Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 803: He is a scumbag, rubbish!

While the couple was studying the painting, the old lady Ye came over, "Hey, didn't I give this painting to Xiao Su? Why is it here?"

"Mom, this is what Xiao Su brought over." Ye Yanli had a smile on his handsome face. "I don't know what she will use it for."

After thinking about it, Mrs. Ye said, "I heard that this year's ICIF is about to start. Isn't she going to participate?"

"It's very likely." Song Jiayan continued, "Otherwise, what did she suddenly take out this painting for?"

When the three were chatting with each other, Ruan Su changed his clothes and walked over, with a casual and casual tone, "Uncle, I'm going to participate in the cultural fair tomorrow, with Shang Lingxiao. If you and aunt are all right If you do, you can go over and play."

The ICIF is quite lively.

Every year, there are a lot of big names in the calligraphy and painting circles competing there, and the lottery is also very good.

Especially this year also joined the stone gambling link.

Ruan Su thought it was very interesting and worth a visit.

"I heard that there will be new tricks this year, so it doesn't matter if you go." Ye Fan became interested in his centuries. He looked at Song Jiayan again, "Wife, what do you think?"

"Yes! I have never been to an ICIF before!" Song Jiayan replied enthusiastically.

"Then it's settled." Ruan Su nodded, and she put the painting away, "I have to go."

Old lady Ye looked at the pouring rain outside the window, crackling.

"Xiao Su, the weather is so bad and it's not safe to drive. Where are you going?"

Almost all of the tone was worry.

Ruan Su narrowed those clear apricot eyes slightly, "See a friend."

"Friend?" Before the old lady Ye had time to ask, Ruan Su had already stepped into the rain with an umbrella.

The old lady looked helplessly at her back and sighed, "This kid!"

"Xiaosu is well-measured, mom, don't worry about it." Ye Nianli comforted the old lady and went back to the room with Song Jiayan.

Ruan Su came to the garage with an umbrella and got directly into the BMW car.

As the car drove into the torrential rain, she thought of the WeChat that she had just received.

"Boss, my stomach hurts so much."

Jian Qiqi was rolling in pain in the bed at this time. I don't know why she just drank a glass of watermelon juice, but her stomach hurts.

Obviously, the period did not come, but my stomach hurts very much.

Dense beads of sweat ooze from her forehead, her body is weak, and her face is pale.

She took out her mobile phone and called Song Yan weakly, but no one answered at all.

At this time, Song Yan was in a meeting with Bo Xingzhi, and the phone was muted all the way, so he didn't know there was an incoming call at all!

Jian Qiqi had no choice but to send WeChat to Ruan Su and call!


Ruan Su was taken aback as soon as she spoke. "How are you? I'll go right now! If it doesn't work, you call the ambulance first!"

"I...I don't know what the emergency number of country M is..." Jian Qiqi was almost convulsive in pain. After she gritted her teeth and said this, "pop!" the phone landed.

She fainted with pain all over, and there was a cramp in her lower abdomen...

At the moment when she was dizzy and dizzy, what she didn't know was that something leaked out between her legs and her legs...

Ruan Su yelled anxiously as he drove, "Qiqi? Qiqi? How are you?"

But there was a busy tone on the other end of the phone.

She stepped on the accelerator more and more, swiftly slamming through the rain.

The ground is wet and slippery in heavy rain, and it is rare to ride a car like her crazy.

She honked her horn all the way, and the cars evaded one after another.

About ten minutes later, she rushed to the apartment where Jian Qiqi was.

She knocked on the door and no one answered. She kicked her feet as soon as she was anxious, kicking several times in a row, almost exhausting all of her energy.

Finally, the door of Jian Qiqi's apartment was kicked open, and a faint blood smell was smelled as soon as he entered the door.

"Seven-seven? Seven-seven?"

Ruan Su called and looked for Jian Qiqi everywhere, and finally found Jian Qiqi who had fainted on the ground in the bathroom, but when she saw the pool of blood under Jian Qiqi, she was shocked.

The heartbeat almost has to stop suddenly!

She rushed over like crazy, and took Jian Qiqi into her arms, "Qiqi? Qiqi?"

Jian Qiqi's face was as pale as a broken rag doll, Ruan Su hurriedly picked her up and rushed towards the outside.

How can there be so much blood?

Jian Qiqi's body has always been very good, let alone a shooter.

How could he shed so much blood?

Ruan Su's heart was up and down, and he couldn't care about other things.

Carrying Jian Qiqi downstairs, he directly stuffed her into the back seat of the car, and drove towards the nearby hospital.


"Here, I declare that this meeting has come to a successful conclusion."

As the president's voice fell, enthusiastic applause also sounded deafeningly.

The people attending the meeting walked out of the venue one after another.

Song Yan also took out his mobile phone, preparing to turn the mute into sound mode.

