Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 669: Disgraced and lost home!

Yu Wenna stood there, awkwardly trying to find a seam to get in.

Especially since she had torn her face with Song Wanfei, Song Wanfei no longer loved her as much as before. Song Wanfei always gave her resources in the past. Those investors looked at Song Wanfei’s face, how much Will give her three points of thin noodles.

But now... she found it, and Yu Ziqing was simply unreliable.

Before, I would still believe in Yu Ziqing's mouth, thinking that Song Wanfei really looked down on him, looked down on himself, and was ill-intentioned about himself.

When she really fell out with Song Wanfei, she was dumbfounded.

Yu Ziqing had promised that what she had done would be good for her, that she would be praised by Yu's family and the company would be praised by her.

The results of it?

Yu's father didn't want to!

If it wasn't for Song Wanfei to help her get involved in the entertainment industry, she wants to have the current resources and current status? Go dreaming!

This time she was able to take down the heroine and kick the original heroine away when filming this small web drama. She also reluctantly took her own private money to bring her money into the group.

On the surface, it seems that the little princess of her Yu's family has entered the entertainment circle, and the wind goes smoothly.

In fact, it was her sister-in-law Song Wanfei who was paving the way for her.

Now it's falling out, and her face is torn apart, and my sister-in-law ignores her.

Let Yu Ziqing help to book a box, but he didn't even book it.

Let alone other things he once said.

Yu Wenna is now a dumb eating yellow lotus, and there is no way to tell. Yu Ziqing was not as good as she had imagined. She was really deceived before.

I believed Yu Ziqing's nonsense, but she wanted to look back, but she couldn't go back.

Especially since Yu's father's body is not as good as each day, the power of the family is now almost all in the hands of Song Wanfei.

Although Yu Wenna clearly understood one thing, that is, Yu Ziqing used her as a gun, and also understood that Yu Ziqing and her sister-in-law were at odds.

But... she didn't have any chance of redemption.

In addition to singing and dancing, she can also perform some online dramas and manage the company? That's more ridiculous than idiotic dreams.

If she leaves the house, what will she do?

She was full of panic, but there was nothing she could do.

Especially the eldest brother is still in custody and has not yet returned. If the eldest brother comes back, she will act like a baby, maybe she can get more pocket money in her hand, and let her help her.

But now...

The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became.

However, she had already arrived in this box, but she was in a dilemma.

If she can marry Xie Jinyan, even though the Xie family is not a famous family, but Xie Yuan is able to live up to it, and now it's in the capital.

If she can be the daughter-in-law of the Xie family, then she will be well-known in the future.

But! Why is everything not as she intended?

There was a pair of Li Zhuoyan and Xie Jinyan who came out every day.

How uncomfortable she thinks.

But she can only stand here awkwardly, raising the XO in her hand.

That smile is uglier than crying.

Song Yan would occasionally contact his sister Song Wanfei, and he was also clear about the mess about Yu's family. Now seeing Yu Wenna appear in the box, a trace of disgust flashed across his eyes.

This mindless idiot still has the face to run over.

Xie Jinyan glanced at Yu Wenna indifferently. She wore a tight-fitting leather vest and lederhosen, with exaggerated large circle earrings on her ears, and a high ponytail, deliberately showing off her figure and long legs. ... She wears what she thinks is a hot girl, but in the eyes of others, she looks like a fool, and there is a wave of earthy wind all over her body.

She was not aware of how different she was, and she calmly walked to Xie Jinyan, "Xie Shao, I heard that Miss Li won an award at the Galerie Contest. Can I invite her to help our crew? Write a song? Write an opening and ending song for our film or something?"

She's familiar with it almost.

Xie Jinyan raised her eyes and glanced at her, "She is not available."

Yu Wenna smiled shamelessly, "It's okay, then I will invite others." Then, she was going to pour wine into the glass in front of Xie Jinyan, "Song writing is not possible, and drinking a glass of wine must be a good face, right? "

She poured a glass for Xie Jinyan and another glass for Li Zhuoyan, "Cheers!"

Xie Jinyan didn't bother to pay attention to her, just wanted her to get out.

He pressed Li Zhuoyan's hand that was about to lift the glass, and then put the glass of wine in front of her to his lips, "She can't drink, I'll drink it for her."

With that, he drank it straight away, and drank the glass of wine in his glass after that.

Li Zhuoyan stared at Xie Jinyan in a daze. The man's warm palm was holding her small hand, which was warm, hot, and hot.

The box was very lively, but she could almost hear her pounding heartbeat.

Seeing Xie Jinyan's movements, Yu Wenna's face turned pale, but she soon returned to normal.

After drinking the wine in her glass, she glanced at the other people in the box, but before she spoke, Ruan Su stood up and said, "Let's meet a drink together."

Yu Wenna was dumbfounded.

She never knew about toasting and... this kind of operation like everyone having a drink together.

