Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 697: The shame of Chi Guoguo!

The police also have some headaches, and are most afraid of encountering such strange and inexplicable cases.

You call it serious, right? It's not serious, but it's **** enough, it's ridiculous.

A man similar to the police leader said, "Let's do it this way, don't swear at each other, first go back to the bureau, let's investigate carefully and make it clear, okay?"

"Walk around and go back to the bureau immediately. This will also affect the business of other people's restaurants." Another policeman also said the same.

So the group of people headed toward the police station mightily. When they left, they were afraid that the suspect Jian Songsong would escape, so she was treated like a police car...

Jian Qiqi waved to Jian loosely, "Bye! Good luck."

Jane was so relieved that she almost vomited blood. Now she was embarrassed, her face was red and swollen with blood stains, she looked like... There are as many shrews as there are, and it is still a shrew who has been beaten.

She has never been so embarrassed in her life!

Angrily, she sat in the police car and sent WeChat to Jian Xin and Jian's father.

Ask them to come to the police station to rescue her.

Jian's father was holding Jian Xin's child in a happily acquaintance at home. Wouldn't he be happy to be a grandfather? Especially this child is still Shang Lingxiao's kind. That's the prince of the merchant.

At the thought of this, he was so happy from ear to ear.

"Dad, how come Songsong smashed someone else's car?" Jian Xin sat in the car holding her baby, patted gently, and asked Jian's father next to her.

Jian's father looked irritable, "Songsong is really getting less and less sensible, how can he do such a shameful thing? Is the second lady of the Jian family so stupid?"

"There may be something hidden." Jian Xin sighed, "I always feel that things won't be that simple."

"She is impulsive, not as calm as you. I am always worried about what she will do irretrievably." Father Jian said more and more annoyed, "Can't she learn from you?"

I don't know who the owner of that Bentley is. People who can afford a Bentley are either rich or expensive. Can they be ordinary people?

When he was upset, the driver stopped the car to the door of the police station.

Jian's father reluctantly opened the car door, "It's inconvenient for you to take your child, so I'll go there by myself."

He glanced at the child who was asleep on the road in Jian Xin's arms, "Your mother is so true. I ran out at night to have a wife's circle dinner, but she was not there when she was used."

He didn't forget to express his dissatisfaction with Jian's mother.

"Mom doesn't have dinner every day. Today is also a coincidence." Jian Xin was indeed a little tired holding the baby. "Dad, you have a better attitude. If they can't afford it, we will compensate."

Father Jian nodded his head seriously, "Can Dad know nothing about this?"

He slammed the door shut, and he stepped into the yard without looking back.

"You can also use the car door to sprinkle air." Jian Xin looked at his father's back, always feeling uneasy.

Jian's father went all the way into the office lobby of the police station and saw two policemen on duty. He suppressed his irritability and barely put a smile on his face, "Two little comrades, may I ask Jian Songsong..."

"Oh, she's in the interrogation room. Go inside the third room." A little policeman pointed to the corridor, "Are you his family member?"

"I am her father."

The policeman glanced at him sympathetically, "Go in. You can lose a lot of money."

Jian's father felt his scalp numb when he heard it.

It is acceptable to lose money. What he can't accept is that if Jian Songsong offends someone who shouldn't be offended...

He walked towards the interrogation room and heard the voice inside from a distance, "Why smashed the car window?"

"I hit the wrong person, I really have no hatred with him." Jian Songsong didn't know how many times he had answered, but why these people just didn't believe it.

Asked her again and again.

And that middle-aged man is still a Puxin man, and his wife is also a Puxin woman.

So she thought she had a crush on this middle-aged man, so she ran over and smashed the car because of love and hatred?

She really broke down.

"She must see that I have money and want to pursue me, so she became angry." The middle-aged man vowed, "I am the director of Cinda Electronics."

"Recently, we have cooperated with a big order, and we cooperated with the Jian family. Is it because the Jian family can cooperate with us because of the business? If it is not for the business's face, I would not cooperate with this kind of small company."

The faces of middle-aged men are confident.

As soon as Father Jian walked to the door, he heard these few words and the familiar greasy voice.

His head buzzed and exploded.


It turned out to be Li Yongxin, the director of Cinda Electronics? This man is old and ugly, and he likes to play with the little secretaries and assistants around him. His reputation is very bad.

But this person is a good hand in business. The earphones and chargers produced by the electronics factory are of good quality, so they sell very well.

So he is the one who offended Songsong?

Jian's father hesitated at the door. When he was about to consider how to communicate with this Li Yongxin, he heard his stupid daughter's voice sounded sharply, "You fart! Our Jian family won't rely on your garbage small electronics factory. , You are so embarrassed to cooperate with our Jian family in such a small place that can't be on the table? I tell you, I will call my dad right now to let him terminate the cooperation with you and make you lose money!"

