Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 802: Please face up to this important issue!

After watching it for a long time, Bo Xingzhi put away the picture, a sharp light burst into his dark ink pupils, and he sighed softly.

He couldn't help but took out his phone and sent Ruan Su a WeChat message, "Are you asleep?"

The dead of night is extremely lonely, and I miss it very much.

Ruan Su returned him soon, and the direct video call was still.

Bo Xingzhi hooked her lips, and after pressing the answer button, she saw the familiar, petite face on the phone screen.

"Wife, have you finished the shower?"

He noticed that her hair was still damp.

Ruan Su nodded, "Just finished washing. What's wrong? Miss me?"

She asked smoothly, and the man answered smoothly, "Of course. I can't sleep if you want to."

Ruan Su wore a dark red silk nightdress, which made her skin more and more seductive.

Bo Xingzhi lowered his head and glanced at his legs, and couldn't help but sigh again.

Not only does his mind think, but his body thinks too.


Ruan Su smiled at him while wiping his hair, "If you can't sleep, count the sheep. If you count a few, you fall asleep."

This... Counting sheep can't cure it.

Bo Xingzhi's long and narrow eyes faintly contained a faint light of fire, mixed with forbearance desire, and strong possessiveness.

"Wife, you kiss me."

"Oh, how do you kiss across the screen?" Ruan Su threw the towel aside, "Aren't you naive?"

"I became naive when I met you, and wanted you to kiss me." Bo Xingzhi's eyes were full of longing, "just a kiss."

Ruan Su had no choice but to kiss him directly to the screen, "Trojan horse~~~"

Her red lips are as beautiful as petals, and she looks more and more contemplative.

"Didn't today's show go well? I saw the news." Bo Xingzhi looked at Ruan Su with concern, "If there is anything I need to help..."

"I can solve it myself." Ruan Su's heart warmed and interrupted his voice. "It's just a small matter, you don't have to worry about it. What about you? What are you doing these two days?"

Hearing her brisk voice, Bo Xingzhi knew that she had solved the problem perfectly.

He curled his lips, "Don't worry, I will speed up the pace to live with you."

The man's voice was dull, so **** that he could almost make his ears pregnant.

Ruan Su was taken aback, "What are you going to do?"

Or what is he going to do?

What are you going to do?

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Wife, trust me." Bo Xingzhi smiled, "It's late at night, let's rest early."

"Don't hide anything from me, otherwise I will worry." Ruan Suzheng looked at his handsome face, "We finally got here...As long as you are in peace, I don't care about other things."

"I know." Bo Xingzhi finished speaking and kissed Ruan Su across the screen, then hung up the phone, "Good night."

"Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Su lay down on the bed, always feeling a little uneasy.

What is this man doing?

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was gloomy, and the sky was covered with thick, low, grayish-yellow cloudy clouds.

This low-pressure weather makes people feel inexplicably uncomfortable as if they are filled with a large rock.

The president’s assistant wore a gray suit and came to the door of Bo Xingzhi’s room, gently raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Master, we should set off."

"Got it." A low voice came from the room.

Soon, the door to the room was opened, and a slender figure appeared in front of the assistant. The man wore a black suit with a white shirt and tie of the same color.

The whole person looks magnificent and extremely cold.

Coupled with his long height, he always has a look of temperament.

The assistant was shocked for two seconds before he came back to his senses, "Master, please here."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him, and walked outside with his two big long legs against the sky.

Song Yan also immediately followed.

The three got into the car together, and the car slowly drove out of the presidential palace towards the meeting place.

"This meeting is not in the presidential palace?" Bo Xingzhi frowned slightly.

"Yes, it is held in the Convention and Exhibition Center. There will be many big guys attending, and the conference room in the Presidential Palace is still a bit small." The assistant explained quickly, "You can rest assured, you will be delivered safely."

This should be an ordinary meeting to discuss people's livelihood or other financial matters.

Otherwise, so many people will not participate.

What else did the president say about important meetings, haha—it really is a lie.

This kind of insignificant meeting, you only need to go out, and then listen to the bigwigs from all walks of life to make various reports, and listen to it all morning.

Bo Xingzhi had almost guessed the content of the meeting.

Sure enough, after arriving at the scene, I saw a lot of formal gangsters walking towards the venue with work badges on their necks.

Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan also put on work permits separately, and walked into the venue with the flow of people.

Fortunately, his position is in the front.

After everyone arrived, the meeting officially began soon.

The content of the whole meeting was really boring and drowsy.

