Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 817: Disgusting white lotus

Since she was able to open this mouth, she would naturally make a profit without losing it.

Mrs. Wang is very prosperous, with a round face and a squinted smile, she looks like a blessing.

She knew that Minister Wang and Bo Xingzhi were getting closer recently, and it happened that a new batch of jade materials was needed at home.

It just so happened that Ruan Su had opened so many here, so she might as well just buy it back and increase the relationship between the two families.

She is wealthy but she is very discerning and shrewd.

"Miss Ruan, what do you think of me as a buyer?"

Ruan Su looked at Mrs. Wang and smiled. She could see that Minister Wang and Bo Xingzhi should have a close relationship, so she was also willing to follow the boat and make a personal deal.

"Okay! Since I'm an acquaintance, I don't need 50 million. It's better to make a 20% discount, 40 million. It's good to make money with harmony!"

When Mrs. Wang heard that it was a rich face, she smiled into a flower, "Well, well, I will ask the secretary to transfer the money to you right now."

After speaking, she whispered a few words to a young woman behind her.

Then a few young men came over and began to carry the jade raw materials that Ruan Su had drove.

The piece of ice jade left by Ruan Su, she still wanted to carve it herself, so she didn't sell it.

After asking her account number, she soon received 45 million.

Mrs. Wang really has eyesight and turned five million more.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "Mrs. Wang, you...gave five million more?"

Mrs. Wang smiled heartily, "You give me a 10 million discount, and I will pay back another 5 million. Aren't the two of us even? It's just right."

This Mrs. Wang really knows how to do business, and Ruan Su also laughed, "It's not as good as this. Since we are destined, why don't I ask you to have dinner with Minister Wang?"

After spending a day in the gambling venue, looking at the time, it was almost time for dinner.

After all, they gave an extra five million. If she didn't say anything, she would seem too scarce of money and value money too much.

"Okay! Let's go now and take my car." As Mrs. Wang said, she made a please gesture, and the group of people walked outside together.

Mrs. Wang's car was parked in the parking lot outside. It was an extended Rolls Royce worth ten million yuan.

It seems that Mrs. Wang's family background is really solid.

After all, Minister Wang holds great power, and if Mrs. Wang's family does not have the money to support him, it will be difficult for him to walk.

Mrs. Wang personally opened the back door of the car. Ruan Su took her hand into the car first, and then personally pulled Mrs. Wang to the car, "Mrs. Wang, what are you doing? You can break me, I'm a junior. ! According to age, I should call you sister!"

Mrs. Wang laughed, "Oh, what sister, I'm forty or fifty years old, obviously an old aunt."

"Really? I can't tell at all, it's like a beautiful young woman in her thirties." Ruan Su's mouth is extremely sweet, just like smeared honey.

Although she is not familiar with Minister Wang, she can see that Bo Xingzhi intends to make friends with Minister Wang. If this is the case, she will definitely be dragging her back.

After everyone got in the car, Rolls-Royce started directly.

Mrs. Wang began to call Chief Wang to tell him about the meal together.

After hanging up the phone, she patted her thigh, "Oh, I forgot to tell Lao Wang where to eat!"

Ruan Su smiled, "It must be the most advanced restaurant in country M!"

The top restaurant in Country M is called "Yunshang", there is a sky garden, the environment is very beautiful, and it is the favorite place of many rich and powerful people in the upper-level society.

It was already half an hour later when they arrived at the Yunshang Restaurant.

Minister Wang just got out of the car, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw a familiar car approaching.

He stopped and stood there waiting, the car stopped, and Ruan Su got out of the car.

Mrs. Wang walked towards Minister Wang, "Pharaoh, let me tell you, I bought a good thing today."

She began to tell Minister Wang how she bought Ruan Su's jade raw materials, and how did she see Ruan Su betting on the stone, super handsome and super explosive!

Minister Wang watched her chattering little mouth dozingly, and waited until she didn't finish.

Then he spoke a little embarrassedly and said to Bo Xingzhi, "Bo Shao, Mrs. Bo, my lover talks a lot and makes you laugh."

It can be seen that the couple's feelings are very affectionate.

"By the way, Mrs. Bo, how come you know that jade can be drawn out of it?" Mrs. Wang was very curious.

Ruan Su was taken aback. She didn’t expect that she would ask so directly, she immediately laughed, “I’m the apprentice of the old man, let alone me, even if my brother Shang Lingxiao comes to choose the rough stone, it is estimated that all of them will be available. Get out the jade."

Hearing Shang Lingxiao's name, Minister Wang's face changed slightly. He quickly glanced at Bo Xingzhi and found that the man's face remained as usual before he recovered his expression.

Ruan Su felt a little strange.

When I was wondering, I saw a slender, familiar figure standing in the lobby on the first floor of Yunshang Restaurant. Who was not Shang Lingxiao?

