Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 685: I just wanted to do this on the plane!

"It's two months later, that is, May 20." Liu Yong quickly replied with a happy smile on his face, "Boss, if their forum can be published within these two months, you will bring Team expert, hehe—otherwise, you may be alone."

Ruan Suliang glanced at him, "Don't worry, their papers will be published, and I won't let myself go alone."

No matter what, you have to form a team and play a regiment.

What does a person look like?

With Ruan Su's words, Liu Yong felt as if he had taken a reassurance.

"Okay, I will wait for your good news at that time. Anyway, the registration time for this event is early July, and there is still one and a half months to publish papers. Boss, you are simply the light of our domestic medical community." Although time is tight , But now that Ruan Su said so, Liu Yong trusted her inexplicably.

I believe she will be able to guide those doctors to complete the publication of the paper.

"Okay, don't blow the rainbow fart, I have to go in." Ruan Su checked the time again, and stopped talking nonsense with Liu Yong, and went straight into the airport terminal.

As soon as she stepped in, Bo Xingzhi's WeChat message came over, "Have you got on the plane? When will you arrive in Jiangcheng?"

Ruan Su felt warm, "Preparing to board the plane, and I will call you when I get off the plane."

"Okay, I will pick you up."

The two did not talk too much. Ruan Su glanced at the hurried passengers in the airport and joined them.

She boarded the plane soon, but what she didn't expect was that when she stepped on the plane, she saw a few old acquaintances.

Ning Jie smiled and led her to the seat, "Mrs. Bo, please take a seat. You can call me if you need it."

Ruan Su blinked, a hint of surprise flashed between his beautiful eyebrows, "What a coincidence, Chief Attendant Ning."

Ning Jie covered her lips and chuckled, "No coincidence is a book, isn't it? Every coincidence is an encounter with ulterior motives."

Ruan Su sat in his seat, always feeling that there was something in Ning Jie's words, "What are you doing with me?"

"Hahaha—" Ning Jiejiao laughed, "Mrs. Bo, I originally had a rest today! I was temporarily transferred to this flight, and you said...Is it an ulterior motive arrangement?"

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows slightly, "Bo Xingzhi's ghost? Asking you to work overtime? I'll go back and scold him."

As soon as she finished speaking, a familiar low voice suddenly came from her ears, which came from the radio, "Hello everyone, I am the captain of this flight..."

Ruan Su's ears were hot, his head buzzed, and the machine crashed.

"Bo... why is he the captain? He won't fly today!" Ruan Su was a little confused.

"Oh, Mrs. Bo, don't you usually be mighty, smart and decisive? You can't guess it? Our captain has adjusted the schedule, but he is here to take you home."

Ning Jie took the juice from a flight attendant, put it in front of Ruan Su, and blinked at her mischievously, "Moved?"

Ruan Su didn't know what to say.

I have seen the old public car picking up his wife home in the TV series, and I have never seen my husband flying a plane to pick up his wife home.

The frequency was changed specifically.

She couldn't help laughing, her eyes flashed with warmth.

This man...

Suddenly it was so warm and beautiful, she was really a bit uncomfortable.

But happiness is also real, and warmth is real.

There is a sweet feeling of being a pain in the heart.

The passengers boarded the plane one after another. After the flight attendants told us about the precautions for take-off and the precautions during the flight, the plane finally took off steadily.

After smoothly ascending into the sky and flying safely, a man in a captain's uniform stepped out of the cockpit.

He is tall and straight, which makes people feel an inexplicable sense of security at the first glance.

The handsome face was expressionless, his thin lips pressed lightly, and his eyes fell on Ruan Su after a week of patrolling.

After seeing her, he strode towards her.

Ruan Su raised his eyes, smiling eyes looking straight at his handsome face, "What are you doing romantically picking up a wife?"

Bo Xingzhi leaned over slightly and stretched out her big palm to clasp her soft little hand, "Isn't it right for a husband to take his wife home? What kind of romance?"

He just wanted to see her soon.

"Then you still pretend to send me a WeChat?" Ruan Su gave him a charming look at the corners of his eyebrows.

Bo Xingzhi gave a low laugh, and her thin lips brushed her earlobes, and the voice poured into her ears, "Isn't it to surprise you?"

"Too lazy to care about you." Ruan Su's lips raised, and she was obviously in a good mood, but she just didn't want to admit it and didn't want this man to be too awkward.

Bo Xingzhi did not stay here much, holding her hand and gently branding a kiss on the back of her hand, "I'll go ahead. Fortunately, Beijing is not far from Jiangcheng, and we will be home soon."

"I see." Ruan Su nodded, "Captain Bo, you have worked so hard to take me home."

