Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 805: We will never be possible!

"What's the use of just saying that you love me? I...become a useless person from now on." Jian Qiqi withdrew her hand from Song Yan's palm, with a sneer at the corner of her lips, "Let's break up."

"Qiqi?" Song Yan looked at Jian Qiqi's pale little face in shock, his heart twisted, "Why break up? I can't break up with you if I kill you. I want to marry you!"

"If you want to marry, do I have to marry?" Jian Qiqi stretched out her hand and gently stroked her belly. Has there ever been a child born there?

Did she leave before she could feel its existence?

Her tears fell uncontrollably.

Will she not be able to have children in the future?

Is it impossible for her to have a child of her own in this life?

There was a dull pain in the lower abdomen, reminding her of the fact that one fallopian tube had been removed.

She is still so young...

Jian Qiqi wiped away tears and stared at Song Yan stubbornly, "You go, you go out! I don't want to see you."

Song Yan saw that she was going to be angry, and hurriedly coaxed her, "Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. Seventy-seven...Don't joke about your body. You have an operation, and it will take at least a week to be hospitalized. Don't be angry. Don't be too emotional, okay?"

He was afraid that she would hurt himself.

Jian Qiqi's round eyes stared at him with tears, "Leave me alone, we're breaking up now! Song Yan, you go, when I see you, I think of my child, and I think of what happened to me. Everything, you go... don't show up in front of me again."

Tears slid down her eye sockets.

It made her haggard and pale face look more and more pitiful.

Song Yan felt another pain in his heart, and his voice was hoarse, "Okay, I'll go, I'll go out."

Having said that, he just walked out of the ward and sat on the chair outside, and did not leave the hospital.

He is not willing.

The atmosphere in the ward was a bit solemn, and Jian Qiqi stared at Song Yan's back and left before she closed her eyes again.

so sad.

Ruan Su wanted to comfort her, but didn't know where to speak.

She glanced at Bo Xingzhi, the man nodded at her tacitly and then walked out, closing the door of the ward easily.

Ruan Su sat in front of Jian Qiqi, "Why do you want to break up with Song Yan? Don't you like it very much? You two are so close, so don't talk about breaking up easily."

Jian Qiqi looked at Ruan Su dimly with teary eyes, choked up, "Boss...I don't want to! But my child is gone, and my fallopian tube is gone."

"Whether I can have children in the future is still unknown. He is in good old age, so let's find another true love."

"Why bother with a broken woman like me?"

How could Song Yan's family allow them to break the incense?

Instead of the Song family humiliating her and despising her when the time comes, Song Yan abandons her.

She might as well get acquainted with herself and leave on her own initiative.

"You are really stupid. Song Tezhu doesn't care about these things, didn't he just say it?" Ruan Su looked at the little girl distressedly.

"Children can also be adopted, if you really like it..."

"After all, the adopted person is not his own. Boss, you don't need to persuade me. I have decided." Jian Qiqi raised his hand and wiped away tears. "This is how fate is, always catching someone who is bullied. . For example, me."

She never thought that one day she would have an ectopic pregnancy, and she might not have another child.

it is ridiculous!

She is so young...

She dared not think anymore.

"It doesn't matter, I can go back to the Middle East, Su Xing and Su Jinghuai are still in the Middle East! From now on, I will raise Su Jinghuai with Su Xing and educate him to be a man of indomitable spirit!" Jian Qiqiang said with a smile.

Ruan Su looked at her and couldn't persuade her, so he could only talk a few more words.

"I'll be here with you tonight."

"Okay! It's an honor for me to be able to accompany the boss in bed." Jian Qiqi pretended to be playful and stuck out his tongue.

Ruan Su couldn't laugh.

She felt a little sad, her chest was choked with breath.

The child... is not only the mountain on top of Jian Qiqi's head, but also the mountain on top of her head.

She probably won't be able to have a baby either, and Bo Xingzhi wants a baby that belongs to both of them.

She let out a long sigh, "Since you are awake, drink some porridge, or you won't have the strength."

She lowered her head to open the insulated lunch box, took the porridge out and took a spoon to feed Jian Qiqi.

It is not convenient for Jian Qiqi to sit up, so she can only feed her.

Bo Xingzhi had been sitting outside with Song Yan, and it was already late at night.

As soon as Ruan Su opened the door of the ward to let them go back, she heard a rush of footsteps in the corridor, and when she looked up, she saw the Song family rushing in.

The two of them were in the dust, obviously they had just got off the plane and went straight to the hospital.

"How are things now?" Mrs. Song blurted out and asked about Jian Qiqi's situation when seeing Song Yan and the three of them.

"The operation was very successful." Song Yan briefly told her about Jian Qiqi's current situation.

