Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 696: Serial case! The scene is out of control!

Jian Songsong didn't expect Jian Qiqi to be so ridiculed. She took a deep breath, her face covered with foundation was almost scumming, "You are the baby's aunt, if you don't give the full moon gift, you just look down on the baby and look down on Jian Xin. You are too much! I don’t want you to go back and grow up with your baby every day. You don’t even give the most basic full moon gift, you..."

"Close your mouth full of benevolence and morality!" Jian Qiqi rolled her eyes impatiently, "Who looks down on whom? I raised Jian Xin to be able to have children. Can you stay away from me? Seeing some people appear in front of my eyes, I seem to see piles of flies buzzing around my ears."

"Jian Qiqi, do you want a face?" Jian Songsong was angry when he thought about it, "Did you usually say bad things about Jian Xin in front of Brother Xiao? That's why Brother Xiao has been dragging away from the wedding?"

Jian Qiqi really didn't want to say another word with this Jian Songsong.

She glanced at the other person very irritably, "She Jianxin has given birth to a child, and the man doesn't give her a certificate for the wedding. What matters to me? I have never met Shang Lingxiao in eight hundred lifetimes."

"Who in the Jian family doesn't know that you are shameless. When you were only seventeen, you went to climb Shang Lingxiao's bed. You still said you didn't?" Jian Songsong seemed to have finally found a way to step on Jian Qiqi's pain, and said triumphantly. "It's a pity, the merchants simply don't like you as a fake daughter."

"I said, it was a misunderstanding! It was Jian Xin who told me that I lived in that guest room. I walked in, but I didn't expect it to be Shang Lingxiao's room!" A flash of Jian Qiqi's face flashed quickly. Embarrassed, his eyes dodged and glanced at Song Yan who was sitting opposite her in a panic.

Will he be angry? Take what Jian Songsong said?

Is she going to be disturbed by Jian Songsong on her first date?

She felt a little sad.

The look in Jian Songsong's eyes became more angry and irritable.

Jian Songsong continued to chatter, "Don't you still think about Shang Lingxiao? Oh, you are a toad eating swan meat, but you can climb the business? Don't think that you are with the young master of the Song family in Beijing. I really like you. I think Young Master Song is just playing with you. Are you worthy of others?"

"It's not worthy of it, it's not you who have the final say." The man's low and cold voice suddenly sounded, and Song Yan's eyes fell coldly on Jian Songsong, "She is my girlfriend and will become my wife in the future. How can you allow you to Discuss and abuse here? I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, I don't know what I will do."

Song Yan's eyes were like looking at a dead person. He was slender and powerfully grasping a transparent glass goblet. "Wow!" With a sound, the glass in his hand shattered, but it did not pierce his palm. , He was unscathed!

The red liquid continued to slide down on the smooth tabletop, and the glass shards fell on the table one by one, and then rolled to the ground.

Jian Songsong's eyes widened in astonishment, and his face suddenly turned pale, this...what kind of barbarian is this?

She was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.

Song Yan grabbed the napkin and gently wiped the red wine stains on the table, "If Miss Jian wants to be like this glass, just continue to provoke. I am not a gentleman, and there is no principle not to beat women. "

He speaks frankly and terribly.

Jian Songsong had never seen such a posture, and took two steps back in shock, his lips twitching, "You..."

This man... terrible!

Song Yan raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you rolling?"

Jian Songsong's face was pale and turned around and ran away, no more food, no more food.

But Jian Qiqi did not breathe a sigh of relief. She bit her lip and explained subconsciously, "I have nothing to do with Shang Lingxiao, don't get me wrong. At that time, I accidentally walked into the wrong room and it was Jian Xin who framed me... "

Song Yan grasped her hand, with a slight firmness in her tone, "Don't worry, since I like you, I believe you. Even if what happened to Shang Lingxiao and you is the past. Not to mention. Nothing happened to you, did it?"

Jian Qiqi looked at Song Yan's calm face in a daze. She took a deep breath, and her flustered heart suddenly became calm, "Thank you."

"Thank you?" Song Yan smiled and beckoned the waiter to come and clean up the glass shards on the table.

The waiter finally came over tremblingly, and directly smashed the cup or something... Barbaric is barbaric, but he is very handsome!

MAN exploded.

It's really annoying that the woman has been chatting in the restaurant.

Jian Songsong left the restaurant and got into her white BMW car. She sat in the car and didn't leave, making her tremble with anger.

She remembered that she saw Song Yan and Jian Qiqi driving in a Bentley. She glanced at the men and women who were having trouble talking in the restaurant, then opened the door and got out of the car.

