Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 813: Play is to stimulate the heartbeat!

An angry flame was surging in the president's chest, "What are you talking about? You even talked to my father like this! You turned the head!"

"If it's you this day, it doesn't matter the other way around." Thin Xingzhi gracefully took a wet wipe from the table and started wiping his fingers, as if he was not wiping his fingers, but some artwork.

The president got up from the sofa angrily, raised his hand and threw it towards the thin handsome face, but the man grasped his wrist as soon as he said, "You are getting old... I advise you to put out your chest. Fire, be careful when the weather gets to the west."

After finishing speaking, he shook off the president's wrist and walked upstairs.

"Rebel! You rebel!" The president was so angry that he turned black for a while, almost fainted.

If it hadn't been for the assistant behind him to hold him in time, he was afraid that he would faint on the spot.

He stared at Bo Xingzhi's back and was out of breath, "I really found a crime to come back and suffer! You—"

But Bo Xingzhi only didn't hear his voice, and his slender legs stepped up on the stairs.

The assistant helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose sympathetically, "Sir, you don't have to be angry, don't you have... the young master? The young master has been in country M for a long time, and he hasn't seen you before!"

The president stood up angrily, "Go and find him! This one doesn't work, there is another one, and there are many others. I don't believe that all of them will **** me off. He really thought I wouldn't live without him. There are so many sons!"

The assistant smiled slightly, "What you said is that with other sons, you are sweet and delicious."

"Or you can talk, go, find the boss!" The president walked out angrily, "Tomorrow I will take the boss to the meeting and give him a position! What do you think?"

The assistant immediately bowed his head and said respectfully, "I don't know, I don't understand sir. I only know how to take care of you and help you deal with trivial things."

Companion with a monarch is like a companion with a tiger.

How dare he express his opinion easily.

In particular, the president has always been very suspicious, and he may doubt him or jealously.

"Then give him a job!" The President said as he walked out, "I heard that the director of the diligent office is going to retire recently, so let him go and check the attendance of various departments every day."

"Yes, I know, I will notify you tomorrow." The assistant hurriedly responded.

Early the next morning, the sun was shining and the air was fresh.

There was a lot of discussion throughout the office building.

"Mom, I heard that the director of the Qinzheng Office is the President."

"Really? Isn't the president's son Bo Shao?"

"Too strange."

With a sound of "ding!", the elevator door was opened, and the man in a black suit stepped out. He had a cold face, a long stature, and his body was covered with precious words.

The group of staff members who were discussing around there immediately dissipated, "Bo Shao is here."

"Hurry up and work."

Bo Xingzhi twisted his eyebrows suspiciously, and went straight to his office. When he passed by the Qinzheng office, he saw a familiar figure.

"General Manager?"

Bo Xingzhi looked up and down Shang Lingxiao, who was wearing a silver-gray suit, looking upright and handsome.

He was sitting in the seat of the director of Qinzheng's office, and the name tag on the desk in front of him was changed to "Director: Shang Lingxiao."

"Why don't I know when President Shang became my colleague."

"Azhi, you may not be sure, this is your eldest brother." The president didn't know when he appeared behind Bo Xingzhi, he smiled and introduced, "You two are brothers. You will help me in the future. That's it."

"Brother?" Bo Xingzhi glanced at the president coldly, "I don't have any brothers, my mother only gave birth to me."

"What is your attitude? Did your brother provoke you? I tell you, you are all my sons, and my blood is bleeding on you. From now on, your brother will be the director of the diligent political office. Others read the jokes, do you know?" the president said in a huff.

Shang Lingxiao smiled slightly, "Dad, don't worry, I will take good care of my younger brother. After all, he is two years younger than me. It's normal to have a temper."

When you speak this directly, you will raise yourself up and step down on the thin line.

That called a Bailian shameless and shameless.

I am pleased with the President again, and the President listened very smoothly.

"You really look like an elder brother, Azhi, learn from your brother in the future. Don't always make me angry!" The President turned around and left after speaking.

Bo Xingzhi sneered, "I can't see that you are so good at flattering, it's really eye-opening for me."

After he finished speaking, he walked to his office. Diligence is just a place for the elderly, without real power and ability.

So...what is the president doing?

What emperor balance is playing?

Still want to see him fight with Shang Lingxiao? He can take advantage of the fisherman's profit? What profit does he get?

Shang Lingxiao didn't get angry because of Bo Xingzhi's irony. He looked at Bo Xingzhi's back lightly, and after a while he muttered to himself, "I will take it all back for what you have. ."

