Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 681: What kind of boss! ridiculous!

Finally she couldn't help but call again, "Professor Yu, my old Tang's illness really can't be delayed any longer, where have you been?"

"Oh, maybe there are still ten or twenty minutes, this road is really too blocked." Yu Qing still has a very lazy tone, not in a hurry.

I heard the anger in Madam Tang's heart rising up, but she didn't dare to risk Tang Zhizhong's life no matter what.

Yu Qing's surgery was done well in the entire capital, and there was no way.

She could only say to Qing in a good voice, "Professor Yu, our old Tang is counting on you, and I don't worry about others."

A hint of irony flashed in Yu Qing's eyes, but her voice was very gentle, "I will urge the driver as soon as possible."

When she hung up the phone, she curled her lips, "Now that I know it's needed? Which one of the many big names in the capital sees me is not polite, but she has been talking to our sisters since she was young, and now she is finally willing to do so. Bow your head?"

Yu Qing's position in the medical field of the capital is outstanding, and it is not comparable to that of ordinary doctors. Who can guarantee that he won't have a strange disease? Especially after getting older, the body is not as good as the day. Many people want her to see a doctor.

In particular, the students she brought out are all outstanding, and they have become leaders in the medical field.

Therefore, there are many young people who want to become graduate students under her every year.

However, she only chooses the best belts, such as Jing Baizhi, the daughter of the Secretary of State of State M.

Yu Qing procrastinated again and had a meal, only then came to the hospital slowly.

It was already an hour later.

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, Mrs. Tang greeted her, with a flattering smile on her face, "Professor Yu, you are here. Take a look at the situation of my old Tang."

Yu Qing nodded, and did not appear to be arrogant. Her attitude looked very gentle, except that her smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, "You don't need to be too eager. I will take a look at his examination results and the medical records first. Some things. As for the operation, we will make specific arrangements depending on the specific situation."

After speaking, she walked towards the chief physician's office.

As soon as she was about to push the door in, the chief physician opened the door and said excitedly after seeing her, "Professor Yu, take a look. The patient also has a very serious carotid hemangioma, and his throat There is still some thick phlegm accumulated in the place, and I can't **** it out. If it doesn't work, I can only do a small phlegm-clearing operation on the throat."

Yu Qing's face changed slightly after listening to him finishing this very fast.

It seems that the condition is not as simple as she imagined.

There is also carotid hemangioma... and intracranial hemorrhage. The location of intracranial hemorrhage is still very difficult...

"Not only that, he also has coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, so...Professor Yu originally planned to perform surgery on him, but after seeing that he has so many diseases, I hesitated. It happened to be a patient. The family members also asked to wait for you to come back, so this patient should be handed over to you. With my ability, I am afraid that I cannot save him."

The chief physician wiped the sweat from his head. Such a troublesome patient could not handle well, and his career might be over.

Handling it well is the highlight of his career, but for the sake of safety, he shouldn't touch it.

In particular, the patient was not an ordinary patient, but was the helm of the well-known Tang family in Beijing, so he decided to transfer it to Yu Qing for his own life.

Yu Qing originally thought that ordinary intracranial hemorrhage was caused by Mrs. Tang making a fuss.

Then after hearing the complicated situation clearly, she was also a little irritable. Since she became famous, she doesn't like to perform operations on people very much. In case she doesn't do well... Who can guarantee that she will be successful in her life?

Especially this Tang Zhizhong was sick all over his body, and every disease was very serious.

Move the whole body by pulling a hair.

She also hesitated a bit, but now the chief physician told her directly that he couldn't do it, he wouldn't do it.

Yu Qing had no choice but to bite the bullet. Next, she thought to herself, if she can't handle such a complicated patient, who else in the entire capital can pick it up?

Thinking about it this way, she was a little smug in her heart again.

It's time to show the real technology. She wants to let them all know that Jiang is still hot, and Yu Qing is the best in the medical world.

After thinking about it, Yu Qing said to the chief physician, "Take me to see the patient's condition. After reading it, I will decide when the operation will be scheduled."

The chief physician did not dare to delay, and immediately led her to the ICU.

However, the chief physician always feels a little uneasy. For a severely ill patient like Tang Zhizhong, if there is a slight difference in the operation process, he will directly become a vegetable or hemiplegia. The most terrifying thing is that he will die directly on the operating table. Shang can't wake up anymore.

He could also see the moment when Yu Qing hesitated.

She hesitated to show that she might not be 100% sure to rescue Tang Zhizhong.

After the chief physician took Yu Qing to the ICU, he directly sent a WeChat account to his former teacher Liu Yong. After telling about the situation, he expressed the hope that "Xuehai" from the medical forum would perform the operation. It should be successful. The rate is higher.