Just as the thin-stemmed fingers were holding the pen while taking the minutes of the meeting, I suddenly heard a loud question, "Mr. President! What should I do with the ZZ organization? They are constantly harassing at the border, if we don’t rectify it. The consequences would be disastrous."

ZZ organization? These four words aroused Bo Xingzhi's interest in an instant. He raised his eyes slightly and saw a tall man with a righteous face, glaring at the first president sitting on the stage, his father.

The president obviously does not want to discuss this issue, nor does he want to raise it on this occasion.

He said coldly, "Minister Wang, please be quiet. Now we are discussing the next issue. What if young people are not willing to work in agriculture?"

"Mr. President, why don't you face this very important and important thing?" Minister Wang growled very angrily.

"President Wang, please see the occasion! Please come to my office to discuss this kind of matter with me separately!" The president glanced at Minister Wang with a gloomy expression, and continued to discuss trivial matters with everyone.

Minister Wang blushed and his neck was thick, but in the end he had no choice but to sit down.

Bo Xingzhi's gaze fell on the table card in front of Minister Wang, and the Minister of Security Wang Lei.

He whispered, "It seems that this man is a straightforward character."

Song Yan craned his neck and glanced at Wang Lei, "The Ministry of Security is in charge of the security of the entire country...So, he should have discovered something. Master, we..."

"En." Bo Xing nodded.

Song Yan knew immediately, "I see."

The two did not speak any more tacitly, but continued to listen to the president and others discussing trivial issues.


Yejia Manor.

Ruan Su looked at the gloomy sky outside the window and raised his eyebrows, "The weather today is really bad."

Mrs. Ye took a sip of porridge, "That's not the case. Don't go out in this weather. I just listened to the weather forecast and it's going to rain."

"I see, grandma." Ruan Su smiled and continued to lower her head to eat breakfast. Tomorrow she will go to the ICIF with Shang Lingxiao.

She still needs to prepare some things on the ICIF.

After eating breakfast, she was about to contact Shang Lingxiao, but the other party called.

"Xiao Su, are you ready for the exhibit?"

Ruan Su was looking for his bookshelf, "I remember I have an orphan copybook, I want to bring it over, I'm looking for... why can't I find it?"

"If you don't have one, let me prepare a copy for you. I have a lot of calligraphy and paintings here, as well as some antique porcelain." Shang Lingxiao's voice was warm, "The orphan's copybook must be Thousands of years ago, right? This kind of take out if someone is attracted to it and is stolen, what should I do?

Ruan Su laughed after hearing this, "Brother, you usually help me a lot. How can I prepare exhibits for the ICIF? The Ye family also has a lot of other things, and the ICIF is also suitable for them. Use it. I'll just go find it in the warehouse."

Shang Lingxiao heard the rejection in Ruan Su's tone, feeling a little disappointed, "Why are you polite with your brother?"

"Oh, don't you have kids and wives now?" Ruan Su said and hung up the phone, "I won't tell you yet, I'll go to the warehouse to look for it."

Shang Lingxiao looked at the phone that was hung up with a gloomy face.

It's a child and a wife again. How does that **** Jane Xin deserve to be his wife?

As for the child... it's just a wild species.

When Ruan Su first came to Ye's house, the old lady gave her a lot of treasures, and she put them in the Ye's storeroom.

There are not only hers but also other people's in this warehouse.

Some valuables and the like exist here.

She found out a painting by a painter in the Qing Dynasty from the pile of her treasures.

It is also considered decent, not a loss of face.

Anyway, he's also old Wen's apprentice, isn't it? Things have to be handy.

What's more, I heard that there will be a calligraphy contest and poetry contest at the ICIF tomorrow...


As soon as she came out of the warehouse, she found that it was raining outside, and the big raindrops were crackling down. Before she ran to the main house, it was crashing.

Pouring her from head to toe into a soup.

She protects the calligraphy and painting in her arms so that it will not be destroyed by rain.

I ran back in a hurry and ran into Song Jiayan who had just come downstairs, "Xiao Su, what did you do?"

Song Jiayan wore a lavender house suit with her hair draped on her back, making her look lazy.

"Oh, I went to the warehouse and got a copy of the painting." Ruan Su glanced down at the painting in his arms and placed it on the table. "I'll go upstairs to take a shower and change clothes. It's all wet."

Song Jiayan looked at the painting she put on the table, walked over to pick it up and took a look at it, "From the Qing Dynasty?"

"What does Xiao Su do with this painting?" Ye Yanli also walked over, "This painting is still worth some money."

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