Xingzhi shook his head helplessly, the sour smell of this love!

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