Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 682: The operation failed! Xiao Su save the field!

Bo Xingzhi could tell that Ruan Su thought Wang Shanshan was a nice person, so he was kind to Wang Shanshan.

He is not stingy to give the other party a chance.

The two invited were flattered and immediately said they were bothered.

"You are pregnant, you may not be able to eat fishy mutton, can you eat a little vegetable?" Ruan Su handed a bunch of grilled mushrooms to Wang Shanshan, "Can you eat it?"

Wang Shanshan took it over with excitement, with stars shining in his eyes, "It's okay, it's okay."

In the rest of her life, she was able to eat vegetables roasted by Miss Ruan herself... and almost fainted happily.

Suddenly, a string of cell phone bells rang, and Ruan Su glanced at Bo Xingzhi. The tacit understanding between the husband and wife made the other person walk over immediately and began to turn over the food on the grill instead of her.

Ruan Su walked aside to answer the phone.

"Liu Yong? What's wrong? What happened?"

"You mean... a troublesome patient? Didn't Professor Yu take over? What else do you want me to do?"

"You don't believe her? That's her patient, and I have no reason to take it back."

After listening to Liu Yong's ins and outs, Ruan Su felt a little ridiculous, "She didn't say to give up this patient. What is it for me to run back? I'm not going to grab a patient with her."

Liu Yong was anxious, "Boss, life is at stake. Yu Qing can't cure the patient at all. If there is an accident at that time, will you bear the heart to let this patient die?"

Ruan Su still thinks it is better to refuse, "I am not a doctor in your hospital. I am really not suitable to run over. Besides, since Yu Qing has accepted it, it means she can do it well. Don't worry too much."

At this moment, she didn't know who the patient was, and she didn't take this matter to heart.

Go back to the barbecue after hanging up.

Bo Xingzhi has grilled several skewers of lamb and beef skewers, and is sprinkling cumin and chili powder on them.

Ruan Su heard a sound of braking when he walked over, and then a familiar figure walked out of the car.

Song Jiayan and Ye Weili got out of the car and carried a bag of fruit and drinks.

"Relieve it for everyone." Ye Xiaoli put the bag down and opened it, took out the fruits and drinks from the inside, and placed them separately.

"Uncle is so thoughtful." Ruan Su laughed, but as soon as her voice fell, Liu Yong's phone came back.

I didn't expect this person to be so reluctant.

"Liu Yong, I really can't go."

"Boss, I beg you. Yu Qing really can't do it. What if people die on the operating table then? Boss, how about this..."

After hearing Liu Yong's arrangement, Ruan Su said helplessly, "Why are you so persistent? Isn't it a patient? Not my patient yet. What's the difference between doing this and being a scumbag?"

"Boss, that's not what I said! Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level float. If Yu Qing succeeds in saving, I will be my three months salary! If she does not succeed in saving, you will come. Save the field, okay?" Liu Yong really couldn't wait to see Ruan Su running over and smashing Yu Qing's face.

He followed Ruan Su to work on the medical forum, and his salary was much higher than the salary he received in the hospital.

He proposed the condition of not receiving wages for three months.

He didn't believe that the boss would not be moved by his sincerity.


What he got was still Ruan Su's categorical words, "Don't go."

After speaking, Ruan Su hung up the phone again.

When I hung up the phone, I looked up and found that everyone was looking at her, and she suddenly became the focus of the crowd.

A trace of doubt flashed in Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes, "What's the matter?"

Ruan Su hesitated for a moment, and told them about the matter.

"I do not want to go."

"Don't go if you don't want to go, and it's not your patient." Bo Xingzhi also felt that Ruan Su didn't need to be the Virgin.

Song Jiayan thought for a while and said, "But... if the patient is really killed by Professor Yu, what should I do? Although it is said that he is a bit sick, but if you are really capable of saving him, and you know This incident. If you think of this incident a long time later, will you occasionally regret it?"

After she finished speaking, she closed her red lips suddenly, a little embarrassed, "Miss Ruan, don't blame me for talking too much...I have no other meaning."

"Call me Xiao Su." Ruan Su looked at her with a stern little face, "You make sense. I'll think about it."

Liu Yong's idea was to let Ruan Su go to the capital first, and then stay in his office in the hospital, to see if Yu Qing could handle it.

If it can be done, then forget it, if it can’t be done, let Ruan Su be the savior.

Ruan Su felt boring.

She never thought about comparing with Yu Qing, or with anyone.

But things like saving a life... she looked at the sky, she was so blue!

Early the next morning, Yu Qing arranged for Tang Zhizhong's surgery, began to do some pre-surgery preparations, and also called her student Jing Baizhi to be an assistant.

