Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 818: Mrs. Bo, the big deal is not good!

Hearing the flattering words of the middle-aged man, Shang Lingxiao's face finally looked better.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief quietly, it seemed that he was talking about Shao Shang's heart.

It's completely different from the feel of Bo Xingzhi's happy box. The atmosphere in this box is full of flattery and cramps.

Shang Lingxiao was a little annoyed, especially when he thought of Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su being close together.

It suddenly occurred to him that Ruan Su had said that a friend was hospitalized, and he frowned.

Said to one of the middle-aged men, "Go and check who Ruan Su visited in the hospital a few days ago."

"Yes, yes. I'm going to investigate now." The man immediately replied, walked out of the box, and began to order the people under his hands to investigate.

It took about ten minutes before he returned to the box.

He hurriedly leaned in front of Shang Lingxiao as if offering treasures, "Young Master Shang, is visiting a girl named Jian Qiqi, that girl seems to be an ectopic pregnancy..."

Before he finished speaking, Shang Lingxiao frowned, his face showed a very unhappy expression, "What did you say?"

The middle-aged man shrank and swallowed his saliva. He was telling the truth. Where did Shang Shao unhappy again?

His voice was trembling and continued, "I... I said, Jian Qiqi was hospitalized for ectopic pregnancy..."

"Damn it!" Shang Lingxiao slapped the table fiercely with a slap. The cups and saucers in front of him couldn't be beaten by such a beat, and they rolled to the ground, spinning around. Fortunately, the ground was covered with a thick carpet...

Otherwise it will be crackling.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Shang Lingxiao yelled coldly, and the middle-aged men immediately left the table with their faces turned pale.

Fleeing towards the outside one after another.

Oh mother, why is this ancestor angry again?

What kind of madness is it?

After leaving the house, the man in charge of the investigation wiped the sweat from his forehead, "This moody young master, by the way, what does Jian Qiqi have to do with him?"

"You don't know something." An informed man came over and said, "In Empire H, the third lady of the Jian family, Jian Qiqi, heard that she grew up with Young Master Shang, but doesn’t Young Master Shang like Miss Ruan? This is weird."

"Men, I always want red roses and white roses. Hey~~~" Another man smiled wretchedly, "I also heard that Jian Qiqi and Song Tezhu next to Bo Shao are the same Yes. What a weird relationship! Young Master Shang and the Jane’s eldest have another child."

"You can tell the truth, that Missy's child is not..." The man looked around for a while, and said in a low voice, "I heard that it is not the child of the young man, and the young man does not care about that child. Woolen cloth!"


This man is more gossip than the aunts.

Shang Lingxiao looked at the empty box and stood up for a while.

He drove directly towards the hospital, **** it! Why did Jian Qiqi, a fool, get an ectopic pregnancy? She dared to be pregnant with another man's child!

He doesn't allow it!

The black car galloped on the road like a shooting star, and he slammed on the accelerator like crazy.

When he rushed to the hospital, he realized that he didn't know how many red lights he ran through, but it didn't matter.

He got off the car directly and waited until he stepped into the lobby of the inpatient department before he suddenly woke up. He didn't know which ward Jian Qiqi lived in.

He called his subordinates again, and after asking about the ward, he went straight into the elevator.

There were fine beads of sweat on Shang Lingxiao's forehead, and a handsome face was filled with cold murderous aura.

He strode towards the ward, but when he approached the ward, he heard Jian Qiqi's groaning voice, "Oh, I can't eat anymore."

"I really can't eat it anymore."

"I'm so full."

She has almost never spoken to herself like this...

Shang Lingxiao's footsteps were stopped, and through the crack of the door, he saw Song Yanzheng in front of the hospital bed with a white porcelain bowl feeding Jian Qiqi and drinking porridge. He patiently coaxed, "Take two more sips, you only eat so little. Can it work?"

"I really can't eat anymore." The girl sitting on the hospital bed was still a little paler, looking thinner, but her big eyes were still awake, "Song Yan, you hate it! You drink it yourself. Well."

Song Yan smiled and immediately began to drink the half bowl of porridge that Jian Qiqi hadn't finished.

"You have yours, why do you drink the rest of me? Don't you dislike it?" Jian Qiqi blinked and looked at him incredulously.

"What's the matter? This is called Xianglu Yimo." Song Yan laughed and finished Jian Qiqi's porridge before he went to drink his bowl.

Shang Lingxiao's whole body was filled with a strong killing intent, and that killing intent could hardly be concealed. This **** Song Yan, no wonder he didn't follow Bo Xingzhi and dared to rush to the hospital!

It must be this **** that made Jane Qiqi get an ectopic pregnancy!

Jian Qiqi and Song Yan could feel this evil spirit even through the door panel, and they looked at the door almost at the same time.

Song Yan put down the bowl in his hand and opened the door. As a result, he saw Shang Lingxiao with a cold expression at the door, as if he was possessed by a murderer. "Young man?"

