Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 701: Dare to humiliate me?

They are blind...

She said they were blind?

Lin Yi was almost moved to tears.

I have been trampled underfoot during the recent period. Whether it is his plan or his self-esteem, he has been crushed and humiliated to death.

He didn't expect that all of his suffering would suddenly come. He looked at Ruan Su with an almost admired expression of surprise, "Miss Ruan, you...will you participate in this show?"

He tried to say some more words about painting a big pie to attract Ruan Su, but he found that he was poor in terms of words.

Under Ruan Su's cold and bright eyes that seemed to know everything, he found that he didn't dare to say anything...

I can only say an invitation dryly.

Ruan Su did not refuse on the spot, "I think about it, the show can be planned from now on, do you have a team? If not, the team of the banquet director can lend you a few people. If you have something to do, you can also banquet the two of you. Discuss with each other to make this show better."

"Okay, okay, I will start to invite a few of my favorite actors and singers tomorrow to see if they are willing to participate in this show." Lin Yi nodded hurriedly. Ruan Suken is an investor in this show. Already very happy, very happy. I am not upset because I have to work with Yan Yidao to control the show.

He thinks it's good to be able to work with Yanyidao.

Yan Yidao was also very interested in this show, so he didn't decline immediately, "Okay, Miss Ruan."

Ruan Su thought for a while and said, "As for the detailed cooperation, we need to sign a contract. Both Bo Entertainment and I will invest. If there is no TV station, right? Then we can webcast on Bo Entertainment's video website. Or Live broadcasting can be done in any form. Now the live broadcasting industry is very popular, and we can discuss the specific details. Let’s prepare first! Start up as soon as possible."

Her thoughts were very detailed, not perfunctory, nor impulsive.

Lin Yi immediately felt Ruan Su's seriousness, she wanted to make this show well.

"Thank you, Miss Ruan."

Ruan Su smiled, "My investment must be rewarded. I believe in Yan Dao and your abilities. Since Yan Dao recommended you to me, it means that you must be unique. Don't let my trust be disappointed. good."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and said, "I will leave if I have something to do. When the guests invited to the show are in place, remember to tell me."

"Goodbye, Miss Ruan." After Lin Yi watched Ruan Su leave, he still couldn't restrain the excitement, "Old Banquet, Miss Ruan is so shameless! You are so fateful that you have cooperated with her twice!"

"I'm not a good fate... because of fate." Yan Yidao smiled, thinking of Ruan Su's mother, the woman who used to be a school doctor. I thought of the help he gave to Ruan Su when he was young...

If he hadn't extended a helping hand back then, how could Ruan Su repay him now?

He just stretched out his hand, and what she gave him back... was to send him a splendid life.

His son has gone to a key elementary school and his academic performance is also very good. He is no longer as degenerate as before.

His life has undergone earth-shaking changes because of Ruan Su's feedback.

"Let's go too." Lin Yi also stood up, his face full of gratitude, "Thank you, and thank you Miss Ruan."

Yan Yidao shook his head, "Seeing you is like seeing me from the previous two years. I am so anxious and no one is willing to pull it. Life is in a trough and can't get out. However, you are better off than me."

At least no wife was taken away, at least no reputation was destroyed.

"What do you do with these sensational things? Don't you know I am moved?" Lin Yi raised his hand and thumped his shoulder. "Tomorrow, I will go to Chen Juanrong to try. She has been on my variety show before, so she is a little bit young. friendship."

He is now full of confidence and hope for the future.

I just feel like I have met an angel.

Early in the morning of the next day, Lin Yi contacted Chen Juanrong, "Sister Rong, shall we meet? My show is quite good, and I hope to invite you to participate."

Chen Juanrong was putting on makeup in the crew. While answering the phone, she stretched out her fingers and asked the manicurist to do her nails.

This is a modern drama, so the styling requires fashion.

Although it was the last scene, she still hoped that she was the most beautiful.

She had heard of Lin Yi's show, but was rejected by several TV stations. No one was willing to cooperate with him, and no investors were willing to invest.

There is no TV station willing to broadcast.

So she sneered in her heart, and said casually, "Director Lin, it's not that I don't help, it's because I have announced too much recently. I don't have time!"

"Sister Rong, why don't you watch my show first? It is really meaningful, I think you will like it." Lin Yi tried to continue to convince her.

Chen Juanrong listened very annoyed, and her tone became very rude, "Director Lin, anyhow, I have been very popular recently, it's a small hit. If you go to participate in your small program, there is no audience rating at all. At that time, no one will invest. I guess you won’t be able to offer this reward, right? Do you want me to speak so badly before you give up?"

