Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 801: Out of print! Limited supply!

Ruan Su went straight to the show, but she didn't go anywhere. When she got out of the car, she went directly to the backstage where the X brand show was located.

There was a turmoil in the backstage. Models were rushing in anxiously, and some staff members shouted loudly, "Everyone, stay calm, you will definitely be able to solve it."

"Isn't it broken? Designer X will be here soon."

"Did you tell the general manager?"

"Quick! We can't help it."

Ruan Su frowned, what happened?

She shoved away the chaotic crowd and squeezed in.

I saw a large pile of tattered clothes piled up in the middle surrounded by many people, and almost none of them were intact.

These clothes are all new products of brand X this season, catwalk models.

Now it's all destroyed, how do you run the show?

I'm afraid this show will not be done.

Almost everyone's faces are sad and bleak.

Are the security measures at the show so poor?

This happened unexpectedly.

After all, the clothes of their brands add up, it is very valuable, and each piece is the painstaking effort of the designers.

Ruan Su frowned, and her expression was icy, "Isn't there a spare sample dress? Why? Didn't bring it this time?"

Their brand prepares two samples every time they run the show, just in case.

"Designer X!" Seeing Ruan Su's appearance, the operations director rushed over with excitement like seeing a savior, "You are finally here. Our clothes have been damaged to varying degrees. What can we do now? Most of the styles of clothes are available, but there are a few samples that don’t have a spare...Isn’t these a few... let’s go?"

Ruan Su glanced at the operations director blankly. "The time of the show is fixed. If you don't go, the time will be shortened. What should I do then?"

"Then... Designer X, it's too late for us to make on-site! Even if we replace it with other models, we can't get it out!" The operations director is about to scratch his head.

Ruan Su’s gaze fell on the pile of clothes that looked tattered on the ground again. These clothes were originally ironed pieces of the latest clothes, but now they have become rags, whether it is economic loss or now. The losses of this show are immeasurable.

She squinted her apricot eyes slightly, and a faint sharp light shot out from the bottom of her eyes, "Bring the dress without a spare sample, and Xiu will leave! Have all the spare samples been ironed?"

"The ironing is done, it will not hinder the catwalk." A staff member hurriedly replied.

"Okay." Ruan Su nodded, and arranged for other staff to find needlework and some scissors and tools.

The operations director walked over with six broken samples with a sad face, "These are these, there are no spares."

Ruan Su motioned to him to put these clothes on the workbench, and then she started to mending work earnestly with the needles.

The operations director looked at her in shock, "Designer X, are you going to sew them now? Is it too late? There are traces of sew that are not so good? Will they be seen?"

"I'm doing a second creation on the basis of the previous one. You only need to get ready for this show." Ruan Su's voice is faint, but there is a trace of irrefutable calmness.

Those models are all models that the X brand has worked with for a long time, and now they are all looking at Ruan Su in shock, "Oh my God! X designer wants to create on-site? Really?"

"I think she should be too late for such a few clothes?" A model looked worriedly at Ruan Su's slender, white hands. "Her hands don't look like needle and thread hands... She can do it. Clothes?"

"Drawing a design draft is different from real threading!"


"Oh, don't say anything, just watch the changes."

Trying on clothes, putting on make-up, and backstage, these people began to orderly continue to work on their own affairs.

The models soon put on the first batch of clothes for the catwalk.

"The catwalk officially starts in ten minutes, everyone line up to get ready!"


The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

When the music sounded, the first model who walked out went out, followed by the second, the third...

At this time, Ruan Su was still at the workbench to remedy the clothes.

The beginning of the catwalk didn't seem to affect her in general.

Before she knew it, a thin layer of sweat had already leaked from the tip of her nose.

She stared at the clothes inside, making various changes.

Finally, one piece has been remodeled, two pieces...

The models have already walked back and started to change their outfits.

The sound of music is constantly coming from the front, and the operation head will turn his attention to Ruan Su from time to time. Whenever she redesigns a piece of clothing, a staff member will immediately take it away for ironing, and then Dry the clothes and keep them in their best condition.

And inside the show at this time.

Ling Qingran was sitting in the back row with a mask on her face, she did not dare to sit in the front row.

She stared at the stage fiercely, and when the music rang, she was thinking to herself, "Let's see what you do! All your clothes are destroyed, let's see what you do."

