Although Xu Chen only appeared in a few cameo scenes, there are very few scenes, but because his role requires a strong explosive force, and his performance is extremely tense, so all the people on Weibo, including a certain sound, are almost all of him. The highlight moment of the character.

All kinds of small video clips like, comment and repost are high.


#薜晨Expression is an absolute son, the face is real#


It seems that all these flows have become acting in the hands of Yan Yidao.

Some people are born with a movie face with a story, and some people look handsome and beautiful, but they look empty, with no content and no story.

But fortunately, the actors in "Fake Daughter She's a Real Giant" are pretty good, almost none of them make people feel like they are scumbags.

The popularity of this movie almost dominates the entire movie and Weibo.

Unknown netizens are everywhere in Amway, almost contracting the circle of friends of all ordinary people, and almost all social platforms are occupied by this movie.

It seems unlikely that you don't want to see it. Everyone is curious. I really want to know why this movie is so popular and why so many people are in Amway.

People who don’t want to see it are thinking, why not go take a look?

It's so hot now.

Everyone will have a herd mentality.

There were still many people in the entertainment circle waiting to see Ruan Su and Yan Yidao’s jokes, thinking that "idol only loves to pick up trash" is lucky to get out of the circle.

And many people are not optimistic about Ruan Su and Yan Yidao's second movie.

And before, what so-called famous directors in the circle were talking about, "I watched this movie and it was so messy, it was impossible to have an audience."

"This is a niche movie. All you find is traffic. What can traffic do? A bunch of vases!"

However... now the director's face has to be smashed by the box office explosion.

Many netizens ran over to leave a message under his Weibo, "Didn’t you say that this is a niche? Didn’t you say that traffic is a vase?"

"Now our sister Su is on fire again. What a way, this is strength. You can't help it if you are jealous."

"Quickly come out and apologize, apologize to our brother Feng, and apologize to our brother Chen!"

"Our brother Chen's expression almost brought out my goose bumps."

The director was ridiculous. He posted another Weibo that night, “If you can’t get on the stage, you can’t get on it. The reason is that you are looking for handsome men and beauties! If she finds a few ugly old ones, will she get angry? You are just superficial, looking at the face of the world."

But no one wants to talk to him anymore.

I just think he is a jumping clown.

"Your face is extremely ugly."

"Forget it, ignore you, your belly is small."

The director was half angry. He originally wanted to make his new movie hot, so he said a lot of deliberate sensationalism. Want to let others notice his new movie.

As a result, he encountered Waterloo directly after the movie was released, and it was so miserable that people couldn't bear to look directly at it.

The box office on the first day was only a few million, and the director was so angry that he was more than vomiting blood and almost collapsed.

On Weibo, he yelled at the netizens for not knowing the goods. He couldn't satisfy him if he had no vision. He went to a certain sound and recorded a very long video.

All kinds of explanations about the hardships when I made this movie, the pain when I created the film, and the pain.

I also talked about how difficult it is for the actors. Nowadays, the **** hands of the little fresh meat must be searched for, and everybody has a fever and is full of professional manuscripts.

All sorts of chaos in criticizing circles.

Some of his criticisms are right, while others are deliberately eye-catching.

So after knowing his urinary sex, netizens chose to ignore it.

Yan Yidao was amused by the director's messy operations. At this time, he was sitting in a cafe and chatting with his former friend Lin Yi.

"Look at this, it's so shameless." He shook his head helplessly, "All kinds of attacks on Miss Ruan and me, as well as my actors."

"He has a terrible reputation. Some time ago he attacked several Internet writers, saying that what he wrote was rubbish, but he himself was good." Lin Yi smiled, he wanted to say something, but he stopped talking. Look like.

His eyes flashed, and he saw Yan Yidao put down the coffee in his hand and looked at him suspiciously, "You called me out today, is there anything you want to talk about?"

Lin Yi hesitated to speak, but he was really desperate now, unable to attract investment, and almost no one was optimistic about his project.

But he really wants to do it very much. He thinks his own project is very meaningful. If the shooting is really successful, it will...

"What can't you say about the relationship between you and me?" Yan Yidao has a good relationship with Lin Yi. Lin Yi is a director of variety shows. Although the director of variety shows does not make movies and TV shows, the directors are well-known in the circle, including recognition. The degree is high, but it's not bad.