Liu Yong was the doctor who started Ruan Soda when the old man Ouyang fell ill, and he was also one of the members of the medical forum founded by Ruan Su.

As soon as Liu Yong heard that the patient’s situation was so complicated, Yu Qing wanted to take over the operation, and suddenly felt a bit speechless, “Last time, Mr. Ouyang’s illness was not resolved by Yu Qing. Now she ran out to harm others?"

He has always felt that Yu Qing is indeed a little capable, but she is somewhat of a reputation, and she can't be regarded as a real boss.

"Wait a moment, I will tell my boss immediately to see if she is willing to take over."

At this time in Jiangcheng, Ruan Su was having a picnic in the park with Bo Xingzhi in the Jiangsong Villa. Not only the two of them, but also Song Yan and Jian Qiqi, Xie Jinyan and Li Zhuoyan had already flown back to Jiangcheng.

"Just the four of us are a little boring, let's call your uncle and aunt." Bo Xingzhi spoke very smoothly, without any embarrassment at all, after all, Ye Yanli was only a few years older than him.

"Yes." Ruan Su nodded.

The weather now is when the sun is like spring, and the spring is shining brightly when it comes out for a picnic, and it feels pretty good.

She called Ye Yanli, and then sent Song Jiayan's WeChat.

The two happened to be together so they were ready to join hands.

What Ruan Su didn't expect just after hanging up the phone was that when he looked up, he saw a familiar figure not far away.

It's... Wang Shanshan, the daughter of the Wang family group, who loved Fu Yinli so bitterly at the beginning to no avail, and finally gave up.

She failed to pursue Fu Yinli, but instead of angering Li Zhuoyan, she became friends with Li Zhuoyan.

Ruan Su was impressed by this woman's broad mind.

Wang Shanshan was with a man. The man had good features, not very handsome, but he was pretty good. The height is not very high, about 176 or so.

Looking at Wang Shanshan, the eyes were full of pampering, and the two of them walked hand in hand in the park.

What surprised Ruan Su the most was that Wang Shanshan's figure, her abdomen bulging, was obviously already pregnant.

At this moment, Wang Shanshan also saw Ruan Su.

After a brief astonishment, a bright smile appeared on her face, and she quickly walked towards Ruan Su. The man next to her was shocked when she saw this, "Wife, you go slower."

"Be careful, pay attention to your feet."

Wang Shanshan's face flushed slightly, "Oh, you are so long-winded."

As she spoke, she had already come to Ruan Su, "Miss Ruan, long time no see."

The corner of Ruan Su’s lips twitched and looked at her slightly, “Why don’t you tell me and Li Zhuoyan when you get married? Bless you.”

Wang Shanshan's face became more and more ruddy, with a hint of shyness and embarrassment, "I heard that you have never returned to Jiangcheng, so I just..."

In fact, she felt that someone like her was totally unworthy to inform Ruan Su.

The man next to her had recognized Bo Xingzhi, and his expression was a little awkward, "Bo, hello, I'm Xie Xiangdong, we met at a bidding conference before."

The Xu family is not considered a first-class family in Jiangcheng, and it can barely be called a second-rate family, but it is close to the Wang family.

Although this Xu Xiangdong is not as handsome as Fu Yinli, he looks reliable and loyal, and he is very fond of Wang Shanshan. Although Ruan Su looks pretty and eye-catching in front of him, Wang Shanshan is always the only one in his eyes.

Ruan Su casually took off a string of jade bracelets he was wearing on his wrist, took Wang Shanshan's hand, and helped her to bring it to her wrist. Wang Shanshan was taken aback by the cold touch, "Miss Ruan, what are you... "

"For the baby." Ruan Su smiled comfortably, "It's not for you. Why are you nervous?"

"No, it's too expensive." Wang Shanshan wanted to take off the jade bracelet. Ruan Su pressed it very hard, "If you say that the baby is for the baby, you should put it away for the baby."

Wang Shanshan had to give up, her eyes flushed, "Thank you, Miss Ruan."

She has always admired Ruan Su...

Xu Xiangdong also immediately thanked Ruan Su, "Thank you for this generous gift."

"The Xu family has developed quite well in recent years. I heard that it was because Xiao Shao returned from studying abroad to bring the Xu family on the right track." Bo Xingzhi looked at this average-tall and average-looking man, "Yu Shao, I don’t know if there is any intention to cooperate, the Bo Group is preparing to develop a project in the west of the city."

This Jane is a great thing for pie in the sky.

Xie Xiangdong's head was a little dizzy, "Yes, yes, it's great."

"My assistant will contact you later." Bo Xingzhi smiled and stretched his arms around Ruan Su's slender waist. "We are going to have a barbecue here. Are you interested in participating together?"

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