This is a rare good opportunity to learn, Jing Baizhi naturally cherishes it very much.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Yu Qing took a few doctors and nurses into the operating room. “This operation is very important. Everyone knows the patient’s condition and it’s very dangerous. Spirit will succeed in the operation. Otherwise..."

Yu Qing's solemn and cold gaze swept over the faces of everyone wearing masks.

Liu Yong was also in the crowd. He felt that Yu Qing was bluffing.

But he didn't say a word.

Tang Zhizhong was pushed into the operating room and carried onto the operating table. First, all his hair was removed, and then he was anesthetized.

After the anesthetic was given, there was a difficult waiting time.

When the time was almost up, Yu Qing finally picked up the scalpel.

As time passed bit by bit, Yu Qing's expression gradually became miserable.

Her hand holding the scalpel began to become difficult, how could this be?

Looking at the bleeding wound, her brain went blank.

She clearly did not make any mistakes, how could this be?

"Professor Yu! The patient's heartbeat stopped without warning!"

"Professor Yu, the patient's blood pressure dropped suddenly!"

"Professor Yu..."

The surrounding voices sounded one after another, so anxious that Yu Qing's head was about to explode.

She breathed quickly, "Emergency rescue measures, heart-strength needles! Quick!"



"We must save him!"

If this operation... fails, her future career will be over!

No, it can't end!

She continued to roar, "Hurry up, we must save him!"

The atmosphere in the operating room suddenly became very weird and tense. Everyone in the mess hadn’t noticed Liu Yong’s movements. He walked out of the operating room, went outside, took off his gloves, and found his mobile phone in the locker. .

Started calling Ruan Su, "Boss, it really happened. You didn't promise me yesterday... Hey, I'm afraid that this life will not work."

He was a little depressed, but also a little sorry.

The doctor is kind.

Just when his depressed chest was hurting, the cold female voice on the phone came, "I'm at the entrance of the hospital."

Liu Yong was stunned for a moment, "What did you say?"

Isn't it impossible to say?

Did he hear it right?

"Come out and pick me up."

Ruan Su hung up after speaking.

Liu Yong excitedly pulled off his sterile gown and rushed out of the operating room.

Outside the operating room, almost everyone in the Tang family gathered around the door. Suddenly they saw a doctor rushing out, and they all came around like a savior.

"How is my husband? How is the operation going?"

"Professor Yu finished the operation?"

Madam Tang quickly grabbed Liu Yong's arm, "Why did you come out?"

She was in a hurry, but she could only wait outside.

Liu Yong was a little impatient when she was dragged by her, "There was a problem with the operation, and my heartbeat stopped. I am looking for a master to save your husband now!"

Madame Tang buzzed her head and screamed, "What did you say?"

The others in the Tang family were also shocked, "How could something go wrong? Isn't Professor Yu the best doctor?"

Tang Wanrou burst into tears and almost fainted, "Dad, dad! How could dad? Will my dad die?"

Liu Yong pouted, "I'm about to be tossed to death by Professor Yu. If you don't let go, you are really going to die!"

He broke free of Madam Tang's arm and ran towards the elevator.

As a result, as soon as he opened the elevator, Ruan Su walked out of it. The beautiful and cold woman's pupils were black and white, and said, "You are so old, you are so slow."

Liu Yong immediately opened his mouth when he saw Ruan Su, grinning so hard that he could hear him, "That's not it, I'm almost fifty years old."

He followed Ruan Su like a pug, "Boss, you can change your clothes and go into the operating room as soon as your heartbeat stops. I guess you won't be able to save it anymore."

Ruan Su didn't say a word, but walked towards the operating room.

When she saw the group of Tang family members surrounding the door of the operating room, she was stunned.

Mrs. Tang also saw her, and she suddenly lost her breath, "Why are you here?"

She looked at Liu Yong's attitude of nodding and bowing again, and her voice suddenly became sharper, "The master you are referring to is her? I don't agree! She will definitely not save my husband! She must have come to kill my husband! I don't want it. !"

"I knew that the patient being saved was President Tang, so I really wouldn't come." Ruan Su didn't expect things to be so coincidental, and it's really a coincidence.

While speaking, the door of the operating room was opened from the inside.

Yu Qing walked out with a gray face, with a dazed expression. After saving for so long, Tang Zhizhong still showed no sign of recovering her heartbeat, so she could only give up. All methods were exhausted, but Tang Zhizhong's life was still not saved.

"Professor Yu, is the operation finished? How is my husband's condition?" Madam Tang asked hurriedly. Yu Qing is the best, and Yu Qing can definitely heal him!

Yu Qing shook her head stupidly.

"What do you mean by shaking your head? Is it good or not?" Madam Tang glared at her anxiously.

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