Ruan Su looked at Song Yan with a smile, her skin was as white as milk, and the corners of her lips were charming.

The light shone from the top of her head, making her more beautiful and not seductive, gorgeous and not vulgar.

The beauty is unparalleled.

Bo Xingzhi squinted his eyes to look at her beautiful appearance, but he said to Song Yan, "It takes a lifetime to remember the trivial things so many years ago?"

"How could life-saving grace be a trivial matter?" Song Yan shook his head and chuckled, "I was only sixteen or seventeen at the time, and I ran away from home after a big fight with my mother. At that time..."

He seemed to fall into the memory.

As if back in the summer of that year, he was shrunk in the messy bridge hole. There were several homeless people in that bridge hole. During the day, they went out to pick up waste or pick up some leftovers.

Come back to live in the bridge cave at night.

There is a garbage dump near that bridge hole, and the weather is extremely hot, and there are always waves of disgusting and rotten stench in the air.

He has nowhere to go, just shrinks there.

That evening, he was really hungry, but his money had already been spent.

A few homeless people had long seen him displeased. When they came back, they brought a few tall men with them, pointed at him and said, "It's him."

He stood there at a loss and didn't know what to do, so the few men came over and grabbed him fiercely and wanted to take him away.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me?"

His heart is full of fear, fear, and the unknown.

His desperate resistance was no match for the strength of those adult men.

Several men surrounded him and beat him arbitrarily, which made him blue and swollen, dizzy and dizzy.

Just when he was desperate, with a "bang", a basketball slammed over and hit one of the men's head.

The man turned his head angrily and saw a slender young man walking towards him.

The young man was very handsome, but he carried an extraordinary coldness on his body.

"In broad daylight, how dare you fight and fight?"

"Oh, here's another one, it's really good. It just happened to make up a pair for the boss." After seeing the young man, the men were immediately happy.

They let go of Song Yan and rushed towards the boy.

Song Yan's eyes widened suddenly, "Danger!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, he was stunned.

The basketball boy jumped into the air, and beat the men into the air like clouds and flowing water.

Song Yan was shocked!

That boy obviously knows martial arts and is very strong!

Several mature men who were not weak in strength had no power to fight back in front of him.

At that moment, he seemed to see the martial arts master in the TV series, and he seemed to open the door to a new world.

The men were beaten up and lay on the ground and howled.

The young man walked up to Song Yan and stretched out his hand towards him, "Hello, my name is Bo Xingzhi."

"Hello, my name is Song Yan."

Song Yan got up from the ground with the strength of his palm, only to realize that he was in a panic, his clothes had long been worn out, because he had not taken a bath for a long time and his body still exuded the same stench as the homeless people around him.

He was almost ashamed of himself.

In front of this clean, neat and handsome young man, he was just shit.

"Fortunately, you ran into me today." The boy said lightly to him, "These people are the breakthrough point of major cases."

Then, he saw the teenager wave his hand, and several teenagers about the same age suddenly rushed over from all directions.

The men were detained directly, and a five-flower tie came.

Not only that, they also used torture to these men. He grew up so old that he had never seen such a **** and violent picture.

"One by one they broke the man's finger."

"They broke their hamstrings."

"I was so scared that I almost peeed my pants, Miss Ruan, I was not afraid of you laughing at me. I was so scared at the time. I thought I met a group of desperadoes who were even more terrifying than those men."

"However, I did not expect that these men finally confessed. They confessed to the dens of underground traffickers of QI officers, and also confessed their complete supply chain."

"I was even more shocked when I heard about these men's cruel behavior. I suddenly felt that these teenagers tortured them so much, it was a bargain for them."

"Because they arrested me, but also to remove my kidney and heart to sell for money..."

"When I heard it, my head buzzed and it exploded."

"If I hadn't met the young master, I would have really become a corpse..."

"So, you followed him afterwards?" Ruan Su took Song Yan's words, and she glanced at Bo Xingzhi silently sitting next to her. "Unexpectedly, you already took the brothers from the ancient martial family to punish and punish evil? It's really a hero since ancient times, so great?"

Bo Xingzhi hooked his lips and was suddenly complimented by Ruan Su. Although the expression on his face remained unchanged, he looked very indifferent.

But the tips of the ears turned pink involuntarily.