"If you are bored, just read the magazine." Bo Xingzhi stretched out a big palm and patted her head, then turned and left.

Because it is a domestic flight, the flight time is very short, but it takes only two hours to reach Jiangcheng.

It was early in the morning when the plane landed.

It was heavy and cold at night.

Ruan Su got off the plane and waited for Bo Xingzhi to come out. It was already more than ten minutes later when the man came out.

Seeing her sitting quietly in a chair, her slender figure grabbed people's attention with her waist.

The man's eyes condensed, his throat moved slightly.

I knew I was on the plane just now...

Well, someday you have to try what it feels like to be at 30,000 feet in the sky.

Ruan Su didn't know what kind of bad idea he had been hit by the man, only felt that a scorching gaze twisted on her body made her look up a little surprised, and then she saw that Bo Xingzhi seemed to be stained with two **** of flames. Her black eyes are tightly locked to her.

Ruan Su: "..."

Why does this man look like this? This expression?

She hadn't reacted yet, Bo Xingzhi had already strode forward, stretched out her long arms to directly hold her up and walked outside.

"What are you doing? I can go by myself."

Thin Xingzhan opened her thin lips slightly, and sucked on her small white ears, "I can't wait, wife... Let's go to a nearby hotel."

"Huh?" Ruan Su didn't understand, but he clearly felt the man's shortness of breath and the undulating chest.


What does he make in the middle of the night?

When I got off the plane, I thought...

There are several good hotels near the airport. Bo Xingzhi hugged her directly into a family owned by the Bo family. The receptionist saw that it was his own president and his wife, and opened a presidential suite without saying anything.

Ruan Su was hugged all the way back to the room by the man, she didn't figure it out at all!

The man's slender fingers began to be put on the buttons, and one by one, he untied them.

As the captain's uniform slipped, the man's abstinence gradually faded, and the wild and stretchy texture lines came into view.

Ruan Su only missed his nosebleeds.

"Then what... Captain Bo, don't you be so sexy?"

Just as soon as her words fell, the man rushed over viciously, "I wanted to do this on the plane!"

The night is like ink-colored rice paper, rendering it fiercely.

The man is like a hungry wolf who can't feed enough, asking for it fiercely.

I slept until nine o'clock the next morning.

Ruan Su woke up exhaustedly, and saw the man sitting there with a refreshing energy and holding a laptop in the office.

Ruan Su: "..."

Can she say something?

She sighed silently in her heart, she sat up holding Bobi, only feeling sour and tired.

Bo Xingzhi raised his head and looked at her with deep eyes, "Are you awake?"

The voice was a bit sultry, and with his handsome face, Ruan Su silently sighed again.

What do you do if it's so good-looking?

Disaster for the country and the people.

"Well, I woke up."

She raised her eyes to look at the time, "I'm going to wash."

She dragged her sore body to the bathroom, and heard the voice of Bo Xingzhi again, "Wife, what do you want for breakfast?"

"I don't want to eat, I have no appetite." She replied vaguely while brushing her teeth, "Just eat lunch."

"That's okay." Bo Xing nodded, "The buffet in this hotel is not bad, we can try it later."

Ruan Su took a hot shower at random, and when she came out again, she found that there was an extra gift box on the bed.

She raised her eyebrows, "What is this?"

"Clothes for you." Thin Xingzhi sat on the sofa with her slender legs folded, her handsome eyebrows showing a trace of pampering, "Open it and see if you like it or not."

Ruan Su didn't refuse, so he opened the box and found a set of new season dresses of a certain international brand inside, with a pair of matching shoes.

Not only that, there is also a bag of the same series.

The size also happens to be hers, and the shoe size is also very suitable.

She put on the new clothes straight away, "Good-looking."

Bo Xingzhi pursed his thin lips, and a smile flashed under his eyes. He didn't tell her that he had subscribed to the fashion section specifically to help her choose clothes.

Ruan Su turned on the phone and saw a lot of news in WeChat.

She sat next to the man, "I'll get a message first. You are busy with you."

Jiang Xinyu, Liu Yong, Liang Hei, Liang Bai, and Li Zhuoyan...

In short, a lot of news.

Isn’t it just that the phone was turned off last night, so it takes so many people to look for her?

One was sent by Ye Tan, saying that Jun Moli's condition is now recovering well and when he can be discharged from the hospital.

"There will be three more days." Ruan Su replied to her first, "We will talk in detail when I go to the hospital this afternoon."

Another one that also attracted her attention was sent by An Lin, "Someone is investigating you recently, and the identity of the other party is unknown. I am anti-reconnaissance."

Ruan Su's delicate brows wrinkled slightly. Few people know that she is zero. Recently, because of all these messy things, she has not accepted the order, so how can someone investigate her?


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