Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 814: Very risky! Who loses and who wins?

The price of each stone at the gambling venue is generally the cheapest thousands of dollars, and some are expensive, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of dollars.

The host held the microphone and said with excitement, "Today, there are many stones transported back from the quarry at the venue. As far as I know, it is sometimes difficult to get out of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of rough stones. A piece of beautiful jade. What's more, these stones have been sifted. Under normal circumstances, good stones have been selected by knowledgeable experts as early as in the quarry."

"So this time the stone gambling conference everyone can offer what variety to come, it depends on luck."

"A man of beautiful jade can never meet him."

Playing stone gambling here, the chance of being able to open green is only one in ten thousand, and everyone knows it in their hearts, but still with a playful mentality, it is luck to be able to open a good variety, and not to open a bad one. It is also a gain.

If you can't open anything, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

"The price of each stone here ranges from 3,000 to 8,000, and there are some expensive ones. Experts think that they will produce varieties, so if you play, you should choose according to your own economic performance bar. "The host said again, "Next, I announce that the stone gambling conference has officially started! Please choose the stone you like for trading and cutting!"

"Everyone, let's choose. Clearly, second wife, you also choose." Dai Shou said enthusiastically to the Ling family's mother and daughter, "It depends on how lucky we are."

Ling Qingran also showed a very understanding look, and touched the stone decently.

In fact, she didn't understand it at all, and she couldn't understand it at all.

"Clearly, your piece is not good. It has too many edges and corners and is not smooth." Dai Suo seemed to be very professional. "You have to choose something that is not too rough."

"Second madam, is your piece a bit small? Small ones can't usually be opened."

"Don't worry, you two, choose slowly."

Dai Shou kept gesticulating at the mother and daughter.

It seems that he knows gambling on rocks best in the world.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were also among the crowd. She touched a few stones but had no choice.

Bo Xingzhi also knows a little bit about betting on stones. Seeing that she is not interested in these stones, he couldn't help but smile, "What's the matter? I didn't like it?"

"These stones are average, there is no good jade in them." Ruan Suqing's gaze scanned the stones on the scene back and forth, and then she walked towards a corner, "Let's go over there and take a look."

"Miss Ruan, can't you not understand these stones?" Ling Qingran couldn't help but sneered when seeing Ruan Su's delay in choosing.

Ruan Su's footsteps turned towards Ling Qingran, and she found that this woman couldn't survive if she didn't provoke her for a minute.

She glanced at Ling Qingran faintly, "What? Miss Ling understands well? Then I have to learn from you."

"Well, I don't understand very much, but my teacher, Mr. Dai, understands very well." Ling Qingran smiled with a hint of complacency. "He often plays stone gambling and produces a lot of beautiful jade, so... why don't you bet with my teacher? A handful?"

Dai Shou also had the heart to frustrate Ruan Su's arrogance, after all, his apprentice lost to this woman yesterday.

He is confident that he still knows some gambling on stones, and he is bragging to say that he is calling Meiyu.

Lie to Ling's mother and daughter and others, but Ling Qingran did not expect to speak out in public.

However, he has always been fishing for his reputation for a long time. Instead, he felt that Ling Qingran was playing very well. He showed a respectable smile, "Miss Ruan, or else, I will let you three stones, so I won’t be told that I am big Bullying. Let's spend three million each to buy the stones, and see who has the good quality, how about it?"

Three million is not a small number, but for many of you, three million is nothing.

It is said that nine bets on ten loses, but for stone betting, it is almost ninety-nine loses on a hundred gambling.

Ruan Su glanced at Dai Su, and felt that this middle-aged man was very wretched and had a very wretched temperament, which was far from the elegant manner of the old man.

Xiang was born from the heart, and the appearance of this wear was extremely bad, which made her nauseous.

Ever since she learned how to look at faces, she felt like vomiting physiologically when looking at people with bad faces.

Do evil!

Especially this wearing is about to be unlucky...

She really wanted to stay away from this man.

But in full view, if she didn't agree, she would be ridiculed severely by Ling Qingran.

Thinking of this, she laughed, "Lao Dai kindly invites you. If I refuse, wouldn't it be too shameful?"

Hearing Ruan Su's promise, Dai Suo was secretly proud, he felt that his experience would definitely be able to produce jade.

"I think we should set a time limit. How about two hours?" Ling Qingran continued, "You must choose by yourself, and you can't let others do it for you."

Ruan Su smiled slightly, "Two hours is a bit too long, and it takes a lot of time to open the rough stone. After an hour, you can open a selected part of the rough stone first."

"That's OK! Let's make a decision. If I win, Miss Ruan...I'd better be my apprentice obediently, stop following the old man, how about?" Dai Shou felt that Ruan Su could be accepted as a disciple, or It's a pretty good thing.

