Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 683: His fate! Your mistake!

"He suffered a cardiac arrest during the operation. We have tried our best to rescue him, but he has not survived. The time of death is 11:20."

Yu Qing answered Madam Tang with a heavy face.

"Dead? My husband is dead?" Madam Tang leaned over and sat on the ground and couldn't get up.

"My dad is dead? Didn't you say that the operation will be successful before the operation? Why do you die now?" Tang Wanrou rushed forward, her pointed nails grabbed Yu Qing's arm, "You quack doctor!"

There was a mess in Yu Qing's mind, and she couldn't figure out why her heartbeat stopped.

Where did the accident happen? But there is nothing wrong with the surgical method I made! All are right!

Why didn't it work?

She is not afraid of the anger of the Tang family, what she is even more afraid of is what she will face in the future!

The future is terrible, she will lose all the honors she has now, and she will become a doctor with a major medical accident.

No one will ask her to give lectures in the future, and she will most likely be removed from the Medical Association!

The more she thought about it, the paler her face became.

How to do?

If the Tang family filed a lawsuit again, then she would be a medical liar...

She died on the operating table...

She closed her eyes.

Ruan Su looked at Yu Qing's gray face with a heavy appearance.

She glanced at Mrs. Tang and then at Tang Wanrou, "I am not the Virgin, if I had known it was Tang Zhizhong, I would definitely not come. But since I am here, I'll go in and see. If there is still a rescue, I will save one. Save, if you can’t save him, don’t blame me. I didn’t put him to death.”

With that said, she entered the operating room, and Liu Yong had already prepared sterile gowns for her.

The door of the operating room slammed shut again.

Yu Qing stared at the door coldly, feeling ridiculous, "She is a stinky girl in her early twenties. What can she do? She can be saved if everyone is dead? What international jokes are she making?"

When she said this, Mrs. Tang reacted and rushed towards the operating room. She kept slapped at the door panel, "Ruan Su, you kill a thousand knives, my husband is dead, you have to go and humiliate you. She! You open the door for me!"

Tang Wanrou was also furious. She had a look of despair, but now she rushed over and started kicking the door of the operating room, "You are all rubbish, all quacks, all liars, killing my dad!"

The other relatives of the Tang family were also talking about this scene.

"Isn't that young Su who is so young? Isn't it a joke? Yu Qing can't do it, she can?"

"I didn't expect Old Tang to die so ugly in the end."

"Unfortunately, I used to be a big boss, a person with a face. In the future, our Tang family...I don't know if it will be more prosperous for a few days."

"I looked at the madam and the young lady, I was afraid they would not be able to support our Tang family."

"This Ruan Su heard that he is a bit famous in Jiangcheng, and he knows how to do medical skills. Why is he still so arrogant when he gets here?"

Jing Baizhi never thought that Yu Qing would fail the operation.

And she was also involved in this operation.

She watched Yu Qing standing there motionlessly, and she whispered, "Teacher, what should we do now?"

A fierce stern flashed in Yu Qing's heart, "Since Ruan Su delivered it to the door automatically, don't blame me for being polite."

Jing Baizhi was taken aback, "You mean..."

"The patient was killed by Ruan Su's improper operation." Yu Qing sneered, "What does it have to do with us?"

Jing Baizhi swallowed his saliva and looked at her in disbelief, "But there are surgical records..."

What's more, what if... what if Ruan Su really has the ability to save the patient?

But she dare not say.

She is also very confused now, she shook her head, it is impossible, the teacher can not save the person, how can Ruan Su be saved? I'm really out of mind.

In the operating room, the nurses and assistant physicians who were already doing sutures in the aftermath suddenly saw Liu Yong walking in with a young woman.

All were taken aback.

"Doctor Liu, who is this...?"

"Is it a family member of the patient? Or?"

Liu Yong glanced at his colleagues in the operating room, and said calmly, "This is Dr. Ruan. Her medical skills are better than those of Professor Yu, so I privately invited her to see if she can save the patient."

"How is it possible? We have used all the rescue methods just now." A younger doctor shook his head again and again, his eyes filled with shock, "He is dead and it is impossible to save him. We still hurriedly sutured the wound. , Push to the morgue."

But Liu Yong's eyes were firm, "You can go out if you don't want to help here."

Ruan Su didn't talk nonsense, but came directly in front of Tang Zhizhong. Instead of picking up a scalpel, she took out a set of acupuncture and directly punctured the major acupuncture points on Tang Zhizhong's body. The patient's body was almost covered with acupuncture.

Everyone is a little impatient and thinks it's too ridiculous.

