Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 668: Why are you so cheeky? Disappointment!



He can't get it wrong, right?

Ruan Su is really calling him?

The inside of Ye Yanli's head was blank, and the nerves in his whole body were instantly tense.

I don't know if it was the head pumping or what, he stretched out his hand and suddenly wanted to hug Ruan Su in his arms.

But someone moved faster than him, and a long arm turned out to drag Ruan Su away.

Ye Yanli hugged her loneliness.

"Ye Shao seems to be overjoyed."

In the deep voice, wrapped in the silence of the corridor, the hooks hooked at the tip of Ye Wei.

Hate...Why is this thin line so annoying?

Defend him like a love enemy?

He is Xiao Su's uncle, what's the matter with a hug?

Ye Yanli was a little sober from the huge ecstasy, his eyes filled with excitement and joy. "Xiaosu...Xiaosu...we are relatives?"

Ruan Su couldn't help laughing as he looked at him so happy and stupid.

Ye Yanli's handsome facial features were a little bit more beautiful under the light, especially when he smiled very happily, those smiling eyes stared at her directly, staring at Ruan Su's heart with bursts of joy.

She breathed a long sigh of relief. Will she be a loved one in the future?

It feels... really strange.

Maybe this is the **** of blood?

She thought silently in her heart.

Bo Xingzhi was a little happy for her, but also a little scared, afraid that she would have a lot of relatives all at once and rob him.

However, it is always a happy event.

"Then I'm a little overwhelmed with pleasure, why don't I be the host, please go and sing?" Ye Yanli suddenly rubbed his hands and put forward a very grounded suggestion, "Is there a KTV nearby? Or a nightclub or is it? Clubs or something? It's okay."

He is not very familiar with this place.

"There are so many people who sing." Ruan Su was willing to tolerate Ye Weili's little interest. She looked at Bo Xingzhi, "It's better to call Xie Jinyan and Yanyan out together."

"By the way, Qiqi and Song Tezhu also called over, and everyone was happy when they got together. You can also play dice."

Ruan Suyue said that the more he felt that the proposal to sing K together was very good.

Bo Xingzhi did not object, and started to call Xie Jinyan and Song Yan.

After sending a message to these two people, he said to Ruan Su and the others, "Let's go, go to K Ledi."

K Ledi is a well-known KTV here. The business has always been very good. The most important thing is that the decoration is very high-end, and the drinks and beverages inside are also the most high-end.

So many people in Jiangcheng like to invite friends to come to K Ledi.

Yu Wenna was filming in Jiangcheng recently. Today, after the end of the play, she and the crew came here to sing K. There were a lot of people in the crew. Originally, she wanted to book the biggest box here, but the manager told her that the biggest box was occupied. After booking, I can only arrange a second box for her.

She felt a little unhappy in her heart, but thought that K Ledi was the biggest KTV, and if she went to other places, she would not be of any grade. After all, she was the little princess of the Yu consortium, so she couldn't be stingy.

This time she was filming a small-cost small web drama, cookie type, adapted from the top few novels on a well-known online novel website.

When the heroine was selected, she was not a candidate at all, but she used some contacts to squeeze out the original heroine.

She can't play the big dramas of those big directors, and she can't even play a small web drama. That's a fart!

She frowned and looked at the manager, "I doubled the money."

The manager was embarrassed, "This lady, I'm really sorry, someone else has booked first. You can't do business without being honest."

Yu Wenna suddenly felt very shameless on her face, "I triple the money."

The manager’s heart was trembling, “It’s really not possible. The second box is also okay. The friends brought by the lady are totally okay.”

When Yu Wenna heard the manager's words, she only felt that everyone was laughing at her, that she couldn't even book a box!

She suffocated her heart, and immediately called her cousin Yu Ziqing, "Brother Qing, you can help me find a boss of K Ledi and book me the largest box."

Yu Ziqing had just returned to Yu's house and hung his suit on the hanger, thinking why this silly B called, because it was just to book a box?

To say that she is stupid is to praise her!

Yu Ziqing is a little irritable, but his tone is not obvious, "Okay, wait a minute."

He is the boss who knows K Ledi. K Ledi is a national chain. He called the biggest boss of other chain KTV just to book a box. What a fuck...Does he want to be a man after it spreads out? He didn't want to fight, he looked at the time, and after three minutes, he called back.

Yu Wenna picked it up immediately, "Brother Qing, how is it?"

Yu Ziqing's lazy voice came, "Nana, his mobile phone is turned off, and may have been resting. Or you can go to another store to play."

Yu Wenna was originally triumphant, thinking that Yu Ziqing would definitely be able to help, but when she heard what Yu Ziqing said, she was immediately dumbfounded.