What happened this time?

Lin Yi’s shows have always been famous for novel and peculiar, and have always liked to make some meaningful shows, but because these shows are more... Orthodox, variety and spoof entertainment will be less entertaining, so the ratings Not very good.

Some time ago I heard that one of his programs was killed again.

This time...

Yan Yidao felt that Lin Yi might have encountered some difficulties.

"That's it, Director Yan, you also know that I have prepared a new program, but no TV station is willing to cooperate with me, and no investors or advertisers are optimistic about me. So I am now...stretched." Lin Yi said. His face flushed red as he spoke, a little embarrassing, "So... can I ask you to make an appointment with Miss Ruan for me."

He heard that at the beginning of the banquet, he was destitute and poor, and it was Ruan Su, Bole, who saved him.


Yan Yidao originally thought that Lin Yi was going to borrow money from him, but he didn't expect that they wanted to get to know Ruan Su.

Lin Yi did not dare to recommend Bo Xingzhi, and knew that he did not have the status and bargaining chips, but if he could be appreciated by Ruan Su...

"Director Yan, don't rush to reject me, you can take a look at my plan first." Lin Yi said, sending a document to Yan Yidao.

Yan Yidao stared at the plan on the table and opened it for a while, "I'll take a look first."

If it's rubbish, he doesn't dare to push in front of Ruan Su, he can't do anything to hurt Ruan Su.

After reading this plan, Yan Yidao's eyes exuded a bright color, "Lin Yi, you have a very good idea, and this plan is also very good. I will call Miss Ruan now to affirm her character. I will like it."

Lin Yi was stunned, "You call her now?"

The surprise came too quickly, like a tornado... He didn't even think of it!

He thought that Yanyi Dao would think about it for a few days.

Ruan Su takes another shelf...

As a result, half an hour later, the door of the cafe was pushed open from the outside, and a slender and tall figure stepped in and walked towards their position.

Lin Yi stared at Ruan Su who was approaching step by step. She looked better than the photos and videos. The real person was absolutely beautiful and dazzling.

What a beautiful woman!

Even better than those stars in the circle.

How could there be such a good-looking person?

Lin Yi has been in the entertainment industry, and he has naturally seen many beautiful and handsome guys, but the woman in front of him can kill many female stars in the entertainment industry without putting on powder.

This is too beautiful!

He stood up from his seat in shock, his tongue knotted, "Ruan...Miss Ruan?"

"Hello, I'm Ruan Su." Ruan Su nodded at him, said hello, and sat down opposite the two of them.

Lin Yi's head was still dizzy, so he saw the legendary Ruan Su?

This... the legendary Master Su?

That Master Su who can sell a painting for hundreds of millions?

This...Why do you always feel like you are dreaming?

Although he has seen a lot of celebrities, the social status of celebrities and Master Su is obviously different!

Can the weight be the same?

"Miss Ruan, if you look at this plan, I think it is very good. It was written by my friend Lin Yi. He now wants to have an investor, and he also hopes that you can participate in this program. "

Yan Yidao said and blinked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi panicked, he didn't dare to invite Ruan Su!

Why would Yan Yidao still say that?

Will Ruan Su be angry?

He cautiously looked at the beautiful and eye-catching woman, and saw that she took the planning plan handed over by Yan Yidao with her white and lush fingers, and turned to the first page.

She bowed her head slightly, her long eyelashes covered her eyelids, and there were no extra expressions on her white face. She looked very seriously and did not care about it.

This attitude immediately warmed Lin Yi's heart.

He has seen the domineering faces of several investors.

Now his mentality is about to collapse.

He was thinking wildly and arrogantly, just when he thought Ruan Su would also throw the plot on his face and let him go.

He was mentally prepared, but he heard the woman’s cold voice, "I like it very much. This plan is very good, and the show should be very good."


She said yes?

Lin Yi looked up in shock, he felt as if he had heard the sound of nature.

Did she dislike this plan? She didn't think this plan was a delusion? Is it rubbish?

She didn't even consider how much the budget would be invested, so she just said it was pretty good?

"Miss Ruan, you can consider participating in this show. After all, it's pretty good." Yan Yidao looked at Ruan Su with a smile, "It's true that Lin Yi has looked for many investors and TV stations, but they have all been rejected."

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "Really? They are blind."

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