He coughed lightly, "It's just that I caught a few wicked people, it's nothing."

"What are the few villains? The case was very sensational at the time." Song Yan recalled and continued, "The group of people was particularly rampant, and the disappearance of boys and girls was terrible. Very few teenagers walked alone in the street. They were destroyed at the time. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief."

"The society is too simple, and the complex is the human mind." Ruan Su sighed, "There are many kind people in this world, but there are also many evil ones. Fortunately, you encountered Bo Xingzhi at that time, otherwise...the consequences would be disastrous."

Song Yan's eyes were full of emotion, "Later, I have been with the young master and practiced martial arts with him. I swear that I will become a person like him. It’s good for me to save one person."

The sky lighted up unconsciously, the east was pale, and the darkness of the night gradually faded.

After listening to Song Yan for so long, Ruan Su stood up and moved his tired body. "It's almost dawn. I don't know if they have been resting for so long and are in better health."

Song Yan also got up, "I'll go out and order some breakfast to be delivered. Their food can't be sloppy."

After speaking, he walked outside.

Ruan Su also wanted to see Fu Hang and their situation, but when she turned around, she hadn't stepped out yet.

Suddenly, a slender and strong arm suddenly stretched out to clasp her waist.

Before she could react, her back was already on the wall, and the man's tall figure came over, trapping her firmly between her arm and the wall.

Ruan Su: "..."


What are you going to do?

The man's hot breath flicked her auricle, and she blushed, "This is the hospital..."

"I'm great? Where's the great?" Bo Xingzhi looked up and down at her beautiful and charming little face with evil eyes. Click here. "Is it great here?"

Ruan Su wanted to withdraw his hand as if he had been scalded, but Bo Xingzhi pressed it tightly.

"My wife, don't always think about other things and other people. Sometimes you also want to think about me and take care of me..." He said pitifully. "So, how about..."

"Nothing! Stop it! Is your game important, or is it important here?" Ruan Su blushed with a small face and pressed down angrily.

"His--" Bo Xing stopped suffering for a while, his face changed. "Do you want to ruin your happiness for the rest of your life?"

So rude!

Ruan Su didn't bother to pay attention to him, pushed him away and left.

But the man continued to wrap her up, and her thin lips accurately gripped her soft petal-like lips.

He didn't kiss deeply, just tasted it.

Ruan Su beat him, "Go home and clean up you."

"Well, is it the kind of tidying up I want?" Bo Xingzhi smiled evilly at her, smiling very handsomely.

Rolled his eyes, Ruan Su wanted to kick him out.

"You are so majestic in Song Tezhu's heart, does he know that you are so evil and so bad?"

"Men, food and sex, he will understand me. Maybe he is more evil than me in private." Bo Xingzhi stroked his chin, thinking about Song Yan's evil appearance.

He couldn't help shivering.

The picture seems a bit scary.

Ruan Su glanced at the sky outside the window, the sky was already bright, and the sun was climbing up quietly.

She walked out of this lounge and walked towards the ward where Fu Hang lived.

The little nurse is pushing the medicine cart and preparing to go, "Doctor Ruan, early."

"Did they get up to go to the bathroom again last night?" Ruan Su asked casually.

"One got up twice, the others got up once, and one didn't get up again." The little nurse flipped through the records of last night.

"It seems that the effect of the medicine has worked." Ruan Su nodded, "Right, have the water test results come out?"

"I don't know this well. I was not on duty last night." The little nurse had a trace of apology on her face.

"It's okay." Ruan Su walked towards the nurse's station with a whirl of toes, the moment she turned around.

The face under the mask of the little nurse suddenly showed a look of contempt, she quickened her pace and walked towards Fu Hang's ward.

She looked at the bottles of medicine on the medicine cart with a trace of pride in her eyes.

Soon... they won't be able to get out of bed.

When Ruan Su came to the nurse's station to check the results of the water test, he turned it over several times but didn't find it.

"What's the matter? The test sheet should come out."

The head nurse also helped rummage through, "We thought you had a rest, so we didn't bother thinking about sending it to you this morning. It was just fine here. Why did it disappear in a while."

Ruan Su frowned slightly, and the picture flashed through her mind quickly, and she screamed, "No!"

Immediately turned around and ran towards Fu Hang's ward!

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