Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 800: Not very good foreboding.

Saw her pants off, then she is going to show her butt?

Too bad!

Just thinking about the scene makes her eyes extremely hot.

She screamed and waved her hands, "No, I don't want it!"

"Sorry, apart from this method, there is really no other way to save you." The staff said as they continued to saw.

The sound of the chainsaw buzzed along with Mrs. Ling's wailing, and finally stopped after a few minutes.

Mrs. Ling's whole body was as if she had just been fished out of the water, sweating profusely.

I don’t know if it’s because of anger or embarrassment.

Her eyes turned black for a while, and finally fainted in Ling Qingran's low voice.


"Come and save my mother!"

"My mother fainted!" Ling Qingran didn't care about her exposed back, and quickly rushed towards Mrs. Ling Er and hugged her into her arms.

She looked helplessly around and gathered around them, and the guests surrounding their mother and daughter shouted, "Are you all blind? Didn't you see my mother fainted? Help!"

Her desperate tone suddenly caused some guests who wanted to reach out to withdraw their hands.

"Let's call an ambulance!"

"Yes, we are not doctors."

"Yes, yes, call an ambulance."

Someone started calling for an ambulance, but no one dared to go forward and inspect Mrs. Ling Er.

"I heard...Miss Ruan, the daughter of the Ye family, seems to be a doctor."

"Really? But when the Ling's mother and daughter treat her like this, she shouldn't be able to take action."

"It's only when you're crazy."

Ruan Su looked at Mrs. Ling Er, but just fainted in a hurry, being conscious is just a matter of time. There is no big problem, she will not get rid of a fishy body.

She is not the Virgin of the White Lotus.

Song Jiayan quietly moved to Ruan Su's side, "This mentality is too fragile, right? Just fainted?"

"Can it not be fragile? There was such a scandal on the big occasion of this fashion week. Today's headlines are definitely their mother and daughter. Not only did they lose their face, they also lost the Ling family's face. The Ling family guessed neither. I'll let them go." Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, a trace of mockery flashed across his pretty face.

It hurts others and hurts itself.

Sin has a cause.


This is a bit strange.

The ambulance came quickly, and after lifting Mrs. Ling Er to the car, Ling Qingran also carried her skirt directly into the ambulance.

A farce is coming to an end.

Ye Lingzhi and the others were called to a quiet corner by Ruan Su, "Who can tell me what is going on?"

Seeing Ruan Su's serious face, Ye Lingzhi swallowed his saliva, feeling a little panicked.

No way, Ruan Su's aura was so strong that she almost couldn't breathe.

After the three of them looked at each other, Ye Xinyun bit her lip and explained, "It's like this. We found that the mother and daughter seemed to be aimed at us, so we took the plan. We painted them on our seats. Glue was applied to their seats."

"Oh?" Ruan Suman glanced at her carelessly, "I didn't see it, you three are very courageous."

"We were very angry at the time. After all, if we were all stuck with glue, it would be us and the Ye family that would be ashamed today." Ye Junmei also said angrily, "They are too mean."

"Why are you hiding from me? You are too impulsive. What if they find out and get the handle?" Ruan Su frowned, "Have you thought about the consequences?"

"We...we want you to worry about it too." Ye Lingzhi lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Always you give us a head..."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, "Ruan Su, I used to be...I was not good. Don't take it to your heart. I did something wrong before, I'm sorry Ye Family..."

Suddenly, a slender hand was placed on her shoulder, and the woman’s voice was as beautiful as a beaded jade pan, “I don’t need to mention things in the past, we are a family. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, remember to call on it. Aunt and I, we will carry it together. We did a good job today!"

The three of them originally thought that looking at Ruan Su's previous attitude, she thought she would reprimand them for doing too much.

It never occurred to her that she would praise and agree with them.

The three of them all opened their beautiful eyes in shock almost at the same time, and looked at Ruan Su's smiling face in disbelief, " say?"

"Don't you blame us?"

"Causes me to think we have caused a catastrophe...offended the Ling family..."

"The mother and daughter are so disgusting, of course it needs a lesson." Ruan Su smiled and looked at the three of them, "Well, let's watch our show, don't pay attention to them."

Song Jiayan also smiled and said, "After today's big show is over, there will be a cocktail party. We will go home after attending the cocktail party."

"Okay, everything depends on my aunt."


Inside the hospital.

Mrs. Ling's eyes slowly opened. She stared blankly at the snow-white ceiling above her head and heard her daughter Ling Qingran's anxious voice, "Mom, are you awake?"

She turned her head and saw the tears on Ling Qingran's face, "Qingran..."

