Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 666: Giving is love, not giving is duty

Song Yan drove out of the hospital and drove directly to the airport. The scenery was flying along the way, but Song Yan's heart seemed to fall into the Aegean Sea, floating.

He hasn't seen Jian Qiqi for a long time. Since the little girl helped teach children shooting martial arts in the Middle East, she rarely returned to China.

It was rare that she would come back, so he couldn't ask for it.

Half an hour before the plane landed, Jian Qiqi sat on the window seat, looking at the clouds outside the window. It was noon, and the sun penetrated the thin clouds, revealing golden light, dazzling and dazzling.

She was not in business class, but economy class.

Although the conditions for sitting in economy class are not as good as those in business class, she feels that everything is fine.

Because she saw a familiar figure when she first got on the plane, so she immediately grabbed an elderly uncle and asked him if he was willing to change seats.

As soon as the uncle's family heard that they wanted to change to business class, the uncle's health was not very good, so he agreed without saying a word.

After getting off the plane and landing, she must move faster and get off the plane. Fortunately, she only brought a small suitcase, so she didn't need to check it. She would go down after carrying the suitcase.

She made up her mind in her heart and watched the time from time to time.

More than ten minutes later, the sweet voice of the stewardess came, reminding everyone of some precautions when getting off the plane.

Soon, the plane landed smoothly, and Jian Qiqi let out a long sigh.

Great, I can finally get off the plane.

Jian Qiqi hurriedly walked outside carrying his suitcase. At this moment, Jian Xin and Jian Songsong, who had just stepped out of the business class, happened to see a familiar figure from the back. The girl wore a red Lolita. Tower dress, full of dream and romance.

Jian Songsong frowned, "Isn't that Jian Qiqi?"

Jian Xin curled her lips, "Look at her poor look, she is only eligible for economy class."

Jian's father is holding a small baby in his arms, and Jian's mother is holding a milk bottle in her hand, standing lovingly behind the sisters, "What are you looking at?"

Jian Songsong puffed up at Jian Qiqi's back, "I bumped into the broom star."

"Xin'er is able to give birth to your brother-in-law's child as she wished, relying on the blood of Jian Qiqi before, when she is outside, she should be restrained." A loving expression appeared on Jian's mother's face, and she looked down at Jian's father's arms. Baby.

The little baby slept soundly, with a pale face.

"Okay, let's go." Father Jian said nothing, but hugged the child in his arms tightly.

"Xin'er, this is the first trip of our family since you were out of confinement. Don't always go to see those who are disappointed." Jian Yuxue slapped her daughter's hand earnestly.

Jian Xin'er smiled slyly, "But, aunt Qiqi hasn't seen a child yet! Anyway, we are also a family, so it would be rude not to see each other."

Mother Jane pondered for a moment, "You are right, then let's go faster."

So the Jian family got off the plane and walked forward mightily.

Jian Qiqi walked fast, she felt sore in her stomach when she thought of the Jian family group, but the faster she walked, the more people behind seemed to be chasing after her, especially as Jian Songsong trot all the way to block her. Way to go.

"Qiqi, what are you doing so fast? It made me almost miss you."

Jian Qiqi looked at Jian Songsong, who was wearing a long bohemian dress, and wondered how she could run so fast to catch up with herself in such an elegant and lady's long dress.

There was a smile on her face, "Songsong, long time no see."

She really didn't want to see these surnames Jane. Every time she saw them, she felt that the air instantly became foul, and her life was at least three years away.

"Qiqi." Mother Jian's voice sounded, the voice was gentle and kind, but I heard the voice of the devil in Jian Qiqi's ears.

The smile on her face became more rigid, she slowly raised her eyes to look at Mother Jane, who looked at her aloft, as if she was an ant, a bug, and she looked at her with pity.

She walked in front of Jian Qiqi and held Jian Qiqi's hand affectionately, "You child, don't you know to go back when you leave the house? Your sister has given birth to a child, and you won't see you back."

Child... Jian Qiqi's face turned pale, and he recalled an event in an instant. At the auction last year, she once saw Shang Lingxiao attending Jian Xin with Jian Xin. At that time, the jade pendant of the Cheng family also caused a scramble between Ye Yanli and the Cheng family.

Jian Xin was pregnant at that time!

Her heart seemed to be hit by a boring hammer, and the pain made her almost convulsive.

At this moment, Father Jian walked over with the baby, and stretched out some rough fingers to poke the baby's tender face in his arms, "Shang Zixun, hurry up and wake up and see your Aunt Qiqiqi."

Shang... So this kid belongs to Shang Lingxiao?

Jian Xin followed his father with a breathless voice, and her voice was delicate, "I have just been out of confinement now, how can I withstand the toss of you walking so fast?"