How can a person who has been judged dead by the professor be able to live with just a few strokes?

"This Doctor Ruan, aren't you a liar? You use this acupuncture or something, it's really funny."

"Yes, people who don't know thought you were acting in a TV series!"

"It's better to pack up and let us get off work!"

The voices of the little nurses and doctors were full of ridicule.

It's just that their voices just fell, and there was a sudden "di!" sound from the instrument, which seemed particularly clear in this quiet operating room.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock, staring at the instrument in disbelief. It was...

"Heartbeat? Recovered?"

"Very weak heartbeat..."

"But, did he really live?"

"No way!"

Liu Yong glared at them, "What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry over and help with the operation!"

Ruan Su first checked Tang Zhizhong’s physical condition and various physical indicators, and then picked up the scalpel. “Professor Yu accidentally touched a small nerve of the patient during the operation, which caused him to appear in a state of suspended animation. It requires extreme stimulation from external forces. No amount of stimulation is as strong as the stimulation of TCM acupuncture."

After Ruan Su finished speaking, he continued to perform the operation. "The other thing is that Professor Yu failed in the operation. He didn't even cut off the tumor, and the intracranial hemorrhage was not dealt with. He announced the end of the operation. What we are going to do now It will be repaired by the professor's failed operation."

"Also, I hope everyone will testify to me for this operation. Professor Yu's failure to testify has nothing to do with me. The patient's sequelae are also caused by Professor Yu's mistakes."

She didn't want to get into any mess, it's better to get the ugly words to the fore. After all, what kind of character Yu Qing was, she had already seen through.

Liu Yong frowned, "You mean there will be sequelae?"

Ruan Suqing's cold eyes glanced at him, "I'm not a god, it's good to give him a life, he will lose consciousness and become a vegetable in this life."

"Uh-" It's better to be a vegetative than to die. Liu Yong wanted to say that but he still swallowed it.

Everyone in the operating room cheered up and continued the operation.

One hour passed...

One and a half hours passed...

The people in the operating room were so impatient to guard outside.

Yu Qing came back after eating and found that the operation was still not over. There was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her eyes, "Mrs. Tang, do you really believe Ruan Su can save President Tang? If it were me, I would have rushed in! I won't Let my family be the experiment under the scalpel of others!"

Mrs. Tang was so anxious to get angry, there was already nowhere to go. Especially when Yu Qing also killed Tang Zhizhong, she gritted her teeth with hatred. Now I heard that she was running over to say cool words.

Madam Tang was even more angry.

She rushed up and slapped Yu Qing's face. She had just shot out in anger, and Yu Qing was always pampered, and she immediately ran out of nosebleeds!

She never thought that Mrs. Tang would be so cruel. She was taken aback for a moment, and then scolded, "You bitch! How dare you hit me!"

Ignoring the pain on her face, she rushed directly to Madam Tang, and then grabbed Madam Tang's face.

The two noble ladies who are usually aloof actually fought like two country shrews on the corridor.

Tang Wanrou screamed in surprise, "Mom, Professor Yu, don't fight!"

Jing Baizhi was also taken aback, and hurriedly called the hospital security, "Hurry up, come on! There is a beating here!"

Suddenly there was a mess in the corridor, and the Tang family and the hospital security guards wrestled together in chaos, fighting hard.

Just when they were inextricably beaten, the door of the operating room was opened with a slam.

I saw the cold and tall woman walking out wearing a sterile suit. She took off her gloves as she walked. There was a trace of fatigue between her delicate eyebrows. When she saw the noisy and yelling people outside, she frowned. Turn around and want to leave.

After hearing the door rang, Mrs. Tang pushed Yu Qing away and rushed towards Ruan Su, "Ruan... Ruan Su!"

She really couldn't call out the three words Dr. Ruan. She grabbed Ruan Su's arm and her eyes were full of hope, "How is my husband? Is he really dead?"

Ruan Su's eyes were calm and there was no expression on his face, "Alive, I will be a vegetative man. Can you wake up and see good luck?"


Alive? !

The originally noisy corridor suddenly became silent!

Everyone stopped their movements and looked at the cold figure in disbelief.

Yu Qing was the first to react, she screamed with disheveled hair, "How is it possible? He is obviously dead! No matter how rescued he is, I can't survive!"

"If you can't save life, it doesn't mean that everyone can't be saved." Ruan Su looked at her with a cold expression. "If I did the operation at the beginning, he wouldn't be a vegetative. It's because of you. Mistakes, so he can only be a vegetable in the future, and you have encountered a very small nerve."

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