Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 686: Disgusting! nausea!

"Check the other party's background." Ruan Su stared at the phone, squinted slightly, her long eyelashes covered her eyelids, leaving two rows of faint silhouettes.

There was a glimmer of condensed light in the eyes like colored glaze.

An Lin replied almost in seconds, "You don't need to say that I'm checking it too, don't worry."

"I've been busy recently. I can't see you either for a wedding or an engagement. Thank you for checking this out for me."

Ruan Su's fingers kept typing these words on the phone's keyboard, and then sent them out.

After sending it, she put away the phone, and she didn't reply to the other insignificant messages.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Bo Xingzhi had put away the laptop and stared at her.

The expression on his face was calm with a trace of pampering, with a touch of warmth.

Ruan Su Zhanyan smiled, "What are you in a daze? Let's go, let's eat."

The corners of Thin Xingzhi's lips curled up slightly, and he reached out and took Ruan Su's small soft hand to his feet, "Let's go."

The 17th and 16th floors of the hotel are restaurants, but the 16th floor is a private box, and the 17th floor is a normal cafeteria.

Most people choose a cafeteria with a more comfortable and relaxed environment if they don't have important things.

"Ding Dong--" After a sound, the number of the elevator stopped to the seventeenth floor.

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and stepped out of the elevator, where a waiter was already waiting at the door of the elevator. "President Bo, Mrs. Bo, please here."

The waiter spoke politely in his black and white hotel uniform. Ruan Su looked up and saw a small red bow tie on his neckline.

Seeing the two of them, the waiter bent slightly and invited them to the restaurant.

"Thank you." Ruan Su nodded at him politely, and the two followed the waiter towards the restaurant.

Each of the high-end buffet restaurants has different unique features.

After coming out of the elevator, I stepped on the soft red carpet, which stretches across the entire corridor, and there are some flowers on both sides of the red carpet.

"President Bo, please come in, Mrs. Bo. I wish you a pleasant meal."

The waiter introduced to Ruan Su with a professional smile on his face, looking very enthusiastic and excited.


He even served Bo Zong and Mrs. Bo, and he was so happy that he fainted.

Even if Bo Xingzhi just nodded at him, it was enough to excite him.

Mrs. Bo was so good that she even said thank you to him.

After saying thank you, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su walked into the restaurant.

As soon as he stepped in, Ruan Su's eyes were attracted by the dazzling array of food in the restaurant.

A variety of seafood feasts, a variety of high-end desserts, and a variety of dishes.

Not only that, there is a self-service stir-fry point every ten meters in the restaurant. In addition to choosing these prepared dishes, you can also choose the flavors and dishes you want to eat, and find the chefs to make them on site.

She seldom came to this kind of hotel under the Bo family. She usually went to Tongquetai with Bo Xing the most. She did not expect that the Bo family’s hotel would be so considerate.

"Are there any special requirements? If you have, you can order something you want on the spot." Bo Xingzhi looked at her with a low eye, and Ruan Su shook his head, "These are good."

She doesn't have so many weird taste requirements.

She is just a little hungry.

The two of them came down to dine earlier, only at 11 o'clock, so there are not many customers in the restaurant.

The melodious music floats in the air, echoing in the ears, making the entire restaurant elegant and full of sentiment.

Ruan Su chose some dishes he wanted to eat, and then walked to the seafood area, which is like moving the entire aquarium.

All kinds of seafood are floating in front of you, and there are buttons to choose the one you want to eat on the spot, and let the chef make it on the spot.

Especially the feeling of fishing by yourself is still pretty good.

Ruan Su picked some prepared seafood, Boston lobsters and the like, and then went to get some fruits. The fruit area is full of fruit trees standing there, and it is also equipped with some tools and baskets for picking fresh fruits, all kinds of fruits are available.

It makes people very urge to start picking.

"How can I live indoors?" Ruan Su looked up and looked at the location of the fruit trees. "There is no sunlight."

"I picked some fruits that are suitable for growing indoors, combined with moisture, soil, and other suitable growth environments. That's why... I can keep them alive." Bo Xingzhi stretched out his arm and picked an orange and put it in Ruan Su's hand. Inside, smile at her.

He did not say that the monthly salary of these experts who cultivate fruit trees is not cheap.

At this time, there were more and more customers in the restaurant, and many diners came one after another, and the restaurant became lively.

Ruan Su did not look at them, but continued to pick up the dishes he likes. "Have you gotten it? You go first, and I will get some cakes."

