Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 799: Lost face! anger!

"It's too ignorant."

"It's shameful."

Ling Qingran deliberately walked in front of the three of them and said loudly, "Oh, what's the matter? This is only three minutes to take pictures. Why have you all stayed on it for almost ten minutes? Maybe the Ye family doesn't have a camera, right? That’s why you have such a great opportunity to take pictures."

Ye Xinyun's face was flushed immediately.

"But just now the staff member clearly said that you can shoot for ten minutes..."

"Where is the staff? Don't give it to the staff. Come down quickly." Ling Qingran glanced at the three sisters contemptuously, "What a shame!"

Ye Lingzhi and Ye Junmei didn't expect that they would show such a low-level mistake in public, "Let's go down."


Just when they were ready to come down, a staff member came over and said, "The three ladies, please come here. Our time for taking pictures is not so long."

Ye Xinyun's face was hot and dry, and after coming down, he said to the other two, "I think we are framed."

"That staff member deliberately misled us." Ye Jun frowned, "Maybe it was the ghost of the Ling family's mother and daughter."

"It's very possible." Ye Lingzhi nodded, "Let's be more careful, we can't shame the family anymore."

"We can't always let Ruan Su stand up for us." Ye Xinyun bit her red lips. "I think I almost fell down just now. Maybe it was the mother and daughter."

"So... next we..." The three sisters got together and started biting their ears.

Seeing all three of them look embarrassed, Ling Qingran's mother and daughter couldn't mention how happy they were.

"It's so cool!"

"I'm happy to see them embarrassed every day."

Mrs. Ling took her daughter's hand and walked forward, "We will have to watch other brands' big shows later! We have to keep our grace and decent, not the same as the three ignorant things they have."

Ling Qingran smiled obediently, "Mom, what you said is correct."

The mother and daughter have a look of ambition.

"Let's go, let's go to our seat and take a look. Sit and rest for a while. The show of other brands will start soon."

Mrs. Ling happily took Ling Qingran towards the seats of the two of them.

This kind of show-watching seat is also very particular, if you can sit in the front row, then that is the treatment of senior guests.

If you sit in the back, you will be an ordinary guest or even a junk guest. No one will pay attention to you or give you any attention.

Naturally, the seats of Ling's mother and daughter were naturally in the front row.

After seated gracefully, Mrs. Ling Er put the bag on her knee and let out a long sigh.

"I'm a chain to clean them up, it doesn't matter if they stumble, wait for this seat...hehe--" She smiled meaningfully.

"What's wrong with this seat? Mom?" Ling Qingran also sat next to her, she carried a limited edition bag of Grandma Xiang, and she placed it at hand.

The grandma's logo was deliberately shown on the front, allowing guests in other seats to see at a glance what brand of the bag she is carrying.

"Look, they came here. You'll know in a while." Mrs. Ling raised her eyebrows happily, "Oh, some people should be embarrassed again."

She said this very loudly, and the three sisters of the Ye family heard it all the way.

Ye Xinyun smiled at her, "Really? Second wife? Who is embarrassing?"

There is a small wine vortex looming on her small circle face, which looks a little cute.

"I don't know either!" Mrs. Ling Er deliberately pretended to be confused.

When she found out that the seats of the three sisters of the Ye family, Ruan Su and others were even better than her own, she was almost mad in her heart.

Although everyone is sitting in the front row, Ruan Su and their seats are in the best position in the front row, while themselves and their daughter are at the end of the front row.

Can this contrast of Chi Guoguo not be angry?

But...there will be a good show later.

Just when Mrs. Ling was triumphant, Ruan Su, Song Jiayan, and Jian Qiqi were all seated.

The three sisters of the Ye family were also seated.

After the opening show of this show, it began to be the catwalks of other brands.

All kinds of models wore all kinds of costumes and walked out on the steps of professional models.

Mrs. Ling Er never went to see the costumes displayed by the models at all, her heart rested on Ruan Su and the others.

Especially when I saw Song Jiayan, the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, ha ha-by then all of you Ye family will have to make a fool of themselves, and the daughter-in-law should not run away.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and the more excited she found herself a bit over-excited, she had known that she didn't drink so many drinks just now.

She looked around and everyone was sitting there staring at the runway.

She whispered to Ling Qingran, "I'll go to the bathroom, you should be careful here."

"I see, Mom." Ling Qingran responded obediently, and then put his eyes on the runway.

Mrs. Ling Er put down her bag and was about to get up, but she did not stand up with a bit of force.