After turning around in the parking lot at the entrance of the restaurant, I saw a black Bentley.

The rest are not Bentley's brand.

She sneered and kicked the Bentley several times. She was not reconciled after kicking, feeling that the anger in her chest had not dissipated.

She scanned the surroundings and found a few fragmentary bricks piled up at the corner of a flower bed not far away. Jian Songsong's eyes suddenly brightened, and he thought about it.

She ran to pick up a larger brick and threw it against the glass window of the Bentley.

Looking at the broken glass of the Bentley car window, Jian Songsong seemed to avenge the fright that Song Yan had just crushed the cup.

You pinch the cup, I broke your car window glass and evened it!

She was filled with the pleasure of revenge.

She was so proud that every pore in her body was filled with comfort and threw away the bricks in her hand.

She turned and left, preparing to return to her BMW car, but the moment she turned, her eyes widened in shock!

I don't know when, Song Yan and Jian Qiqi were standing not far behind her, looking at her calmly.

"Jian Songsong, I have called the police." Jian Qiqi shook the phone in his hand, "The police will come and tell you what cruelty is."

"I didn't expect that you still have a hobby of destroying other people's cars. There is nothing wrong with this hobby, except for hurting money and hurting people." Song Yan's voice was faint.

Jian Songsong didn’t expect that she would be seen by both of them when she did something bad. She raised her head and said, "This lady is not happy, just want to vent! I just smashed your car, the big deal is to lose money, this little money, I Can afford it!"

"Our car? Who told you it was our car?" Jian Qiqi almost laughed at Jian Songsong's disability. "are you crazy?"

Jian Songsong's head was blank for a moment.

"What did you say?"

She almost screamed.

This is not Song Yan's car?

"It seems that you are not only brainless, and your ears are not good. This car is not ours." Jian Qiqi pointed to a Lamborghini not far away, "This one is the one."

Song Yan drove his own car today, and did not drive the Bentley that is usually used by Bo Xingzhi.


Jian Songsong was dumbfounded.

She saw a middle-aged man with a big belly and a young woman rushing out of the restaurant and rushing towards her.

The woman wore a sharp and long nail clip on her hand and greeted her directly.

"You bitch, dare to smash the glass in my house, I'm fighting with you!"

Jian Songsong was caught off guard and was beaten upright by the woman, and two shocking blood stains appeared on her face.

She screamed, "Ah! You dare to ruin my face!"

Pulling toward the woman's long hair, the two women suddenly scrambled together.

The middle-aged man with a big belly was also trembling with anger, he just bought a new car not long ago!

So I took my newly-married little San'er out to eat, thinking about refreshing and showing off.

The results of it?

It was smashed by this shrew who didn't know where he came from.

Annoyed him!

He picked up a brick on the edge of the flower bed not far away and slammed it on Jian Songsong's body.

Jian Songsong's back was hit and hurt!

She could clearly feel the sensation of blood pouring from the wound on her back.

She flushed with anger, grabbed the woman's hair, and slapped her a few times.

"Bitch, this lady just smashed your car today, so what?"

"You're so hard-hearted!" The man was so angry that he smashed Jian Song again. He was fat and strong.

After such a brick, Jian Songsong fell to the ground with pain.

He was so angry that he kicked Jian Songsong again, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

The manager of the restaurant didn't dare to persuade him. This scene is too hot!

He... he doesn't want to suffer such a brick.

At this moment, a police car swiftly stopped at the entrance of the restaurant and jumped off a few policemen. When they saw this scene, they didn't dare to stop and ran towards them.

The customers in the restaurant didn't even bother to eat, they all watched this wonderful scene at the door.

The fat man said angrily to the police, "We don't know her at all. She suddenly smashed my car window with a brick. Look at the car I just bought!"

"This woman is simply faulty, I think she is the enemy of the rich!"

"Husband, she must be jealous of our new car!" The young woman also said to the policeman, "She still beat me, as soon as we came, she grabbed me and beat!"

"Damn, Lin Shengbin, you rubbish, you are carrying me to find Xiao San'er!" Suddenly, a middle-aged woman ran towards the man and gave the man two mouthfuls without saying a word.

It was playing loud and bright.


Everyone was shocked again.

Dare to love this young woman as a junior?

This... is really a serial case!

"Wife, listen to me... She is my subordinate, my assistant..." The middle-aged man was shaking with fright and quickly begged for mercy.

However, the middle-aged woman was reluctant to forgive him, and just grabbed his ears, "You don't explain it clearly to me, don't you want to go home!"

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