Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 806: Full of romance! Handsome guy is tempting!

Jian Qiqi shook his head, it is fake that his heart is not shaken.

She didn't expect that Mrs. Song would be willing to accept her now, her round eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Auntie...I...I don't want your money. I don't want to marry Song Yan either."

"What are you talking about?" Madam Song didn't care about wiping her tears again, she stared at Jian Qiqi in shock, "Our family accepts you, what's the matter with you? Still look down on my family Ayan? Jian Qiqi, Don’t be confused. I missed the fact that there is no shop in this village. Ayan is a good man, loyal and dedicated, and there is no messy rumored girlfriend, or a little third or a little fourth!"

Is this Jian Qiqi mad?

Song Yichang was also a little surprised, "My child, you are not in good health now. I will talk about this later. The most important thing now is to maintain a good health, you know?"

Song Yan put his big palm on Jian Qiqi's small mouth, afraid that she would say something incredible, "Mom, you are tired too, I booked a hotel near the hospital, you go back and rest first. Seven Qi may be unable to think of it for a while...I just persuade her."

"Let's do it, you two must be good, you know?" Madam Song confessed to Song Yan again, "You can't be Chen Shimei, you can't be a scumbag!"

"Yes, yes, you go quickly." Song Yan said as he sent the two elders out.

Mrs. Song stood at the door and glanced reluctantly at Jian Qiqi, who was weak on the hospital bed.

After speaking, she left with Song Yichang.

Song Yan closed the door of the ward before returning to Jian Qiqi, "Why are you so stupid?"

He took her little warm hand, but Jian Qiqi closed her eyes, "I'm tired, I want to rest."

She didn't want to say anything to Song Yan, she could only endure the pain in her heart silently.

Some people have something... inappropriate is inappropriate.

They can endure her defects one day and two days, so what about one year, two years and three years?

Wouldn't they envy them when they saw other people taking their children?

Oneself... it's better to be resolute and decisive.

Jian Qiqi's nose was sour for a while, and now she was no longer worthy of Song Yan.

In other words, she didn't match him from the beginning.

He is the young master of the Song family, where is she? It's just a **** adopted daughter of the Jane family.

An orphan without a father or mother.

Why should she match the eldest son of the Song family?

Song Yan looked at her closed eyes and lay helplessly on the side of the **** bed, but he couldn't sleep.

Long night, upset...


Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi got into the car directly after leaving the hospital. Bo Xingzhi drove the car but did not want to return to the presidential palace for a long time.

"I will take you to a place."

Ruan Su was taken aback, wouldn't this man also buy a real estate here, right?

That's really...

People who have houses all over the world? Local tycoon.

Thinking like this in her mind, she saw Bo Xingzhi driving the car in the opposite direction of the presidential palace.

"If you don't go back, the president will be angry."

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows mockingly, his thin lips outlined a seductive curve, "He is mad at him, and I go back to my own home, what does it matter to him?"

Really...Have real estate?

Ruan Su thought so in his heart, and saw the car driving all the way to the west until it reached a villa area.

This villa area is quite famous in the capital of country M. Many people who are either rich or expensive will buy one here. Because of the quiet environment, the management of the villa area is also very standardized, and some stars will also choose to live here. .

What she didn't expect was that Bo Xingzhi actually bought a single-family villa here.

The car drove slowly to the underground garage. The villa has five floors. The negative one is the garage. She followed Bo Xing to get out of the garage and went up to the elevator of the villa. The entire first floor is full of dining rooms and kitchens.

The second floor is the living room, the third floor is the cloak area, and the fourth and fifth floors are the residential areas.

The decoration is not luxurious, but it is absolutely elegant and stylish.

When did this man start doing it?

She found the house to her appetite, and the furniture was in line with her aesthetics.

It seems to be tailor-made for her.

Bo Xingzhi held her soft little hand and looked at her delighted expression, knowing that she liked it very much.

The man curled his lips, "Do you like it?"

All the effects are made according to her preferences, whether it is the style of the furniture or the characteristics of the decoration, even the color of the wardrobe, including the design of the bathroom, are all made for her.

"I like it." Ruan Su couldn't help kissing him on the cheek. "When did you start it?"

"I won't tell you." Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes stared at her silently for a while, with an inexplicable deep meaning in his eyes, before he said again, "Take you to the bedroom to take a look."

Ruan Su's face blushed, not knowing why he always felt that what he said was a little meaningful, with a hint of weird ambiguity.

She held the big palm that the man stretched towards her, and Bo Xingzhi led her up the stairs. Instead of taking the elevator, she walked forward step by step.