Mrs. Song sighed sadly, she took out the jade bracelet and stuffed it into Song Yan's hand, "I have already thought about it, since you really love her, it doesn't matter if a child is not a child, you... give it to her."

She shed tears as she talked, and cuddled up in Song Yichang's arms heartbroken, "You have committed sins! How could this be?"

"Mom?" Song Yan looked at her in shock, "Don't you disagree?"

"What if I don't agree? Qiqi is also a good boy. She is traumatized now, and she is also in pain. If our family doesn't show an attitude, how uncomfortable will be in her heart?" Mrs. Song is really very sad. Sad, she feels sad when she thinks that she might not be able to hold her grandson.

"Human hearts always grow. Your mother thought about it all the way and decided that as long as the two of you are good, she doesn't care." Song Yichang was also sad, and he felt distressed when he saw that his wife was sad.

Song Yan nodded heavily, "Mom, thank you."

With that, he walked into the ward.

Ruan Su didn't bother them, but sat down with Mrs. Song, "Qiqi wants to break up. Her mood is not very good."

"Break up? What are you breaking up?" Madam Song cried more fiercely, and she took Ruan Su's hand, "Idol! What are you talking about!"

"Auntie, don't be too sad. If one side is removed, and the other side is removed, the chance of pregnancy will be reduced, but it does not mean that you will not get pregnant at all. It is also possible to get pregnant." Ruan Su said softly. Comforted her.

Inside the ward, Jian Qiqi thought it was Ruan Su who had returned, but when he looked up, he saw Song Yan's familiar face.

Her face suddenly sank, "What are you doing in here?"

Song Yan walked to her and opened the box gently, "Qiqi, this is the heirloom of our Song family. It has always been passed down to my daughter-in-law, and now my mother brought it over. I will put it on for you now. After going up, you will be mine, our Song family's!"

His voice is categorical, "It's the woman Song Yan has identified in this life."

"Song Yan, don't go crazy, okay? I can't have children! Are you sick?" Jian Qiqi yelled at him irritably. "I have a flaw."

"So what? I don't care! Don't say you still have a chance of getting pregnant, even if your one percent chance is gone, I can't let it go! What I want is you, not a child!" Song Yan said patiently She explained that she just didn't dig her heart out to show her.

"Don't care for one day, don't care for two days, three days and four days, one year or two years? One day you will envy other people's children and want someone to call your father!" Jian Qiqi burst into tears, "Don't come here again. Find me, it's impossible for the two of us!"

Song Yan is such a good man, he should be suitable for a better woman instead of looking for her.

She is not worthy of him at all!

"I don't care, I won't let it go, it's impossible to let it go in this life." Song Yan grabbed her thin wrist and wanted to put the jade bracelet on her wrist.

Jian Qiqi wanted to withdraw his hand, but Song Yan's strength was great.

She is weak again, and the usual strange power Lori is now like a sick cat.

Song Yan's nose was sour. If she had been so awkward before, she would be so alive, and she would have to give him a shoulder throw to relieve her anger.

But now...she is lying here so weak...

Song Yan's heart was so painful and sad.

"You don't have the strength to knock me down..."

He looked at Jian Qiqi’s wrist with the jade jade bracelet that he had put on, and his skin was as white as jade, "Qiqi, you get better soon. When you get better, no matter what you do, I will stay with you. ."

Jian Qiqi looked at him desperately, "Why don't you understand? The two of us are not suitable."

"The Lie Girl is afraid of her husband, I will keep pestering you until the end of the sky." Song Yan saw that she did not resist any more, and let go of her hand contentedly, "Wear it well, you are my wife. Even if the king comes, I will kill you. Don't be afraid! So, Qiqi, don't be afraid."

Jane Qiqi burst into tears. She has never been a crying girl, but now...she really wants to cry.

How could she be worthy of him?

"I want to accompany you tonight, let the wife and young master go back to rest, you know? Don't think about pushing me away." Song Yan gently kissed the back of her hand and walked out of the ward.

After a while, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi came in to say goodbye to Jian Qiqi, and Mrs. Song and Song Yichang also came in.

Madam Song saw Jian Qiqi's haggard and weak appearance, and the tears that had just stopped fell again.

"My boy! How are you now? Are you feeling better?"

"Wife, you are an elder now, you can't cry anymore, you know?" Song Yichang hurriedly comforted her, "Didn't Xiao Su say it? This is not a big problem. It is still possible to get pregnant, but the chances are lower."

"I can't help it. I am also very painful." Madam Song sniffed and took out a bank card directly, "My uncle and I were in a hurry to catch the plane, and we got off the plane and night. It’s deep, and I hurried over. I didn’t bring any gifts. There are five million here. Go buy some fruit supplements first."

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