She kicked Fu Hang's ward with a bang. The man just sat up from the bed and looked at her sleepily, "Dr. Ruan, what's wrong?"

not here?!

Ruan Su glanced at Fu Hang, who was wearing a striped medical gown, with an ugly expression. "Did any nurses come here just now?"

Fu Hang shook his head, "No."

Ruan Su turned around and left without saying anything. She went into several wards without seeing the nurse pushing the medicine cart just now.

She squinted slightly, and quickly walked towards the fifth ward. At this moment, the nurse had just walked out of the medicine cart.

After she saw Ruan Su, she pushed the medicine cart with calm eyes and continued to walk to another ward. Ruan Su stopped her suddenly, "What kind of medicine did you give them?"

The nurse lifted her eyes and looked at her, "Didn't you all prescribe these medicines, Dr. Ruan?"

She pointed to the medicines on the medicine cart and saw that the package was indeed the prescription Ruan Su prescribed yesterday, but Ruan Su always felt that something was wrong.

The nurse obviously started giving them injections from the last ward. At this moment, the doors of the five wards behind them opened at the same time.

Several men rushed out and rushed towards the toilet at the end of the corridor. Ruan Su sneered, "You just injected them with drugs, and they started going to the toilet, won't you explain to me?"

The nurse was wearing a blue medical mask, and her eyes looked straight ahead without waves, "Dr. Ruan prescribed the medicine. If something went wrong, it is also your responsibility, Dr. Ruan? I'm just in charge of the injection."

"Are you sure these medicines are the ones I prescribed?" Ruan Su picked up one of the boxes and opened it. "The packaging is exactly the same as the medicine I prescribed, but what's inside? I think these medicines need to be tested."

Ruan Su frowned looking at the constant look of the nurse.

Is there really no problem with this medicine, or is her mental quality too good?

I always feel that something is wrong.

If ordinary people do bad things and are questioned by others, they will surely dodge their eyes with a guilty conscience.

But the nurse's eyes were still calm, like a dead water.

She stretched out her hand and shook it in front of the little nurse's eyes, but the little nurse's eyes only moved slightly, without much reaction.

This is……

Hypnotized? It's too hypnotized.

Ruan Su was taken aback, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call the dean, "Dean, find two hypnotized over there, there is a little nurse here who seems to be hypnotized."

The dean was shocked, "The nurse in our hospital? How could this happen? Dr. Ruan, are you sure?"

Ruan Sudan grabbed the little nurse's arm and pressed her to the wall to prevent her from escaping. While continuing to call the dean, "Her symptoms are like being hypnotized. I don't understand hypnotism. It would be better to find a reliable and professional hypnotist. I will detain her to the nurse's station."

The dean naturally did not dare to neglect and delay, "Okay, okay, you wait a moment."

The little nurse struggled to leave, "What are you doing? Don't think you are a doctor and I am afraid of you. Why are you arresting me!"

But no matter what she said or did, the expression and eyes on her face were very dull.

The hypnotist guides the hypnotized person to an open subconscious state through language, and implants the concept that can help the hypnotized person to achieve change into his subconscious mind, so as to help the hypnotized person to change their behavior habits and solve psychological problems.

There is another kind that is similar to that of Mrs. Xie, which seals and forgets certain memories of the hypnotized subject.

Obviously, the little nurse is the former, implanting concepts into her subconscious.

She dragged the little nurse and pressed her to the chair at the nurse's station, and took another hose like the one under the infusion sling, and tied the little nurse to the chair.

Several nurses around were shocked, "Doctor Ruan, what's wrong?"

"what happened?"

"She seems to be hypnotized." Ruan Su didn't have time to explain so much, so he searched the little nurse's pocket, and he found a test result in the edge of her nurse's hat.

"Isn't this the test result of that water?" The head nurse stared at the tied nurse in surprise, "Qingqing, are you too much? How can you steal the result?"

Qingqing sat on the chair and struggled, "Let go of me, I didn't do anything."

Ruan Su squinted his eyes and stared at the test result. "The large doses of laxatives are not only mixed with bacteria, but these bacteria are not a good thing."

As she expected, there was a problem with the fruit that the ten pilots drank.

She went and took the medicine on the cart again.

Put it in the nose and smell it. Even if she doesn't test these medicines, she knows that they are definitely not normal.

She felt that she was really careless, and caused these pilots to suffer for nothing. Fortunately, five were left.

Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan brought a few package boxes and walked over, and they saw the horrified nurse station and several pilots who had just come back from the toilet with their faces as earthy.

The two looked at each other and knew that something happened!

