Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 690: Can't stop it!

Inside the kitchen of Song's villa.

Ruan Su is preparing dishes for the family banquet with the servant.

Bo Xingzhi chatted with Old Man Song for a while, and he was a little bit unable to sit still. He went straight into the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and was ready to help.

"What can I do?"

Ruan Su gave him the green vegetables in his hand, "You wash these green vegetables, and all the shallots have to be washed and washed. I will grab the beef and make it."

The servant brought out the spicy prawns and spicy chicken she had just made. Father Song likes spicy food, so Ruan Su specially made some spicy dishes for him.

Jun Moli had just been discharged from the hospital and had to eat something nutritious. She stewed Matsutake ribs soup and steamed shrimp and egg custard.

After she finished the hand-grabbing beef, she started to make braised eggplant with minced pork again. She moved skillfully and stared at the steaming eggplant in the pot with clear eyes.

After Bo Xingzhi washed the vegetables, he turned his head and saw her slender figure wearing an apron.

The man's eyes were dim, his apple slid up and down.

Suppress the desire in my heart, and then continue to wash the shallots.

Ruan Su didn't notice his subtle changes. After the vegetables were fried, he started steaming the king crabs again.

This king crab is alive. After you buy it, you throw it in the pool. There are a few Boston lobsters next to it.

King crabs are very heavy, about five or six catties in size.

But still can't escape the fate of being served on the table.

Put it in the steamer and cover the lid, Ruan Su began to fiddle with the Boston lobsters, each weighing more than a catty. While cleaning the prawns, he ordered the servant to crush the garlic into minced pieces.

Garlic lobster or something, the taste is simply not too good.

The Song family were all dumbfounded when they heard that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were busy cooking in their kitchen.

Ruan Su! That's Ruan Su!

The Song family knows how good Ruan Su is, how awesome and how awesome.

No one in the entire Song family knew that Song Jiayan had worshipped Ruan Su a long time ago. She resigned from that idle unit and joined the army because of Ruan Su.

At that time, everyone in the Song family was very curious about Ruan Su, and they wanted to know what kind of outstanding woman would influence their eldest lady.

Unexpectedly... Later they finally saw and realized that Ruan Su's various vests and various skills were hanging on hot search twice in three days.

That... it's literally, now she is well-known as a star.

And now, is such a woman cooking in their kitchen?

And that Bo Xingzhi, the president of the Bo Group, the chief of Southern Star Airlines, is there to help Ruan Su wash the dishes now...

They dared to do it, but the people of the Song family...a little bit afraid to eat.

This is what Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi cooked!

Is there a mistake!

President Ba and Mrs. Ba even wash their hands and make soup, which is comparable to the exquisite dishes of the Manchu Feast, with spicy, salty and sweet...


It's too magical!

Song Ci returned home at noon, and his body was full of dampness. He came back early because he heard that he was going to host a family dinner today. As soon as he came in, the other three brothers Song Shi Song Qu Song Yuan also came in.

When four tall men came in, the living room suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

Then the four brothers saw almost everyone in their home standing in front of the kitchen, all in a row... the posture was like watching a western scene.

"What's the matter?" Song Ci stepped on his slender legs and walked towards Mrs. Song, "Mom, what are you looking at?"

As soon as Mrs. Song turned her head, she saw her son approaching. She waved at him quickly, "Come over and take a look."

"What's so good about the kitchen?" Song Ci gave her a suspicious look, but as soon as he walked to the kitchen door, he was stunned.

The feet seemed to be nailed, firmly nailed to the ground.

He couldn't believe his eyes a little.

Ruan Su?

Thin line stop?

Cooking in their kitchen?

How can it be?

There was horror in his eyes, and he stammered at the kitchen in disbelief, "Mom, mom,...why am I not mistaken?"

"That's right. Mrs. Bo, she has a good cooking skill. Today's family banquet was all prepared by her and Mr. Bo. We are all in the light of your sister and your brother-in-law."

Mrs. Song's face was filled with a faint smile, and she felt proud.

This daughter later married the Ye family and became Ruan Su's aunt... This fate can't stop it!

The other three brothers came over and looked surprised and surprised.

At this moment, Song Jiayan's voice came, "Auntie, uncle, please come inside."

What followed was Ye Yanli's voice, "Be careful, the ground is slippery."

Mrs. Song hurriedly walked towards the door, and at a glance she saw Ye Yanli and Song Jiayan who were supporting Ye Tan and Jun Moli.

She hurried over, "Auntie-in-law, uncle-in-law, are you here? Uncle-in-law, how are you recovering?"

