Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 689: Learn to bear, pain and grow!

The couple looked at each other and separated the subject.

Some things are too secret, and the more people they know, the more dangerous it becomes.

Without knowing it is the best protection for them.

A slight apology rose in Ye Tan's heart, which was guilt for concealing his relatives.

A little uncomfortable, a little uncomfortable.

But the thought was to protect him and even them, so Ye Tan had to abandon this faint guilt.

She took out the disposable chopsticks and handed them to Jun Moli's hand, "Quickly eat, I see you have gained at least five jin in this hospitalization."

"Old lady, you'll be fine to expose my shortcomings." Jun Moli took the chopsticks and took a bite of mushrooms. The taste was not bad.

When they were eating dinner, there was a bang on the door of the ward.

Ye Yanli put down his chopsticks and went to open the door, and then he saw Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi standing at the door.

He immediately showed a happy smile on his face, "Xiao Su, Shao Bo, are you here?"

"Uncle, just call me Azhi. Don't be so polite, we are all a family." Bo Xingzhi put the gift in his hand on the cabinet in the corner.

Song Yan also carried two boxes in his hands and put them there.

"You bring so many skin care products every time you come, you can't finish it at all." Ye Tan smiled gently and kindly. She was originally very dignified and elegant, and her smile became more and more like a spring breeze, even the corners of each eye. The wrinkles are tender.

"You are too polite." Ruan Su smiled and walked to Jun Moli's side, "How are you feeling these past two days?"

She called the doctor again, "Help me get Mr. Jun Moli's medical records, and all the prescriptions used these days."

After she hung up the phone, she began to ask some questions about various aspects of Jun Moli's body and got an accurate answer.

She nodded, "It seems to be recovering well, did you have a checkup this morning?"

"I have to review it almost every day, and I will push it over to check it." Jun Moli replied immediately, "Xiaosu, Azhi, have you eaten dinner? Your uncle brought more dinners, do you want to eat some too?"

"You eat. We have eaten." Bo Xingzhi sat on the sofa next to him, with his slender legs folded together, looking elegant and noble.

The doctor quickly took over all of Jun Moli's medical records and some of the examination results of the past two days, including prescriptions and the like.

"Doctor Ruan, take a look." The doctor handed all these things over.

Ruan Su took it and opened it, lowered his head to watch.

The doctor wiped the sweat bead on his forehead from trotting, and stood beside Ruan Su.

After a few minutes, Ruan Su handed over all these things to him, "The recovery is indeed very good, much better than I expected."

"The old man has always wanted to be discharged..." The doctor looked at her a little embarrassed, "What do you think of Dr. Ruan?"

"If you recover well, it doesn't mean you will be discharged immediately." Ruan Su smiled, his eyes were bright and bright, "Observe for two more days. Inject the liquid for two more days to eliminate inflammation. A safer point is better than anything else. "

"Xiao Su, I'm really annoying to live. This person, I can't be idle. How can I be free?" Even during the hospitalization, Jun Moli combed his hair very carefully, without a trace of mess. The silver filaments are clearly visible, with slightly sunken eye sockets, dark brown eyes quietly telling the traces of the years.

"You have to be free for a few days when it's time." Ruan Su handed him a small steamed bun and joked to him, "eat more, you have to go out by yourself when you are discharged from the hospital."

"Of course I have to go out by myself. I am lying on the hospital bed every day, and I am about to lie down with mushrooms." Jun Moli took the stalk directly and said with a smile.

"Let's stay for two more days, and leave the hospital the day after tomorrow." Ruan Su looked at him comfortingly, "Your illness is not a minor illness. You have to take your life back, but you have to cherish it. Besides, my uncle's engagement banquet. I chose another day, next Saturday. So, you won’t be able to attend a banquet if you leave the hospital early!"

Upon hearing Ruan Su's words, Jun Moli finally accepted the fact, "Let's do it, I will stay for two more days."

I really want to collapse!


Tang House.

Mrs. Tang gave a bunch of keys to the buyer in tears, and then said to Tang Wanrou who was on the side with the suitcase, "Let's go."

Tang Wanrou's eye sockets were also red and swollen, and finally she reluctantly glanced at her home where she had lived for many years, "Okay. Let's go."

After the Tang Group declared bankruptcy, Mrs. Tang had to sell this valuable villa in order to repay the debt.

"Mom, don't be too sad. My dad still needs a lot of money to see a doctor, and there are still so many debts to pay off in the family. The tree has fallen and scattered. Our family is dead, and those relatives and friends are too late to hide. Who is willing to help us? A handful?"