Obviously only a few minutes away, but he just walked out of the red carpet speed.

It took more than ten minutes to reach the fourth floor from the second floor.

The whole corridor was filled with a faint fragrance, Ruan Su smelled the fragrance from afar, and she sniffed it suspiciously, "It smells good."

Bo Xingzhi looked down at her with a faint smile, "Wife... guess what?"

Ruan Su shook his head, staring at him with clear eyes, "I don't know."

Under the soft dark red carpet and the dimly yellow wall lamp, everything is full of ambiguous atmosphere.

Ruan Su looked around. There were several rooms on both sides of the corridor. Her beautiful eyes moved slightly, staring at the wide back of the man in front of her, and there was a hint of coquettish in her voice, "Which is the master bedroom?"

The man didn't speak, but just lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her lips, leading her to move on, until the end of the corridor, the door of the room was opened, and the fragrance of roses came to his face.

Even though he was prepared in his heart, Ruan Su was still shocked for a moment.

The beautiful eyes are filled with rose petals, the spacious and bright room is hundreds of square meters, and the crystal chandeliers are gorgeously dotted on the ceiling, releasing beautiful lights.

Ruan Su stepped into the room and stared at everything in front of him in disbelief.

She bit her petal-like cherry lips, and walked forward with her long, straight legs.

In the center of the room, there is a big red bed in the shape of a peach heart. The big bed is also covered with red rose petals, with a faint fragrance floating in the air.

Pale pink curtains hang down from the ceiling, covering the top of the entire large bed, giving people a hazy beauty.

Before she could react, she snorted and found that her whole body was pressed onto the soft bed by the man. Her body was sunken in it. The man leaned over and kissed her red lips. lip.

The whole room is filled with an enchanting atmosphere,

The man’s thin lips are extremely lingering, and I don’t forget to free up a hand to unbutton the black shirt. The knuckles of the fingers are pinched on the buttons, and the **** Adam’s apple bursts into the air in the next second, and the strong muscle lines outline it. Perfect arc.

Ruan Su's face was flushed, and he hardly dared to look at him, only that his eyelids were burning.

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower." At this moment, the man let go of her and walked towards the bathroom.

Ruan Su looked at the bathroom and listened to the sound of the water coming from his ears. He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. His mind couldn't help but sway over the powerful explosive force of the man's thick and full muscles just now.

Her heartbeat suddenly missed another half beat, that **** amazing attraction.

Her eyes are a little blurred, this man is really **** good-looking!

Thinking of this, she got out of bed in a ghostly manner and opened the bathroom door.

The man who was soaking in the bathtub heard the movement and turned around suddenly, and was immediately attracted by the beauty in front of him...

The night was full, and the rainy night sky had no moon or stars.

But everything seems to be just right.

Early in the morning, the earth that had rained all night exudes a faint fragrance of earth.

Ruan Su slowly opened his eyes, only feeling uncomfortable.

It hurts a lot.

Sure enough, there is no benefit to excessive desire.

The inside of her throat was dry and astringent, thirsty and terribly uncomfortable.


She did not open her eyes, but groaned unconsciously.

As soon as she said, she heard the sound of catching water, and a cup of warm water was delivered to her lips in an instant, "Is it tired last night?"

The man’s hoarse and **** voice rang in her ears in the morning. She slowly opened her eyes and gulped water. After a glass of water instantly moisturized her throat, she then spoke, staring at the instigator with an annoyed look, "It’s not that weird. you!"

Man looks confusing!


Bo Xingzhi chuckled, "Don't you like it very much?"

Ruan Suqiao blushed, turned away shyly, and groaned without confidence, "Shut up!"

"Are you shy?" The man's handsome face got closer and closer, "I'm an old husband and wife, why are you shy?"

"Fuck you! I'm hungry." Ruan Su quickly finds another topic, otherwise she will be embarrassed to death.

"I ordered a breakfast takeaway. I think it's time to come." Bo Xingzhi said and walked outside, "I'll go downstairs to pick it up."

Ruan Su found out that the man was wearing a black nightgown, and his face was refreshed and contented.

When did he get up? And have you finished washing up?



Sure enough, this man had a physique different from ordinary people.

Ruan Su was thinking wildly in his heart, rubbing his aching old waist before moving to the bathroom.

She also found that the petals on the ground did not know when the man had cleaned them up.

She cleaned herself quickly and opened the closet. As expected, almost two-thirds of it was her clothes, and the remaining one-third was thin.

Don't think about it, the entire floor of the cloakroom is probably all her clothes...

Did she save the galaxy in her last life? The Ye family treated her like this, and Bo Xingzhi treated her like this...

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