Lin Yi suddenly felt angry when he heard her such arrogant appearance, but he didn't dare to let it out, only felt that the world was really cold.

He hadn't had time to tell Chen Juanrong that he had attracted the investor and what the reward he offered was. As a result, the woman humiliated him first, and put him down on fire and said, "Well, sister Rong, you are busy."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Juanrong's agent came over, "What's the matter? Whose call?"

"Lin Yibai, is he sick? If you want money and no money, what you want is nothing, and you want me to participate? Am I not eating? Give him a free part-time job?"

Chen Juanrong curled her lips.

"Good rejection. Being on his show is a waste of time and money. The drama you just aired some time ago is also a star drama. Although it is the second female number, you can’t stand your acting skills. Check it out. The heroine is in the limelight." The agent touts Chen Juanrong on a daily basis.

She is now considered a second-tier, a bit popular, and a fan, but she is always short of the first-tier.

I won two awards for the best female supporting role, but Chen Juanrong went to the street as soon as he filmed the female lead, and it was rumored that she could not support the female lead.

To make her angry, she lacks a chance now, as long as she comes, she can burst into the line!

She always thought so.

So she was looking for a big explosion opportunity, how could she be able to watch a show like Lin Yi that can't even attract investment?

In the ensuing time, Lin Yi invited several celebrities in succession, no matter whether it was the third-tier, fourth-tier, or the seventh-eighth team, no one wanted to come.

He was so angry that he didn’t come over for a long time and didn’t eat lunch, so he went to Yan Yidao’s house again, "What are you talking about? I heard that I can’t make investment. I heard that my show is not I am optimistic about it, so no celebrity is willing to come. I am so angry!"

"A group of dogs see things that are low."

"If I tell them this is a show cast by Miss Ruan, I will **** them off!"

"Even if they knew that Miss Ruan voted, they might not come." Yanyi poured him a glass of water calmly. "Because many people in the industry don't like your show, they think it will pounce when it comes out. Street, there will be no ratings."

Lin Yi: "..."

He picked up the water glass a little angrily and drank it in one fell swoop. "Why do you talk so frustratingly? How come we are on the street?"

"That's the opinion of others." Yan Yidao didn't drink cattle like him, but took a sip slowly, "Miss Ruan didn't say it, they were blind."

Lin Yi again: "..."

"Okay, he's blind, they don't understand the good of our show, okay?" Lin Yi drank another drink, as if the only way to douse his anger and anger in his heart.

He was still angry, "I want to tell Miss Ruan."

As he said, he started to call Ruan Su, and the phone was quickly connected. After he told Ruan Su a little bit of what had happened, Ruan Su gave a low smile, "It seems that I have to do this program personally. Participation is not possible."

"Huh?" Lin Yi was stunned. The reason why he approached Ruan Su was just to complain. He didn't expect Ruan Su to agree to go there in person?

"Give me the list of the stars you invited, and I will give you a new list. You and the banquet director will invite them together. Just say it is what I meant." Ruan Su said a string of names.

Lin Yi hurriedly asked Yan Yidao to bring paper and pen, and while answering the phone, he wrote down all these lists. "Okay, Miss Ruan, I will invite them now."

He hesitated and said, "Miss Ruan, aren't you afraid of going to the street?"

Those celebrities are afraid to participate in this show, there is no popularity and ratings. Isn't she an investor afraid?

"Let me tell you this. What was my mood when I was doing "Idol Only Loves to Pick Up Garbage", and what I am still feeling now, so rushing to the street is not within my scope of consideration, I only consider my best With the greatest ability to do a good show, I have no shame in my heart."

The voice of the woman hitting her heart directly seemed as if a heavy hammer hit Lin Yi's heart. He was stunned for a while before murmured, "I have no guilt."

"Well, then you will definitely do it well." Ruan Su hung up after speaking.

Bo Xingzhi walked out of the kitchen, took off his apron, grabbed a paper towel and wiped his wet hands from washing dishes, "Or is it the show?"

Ruan Su had already told him about the preparation of variety shows, and he naturally agreed.

"Lin Yi said that there are no celebrities willing to participate, so I will let him find Wang Xinya, Cai Su, and Lin Zixun." Ruan Su glanced at the time, "These three people will definitely participate."

After all, Wang Xinya is an entertainer of Bo's Entertainment.

Bo Xingzhi frowned, "What are you asking Wang Xinya for again?"

That Wang Xinya is like never seen a woman in her life, always clinging to Ruan Su.

On the contrary, Ruan Su was addicted to her. He took her with her when making movies, and now she should take her with her when making a variety show.


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