Putting down the breakfast, Bo Xingzhi strode to Ruan Su's side, "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later, I will dispense the medicine first." Ruan Su said while prescribing the prescription. Before she finished the prescription, the dean brought two middle-aged men over.

"Doctor Ruan, these two are very famous hypnotists, where are they?"

Ruan Su printed out the prescription and handed it to the head nurse, "Give them all five intravenous injections, as well as oral medicine."

The head nurse immediately took two young nurses to get the medicine.

When she was done, she pointed to the nurse who was **** on the chair and said, "That's her!"

The two hypnotists came to the little nurse, and the little nurse looked at them blankly, "I am not hypnotized, you go away!"

"You go!"

But the two middle-aged men did not pay attention to her, but started to check her.

And tentatively asked her a few questions.

She answered like an endorsement, as if there was a standard answer.

There are not many ups and downs in the voice, and the words spoken are like chanting.

"It is indeed hypnotized. Fortunately, the other party's technology is not top-notch. We can still solve it, but we need a quiet room."

One of the hypnotists glanced at the dean, then looked at Ruan Su and said.

The dean nodded hurriedly, "Okay, okay, please follow me."

Song Yan already knew what happened from the few pilots.

Suddenly raged, "Master, these people are too rampant. Yesterday, they just put medicine in the water they drank. Today, I hypnotized the little nurse to inject laxatives when they gave them an injection."

"Check, be sure to find out who the main messenger is behind!" Bo Xing Zhijun's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, but even so, he already had an answer vaguely in his heart.

Who is the last person who doesn't want them to win an award from Southern Star? Isn't that obvious?

Ha ha-the more he doesn't want Southern Star to win the prize, the more he must work hard to win the prize!

Bo Xingzhi came to Fu Hang's ward. Fu Hang was eating breakfast.

Just now Song Yan had given the breakfast they had brought to the little nurse, and the little nurse sent them all to the ten pilots.

"President Bo, Special Assistant Song." Fu Hang was just about to get up, and Bo Xingzh stopped him, "How is your health? Is it better?"

"It's much better. It's normal in the middle of the night last night. I got up and went to the toilet once this morning." Fu Hang scratched his head, "I feel my body is recovering well."

At least there is no more madness.

"That's good, have a good meal. After dinner, we will set off to the rematch site." Bo Xingzhi patted him on the shoulder and went to visit other pilots participating in the competition. Sure enough, five recovered well, and five were harmed by the little nurse again this morning.

Fortunately, there are not all ten scourges.

This is simply a blessing in misfortune.

After eating breakfast, before they got into the car, Ruan Su personally brought the young nurse to give them another injection and let them take the medicine before they were allowed to leave.

The car drove slowly away from the hospital, and Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan were sitting in the same car, but their hearts were heavy.

About half an hour later, the car arrived at the rematch site.

The semi-finals are knowledge rush answers, one hundred questions, whoever rushes to answer more, scores higher.

Calculate the ranking based on the team's total score.

So if the number of people participating in the competition is large, it will occupy a certain advantage.

The number of people rushing to answer is likely to be more.

The final group score will be relatively higher.

If the number of participants in the competition is small, it will occupy a certain disadvantage in the answering session.

After getting off the bus, Bo Xingzhi took Fu Hang and the others straight to the arena. Li Yanbei was surprised when he saw that there were only five contestants. "Aren't all ten advanced? Why are there only five?"

He wears a black suit, looks very capable, and he is full of tyrants.

They have been promoted to seven by Beifeng Airlines, although they are not as good as the ten of Southern Star Airlines, but they are also quite large.

"The five are sick and can't come." Bo Xingzhi said calmly, "Hurry in, it's about to start."

"How come all five get sick? What a coincidence, right?" Li Yanbei walked forward with Bo Xingzhi.

Bo Xingzhi shook his head helplessly, "It's a long story, I'll tell you when the game is over."

At this moment, Boller also brought his subordinates over, and from a distance he saw that Southern Star had half the number of people.

A trace of complacency flashed on his face, what should I do this time when I look down on the thin line!

Five people!

Suddenly lost half of the players.

He didn't rush to Bo Xingzhi to refresh his sense of existence, but swaggered and slowly followed the Southern Star Airlines and Beifeng Airlines.

It looked very careless, but inexplicably there was a sense of victory in hand.

Bo Xingzhi's sharp eyes swept across Bollair, and quickly recovered.

He sat down on the judges seat, and soon other judges also took their seats. As the host took the stage and talked about some rules of the game, he only gave an order, "Now the answer session begins! Please be prepared, please listen question!"

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