Tang Wanrou opened the door while talking, "Fortunately, there is still this car left. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient for us to go anywhere. The taxi is so expensive, and the bus is a waste of time."

There were several luxury cars in the family, but they were all sold. Only the cheapest BMW X3 was left. This car was originally used by the driver.

Now all the drivers and servants in the family have also been dismissed.

The Tang family... is really defeated.

"Hey—" After Mrs. Tang got in the car, she lowered the window and looked back at the Tang's villa. The car slowly drove away, until she couldn't see it anymore, she looked back.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely work hard in the future." Tang Wanrou said while driving, "Although our family is relatively small now, as long as Dad wakes up, our family of three will be happily together, which is better than anything else. ."

"Can a small two-room apartment live in?" Madam Tang choked up as soon as she opened her mouth. "When did we live in such a small house? It's a snail dwelling at all."

"Mom, a place to live is better than sleeping on the street." Tang Wanrou comforted her as much as possible. "The house is small and easy to clean, and I don't know how to clean when I live in a big house. We can't afford to ask for auntie or something."

"Why did we become like this...uuuu..." Mrs. Tang said, she cried silently again.

From a noble lady to a city woman like this, she simply couldn't accept it.

"Mom... one second of heaven and one second of hell, it is impossible to stay in heaven forever." Tang Wanrou almost broke her mouth when she comforted her recently, "not to mention that I have found a job again. I have eight thousand yuan a month!"

The more Madam Tang listened, the more sad she became, "Eight thousand yuan, you couldn't even buy a piece of clothing before, but now you have to work for eight thousand yuan...Being a piano teacher, so hard..."

"I didn't train you to make you a teacher to earn hard money..."

"Mom, now only that piano institution is willing to ask me. Who in the piano circle doesn't know that I am Li Zhuoyan's defeat? It is not bad for someone to ask me to give me a job. If I teach well in the future, the salary will be It's going up. I'll become a famous teacher in the future, don't you worry about getting a high salary?"

Tang Wanrou said tears also slipped down, she wiped her tears, "Others can live, why can't I live?"

She seemed to be talking to Mrs. Tang, and she seemed to be talking to herself. "I can do it, I can do it! Mom, in the future I will definitely work hard and be filial to my dad and you."

She knew that she was no longer the little princess of the Tang family, and she was no longer the eldest lady who was dependent on the family to support her.

From then on, she has to work hard to make money and support her parents.


The rain fell quietly, and with the sound of the car's whistle, it slowly drove over in the misty drizzle.

Today is the day Lord Li is discharged from the hospital.

Although it was a rainy day, he was full of energy, with a cheerful smile on his face.

Because he was afraid that it would be cold in the rain, Ye Tan also prepared a black hat for him to wear on his head.

Sure enough, he didn't let anyone help him, but walked to the front of the car, opened the door, and saw Ye Yanli and Song Jiayan.

"Ali! Will the security say when the car arrives at the door of this hall?"

"Baking soda said hello, it's okay." Ye Yanli smiled and said, "Uncle come up soon. But the Song family has prepared a family dinner for you to pick up the dust!"

"Huh? The Song family?" Jun Moli looked at him a little puzzled, "Why is it the Song family?"

"Grandpa Song personally went to the hotel a few days ago to invite my parents to the house, and strongly urged us to live in the Song's house. The hospitality was difficult, so we stayed there, and we are going to be a family anyway." Shao Li said embarrassedly, "The hotel is also good, but..."

His face was a little red as he talked, especially when he said in front of Song Jiayan, it was even more embarrassing.

"It's really cheeky." Ye Tan also got in the car, "Why are you so cheeky? Go to live in someone else's house?"

"Oh, isn't this kind of hospitality? It would be too far-fetched if you refuse any more." Ye Yanli's face flushed even more, "Xiaosu went to the Song's house early in the morning to help make a family banquet. Although the Song's family invited it. Chef, but she still wants to let her uncle and you eat the food she made by herself."

"Oh, Xiao Su is really filial! I'm so touched." Jun Moli said emotionally, "My grandfather aunt is really right..."

I want to pass the research results... to her.

"So she can't come to pick you up." Ye Yanli said as he started the car, "Azhi is also there to speak with the elders of the Song family."

"Aunt, uncle, my family is very easy to get along with, you don't have to be nervous." Song Jiayan whispered to them while sitting in the passenger seat.

"Not nervous, not nervous, we are all old guys, how can we be nervous? Only children are nervous." Jun Moli laughed again, and he was in a good mood after being discharged from the hospital.

Although the wound was a bit sore on rainy days, it did not affect his mood at this time.

Ye Tan didn't speak any more, and the car began to drive in the direction of the Song family.

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