Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 804: Can't marry her! Can't marry him!

Song Yan blamed himself very much, and felt pain in his heart like being bitten by countless ants.

He sadly covered his face.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi looked at each other and both left the ward silently.

"She wakes up and needs nutrition, let's go to the neighborhood to buy something to eat together."

As soon as he left the door of the ward, Ruan Su took the initiative to hold the man's hand, his palms were warm and dry with the power to soothe her irritability.

"En." Bo Xing stopped and nodded. She seldom took the initiative, making his heartstrings agitated as if they were being stirred. "Let's be together."

It's been a long time since they walked with Ruan Su quietly. The two of them walked through the long corridor and stepped into the elevator.

At this time, there were not many people coming and going in the hospital, and there were only two of them in the elevator.

As soon as Ruan Su entered the elevator, before Ruan Su could react, the man embraced her slender figure directly, and his hot lips fell.

Ruan Su stood on tiptoe to respond to him.

His head was buzzing, and he could only feel the man's scorching breath, and the smell that belonged to him alone.

Bo Xingzhi slowly closed his eyes, his thick eyelashes trembling slightly.

He hugged Ruan Su, his Ruan Su tightly, as if regaining the treasure.

Ruan Su that he missed.

With a sound of "ding-", the elevator door rang, interrupting the short-term warmth of the two.

Bo Xingzhi reluctantly let go of the woman in his arms, as if the fragrance of her still remained in his breath.

There was an undercurrent of sentiment in his eyes, "Wife..."

A dark voice rang in his ears, Ruan Su's heart trembled, "Let's go."

The two crossed the hall on the first floor with their hands clasped, and then came outside the hospital.

The entire hospital is very wide, and it takes about four or five minutes to reach the gate. They walked out like a stroll in the courtyard, holding hands.

No one spoke any more, just walked quietly.

But no one knows that even such a few minutes of silence is really rare for both of them.

There are quite a few restaurants at the entrance of the hospital, as well as some beverage shops and fruit shops.

They walked inside again, they saw the snack street, and finally found a porridge shop.

"This porridge shop is a chain, and it should be pretty good. Just this one." Ruan Su stood at the door and glanced at the decoration of the store and said.

"Okay." The man answered.

So the two stepped into the store, which was about three to four hundred meters in size, divided into two floors.

There are also many customers, with congee and side dishes, and some braised chicken feet.

"Let's eat here first, and after we finish eating, we will bring some of them back." Ruan Su looked at the menu and pushed it to the man. "What do you want to eat?"

"You order, I love everything you order." Anything that passes Ruan Su's hands, he thinks it is the best.

When he said this, Ruan Su immediately thought that when this man had a mental illness, he had to eat the food she cooked, and would rather go hungry.

She shook her head helplessly, isn't his mental illness all right now?

Why is it so...

She ordered two porridges, a few small bowls of vegetables, meat and vegetables, and two Su biscuits.

Since almost all of them are ready-made, there is no need to wait. The waiter will deliver the food immediately after ordering.

"Hey—how do I think you are so familiar?" The waiter is a middle-aged woman in her forties. The woman may be learning makeup. Her eyes with big eyes painted in a certain posture flashed bulingbuling a few times, staring at Bo Xing. After a while, suddenly screamed, "Aren't you the president's son?"

Bo Xingzhi's hand holding the chopsticks became stiff: "..."

"Oh, it's so much better than on TV! This face is so handsome!" The waiter blinked his big eyes quickly, and hurriedly greeted the other waiters over to watch, "Look, young master of our country." !"

"You... admit it wrong. How could the president's young master eat here? How could it be a five-star hotel?" Ruan Su interrupted the excitement of the two aunts. She said with a smile, "There are many people. It’s said that my husband looks like the president’s son. It’s a pity that we are not."

"Really isn't it?" The aunt was a little disappointed, but seeing the handsome guy was still in a good mood, "It doesn't matter, your husband is so handsome, and you are so beautiful."

The commotion that had caused was quickly resolved.

Ruan Su stretched out his hand to support his chin, looking at Bo Xingzhi with a pair of watery eyes, "You are a celebrity, more famous than me. When have you been on TV?"

"We were in a meeting with Song Yan in the morning. During the meeting, the camera might have swept over me and gave me a close-up." Bo Xingzhi thought of the brand in front of him: "Bo Xingzhi, son of the president," his eyes darkened.

One day, he will have his own status and power.

Instead of calling someone's son!

"So the people all over the country know that you are a handsome guy." Ruan Su mischievously picked up a small dumpling. "The congee and side dishes here are not bad, and they are suitable for patients."

Bo Xingzhi didn't speak any more, and lowered his head to start eating.

