Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 815: I can not be reconciled! Humiliated!

However, it is obvious that Dai Su Fang has a small number of rough stones, but they are relatively large. The rough stones on Ruan Su’s side are small but large in quantity. Judging from the jade that came out, Dai Suo's jade is large in quality and looks much moisturized. The rough jade from Ruan Su's side is relatively small, and the quality is average. It is obvious that Dai Suo is temporarily ahead.

No wonder he would run to Ruan Su and show off all kinds of provocations.

After Song Yan parked the cart next to the stone cutter, he stood there quietly. After a while, the stone-cutting master cut open the rough stone and got two pieces of jadeite of average texture. The onlookers immediately made regretful sounds.

Bo Xingzhi also stood by the stone cutter and saw that it was a very ordinary jade. He looked at Ruan Su, "Do you feel uncomfortable? Our fineness is much worse than that of Dai Lao."

Ruan Su shook his head, "No! At least we can produce jade from every rough stone, and none of them are scraps. Isn't that great? Although our fineness is not as good as them, we have a lot of them!"

Bo Xing nodded, "Are you comforting me or comforting yourself?"

Ruan Su laughed, "Half and half, there are still a few rough stones! Maybe you can get anything particularly good, but wait and see."

Bo Xingzhi nodded, and looked at the stones Ruan Su had bought back for two to three hundred thousand.

The stone-cutting master cut out the ordinary jade in his hands in twos or twos. Although the texture was average, Ruan Su bought it at a cheap price. This piece seemed to cost only 300 yuan.

Three hundred pieces of a stone are then cut out of jadeite of ordinary texture, and a jade pendant or the like can be sold for several thousand pieces.

Soon I cut the rough stone that Ruan Su bought for two or three hundred thousand yuan. The stone cutter carefully wiped off the skin of the rough stone, and then rinsed it with water.

After washing, he was stunned, and a strong green appeared under the thin skin!

The person who craned his neck and pointed his eyes immediately yelled, "Oh my God! I see green!"

When he shouted, Dai Suo was shocked all over, barely controlling his legs, and almost fell into a shit.

"What's your name? It's terrifying! What's the green color?"

But no one paid any attention to him, everyone was attracted by the rough stone in the hands of the master stone cutter. I saw him taking a glare with a flashlight, and after a closer look, he immediately started to polish the surface of the rough stone with great vigor. He seldom cut out such a strong green!

So he got excited, his hands were shaking, and his movements became more and more careful!

He felt that the most beautiful jade must be hidden under this rough stone!

Almost everyone held their breath and stared at the stone cutter polishing the rough stone. After a while, the emerald wrapped in a thin skin burst out.

After the master rinsed the jade with clean water, he sent it to Ruan Su. Song Yanqing couldn't help but whispered, "Madam, this jade is too beautiful!"

Someone in the crowd started yelling, "Miss Ruan, can this jade be sold? Five hundred thousand!"

Someone glanced at him contemptuously, "It's only half a million? I paid a million! Such a large piece of jade material is too rare!"

"I pay two million! This is big and green, this green is so rare!" Someone started to raise the price loudly, this is the crazy charm of betting on rocks!

Master Cheshi glanced at Ruan Su, only to see Ruan Su just holding the jade raw material in his hand with a faint expression, then went on to return it to him, "wipe it, wipe it clean, and here... Focus on it."

Ruan Su pointed to a certain place. After hearing her words, everyone was suddenly disappointed. It seemed that she was not going to sell this rough stone.

But in a blink of an eye, they were excited and looking forward to it. After all, Ruan Su said that the focus should be wiped. If the rough stone is wiped out, or the color is not good, its value will be reduced. Maybe the jade is just outside. Layer, but there are stones inside? If Faguo is like that, it is really worthless!

Master Stone Cutter didn't think much about it, so he just started to do it.

He started rubbing the raw material on the sander, and after wiping off the thin layer of green on the surface, a smooth and strong green suddenly appeared underneath!

The master suddenly became excited, he quickly washed it with water, picked up the small phone and took a picture inside, only to see that everything inside was clear and strong green! That green is so beautiful!

He said excitedly, "This is an ice-seeded jade! The whole piece inside is! Not a stone! It's all jade inside! Such a big piece!"

Everyone was in an uproar.

It depends on the physical condition which water type or ice type jadeite is better. However, under normal circumstances, the ice type jadeite of the same texture on the market is obviously much higher than the water type.

Hearing that an ice-type jade appeared here, Dai Shou let out a cold snort. Although the jade on his side was quite large, it was at most a water-type jade, and only one piece was a water-type jade.

This... I didn't expect Ruan Su's luck to be so good, it was directly the ice jade. Too annoying!