Obviously Ruan Su is slightly better than Ling Qingran in terms of talent and connections.

Although Ling Qingran, the daughter of the Ling family, was an apprentice, he was still not very satisfied.

Ling Qingran's face turned green when he heard it, and he stomped his feet, "Master...I don't want to be a teacher or sister with her!"

"Oh, clearly, I'm just kidding, do you take it seriously?" Although Dai Shou said this, he was thinking in his heart how to take Ruan Su away from the old man.

"Okay, just do what Dai Lao said. If Dai Lao loses, then...become my master's apprentice." Ruan Su looked at Dai Su with a smile.

Dai Suo's expression sank, and stared at Ruan Su coldly, "The stinky girl is so crazy."

Ruan Su spread his hands, with a very innocent expression on his face, "So it seems that Dai always dare not gamble? Well, it is a heartbeat, and it is a thrill. If you gamble, you don’t have a hot spot. What to bet on?"

The people around started talking in low voices, "It's obviously that Dai Laoxian said about accepting disciples. If he can raise it, why can't others raise it?"

"It's too convincing, right?"

"Yes, yes!"

"It's stingy!"

Dai Su gritted his teeth and turned in his heart. If he didn't agree, he would seem too inhumane.

Doesn't fit his usual personal settings.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! It's the grandson who doesn't play! Just play!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a burst of warm applause from the crowd, "Bet! Bet! Bet!"

"come on, come on, come on!"

The atmosphere at the scene was immediately stirred up by this gambling game.

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's arm, a trace of worry flashed in his deep eyes, "Wife, can you?"

He could see that Ruan Su had a deep feeling for Lao Wen, so...

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart." Ruan Su smiled and began to choose rough stones.

She picked quickly, and bought more than ten yuan at will, with prices ranging from three thousand five thousand seven thousand to eight thousand.

She even picked an ultra-low and ultra-cheap rough for only three hundred yuan.

Bo Xingzhi didn't know where he found a wheelbarrow for Ruan Su to load the rough stones. Song Yan pushed the wheelbarrow behind Ruan Su. Ruan Su picked up the rough stones and threw them into the wheelbarrow, which was quite convenient.

Bo Xingzhi also stayed behind her all the time, and found that she was not picking blindly, grabbing at random, but seemed to be quite technical.

So his heart gradually let go.

Dai Shou was also picking rough stones on the other side. He also invited a master to give him guidance on the spot. The rough surface was picked by him, but in fact, the master gave a lot of opinions and suggestions.

Many people were watching and refused to leave.

This can make the organizers of the International Cultural Fair happy.

Some onlookers also joined the army that bought rough stones. Today, the stone betting is really prosperous, and it made a lot of money.

Originally there were only five stone cutters, but now there are twenty.

The ten stone cutters for Ruan Su and Dai Shou were waiting there.

The remaining ten sets are for cutting the rough stones selected by the onlookers.

Most of them didn't cut out any good jade, but a small part was cut out of ordinary jade.

Ruan Su didn't bother to look at things like cutting the stone. She simply let Bo Xingzhi stare at the cutting stone, Song Yan still pushed the car behind her to select the rough stone.

Ruan Su took a fancy to a stone. This stone is the most beautiful jade she has seen so far. She can not only look at the face, but also at the stone.

It seems very predictable. The rough stone larger than the fist sells for more than 300,000 yuan.

This is a very expensive one, and it is still a very risky one.

But Ruan Su bought the stone without blinking, and she bought two or three of these two or three hundred thousand stones in a row.

When the purchase was over, she saw Dai Shou walking towards Ruan Su with the Ling family's mother and daughter triumphantly.

He shouted at Ruan Su from a long distance, "Have you heard that? Two rough stones were opened just now. The estimate I picked was much higher than that selected by Miss Ruan. It seems that Miss Ruan...may be my apprentice. Up."

Ruan Su smiled lightly, "The game has just begun, what are you anxious for?"

Dai Suo looked at her disapprovingly, "Girl, just be stiff! I'll win!"

They came to the rough cutting place together, and saw that there was already crowded with onlookers, and the sharp sound of the stone cutter was heard from time to time.

Everyone is waiting quietly!

Song Yan pushed the trolley into the crowd, "Please give in."

He saw Bo Xingzhi standing next to the stone cutter and had already cut some stones.

The other two apprentices of Dai Suo were also beside the stone cutter. Two tables were placed on each side. One was the stone picked by Ruan Su and the other was the stone picked by Dai Suo.

There are also two delicate pots on this table. Inside the pots are the jade that comes out. Basically, the color is not very good.

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