Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 695: Keep going higher! Shock!

Inside the speeding car, the raindrops outside the window hit the window glass, and the atmosphere inside the car was a little bit strange.

Song Yan had a lot of tips on taking girlfriends on dates, so he calmly pretended to be a veteran, and calmly said to Jian Qiqi, "Let’s go to the movies first? Do you have any thoughts? Movies to watch?"

Jian Qiqi's face was hot, watching... watching a movie?

Is this development a bit too fast?

Song Yan watched her not say anything. At the traffic light, he glanced sideways at the girl sitting in the co-pilot. The girl's porcelain-white face was flushed with a faint flush, which was extremely affectionate.

His straight man's heart suddenly became soft, and he waited until the car behind shook his horn to urge him, and he woke up like a dream, and found himself staring dumbfounded.

He quickly released the brakes and rushed past the traffic light intersection, and his hoarse and magnetic voice rang in the car again, "Qiqi? Don't you want to go to the movies with me?"

Jane Qiqi's eyes flashed with a panic and shyness, her gaze floated to the scenery outside the window, and her voice was a bit erratic. The image of Liluoli that was carefree and grotesque in peacetime was simply different.

Seeing her cute look, Song Yan couldn't help but curl his lips.

He couldn't help but smile more cheerfully at the thought of how she was moving rocks in the disaster area with great power.

"How long will you be back this time? Are you still on a business trip?"

He couldn't bear to force her, so he changed the subject.

He remembered Ruan Su always likes to send her on business trips to go abroad, either in the Middle East or in M ​​country.

"I won't go for the time being." Jian Qiqi finally found her voice, but her face was still as red as Little Apple, with an inexplicable honey color.

"We are here." Song Yan parked the car and opened the door. Jian Qiqi walked out of the car and found that this was the underground parking lot of the cinema.

Song Yan naturally took her hand and walked towards the elevator.

As I walked, I took out my phone and opened the ticket-buying software.

""Speed ​​and Base Love 9" has been released. Would you like to watch this together? There are also family movies "My Cousin" and "On the Cliff"." Song Yan pressed the elevator while looking at the movie playlist. button.

"Is the boss's "Fake Daughter She Really Rich" off the shelves?" Jian Qiqi suddenly remembered this film and asked Song Yan curiously.

"Let me see." Song Yan took her hand into the elevator. "It's been a week since the movie was released. There was a lot of publicity when it was set. It is estimated that the young master has been busy with pilot competitions these days, and the wife didn't talk about it. I knew it was released, so we had to book a show to support whatever we said!"

He bought two movie tickets while talking.

Originally, he wanted to buy all the places where no one bought tickets in this field, but he returned and refreshed it. It was almost full. This is the most recent one, and it will start in twenty minutes. The next game and the next game Song Yan clicked in and wanted to make a reservation. It turned out that...the audience may not have bought the most recent game, and started to move to the next game. The next game is almost scheduled, including The next game, the popularity is pretty good.

What does the charter support? It seems completely unnecessary?

"Madam, this movie seems to be very popular." Song Yan bought the ticket and took Jian Qiqi to the ticket machine to take out the movie ticket.

The two walked towards the theater.

There was a long line in front of the theater, and everyone was waiting for admission.

Jian Qiqi also took out his mobile phone and scanned the software. "My boss's ability is not covered. It's just a movie. After only one week of release, he rushed to the third place on the box office chart. I guess it will be a few days from now. You can be number one."

"Looking at everyone's expectations and enthusiasm for this movie, the first place is just a matter of time." Song Yan glanced at the real-time box office rankings. The first place was called "Tangdou Street Detective". "3" movie, this is a comedy series, there are quite a lot of diehard fans.

However, there are many thieves who spit Cao's bad reviews in the comments below. Many of them said that they watched them with great expectations. The result was forced to be funny, and there was no core content, and I felt very boring.

The score is also very low, and the word-of-mouth declines directly. He clicked on the score of "Fake Daughter She's a Real Giant", which was high with 8.9 points.

Not only that, but the evaluation is also very good, and the praise is overwhelming.

"It seems that the audience's vision is discerning. Everyone can see if they are serious about making a movie." Jian Qiqi closed the software and looked at the time again, and found that ticket checking had already begun.

The long queue also began to slowly squirm toward the front.

Soon it was their turn, checked the ticket and entered the corridor, and then headed towards the theater where he was.

After entering, they accurately found their seats, and the two of them took their seats one after another.

Song Yan only discovered one thing at this time. They had been studying Ruan Su's movies, and they had forgotten to buy snacks and popcorn milk tea.

This is a must-have for a date to watch a movie!