It's not the kind of wedding banquets, or full-moon banquets. Because there are too many guests, the host will usually take care of the time issue and will have a drink together.

How come there are people doing this kind of KTV?

Is this looking down on her? Disdain to drink with her?

Yu Wenna took a sigh of relief, unable to go up and down.

Abusive, very uncomfortable.

But at this time, everyone had each picked up their own wine glasses, shook them at her imaginarily, and drank...just drank...

She didn't even touch her cup!

This is simply Chi Guoguo's face, Chi Guoguo's irony.

Yu Wenna suffocated her stomach and drank the wine and turned to leave. When she left, she glanced sideways at Ruan Su.

This bitch!

After the crossing, she was not reconciled, and said to Xie Jin Yan, "Xie Shao, Miss Li, it's rare to meet in Jiangcheng. It's a good destiny. Can you come to the crew to visit the crew tomorrow?"

"Sorry, we don't have time." Xie Jinyan refused very simply.

Yu Wenna slammed the door shut with anger.

Looking at the poor door panel, Ruan Su felt a little ridiculous, "The princess is sick."

"I am very sick." Xie Jinyan curled his lips.

Song Yan's expression was also very cold, "My brother-in-law is still being detained, and my sister's hair is gloomy in order to find a way to save him. They are good to the family, and they still talk and laugh, as if my brother-in-law is not named Yu."

"It's not for those stinky money. Your sister is their senior migrant worker from Yu's family. When the family property is divided, Yu Wenna's mother and Yu Ziqing, which one is good? And Yu Two sisters Mei Yuqing. None of them are fuel-efficient lamps." Ruan Su said lightly, his voice filled with coldness.

Now the Yu family is relying on Song Wanfei for support.

"Hey-my sister married to Yu's family, so she went to help the poor." Song Yan said angrily. He held Jian Qiqi's hand, "Don't worry, I will never let you help the poor."

Jian Qiqi's face turned red and tried to shake his hand away, "Who wants to marry you!"

Song Yan was anxious, "If you don't marry me, who do you want to marry? I tell you, you never want to run away from me in this life."

In the presence of so many people, Jian Qiqi's face became even redder, "You... don't talk nonsense."

Ruan Su gave a low laugh, which was very interesting.

Little Lori has a round face and round eyes, her expression is so cute.

The more Song Yan watched, the more joyful he felt in his heart, "I only talk nonsense to you."

The more embarrassed and angry Jian Qiqi is, the happier he will be.

Everyone roared with laughter.

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xie Jinyan, "Why are you back?"

Xie Jinyan took a sip of water and stuffed a glass of juice into Li Zhuoyan's hand. "The household registration is here. Of course you have to come back if you get a certificate or something."

Dare to love... Is this the rhythm that everyone has to get a marriage certificate?

Bo Xingzhi was so sour in his heart.

Why is there all kinds of troubles and problems when it's his turn to get the certificate?

He leaned closer to Ruan Su, his eyes as deep as ink flashed with a different kind of brilliance, "Or, will we both go to get the certificate tomorrow?"

Ruan Su smiled again, looking at what he wanted, she nodded, "Okay!"

Everyone starts to play games, and whoever loses sings.

Ruan Su is not afraid of singing and dancing. As a result... it was not someone else who lost, but a thin line.

The man looked as usual, picked up the microphone and cleared his throat, "I seldom sing, but I want to be convinced. A "Season of Wind" is for everyone."

"The Season of Wind" is a Cantonese song. When it became popular after the song, it was the 1990s of the last century.

Ruan Su did not expect Bo Xingzhi would sing this kind of song.

The man’s voice is full of magnetism, which is not beautiful, but at least it is not out of tune.

Especially the chorus part is also high, it makes people's eyes shine.

This was the first time she heard Bo Xingzhi sing, and she didn't expect him to sing so well.

Of course it can’t be compared to a professional singer, but at an amateur level, it’s definitely a middle-to-higher class.

In the second game, Song Jiayan lost, she didn't twitch, and sang a military song directly.

When I was training, I didn't sing less, I naturally sang very well.

"The heroes of the women's middle school are different. They sing the songs of the team." Ruan Su teased her.

Song Jiayan blushed, "I...I'm your future aunt, you dare to laugh at me like that. After looking at me...see how I will blow pillow breeze to your uncle in the future."

"Haha, are you ready to blow your hair before you get married to the Ye family?" Ruan Su continued to tease, saying that Song Jiayan's face was red, "Ye Weili, take care of your niece."

Ye Yanli couldn't help but laugh. Pulling her to her side, "Xiao Su deliberately teased you!"

They played until late at night before leaving.

Go home individually.

Early the next morning, Ye Yanli took Ruan Su to the hotel.

Because Jun Moli has not been discharged from the hospital, Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye have both stayed in the hotel recently and did not leave for M country immediately. The most important thing is to take care of Jun Moli and Ye Tan.

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