Jian's father almost fainted in darkness.

This idiot!

He was so angry that he had forgotten where it was, and kicked open the door of the interrogation room.

Jian Songsong saw him look surprised, "Dad! You--"

However, before she finished her words, she saw her father rushing in front of her menacingly, slapped his hand, slap!

Very loud!

She was beaten up.

Turning his face to one side, the image that was originally very embarrassed and messy was suddenly worsened, and the red and swollen cheeks became more and more swollen so that you could not recognize the original face.

Jian Songsong burst into tears and fell, "Dad, why did you hit me? It's not enough for me to be hit by them, you still want to hit me!"

"Apologize to Director Li!" Father Jian viciously ordered her, his eyes wishing to cut her off.

This idiot!

The Jian family can get this cooperation completely relying on the business, she even wants to make pornography!

It's really hateful!

Jian Songsong was stunned when he heard what he said.

There was a panic in my heart for no reason, their Jian family is now so badly mixed up? Revert to a place where you cooperate with a small factory? What this middle-aged man said is true?

Only now did she know that she was afraid, and she couldn't care about any image or dignity.

Even more ignorant of shame.

She quickly apologized to the middle-aged man and her wife, "I'm sorry, Director Li, it's all my fault, I don't know Taishan. I was impulsive, but I really confessed to the wrong person. I originally thought This is my sister’s boyfriend’s car, and she tricked me... She induced me to smash your car."

"This is really a misunderstanding. My sister's responsibility is the biggest... If it weren't for her to induce me, I wouldn't be able to smash your car. She was too much, she chose your car, she must be watching you dislike; despise."

"Qiqi?" Father Jian frowned when he heard Jian Songsong's words, and said to Li Yongxin with a very ugly expression, "I have an adopted daughter, and I have never dealt with this daughter. The noise between the children did not expect to hurt Li Chang. Long, we, the Jian family, will take full responsibility for this matter, and will compensate according to the price, and... will also compensate Director Li for your mental losses."

Li Yongxin immediately put on a high posture when he heard that he would give more money, "Mr. Jian, I didn’t say, how did you raise such a pungent daughter? I don’t know the importance. If this is my daughter, I might as well treat her. The leg broke."

He glanced at Jian Songsong again with disdain, he was so ugly and his personality was still so bad.

Is it true that the Jane’s family is the former Jane’s family?

Father Jian was blushing, which is simply humiliating him directly and hitting him in the face.

But his daughter is not up to date, what can he do?

He had nowhere to vent his anger, and he had to deal with this Li Yongxin with a smile on his face.

The character of this man is very rubbish, not a good thing.

But doing business is doing well.

"Director Li, don't worry, the compensation will be allocated to you. This matter is loose and wrong, you have a lot of it, forgive her. Please don't pursue this matter any more." Father Jian was stubbornly low. Begged Li Yongxin.

As soon as Li Yongxin heard Jian Songsong's name is Songsong, he couldn't help laughing, and Jian's father looked inexplicable, "Director Li, this..."

What are you laughing laughing?

Director Li looked at Jian Songsong with a wretched gaze, and looked up and down a few times, "This name is called Songsong, it's really fascinating!"

This is very insulting, very nasty and disgusting.

Jian Songsong almost didn't recite it in one breath.

She gritted her teeth but didn't dare to say anything, she could only bite her lower lip humiliatingly, not daring to say a word.

"Director Li can really make a joke." Father Jian held back for a long time but he could only hold back such a sentence.

He almost suffocated his internal injuries.

When leaving with Jian Songsong, he dared not stab Li Yongxin this **** with a knife.

But he resisted.

Li Yongxin snorted and walked out the door of the interrogation room, and the matter was temporarily closed.

But after he left the police station, he didn't go home immediately. Instead, he made a phone call, "Yes, yes, all according to what you said, yes yes, this matter..."

"Okay, okay, I will pay the hush money, don't worry." After Li Yongxin hung up the phone, a triumphant smile appeared on his face. It is estimated that the Jian family will never think about whom they are working with in the whole life, right?

He saved the phone number, and got into the car while blowing the whistle. In the car, his wife called over with a slap in the face...

On the other side at this time, Song Yan glanced at WeChat, and the corners of his lips twitched, "This Li Yongxin is quite on the road. The Jane family...hehe--those who dare to bully me have to pay the price they deserve."

The thought that Jian Xin used to rely on Jian Qiqi's blood to sustain her life, and that the Jian family was still treating her like that, he was furious and heartbroken.

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