What made Dai Shou even more angry was that the rough stone on his side was scrapped after two consecutive openings, and it was empty and there was no hair.

He was so angry that his lungs would explode!

However, what Dai Shou couldn't stand the most was that after Ruan Su opened a piece of ice seed jade, another piece of ice seed came out!

She actually opened two pieces of ice jade in a row!

I was so angry that Dai Su was shaking all over!

Ruan Su is simply way ahead of him.

Ling Qingran stood beside Dai Su, raised her hand and stroked her chest. She was vomiting blood with anger yesterday, but today her condition has only improved a little, and her face is still a little pale.

But she was holding on to her body and wanted to see how Dai Shou cleaned up Ruan Su.

But now... It seems that Dai Shou can't deal with Ruan Su, and she can't help but start to get angry again.

Mrs. Ling'er knew that she was angry again by looking at her face, so she quickly calmed her down, "Clearly, don't be angry, your lungs are not healed yet, and the doctor will let you be hospitalized. You still refuse to be angry. You must not get angry again. Up..."

"Mom, look at Ruan Su's side that there are still a lot of rocks that haven't come out, but the master is only five yuan." Ling Qingran said weakly, and the blood on her face gradually faded, almost tottering.

Dai Shou also vaguely felt that he might not be able to win. He glanced at Ruan Su contemptuously, "I think you are young, but I didn't expect you to be so sinister and contemptible that you would cheat."

"What are you talking about? Cheating? Everyone is here now, what evidence do you have that I cheated?" Ruan Su sneered at Dai Su, "You are also a senior, you can't do things like talking."

Dai Suo looked angry, "All of your rough stones are not waste. What are you not cheating?"

Ruan Su found it ridiculous, she couldn't help but laughed.

"Everyone is watching! I bought these rough stones temporarily in front of everyone. I bought them at this venue. Why am I cheating? Besides, if you have the ability, you can take out a bunch of them and open them. The one who came out of the jade came to cheat! This is all based on their own luck, even the staff of the organizer who went to quarry don’t know if the jade can be made out of it, right?"

"Yes, yes, it is rare that all these jade pieces are all jade. After all, it really depends on luck. Who do you tell me, who can guarantee you that all these pieces are jade?"

"Even expert experts can't guarantee it!"

"Yes, yes!"

Some onlookers and knowledgeable people began to express their support for Ruan Su, "I think Miss Ruan did not cheat. This is really good luck."

Dai Shou felt a little frustrated at once, but he was not ignorant. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Then how do you manage to produce jade every single piece?"

Ruan Su looked at him indifferently, "I'm lucky. It just so happens that all the rough stones I bought are jade, can't it? It's really luck. Why is it called a gambling stone? Otherwise, it is called buying a stone."

Dai Shou rolled his eyes with anger, "Impossible! You must have a method! What method did you use?"

Ruan Su smiled again, "Stone betting must be skillful. If you don't have skill, what is the instructor with you? So... I have the method, I have the technique, but I don't know it."

Everyone can see that Ruan Su's ability is indeed strong!

The vision is indeed vicious!

Dai Shou sat there speechlessly. It happened that the master he had invited had not the eyesight of Ruan Suqiang, but it was not bad, because in the last five stones, a piece of ice-type jade appeared.

But compared to Ruan Su's two dollars, he still fell short.

The anger in Dai Suo's heart was too angry to say.

At this moment, a burst of cheers broke out from the crowd again.

"Mom! Another piece of ice jade! This color is too correct!"

"It's amazing!"

Ruan Su unexpectedly drove out another piece of ice jade! This hit Dai Suo hard, and Dai Su almost collapsed.

He lost three million, and it wasn't his own money anyway, but... after losing, he would become an old man's apprentice, and he wouldn't be able to kill him!

He is so shameless.

And he deeply suspected Ruan Su must have cheated, but he had no evidence.

The more he thought about it, the worse he went, he began to recruit one of his apprentices, and after whispering a few words in a low voice, he sat in a chair and waited patiently.

Dai Shou seemed to be out of luck, the last piece turned out to be a waste, he was determined to lose!

His face was as ugly as the bottom of a pot.

Ling Qingran was also so uncomfortable that he coughed fiercely, "Cough—cough! Cough!"

She coughed uncomfortably, Dai Shoubai gave her a look, and cast her anger on her. "If you feel uncomfortable, go back to the hospital and don't be an eyesore here! Don't cough up blood again, moldy!"

Ling Qingran's face became paler and paler, and she never dared to stay here anymore.

After exiting the stone-cutting scene, Ling Qingran unwillingly glanced at the still lively venue, "Mom, we can't go, the master just sent someone to investigate, we wait for the result."

There is a double change today and another one at seven in the evening.

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