"Mom, you scared me to death." Ling Qingran excitedly took her hand, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"Where is this?" Mrs. Ling Er sat up after a while, looking at the unfamiliar environment.

"You fainted, I took you to the hospital. Mom, it was Ruan Su and the others!" Ling Qingran was so angry that he could not wait for the entire fashion week show.

After her daughter's reminder, Mrs. Ling's mind suddenly remembered how she suffered so much humiliation, how embarrassing and embarrassing she could not wait to cut out a three-bedroom.

Her eyes widened in anger, and she yelled at the door, "Dead bitch, wait for me! I want you to look good."

"Who do you want to look good?" Suddenly, a majestic voice appeared from the door.

Ling Qingran looked back abruptly and saw her father, Second Uncle Ling. She quickly walked towards her father and said aggrieved, "Dad...I and Mom..."

Before she had time to complain, she slapped her face with a slap in the face, and the second uncle Ling stared at her gloomily, "Look at the good things you have done! The headlines are all ugly of you two!" "

Elder Ling knew now, and scolded him bloody.

Of course, there is only one way to spread the anger on his body, and that is to rush to the hospital for the first time after being scolded, and find the mother and daughter to vent their anger fiercely.

He was furious. He slapped Ling Qingran and was still puzzled. He rushed to the hospital bed and slapped Ling Er.

Mrs. Ling Er, who had just been sober after the fight, became more dizzy, "You! You dare to beat me! You beat the child and beat me!"

Second Uncle Ling slapped her face again, "It's you rubbish, something that can't even give birth to a son."

"Shameful rubbish, Dad scolded me for half an hour because of your indecent thing! You still have the face to ask me why I beat you, today I don't kill you and my surname is Ling!"

Second Uncle Ling opened his slap and kept greeting Mrs. Ling's face, hitting her with a bruised nose and swollen face, with blood on the corners of her mouth.

Ling Qingran was afraid of being beaten, so she didn't dare to rush forward, so she could only cry and scream, "Dad, we all blame the Ye family, we all blame Ruan Su, she made us embarrassed... Dad... please don't beat mother. ."

"Ruan Su? Ye Family?" Second Uncle Ling's slap was raised and suddenly paused in the air, "The daughter that Ye Jiaxin recognized?"

He squinted his eyes, his face was sullen, "Ruan Su, right? You wait for me."

"Dad, you want to avenge my mom and me!" Ling Qingran took Ling Ershu's arm, "We were really miserable by her. X brand will have a show tomorrow, she is the designer of this brand...Dad , You think of a way."

Second Uncle Ling sneered, "Isn't it on the catwalk? I won't let her go!"

After finishing speaking, he threw away Ling Qingran's hand and walked away, without even looking at his wife who was beaten almost inhuman in the hospital bed.

Mrs. Ling held her red and swollen cheeks and cried bitterly, "The one who killed this day, he did this to me!"

Ling Qingran hurriedly comforted her, "Mom, as long as Dad is willing to take action, we will have a chance to watch a joke. What is this pain? It's nothing more than a skin injury. I'll call the doctor to help you deal with it. It's best to get an ice cube to get you cold. Cheeks, swelling quickly disappears."

Hearing what her daughter said, Mrs. Ling Er nodded, "You are right, what kind of injury is this injury? The most important thing is to see Ruan Su's fate!"


Early the next morning, Ruan Su just woke up before he had time to wash up, so he received a call from the director of brand X, "Designer X is bad!"

Ruan Su yawned exquisitely, then glanced at the sunlight outside, opened the window with his hand, and fresh air came in instantly, "What's wrong? What happened?"

The director almost didn't cry, "You'll know when you come! Something has happened! Please come!"

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Ruan Su hung up the phone and hurried to wash up. He randomly found a set of well-matched clothes from the closet and put it on his body. After putting on his shoes, he went downstairs.

"What's the matter in such a hurry?" Old lady Ye was about to ask her to have breakfast.

"Grandma, I won't eat breakfast anymore. I have to go to the show first." Ruan Su took a cabinet of milk from the table and another piece of bread. "I'm going out first."

"Hey—how can you eat and drink milk?" Old Lady Ye shouted towards her back, but Ruan Su was already far away.

Ye Yanli walked over to hold her, "Mom, bring Xiao Su something to eat when I go, don't worry."

"Well then. This kid is really..." Old lady Ye shook her head.

Ruan Su went directly to the garage and drove the BMW car in the direction of the show.

Speeding along the way, I always feel that there is a bad feeling in my heart.

PS: Happy National Day~~

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