Although the incident has passed, there are a lot of customers in the restaurant, and someone secretly took pictures of Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

Who doesn't want to see a handsome man and a beautiful girl so seductive?

Not only was it posted to the social platform, but also accompanied by pictures and texts, "Bo Xingzhi, the son of the president on the news, contrasts with the handsome guy who happened upon the porridge shop! Who is handsome!"

"Is this... alone?"

"I think it's a person."

"I discovered the New World! The son of the president on TV wears the same clothes as the handsome guy in the congee shop, the same suit, and even the watch!"

"Who is the beautiful lady sitting across from him?"

It turned out that this was originally a comparison chart, but the one that got on the hot search in the end was "The President's Son Brings Mysterious Girlfriend Congee Shop Gathering!"

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su could not laugh or cry.

"This is a hot search for all meals, but the hot search physique didn't run away."

Ruan Su was holding Xiaolongbao and a few side dishes in his hand, while Bo Xingzhi was holding two packages of white porridge in his hand, and the two of them walked towards the hospital.

As soon as they had a meal, the two of them hung up on the Internet search.

"These people are really boring." Bo Xingzhi curled his lips, holding Ruan Su's soft hand with his free hand, "You are not mysterious, you are the genuine daughter of the Ye family."

"I had known the hot search at the meeting, I might as well just admit that you are the son of the president!" Ruan Su curled his lips to save these people from writing and guessing and leading some public opinion.

The two quickly returned to the hospital and went directly to the ward.

Song Yan still sat on the edge of the hospital bed guarding the unconscious Jian Qiqi.

Ruan Su couldn't bear to see him like this, "You can eat something first, she may not wake up until tomorrow morning."

The two of Bo Xingzhi put the things they brought back on the table, "eat something."

The man's expression was concise and terrifying.

"She has such a thing now, no one can think of it, no one can predict it." Ruan Su opened a box of porridge and handed it to Song Yan personally, "Qiqi will not blame you."

Song Yan's eyes moved slightly, and he lifted his haggard face to look at Ruan Su, "Madam, I'm really sad, and I blame myself, why am I so useless..."

"Okay, don't say any more of these words. Cheer up, the child can still ask for it in the future, if it doesn't work... just get a test tube, or other methods." Ruan Su patted his shoulder, "As for Qiqi, The matter of the two of you should be settled as soon as it is settled. This time it is an accident, what about next time? You are a man, so you can't keep her without any protection."

Song Yan nodded heavily, Jian Qiqi almost lost his life for him.

That night he... took the initiative!

He is a man and should take the responsibilities that men should bear.

Thinking of this, Song Yan immediately sent a WeChat message to Mrs. Song, "Mom, when you come over, remember to bring the heirloom with you."

Mrs. Song originally heard that Song Yan's girlfriend was ill and had an ectopic pregnancy. She almost fainted. At the moment, she was shrinking in Song Yichang's arms and crying bitterly, tearing her nose and tears.

He directly responded to Song Yan's voice, with a deep crying voice, "What are you talking about? Son?"

Song Yan hit again, "Bring the heirloom."

The Song family has a family heirloom, which is passed on to his daughter-in-law. A jade bracelet, very beautiful.

Mrs. Song is always reluctant to wear it, now this is...

Mrs. Song was dumbfounded, and immediately called and stopped WeChat at all.

"Are you crazy? She had one fallopian tube removed. What if she won't get pregnant in the future? Are you going to let the Song family wean off offspring?"

Song Yan answered her coldly, "I think you are crazy. I caused her ectopic pregnancy. Mom, I always thought you were sensible. Now you want me to abandon her?"

Hearing the righteous words of her son, Mrs. Song was also stunned. Although the girl Jian Qiqi did not formally meet with her for dinner and chat... But she also knew that this girl had been with Ruan Su and was a good boy. .

She felt a pain in her heart, and she suddenly cried out like a knife, "My poor Qiqi! My poor Ayan! Why are you so miserable!"

Seeing her so heartbroken, Song Yichang hurriedly continued to comfort her, "Wife, they are still young, and their body conditioning will definitely recover. The doctor said that if you are lucky, can you still have a baby?"

"In any case, the child is secondary, Qiqi is the most important." Song Yan hung up after speaking.

At this time, Jian Qiqi on the hospital bed slowly opened her eyes, and two lines of clear tears slid down her cheeks.

She looked at Song Yan sadly, "I heard everything you said."

She had an ectopic pregnancy and one fallopian tube was removed. She will probably never have a baby again...

"Qiqi, don't worry. Ectopic pregnancy is my fault. I didn't take care of you. When you are discharged from the hospital, we will get married." Song Yan held Jian Qiqi's cold little hand and looked at her affectionately. "I love you! I only love you in my life!"

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