She seemed to have only seen Jian Qiqi now, and Jiao Didi hammered her own non-sour calf again, "Qiqi, next week is my son's full moon banquet, do you remember to come! Whatever you do She is also the child’s aunt, and the child will be sad if you don’t come."

Jian Qiqi smiled, very ironically, "No need, I have something."

She glanced at the child in Jian's father's arms, and then directly transferred the money to Jian's father in WeChat, and transferred it to 8888. "My red envelope for the child."

Jian's father handed the child to his wife to hold him. He glanced at the 8888 transfer, and suddenly a wave of anger rose from the top of his head, "Jian Qiqi, who are you disgusting? Give the child so little red envelopes?"

Jian Qiqi raised her eyebrows. Although she is not tall, she has a strong momentum. "Based on what you have done to me, I am willing to give 8888 to the child's face. The child is not guilty. . If it’s you? Not a dime!"

Jian Xin originally wanted to see disappointment, sadness, jealousy and madness on Jian Qiqi's face, no matter what it appeared.

I think this Versailles will be very cool.

However, she did not see Jian Qiqi sad, but this Jian Qiqi was so arrogant!

I'm so mad at her!

She didn't bother to pretend to be a good sister, and glanced at each other with disgust, "You are not jealous that this is the child of Brother Xiao and me, so you deliberately give so little? You look down on people too much!"

"Giving red envelopes is love, not giving it is duty." Jian Qiqi felt that standing here to take care of this group of people in Jian's family was insane! "Have you finished talking? I'll leave when I'm finished."

"You must go to the full moon banquet!" Jian's father stared at her coldly, his tone was full of incontrovertible commands and condescending, as if Jian Qiqi would immediately break her leg if he didn't agree.

"Who are you? Out of the door of Jian's house, do you think I would still be as stupid as I was when I was a child?" Jian Qiqi's eyes appeared cold, like a layer of frost in the winter. "It's impossible."

She looked at Jian Xin again, "Do you think you can sit back and relax after you have a child? If the business really values ​​you so much, why don't you come in when the children are born but you don't marry you?"

Shang Lingxiao had no intentions!

She had seen it through long ago.

"Little Lori!" Suddenly, a voice full of magnetism came, and everyone couldn't help but look up.

I saw a tall man walking towards Jian Qiqi with a bunch of flowers.

Jian Xin looked at Song Yan with an ugly face, the thin right arm of Xingzhi, the young master of the Song family in the capital.

It's really irritating! If this man is just a thin line to stop errands, it's just that, but people have a prominent family and love to run errands.

Song Yan sent the flowers to Jian Qiqi, with a hint of shyness and unnaturalness on his face, "For you."

99 red roses are bright and dripping, exuding a faint fragrance, but not offensive.

Jian Qiqi smiled sweetly at him, her little face was pink. This was the first time she received flowers from the opposite sex, but...very happy.

She did not refuse, took the flowers in her arms, narrowed her eyes and took a deep sniff.

Song Yanshun took her suitcase and looked at the girl in front of her. The girl wore a red suspender Lolita dress with a white short-sleeved shirt and a pair of Lolita shoes on her feet. It also matches a pair of white socks that reach the knees, which looks cute and cute.

She has a pair of round eyes with surprise, looking at the flowers happily, she looks beautiful and delicious.

Song Yan's voice was soft and gentle, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat crayfish, skewers, hot pot, and duck neck..." Jian Qiqi said a lot of skewers. She is really hungry now, especially since she hasn't returned to China for so long. She missed the delicious food very much.

"Song... Young, long time no see." Thinking of Song Yan's family background, Jian's father immediately squeezed a flattering smile on his face, "Is there any new project or investment in the Bo Group or the Song Group recently? Can you consider our Jane's cooperation?"

Song Yan seemed to have seen their family only now, glanced at them lightly, and laughed, "I'm sorry, don't think about it."

This sentence was like a loud slap in the face of Jian's father, making him aching.

But he was suppressed, and did not get angry.

Instead, he gave Jian Qiqi a look, "You have a good relationship with Qiqi, it is better to look at the face of Qiqi..."

"I am good with her, so I only treat her well. Those who treat her badly, such as those who treat her as a blood bag, I will not let go." Song Yan said calmly. But every word punishes the heart.

The faces of the Jane family suddenly became very ugly.

Blood pack...

Does he know?

Song Yan glanced at Jian Xin again, "You have Qiqi blood in your body. It's cool, isn't it? If it's not Qiqi, you can't even give birth to a child? But some people in this world are so stinky, so white-eyed wolf. I suggest Miss Jian Xin say thank you to Qiqi."

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