Jun Moli felt Mrs. Song's enthusiasm, and smiled on his face, "I'm recovering pretty well, mainly my Xiaosu, she has good medical skills."

This is the rainbow fart that never forgets to play Ruan Su no matter what, people show off their wealth and wife, and Ye family is...xuan Ruan Su.

I just want to tell the world that Ruan Su is our family’s baby, and that such an excellent baby in our family makes people happy to death.

Ye Tan straightened his silver hair and said to Mrs. Song, "We are bothered a lot today, it's cold outside, let's go in."

Mrs. Song immediately smiled, "Please, please."

Several people entered the living room together, and the drizzle outside was still falling, and almost everyone who had just entered had a touch of dampness on their bodies.

Jun Moli had just been discharged from the hospital, so he immediately became the object of everyone's care.

"Please sit down, Grandpa Jun, please."

As the eldest young master of the family, Song Ci is naturally actively greeting guests.

The living room was crowded with a family of children.

Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye also walked out of the room and sat there chatting with Mrs. Song.

"Mr. Jun and his wife are really admirable. This is the true pillar of the country!"

Mr. Song said with emotion that he had only seen two scientists on TV reports before, and he never thought of being able to form a family with this kind of family.

"It's her blessing for our family Yan to marry the Ye family!"

"Well, how can we, He De, marry such a good daughter-in-law as Jia Yan." Mrs. Ye immediately praised Song Jiayan politely. "It's just that our Ye family suffered misfortune at the beginning, and Jia Yan still persists in Aqi, which makes us so touched. We are also considered to be very fateful for our Ye Jiafu."

"It's not that Xiaosu and Azhi are so powerful, they have found out the truth." Old man Ye smiled, "They also prepared today's family dinner. We have to try her craftsmanship. This kid, yes. Filial piety."

If you can have a child like Ruan Su at home, it's so envious that people will look straighter, okay?

Elder Song thought to himself.

But on another thought, his granddaughters and grandchildren are also good. Although not as good as Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, they are still excellent.

While the patriarchs were talking about the world, the juniors all rushed into the kitchen to start Ruan Soda.

Ruan Su was amused by them, "I just have two more dishes, let's all go out. Although this kitchen is not small, it can't bear everyone squeezing in!"

Song Ci is the eldest brother. He glanced at his three younger brothers who were equally uneasy. He felt that he still needed to shoulder the responsibility of the elder brother, "Ruan...Miss Ruan, let's come, Mr. Bo, you are a guest, you go and rest."

"It's okay, he's getting used to it, you can go out." Ruan Su urged again, handed the knife to Bo Xingzhi, and told him, "Cut this leek for me."

Thin Xingzhi's deep and dark eyes glanced at the four brothers, as if to say, want to fight? I have to have these two brushes too! Optimistic!

So the man picked up the knife and cut the leek into small pieces in a short while.

The four brothers of the Song family: "..."

Zongbo Bo seems to be very good at knife skills? !

This dish is fried river prawns with leeks and spring cakes which taste good.

The small shrimps are fried so that they are red and fresh, and they look very delicious.

Ruan Su was out of the pan after a few stir-frying. Seeing the four brothers still pestering in the kitchen, she couldn't help but laugh again, feeling that the scene was a bit ridiculous.

"If you really want to help, please take the food out."

"Oh, good, good."

So several big men served dishes, served rice with rice, and served tableware with tableware.

When Mr. Song saw this scene, he immediately said with emotion, "Sure enough, where Miss Ruan is, she can always infect others. These guys are usually at home, but they don’t raise their hands, they just stretch out their hands and open their mouths. The servants do the chores for them, and now let them do the same."

"Family banquets, naturally it is only interesting to work together in my own home." Song Jiayan said with a smile, "Grandpa, wash your hands and eat. I'm going to help too!"

With that, she ran over to arrange all the chairs neatly.

There is a big round table in the Ye’s restaurant. The table is full of delicious dishes at this time. Ruan Su not only cooked a variety of dishes, but also made ribs soup and almond oil tea.

Looking at the dishes on this big table, Mrs. Ye's eyes were wet. How could she have such a good granddaughter?

She is so fateful!

It's a pity that my own daughter didn't see this scene.

If the daughter is also by her side, she is really dead and stunned!

"I use tea instead of wine to congratulate Mr. Jun for his good health and his discharge from the hospital!" As the head of the family, Mr. Song took a cup of tea and stood up and said to Jun Moli. Everything goes smoothly and harmoniously."

Jun Moli also picked up the tea cup in front of him and touched him, "Thank you very much."

Because he had just been discharged from the hospital, he did not prepare any wine, and everyone drank tea and juice in a tacit understanding.

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