I just feel a burning pain on my face.

The director knows that Yu Wenna has always been competitive, but isn't it just a box, can it be used? He had no choice but to persuade him, "Miss Yu, the second box is also fine, or let's go in."

If the time is delayed, the night will be late.

Isn’t it a waste of time to be filming tomorrow just for a box?

I had no choice but to retreat and led a group of people into the box.

It's just that she still feels uncomfortable. Who on earth robbed her biggest box? She adds money and the manager doesn't charge it!


So angry!

As soon as she took a group of people into the box, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su arrived.

When Bo Xingzhi was on the way, he booked the largest big box. After the booking was over, the manager of K Ledi had been waiting at the door. They set off from the hospital and were closer to here, but Xie Jinyan hadn't arrived yet.

At this moment, the manager saw Bo Xingshi taking the people out of the car, and trot over in a hurry, and said respectfully, "Bo Shao, are you here? Hurry up, please."

A group of people followed the manager to the box. After ordering some drinks and snacks, the manager respectfully retired.

As soon as the manager exited, he saw Yu Wenna coming out of the second box next door. Yu Wenna had a small face, still feeling uncomfortable.

As a result, she saw that the door of the hall was opened before she spoke, and Xie Jinyan took a young girl's hand and walked towards it.

Yu Wenna looked startled, and her heart skipped a beat.

The man is stalwart, wearing a beige casual outfit with a pair of daddy shoes on his feet, and he is dressed casually and vigorously.

He was already very handsome, but now he didn't know what he was talking to the girl with his head lowered, and Jun had a faint smile on his face.

The lights of the hall shattered and shrouded him under the blurred lights.

Yu Wenna was stunned, and automatically ignored Li Zhuoyan who was holding in his hand.

Xie Jinyan felt a gaze staring straight at him, suddenly looked up a little strangely, and saw Yu Wenna.

He frowned slightly, is this woman sick?

What did you stare at him?

Li Zhuoyan also noticed Xie Jinyan's strange gaze. She looked over curiously and saw a pretty good-looking woman staring at Xie Jinyan. This woman is so familiar, what does it seem to be Miss Yu?

Li Zhuoyan muttered in her heart.

Sure enough, after approaching, Yu Wenna's soft voice came, "Xie Shao, long time no see."

Xie Jinyan felt very greasy and disgusting when she heard her sticky voice.

This Yu Wenna is really annoying. I pestered him when he was in school. Why is he still looking like a thief?

Yu Wenna called Xie Jinyan the senior last time. After being slapped in the face by Xie Jinyan, she didn't dare to call so close this time.

"Long time no see, my friend was still waiting for me, so he went in first." Xie Jinyan was too lazy to take care of her so much, he pushed open the door of the biggest box and went in with Li Zhuoyan.

damn it!

Yu Wenna was very annoying at first, but at this moment she was stimulated by Xie Jinyan's indifferent attitude.

Wait, this biggest box belongs to him? Could it be that he booked it?

It's just... isn't he in the capital? How come back to Jiangcheng?

When did you come back?

Yu Wenna's heart is messed up, no, she must perform well to deepen the impression in his heart.

Can't let Li Zhuoyan that **** dominate him all the time.

Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes slightly. When Song Yan came with Jian Qiqi, she happened to see Yu Wenna stepping into another box from the back.

Song Yan only felt a little familiar, but didn't think much about it.

The people are finally here, Ruan Su is very happy, everyone knows each other, and there is no need to introduce them.

"Oh my God! Is it really your uncle?" Jian Qiqi was shocked when she heard it.

There was a trace of envy in Li Zhuoyan's eyes, it was really great to be able to find her relatives.

I don't know if I have this luck in my life.

Maybe not... She has no hope of finding her blood relatives.

Anyway, she is about to marry, and the people of Xie's family will be her relatives in the future.

She is not so lonely anymore.

But she still envied her in her heart!

At this moment, the door of the box was pushed open again.

Everyone looked towards the door, only to see Wen Na carrying a bottle of XO in her hand, with a smile on her face, and said to Xie Jinyan, "Xie Shao, we were also alumni in the past. Why not have a drink together? I respect you ."

Li Zhuoyan pursed her red lips upset, why is this woman so cheeky?

Yu Wenna originally came to Xie Jinyan, but when she took a closer look and saw the people in the box, her face suddenly burned.


Why are Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi here?

She is so stupid, she should have thought of it long ago.

She suddenly wished that she had never been here.

The woman she didn't want to see was Ruan Su, and Song Yan! Seeing the surname Song, she thought of her sister-in-law Song Wanfei!

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