What she didn't expect was that the models walked out wearing intact clothes.

She looked shocked and surprised.

how is this possible?

Didn't Dad say to find someone to ruin all their clothes?

Did they bring a spare?

What if I bring a spare? It is impossible to have all the clothes!

Thinking of this, Ling Qingran's face under the mask became more hideous.

She did not dare to sit in the front row, nor did she dare to let others recognize her.

So she wore a mask to witness Ruan Su's brand end in embarrassment.

She waited and waited, waited and waited!

It was almost a little confused after waiting.

No! impossible!

Didn’t you hear that there are 89 pieces of clothes in this big show? Then she waited slowly.

Ling Qingran couldn't help but smiled evilly when he thought of this.

She calmed down and continued to wait quietly. When she saw that the clothes were not enough, what would you take, Ruan Su?


However, she waited and waited until the show was about to come to an end.

The dress was still worn on the model and displayed on the runway.

And in the end, these pieces of clothes turned out to be particularly good-looking, novel and elegant.

Ling Qingran liked brand X clothes before and bought many of them.

It’s just now that I know it was designed by Ruan Su. She lost all those clothes at home last night.

Not only did she find it weird, but some of the guests also started to discuss it strangely.

"These last six are a little bit different from the previously released online pictures! Did they make a new modification and design based on the pictures? They look better than the previous ones, I like them. I want to order them!"

"It's true! Super beautiful! Super fairy!"

"It's really fashionable and novel, it makes me shine."

Until designer X came out and brought all the models to the curtain call, Ling Qingran was in shock.

how is this possible?

How could this be?

Obviously all the clothes are not good enough, why Ruan Su was able to complete this big show, rave reviews!

She was so angry that she didn't tear off her mask on the spot and yelled at Ruan Su, but she resisted it.

She took a deep breath and walked quietly towards the exit.

There must be something wrong with Dad, so it's impossible for Dad to lie, so...what's the matter?

The more she thought about it, the more she didn't understand.

But the six clothes that Ruan Su created for the last time directly hit the hot search.

"What kind of fairy clothes is this, it's totally in my aesthetics."

"Yes, yes! It's so good."

"I want to buy it now and when will it be listed."

Netizens are crazy about it.

At this time, Ruan Su was discussing with the director of operations what to do next.

"The previous six pieces of clothing have all been patterned, and the factory has placed orders in production. It is estimated that there are at least a few hundred pieces in mass production. What should I do?" The operations director is about to collapse. "What should I do if I can't sell it then?"

The six new styles that Ruan Su showed off at the big show are definitely selling very well.

What about the old version? Should it become a backlog?

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "All are sold as a limited-edition gimmick. It's an out-of-print type."

"Out-of-print type?" The operations director was stunned. "Is this all right?"

Ruan Su smiled, "Why not? You still don't know the influence of the X brand? Carrot and cabbage have their own love. If you love the new version, you will love the old version. And the old version is still available in limited quantities, as long as the limited quantity is attached. Two words, generally...sell very well."

This is also a marketing tool, isn't it?


presidential palace.

Inside the small western-style building where Bo Xingzhi lived.

He was dealing with official duties, and the President wore a suit of home furnishings and went straight to the study of Bo Xingzhi, and stabs in the door.

"Come to the meeting with me tomorrow, are you ready?"

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at him. The president said a few days ago that there was an important meeting.

But he didn't feel how important the meeting was at all.

"En." He responded indifferently.

The president looked at him with satisfaction, "You are my successor, don't worry, everything I will belong to you in the future. As long as you are willing to obey."

Bo Xingzhi didn't bother to go around so much with him, and continued to look down at the documents.

The president asked himself to be boring, and turned away without being angry.

Watching his back leave, Bo Xingzhi's eyes fell on the tablet computer aside, and a new news message just popped up on it.

"Brand X is a big show! The new style makes a lot of ladies crazy!"

That's Xiaosu's brand...

He couldn't help but clicked on the news, and he saw pictures of models with high temperament walking on the catwalk wearing new clothes of Brand X.

There is also a picture of the last curtain call by the designer.

Looking at the slender and slender figure, he couldn't help but stretch out his palm, gently stroking the incredibly beautiful face in the photo...

"Little Su..."

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