As soon as Ruan Su said, he walked to the pastry area to choose his favorite delicacy.

She quickly picked it up, and when she turned around, a glamorous woman walked towards him. The woman stepped on high heels, painted big red lips, and walked forward with her nostrils, but she hit Ruan Su directly. Full of arms.

"Bang!" The sound of a broken plate sounded in the whole hall, and everyone looked over.

A few women's complexions changed slightly, and they immediately walked over and surrounded Ruan Su Tuantuan in the middle.

"Don't you have eyes? You soiled my clothes, can you afford it?" The annoyed voice of the woman with red lips was annoyed and harsh.

Ruan Su narrowed his eyebrows, and looked at the woman in front of him with cold eyes. She was dressed very well, her clothes looked like a big name, and her face looked good, but her temperament was a bit too bad.

Even if he was dressed up and down, there was always a smell of cheap pheasant.

Especially because of this woman's bump, her clothes are full of soup. She hasn't gotten angry yet, but this woman with red lips scolds?

That's ridiculous!

A mockery appeared in her eyes, "You ran into me first and obliterated the dishes I had chosen."

The moment she spoke, the women who surrounded her immediately cast unkind glances at her, as if they were going to tear her up at any time.

Ruan Su glanced at these women and found that although they looked different, their appearance and temperament were similar to those of this girl with red lips.

They are all so cheap and so pheasant.

"You don't want to kill you? Do you know who she is? As long as she moves her little finger, you are done! Hurry up and apologize to our teacher Dai, maybe she can let you go!" The woman said triumphantly, her face showed the plastic feeling after plastic surgery, and the prosthesis of the nose almost pierced her nose.

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately drew a chuckle. These women were obviously in the same group, especially when they saw Ruan Su wearing a tailored dress, although it looked good and comfortable. , But when there is no LOGO, many women have mocking and contemptuous expressions on their faces.

At first glance, he is a little white-collar worker who has just paid his salary to have a good meal, right?

Unexpectedly, I met a senior lady like Teacher Dai.

"This beauty, I advise you to apologize to Teacher Dai as soon as possible. Her brother is Dai Mubai, do you know? That athlete who plays basketball very well and wins glory for the country. And the Dai family has a good face in Beijing." There is one. The woman with light makeup on her face kindly said to Ruan Su, and looked at Dai Muya again, "Teacher Dai, I think she is a part-time worker, so don't worry about her."

Dai Muya snorted coldly, her tone was very dissatisfied, "Lu Xinping, what do you mean? I taught you to become a celebrity. That's how you rewarded me?"

After she finished speaking, she rolled her eyes at Ruan Su and said high up, "I think you have no money, and I don't want to embarrass you. My dress is about 20,000 yuan, and you won’t be allowed to pay 20,000 yuan. , You pay 10,000 yuan, and then kneel down and admit a mistake, and I can let you go."

"Wow! Teacher Dai is so expensive for a piece of clothing. His wife is really rich. His wife is a lady." A woman immediately praised Dai Muya with her eyes off the stars.

Ruan Su remembered the name Lu Xinping in his heart.

This girl doesn't seem like a bad person.

It’s just that Teacher Dai is too ridiculous, or Dai Mubai’s younger sister? It seems that Dai Mubai also helped Bo Xingzhi play a friendly match? It seems that the tutor is also good, how can there be such a poor sister?

I always feel a little bit wrong.

Not to mention that this woman wanted to make her kneel and apologize? What kind of **** request is this? She didn't pay attention to a piece of clothing worth 20,000 yuan at all.

She said coldly, "Miss Dai, right? I'm in a good mood today. I suggest you don't bother me, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

"Have you heard? She said she was conceited? It's so funny! She was talking about herself." Dai Muyajiao laughed, her tone of disdain and contempt.

The women also looked at Ruan Su with shock. They didn't expect her bones to be so hard. Obviously she didn't have the consciousness to suffer!

Bo Xingzhi waited in the corner of the restaurant for a while but didn't see Ruan Su coming back. He couldn't wait to get up and searched for it. From a distance, he saw a group of women crookedly there, laughing tremblingly. Disgusting perfume wafted from them.

He was about to pass them when he heard the familiar, cold voice.

His face changed, his expression became extremely cold, and he stood behind the crowd unhappy and said, "What are you doing?"

Several women were shocked when they heard a cold male voice behind them, they couldn't help their eyes widening when they turned to look at it.

sky! What a handsome man!

Dai Mubai is Gu Sixue's CP~~ Now his sister is out.

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