How can he forget!

He was a little embarrassed, "What would you like to drink? I'll buy it."

"I have eaten popcorn during the day, so go to the vending machine and buy some water. I want to drink ice tea." Jian Qiqi remembered that there was a vending machine not far from the entrance of the theater.

Besides, now that the tickets have been checked, it is a bit unsuitable to go out and buy them.

Song Yan nodded hurriedly, "Okay."

When he said that, he ran away with his long legs and looked at his hurried back, Jian Qiqi couldn't help showing a silent smile.

Of course she could see his embarrassment.

But my heart is very warm, as warm as the warm sun in spring.

Soon after, Song Yan brought two bottles of iced black tea back, and two packets of potato chips in his hand, all of which were bought in the vending machine.

As he walked, he thought, fortunately, there are artifacts like vending machines, which eased his embarrassment.

Sitting on the seat, the advertisement on the big screen just ended, and the film opening began.

The basic content of this movie has been heard by everyone when it was promoted before, but it is a feeling to really sit in the movie theater and watch it.

The heroine burst into flames, and her vest kept falling out. Not only that, she was also very upright and kind.

I have always upheld the idea of ​​punishing **** and eliminating evil, protecting my relatives and friends all the way to the end, and achieved extraordinary achievements.

A 90-minute movie clearly explained the heroine's short life, allowing the audience in front of the screen to watch it heartily.

When she walked out of the cinema after watching it, Jian Qiqi still felt a little unreal.

"This heroine is's a replica of our boss."

"So did the wife write a character based on her own?" Song Yan laughed. After all, this is the script written by Ruan Su himself.

He checked the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

"Let's go, let's go eat."

Near the cinema is a commercial street, surrounded by some high-end restaurants and entertainment venues.

Song Yan took Jian Qiqi to a western restaurant. The restaurant was very luxuriously decorated. The beautiful tassel chandelier was placed on the top of the head. The beautiful and romantic lights flowed down to illuminate the whole restaurant. There were many customers inside.

"Let's sit by the window." Jian Qiqi pointed to the European-style white dining table. On both sides of the table were a pair of white chairs, and the two could sit face to face.

Song Yan readily agreed, "Okay."

Very gentlemanly, he helped Jian Qiqi open the chair and motioned for her to sit down.

Jian Qiqi sat down generously, and Song Yan also sat opposite her.

The melodious music resounded in the western restaurant, the tunes were very moving, with an elegant taste.

The first time she was dating a man for dinner alone, Jian Qiqi was originally a bit shy and nervous, hearing this beautiful music unconsciously dispelled her inner anxiety.

She turned her head and glanced around the dining room, only to find that there was a white piano in the corner, and a beautiful woman was playing in front of the piano.

Jian Qiqi doesn't understand music very well, but thinks this piano piece is pretty good.

It didn’t take long for the waiter to put two steaks on the table. Song Yan picked up the knife and fork and gently cut the beef. His movements were very elegant, the steak was very delicious, and the gravy came out from everything. It looks very attractive.

Jian Qiqi did not hesitate, she was indeed a little hungry after watching a movie.

I picked up the knife and fork and started to cut the beef, and soon the beef was cut into pieces.

She bends her eyes happily as soon as the best beef is in, it's really delicious!

It's so cool to be satisfied with your appetite.

She began to bury her head and continued to eat. The movements were not elegant, but they were not ugly.

Song Yan simply looked at her quietly, his eyes always tinged with indifference.

This was originally a very beautiful picture, but it was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Qiqi? It's really you."

A sharp female voice sounded not far behind them.

Jian Qiqi was interrupted by the excitement of dining, and suddenly looked up unwillingly and saw Jian Songsong's trash girl.

She cursed in her heart: What a **** bad luck!

You can come across this **** when you go out for a meal.

Jian Songsong walked over on high heels, and he blamed it, "It's been a long time since I saw you, and you really are. Why don't you come back for the child's full moon banquet? It's a shame for our family."

"It's your family, not ours, you can figure it out." Jian Qiqi said with a smile, "I'm just an adopted daughter who has severed ties with you. So don't talk so intimately."

"I don't care, I finally bumped into you. I asked you for the baby's full moon gift? If you are not prepared, you can transfer the money directly, and I will transfer it to Jian Xin for you." Jian Xinxin She sneered and asked her for money directly. "Besides, the Jane family has raised you for so many years, so you should repay the family."

Jian Qiqi was convinced, it was really shameless and shameless to get home.

"Sorry, the baby belongs to Jianxin, not mine. I am not obligated to give money. Or is the Jian family so poor that they have no money to feed the child?"

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