As a result, it didn't matter, he was shocked instantly.

Jian Qiqi called him several times and also sent WeChat.

His face suddenly changed, and he quickly called Jian Qiqi back, but no one answered. He couldn't get through after several fights.

He said anxiously, "Master, I have to go back to the apartment, there may be something wrong with Qiqi."

Bo Xing stopped for a moment, "What happened?"

At this moment, Song Yan's cell phone rang again, and it was Ruan Soda who came over, "Song Special Assistant, we are now in the emergency department of XX Hospital. Come here."

Song Yan was anxious, "Madam, what's wrong with Qiqi? Is she sick?"

"Let's talk about it when you come, the doctor is checking." Ruan Su hung up after speaking.

So Song Yan and Bo Xingzhi drove directly towards the hospital where Jian Qiqi was located.

The atmosphere was silent along the way, and Song Yan drove the car fast.

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the time, then at the pouring rain outside the window, "Xiao Su is there with him, there shouldn't be any major problems, don't worry too much."

Having said that, Song Yan was still very sad.

She must be uncomfortable at the time, right? My boyfriend was not by her side unexpectedly.

Song Yan blamed himself so much that he couldn't help stepping on the accelerator even more.

When they rushed to the emergency department of the hospital, they saw Ruan Su standing outside the rescue room.

Ruan Su wore a white shirt with a pair of blue jeans and a pair of sneakers on his feet, which looked very refreshing.

However, the expression on her face was not refreshing at all.

After seeing the two men, Ruan Su stood up, "The situation is not very optimistic."

Song Yan's head buzzed, "What... Not so optimistic, she has always been in good health..."

"Ectopic pregnancy." Ruan Su's voice was filled with sadness, "This is her first pregnancy, but it is very likely..."

Also the last time.

"You mean... she's pregnant?" Song Yan's face suddenly turned pale. "Out of the womb...pregnant!"

"Yes, the ectopic pregnancy has ruptured and hemorrhages and the situation is critical, so one side of the fallopian tube must be removed." Ruan Su took a deep breath, "I signed it when the family members signed it. Normal people have both fallopian tubes, and patients who have one fallopian tube removed. , There is still the other side of the fallopian tube, and there is still a chance of pregnancy and fertility. So... Although the probability of pregnancy is not as high as that of the two fallopian tubes, it is still possible to get pregnant."

It means to try your luck.

Song Yan closed his eyes, his eye sockets were red, and the bottom of his eyes was scarlet.

"She's so stupid, don't you know if she is pregnant?"

"She's young, she doesn't understand it, and it's normal." Ruan Su was also very sad. This was Jian Qiqi's first pregnancy, but she almost killed her.

Song Yan hugged his head with a look of pain, "I don't know, I'm really too stupid. She doesn't know, I should remind her. A few days ago, she said that her period seems to be postponed, and she blames me... "

When he thought of Jian Qiqi lying on the operating table without knowing his life or death, he was so painful that he wanted to replace her. "Why am I so stupid, so stupid?"

"It's too late to say this now. Let's wait! The doctor will try his best to rescue him, and ectopic pregnancy is a very common operation." Ruan Su didn't know what to say to comfort him.

Bo Xing stopped looking at the lamp above the rescue room, "The child can still have it in the future, now the most important thing is her body..."

He is not very good at comforting others, which is a bit clumsy.

As soon as his voice fell, the light suddenly went out!

Then there was a door opening sound.

Two nurses came out first and opened the door, followed by Jian Qiqi who was pushed out. Little Lori, who was always alive and well, was now lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed.

There is also a needle pierced in the hand and the bottle is hung for infusion.

Song Yan rushed in distressedly, trying to hold Jian Qiqi's hand, but was afraid of touching her needle.

His eyes were full of heartache, but his lips trembled and he couldn't say a word.

Then the attending doctor also walked out.

"Doctor, how is my girlfriend?"

"The operation was very successful. One side of the fallopian tube was removed, and the other side can also be pregnant. Young people! You still need to pay more attention to your body in the future." The doctor said earnestly.

"Will she have sequelae?" Song Yan was frightened.

He doesn't care if she can give birth, he just wants to know if her health will be better!

The doctor replied, "It depends on the degree of physical recuperation, some precautions after the operation, and some things when family members need to take care of them. The nurse will send you a handbook."

The nurse sent Jian Qiqi into the ward.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi also followed into the ward.

Jian Qiqi lay there quietly, the postoperative anesthesia effect has not disappeared, so she has been drowsy.

Song Yan kept holding Jian Qiqi's other little hand that had not been injected, and he looked at her haggard and pale face in silence, and his heart was cold.

Why does it become like this?

He didn't expect Jian Qiqi to become pregnant. He didn't even think that Jian Qiqi would have an ectopic pregnancy. He was really a scumbag, rubbish!

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