Shang Lingxiao obviously also saw their group.

He smiled gently at Ruan Su, "Xiao Su, come over for dinner?"

Ruan Su nodded, "Brother."

"Brother." After Shang Lingxiao greeted Ruan Suda, he looked at Bo Xingzhi, "Why don't we have a meal together? It just so happens that we all know each other."

Little brother?

Ruan Su looked suspiciously at the weird atmosphere between the two.

What kind of weird name is this?

Bo Xingzhi looked cold, "I'm sorry, our husband and wife are dining with Minister Wang and his wife, and we don't like the presence of outsiders."

"Why an outsider? I'm your real brother." Shang Lingxiao said very kindly. He looked at Ruan Su's strange expression and said, "Xiao Su don't know yet? Brother, what's the matter with you? How can such a big thing be kept secret from Xiao Su?"

Ruan Su was taken aback, "Brother...what are you talking about?"

Are Shang Lingxiao and Bo Xing only brothers?

This is too ridiculous!

She has never thought about the relationship between the two in this regard!

Shang Lingxiao still smiled gently, "Yes, I was just found by my father, and I was shocked when I knew it! My brother and I were adopted by the Bo family and the other by the merchant. Fortunately. ! They are all big families. If it is a commoner family, I am afraid that neither of us has what we are today.”

The words were very white, and Minister Wang almost didn't spit it out.

Bo Xingzhi also looked at him with an expression of indescribable expression, Shang Lingxiao always refreshed his lower limit and cognition.

Mrs. Wang couldn't bear it, "Young business, we went in first, I'm very hungry right now."

Ruan Su feels a bit inexplicable, this relationship... is too weird and weird!

Moreover, she always feels that Bo Xingzhi hates Shang Lingxiao very much, but Shang Lingxiao treats her very well...


After the four of them arrived in the box, they soon took their seats and started ordering.

Just as soon as I was seated, a waiter walked over and said enthusiastically, "This is the red wine that Mr. Merchant gave you. Please use it slowly."

He put the red wine on the table and opened it, and took the menu. "Everyone, please take a look at the menu. Our specialties are all on it."

Bo Xingzhi's face darkened slightly, this ubiquitous Shang Lingxiao was really disgusting.

Minister Wang's chest was a little panicked, but he still said to Bo Xingzhi, "Bo Shao, what do you want to eat?"

Bo Xingzhi looked at Ruan Su, "Xiao Su, what would you like to order?"

Ruan Su glanced at the menu, then ordered a few signature dishes, and asked Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang is a regular customer here, so naturally he has a good order.

After several people ordered, the dishes were served one after another.

Mrs. Wang said suspiciously, "I used to come here, but the food was not served so fast! Why is it so fast today?"

The waiter smiled and said, "Madam, are you worrying too much? The speed of our serving has always been this way!"

"It's really weird, I remember it wasn't so fast before." Mrs. Wang still felt something was wrong.

Minister Wang glanced at Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, "Today I heard that Shao Shang has moved into the Qinzheng Office."

"Yes." Bo Xing nodded, "I think his ability should not be limited to diligence."

He spoke a little bit euphemistically. He originally wanted to say that Shang Lingxiao was ambitious...

Ruan Su is not a fool, she immediately thought of the ancient story of the Nine Dragons seizing the concubine.

This is... Shang Lingxiao also participated in the competition for the position of president?

He called in the morning and said that he could not come to the ICIF because he had gone to work for the president?

The thoughts in Ruan Su's mind turned back and forth in an instant. If Shang Lingxiao and Bo Xingzhi Longhu were fighting, she would naturally be on the side of Bo Xingzhi without even thinking about it.

It's okay if it's fair competition... What if it's unfair competition?

Using Shang Lingxiao's method, I wonder if he will do something ugly...

Ruan Su's vigilance suddenly rose.

And in the other box at this time, Shang Lingxiao was sitting on the main seat with a cold expression. He was surrounded by a few middle-aged men. The middle-aged men looked at him flatly and flatteringly, "Young Master Shang, now you finally I was put on the bright will be the eldest son of the president from now on..."

"So what?" Shang Lingxiao shook the red wine in the glass, and squinted his eyes. "It's just a son, and Bo Xingzhi is the prostitute."

"What about the prostitute? It's not about who has the ability to sit in this position! Whoever is unable to step down!" The middle-aged man nearest to Shang Lingxiao smiled badly, "I can't look at him, there is no Shao Shang. You are very capable. I think the President also values ​​you!"

"He and Minister Wang are close, and Minister Wang alone is worthy of your group." Shang Lingxiao irritably drank the red wine in the glass. "You talk about you, why do you eat? After so many years, you still stand still."

The middle-aged man's expression suddenly froze, and his voice became a little quiet, "Shang, you calm down, in time, we will definitely take the position of Lao Wang. Don't worry!"

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