Shang Lingxiao knocked him away with his shoulder and stepped directly into the ward.

Jian Qiqi was stunned when he saw Shang Lingxiao, "Why are you here?"

"You are so capable. You didn't tell me if you were sick with such a serious illness?" Shang Lingxiao said as soon as he asked, as if Jian Qiqi had done something ugly and shameless with him behind his back.

"I don't seem to have anything to do with you. We have only known each other since we were young... don't we? So I don't want to do anything that will make you misunderstand." Jian Qiqi smiled slightly, with a sense of rejection on his face. Looks, "Not to mention, I have a boyfriend with me, so...what's the use of telling you?"

"You have your wife and children! We... can only be regarded as the most familiar strangers? Or, I have never known you before." Jian Qiqi smiled hurriedly, "Young Master Shang, please leave. , Don’t bother me anymore."

Song Yan felt sorry for Jian Qiqi's words. After the ICIF was over, he left Bo Xingzhi and hurried to the hospital to accompany Jian Qiqi.

The Song family always stayed here during the day. After he came back, he let the old couple go back to the hotel to rest.

Shang Lingxiao felt that all his concerns were washed away by Jian Qiqi's indifference, and he suppressed his anger, "Jian Qiqi, are you able to bear it? You are ruthless!"

After speaking, he slammed the door and left.

He came over to visit her anxiously, she actually treated him this way!

Shouldn't she be grateful?

As her orphan and the adopted daughter of the Jane family, her own son as the president came to visit her... She doesn't know what it is, she deserves to suffer this crime!

He was so angry that his whole body hurts!

When Song Yan saw Shang Lingxiao leaving, he walked to the bed and hugged Jian Qiqi's petite body, "Just ignore him, treat him as a mad dog."

"Isn't he a mad dog?" Jian Qiqi said indifferently, "Don't worry, I kicked him out of my mind a long time ago."

A man like Shang Lingxiao is condescending, so let him be aloof!


Song Yan smiled gently, and started to drink porridge again, "After two days you are discharged from the hospital, I will take you out to play, M country is famous for many scenery, especially what is there now? I heard that it was snowing in Junshan, and went to a feast in the world, eating instant noodles on Jun X. Have you ever heard this buzzword?"

Jian Qiqi is happy to hear it, "I have heard it, and I heard that the scenery there is particularly beautiful, and the sunrise and everything from the golden roof are particularly beautiful."

"Well, I will book a hotel then, and we will go together."


It's just that Song Yan didn't expect that two days later, when he booked the hotel and completed the discharge procedures, Jian Qiqi disappeared.

He stood in the empty ward with the discharge certificate in his hand for a while before he came back. He pulled a little nurse who was packing the bed and asked, "Where are the patients in this ward?"

"Oh, I just left! Don't you know?" The little nurse looked inexplicable.

Song Yan's heart twitched and ached. He rushed out of the hospital like crazy, but only saw Jian Qiqi stopping a taxi from the back.

"Jane Qiqi! Jian Qiqi!"

He ran towards the taxi, but there was no car running fast on the legs of the person. He was so anxious that he stopped another taxi on the road and said, "Catch up with the car ahead!"

"Which one is in front?" The master looked confused. There are simply too many cars in front.

Song Yan looked up and realized that the car Jian Qiqi was in had long since disappeared.

He was so angry that his chest hurts, "This idiot, idiot, why is she leaving?"


Inside Yejia Manor.

Ruan Su yawned and went downstairs. At a glance, she saw Song Jiayan sitting in the living room learning needlework with Mrs. Ye.

She didn't have any talent, she accidentally stabbed her finger, and a drop of blood appeared on her finger.

Ruan Su couldn't help laughing, "Stop learning, this kind of thing depends on talent."

"You think I'm you, I'm a genius in everything I learn." Song Jiayan put her finger into her mouth and sucked it, then took it out after it stopped bleeding.

Ruan Su looked up and down Song Jiayan's beautiful face, "Have you been experiencing insomnia recently?"

Song Jiayan looked at her in surprise, "Yes, how do you know?"

Ruan Su smiled, "I am a doctor, and I still understand Chinese medicine. If I can't tell, then I am not a quack?"

Song Jiayan became more curious in an instant, "Then can you see if there is anything wrong with me?"

Ruan Su glanced at her, "Take your hand over and I will help you get your pulse."

Song Jiayan immediately handed her right hand in front of her, Ruan Su stretched out his index finger and ring finger to press Song Jiayan's veins respectively, and carefully probed.

"Except for a little fatigue, there is nothing wrong with you. Also, you have a bit of cold in the palace. I'll take some Chinese medicine to treat your body, so that it is convenient for pregnancy." Ruan Susha said in a serious manner, "There is more! Pay attention to your work and rest."

At this moment, Ruan Su's cell phone rang and Song Yan called, "Madam, it's not good!"

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