She was stunned, and she began to exert force again.

However, her pants seemed to be glued to the chair, motionless, as if... something stuck?

A panic on her face, what's the matter?

She began to pull the skirt with her hands, trying hard to make her pants separate from the chair, but... not good.

In no time, she sweated out of urgency.

Ling Qingran didn't hear the footsteps, and turned to look at her strangely, "Mom, aren't you going to the bathroom? Why don't you?"

Mrs. Ling's voice pressed down angrily and said, "Let's see if you can stand up."

"Oh, I'm watching the show! Where do I stand? Others will watch me." Ling Qingran muttered quietly, but still tried to stand up, she forcefully impatiently.

As a result... She stood up, but her skirt tore!


There is a piece of cloth firmly attached to the chair and tightly connected to the chair.

And her buttocks were empty, and everything about her **** was exposed to the air.

Ling Qingran's face was green!


She screamed, almost overturning the roof.

Even the models on the runway were shocked. Fortunately, they were so professional that they didn't dare to stop, but continued to move forward.

The eyes of all the guests were all attracted by Ling Qingran, and everyone looked at her.

As a result, I saw this shocking scene!

"Oh my God! Her **** is showing."

"What is she... doing? Why does the clothes stick to the chair?"

"Her skirt is rotten."

Everyone started talking in whispers.

Mrs. Ling Er was hardly fainted by this scene.

She blushed with anger and her neck was thick, and quickly picked up her bag to cover Ling Qingran's ass, "Damn it! We are calculated."

"Mom...what the **** is going on?" Ling Qingran was ashamed and angry, almost crying, she had never been so embarrassed when she grew up.

Her **** and her **** were all seen by those present.

What kind of face does she have to come out to participate in activities in the future?


"I obviously glued 502 glue to Ruan Su's seats, but I don't know why we have glue on our seats now." Mrs. Ling Er's face was as ugly as the bottom of the pot, "Oh, let's go quickly."

"Aren't you stuck too? I said why you couldn't get up. After a long time, you were stuck. We can go if we want. Can you stand up?" Ling Qingran was so angry that he collapsed, "What do you think? Come out with such a detrimental trick?"

"I didn't know they would retaliate against us!" Mrs. Ling Er is regretting now, but she will definitely not let Ruan Su and the others feel better.

She glared viciously at Ruan Su and the three sisters of the Ye family, "You are too much, you even put glue on our chairs."

Ruan Su: "..."

She doesn't take the blame.

She didn't know the glue or something!

Ye Xinyun and Ye Lingzhi had different faces, but they all had unstoppable smiles in their eyes.

Song Jiayan couldn't see anyone slander Ruan Su, she was Xiao Su's aunt now, and she should be protecting Xiao Su.

She replied unceremoniously to Mrs. Miao Ling, "Don't spit on people, our Xiao Su won't do such disgusting things that can't get on the table. Our Xiao Su Tan is magnanimous and has never bothered to do this kind of petty behavior."

"Yeah, you can do such a nasty behavior, the second wife, right?" Ye Xinyun slowly blocked Mrs. Ling's sentence.

"Yes, oops, tut, I have spare clothes, do you want me to lend you a set?" Ye Junmei also added badly.

Ye Lingzhi couldn't help but sneered, "You can't stand up anymore? If you want me to tell, I'd better ask the staff for help. If it doesn't work, I can call the police for you and let the firefighter uncle come and help."

"Shut up! Shut up all of you!" Ling Qingran yelled out in anger, "Where are the staff? Come and help, what are you doing stupidly?"

She shouted so that two male staff members came over, "Miss Ling, I'm sorry, maybe Mrs. Ling Er's pants can't be kept."

He shook the chainsaw in his hand. "Because you may need something like a chainsaw... Separate her from the chair before we can clean the chair."

"My mother and I have become like this, but you are caring about a chair? Is the chair important or is it important to us?" Ling Qingran was so angry that his chest hurts and his whole body trembles. "We are distinguished guests!"

"Oh, this lady... you make the chair like this, and our show will probably hold you two accountable. After all, everything we have here is specially customized and you can't buy it in the market." The staff explained patiently, "Well, our colleagues in the legal department of the show will contact you. You should go back first."

"Ah! I'm so angry!" Ling Qingran was mad with anger.

However, the staff has already begun to carefully saw Mrs. Ling's trousers with a chainsaw.

Mrs. Ling's whole body collapsed!

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