He sat in his seat and took out his cell phone to call Ruan Su, "Xiao Su, I may not be able to accompany you to the ICIF today."

"Brother, what's the matter? Are you okay?" Ruan Su was changing shoes at the hallway, answering the phone while changing.

"Yes, I'm a bit busy with things, can you go by yourself?" Shang Lingxiao's gentle voice came from the phone.

Ruan Su smiled, "Of course it can, isn't it just a cultural fair?"

What's more, Bo Xingzhi will accompany her to participate today, so she is not alone.

At this time, Bo Xingzhi started to deal with all day's work in his office, and Song Yan was helping him, "Master, don't you still go to the ICIF today? So much work..."

"I don't do the rest, take it all away." Bo Xingzhi put down the signature pen in his hand and stood up. He looked at the watch in his hand, "The time is almost here, let's go."

So Song Yan carried a bunch of documents and followed Bo Xingzhi away.

When passing by the Qinzheng Office, Shang Lingxiao rushed to show a nasty smile, "Brother, you are absent from work. Be careful that your brother will write a sum for you. If you are fined at the end of the month, don't blame your brother. Don't give you face."

He knew that Bo Xingzhi was going to the ICIF, so he stayed here deliberately.

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him, "Director Shang, it's up to you. After all, you have the right not to expire, and you don't have the opportunity to use it until it's invalidated."

After speaking, he continued to move on.

Shang Lingxiao turned out to be his half-brother!

It's ironic.

Yuanjia has a narrow road.

He has long been accustomed to the lack of emotions and anger, even if he knows that Shang Lingxiao is his brother, his heart is terrified, but his face is still very calm.

He entered the elevator, and Song Yan directly pressed the floor of the underground parking lot on the second floor.

As soon as Bo Xingzhi left, Shang Lingxiao called the president, "Dad, my brother just left. He said he is going to the ICIF...Dad, this is my brother after all. I don't know if I should remember him. Absenteeism, or asking for leave? But he didn't write the request for leave."

The president's irritable voice sounded, "Absenteeism! Must be absent! Asking for leave? Does he see my dad in his eyes? If so, he will ask me for leave!"

"Dad, don't be angry, I'm just afraid that you are angry...that's why I called you." Shang Lingxiao quickly comforted the president. After a few words of comfort, he hung up the phone.

Shang Lingxiao looked at the attendance sheet triumphantly, and then asked his assistant to draw a big X to Bo Xingzhi on today's attendance.

Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan came to the ICIF together and stood at the entrance waiting for Ruan Su.

When Ruan Su came, she saw the tall figures of two men far away, and she walked over quickly.

She wore a long windbreaker with a lavender dress inside, which looked elegant.

"Wife." Bo Xingzhi beckoned to her, Ruan Su walked over and took the man's palm, "Let you wait a long time."

"No, I just came here." Bo Xingzhi lowered his head and looked at her beautiful face tenderly, "You are so beautiful."

Ruan Su's red lips raised a nice arc, "Did you smear your mouth with honey early in the morning? It's so sweet."

"It's only sweet to you." Bo Xingzhi led her inside, "Do you want to play rock gambling today?"

The two of them followed the people into the meeting place, Ruan Su chatted with him while looking at the meeting place.

"En. This is a newly added project this year. The reason why the teacher asked me to come over to participate in the ICIF on his behalf is also for the stone gambling."

"It's not easy to bet on rocks, why? You still?" Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows, a hint of surprise on his cold face.

"Your wife knows a lot!" Ruan Su smiled badly, showing a row of white teeth, looking a little bit playful. "What is rock betting? Wait and see."

"Then I will try to wait."

While talking, the two came to the gambling special.

A lot of wool was placed on the spot, and the staff were busy categorizing and marking prices.

There have been a lot of people here, everyone is curious, some people play a little, spend a few thousand dollars to buy a small piece of stone to take a look, see if something can be opened.

Most of them can't be opened, and occasionally, some jade leftovers are not good in color.

Ling Qingran and her daughter also came to the meeting place. Dai Shou was so angry yesterday that after leaving the meeting place, Ling Qingran scolded Ling Qingran bloodily.

Today's gambling stone Daishou personally ends up playing a game. He brought a lot of money just to be comfortable. What he played was the heartbeat, and what he played was the excitement.

Two-thirds of the money in it was sponsored by the Ling family's mother and daughter. Yesterday, he was ashamed. If he didn't give him some compensation, he would be mad.

Ling Qingran and her daughter also brought a lot of money, and it was this gambling that they played on the rocks!

There are more and more people, and the time to start is getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere in the crowd is getting more and more impetuous.

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