Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 823: Stop making trouble, kiss me!

Ruan Su looked at Jing Sa quietly, and she stood there quietly, a breeze stroking her long black hair, she seemed to be a stranger who broke into the presidential palace, but she was amazingly beautiful.

"Isn't it more ridiculous that it should be Miss Jing? I just made a little trick, and she was fooled."

Jing Sa's face suddenly sank. Is this changing the law to call her daughter a brain-dead?

"Ruan Su, I know you are always clever, but if you ran into the presidential palace without paying attention to the security of the presidential palace, it is your arrogance. Therefore, if I arrest you, you have nothing to say. I have reason and evidence. ."

Jing Sayi smiled and looked at Ruan Su. There was an evil light flashing in her deep and charming eyes, "Seriously, the daughter of the Ye family is in jail. I don't know what kind of storm it will cause! I really am. I can’t wait!"

"Secretary of State Jing, your abacus is probably going to fail." Ruan Su said blankly, "I have a pass in hand. One of the security regulations of the Presidential Palace is that as long as there is a stamped pass holder, after the security check You can pass. So, what crime are you going to arrest me for?"

"Your pass belongs to my daughter Jing Baizhi." Jing Sa had expected Ruan Su to quibble, "That's not yours at all."

"But it's in my hand, it's mine. Now it's not in Miss Jing's hand." A trace of irony flashed through Ruan Su's eyes, and his beautiful face was calm and calm.

"So I didn't commit any crime. I have a pass. I don't need to explain to the guard how this pass came, so I don't need to explain to Secretary Jing."

There was madness in Jing Sa's eyes, "Stop talking nonsense, I have the final say here. If I say you are guilty, you are guilty."

She waved her hand coldly, "Go! Get her down for me!"

She has lost all patience.

Now I just want to rectify Ruan Su on the spot and take it quickly.

Twenty or thirty people in black behind Jing Sa heard the sound and acted immediately, rushing towards Ruan Su, at this moment!

Suddenly there was a sharp shout, "Stop!"

Ruan Su raised his eyes and saw a familiar figure striding forward.

The man is stalwart and long, with sharp eyes like an eagle. His cold eyes scanned the crowd, and finally fell on the head of Jing Sa, "Secretary of State Jing, this is my residence. You are not so kind to my wife when you lead someone to it." Bar?"

"I only know that Miss Ruan is an intruder in the Presidential Palace." Jing Sa smiled mildly and harmlessly, her gorgeous face couldn't tell how cruel she was just now.

It's just a thin line, what other waves can be turned out?

Jing Sa's face showed a gentleness, "I remember you were cute when you were a kid, but I didn't expect you to have grown into an upright man now."

Her red lips curled up attractively, "In my memory, your mother is very gentle, but it's a pity... the red face is fateful."

Unlike Jing Sa’s gentle posture, Bo Xingzhi looked extremely cold and merciless in what he said, "Since the Secretary of State likes to remember old people so much, why not stay with my mother? My mother will miss you, a girlfriend, right? ! I heard that there is a lack of a grave guard at the South Korean Cemetery. Does the Secretary of State want to go?"

He wasn't polite to Jing Sa at all. This woman was cruel, sinister and vicious, and she would be bitten up by her if she was not careful.

So he never pretended to show her color.

Jing Sa was not angry, even if someone scolded her as a venomous woman in front of her, she would not be angry.

Because it doesn't matter, as long as she can still call for trouble in Country M, as long as she still has money and rights in her hand, then what does it matter how others scold her?

Wasn't the reason for scolding her because she had what they all wanted but they couldn't ask for it?

She laughed and laughed very presumptuously, "Bo Xingzhi, you see clearly, do you believe that what happened to your mother back then will happen again to the women around you?"

She is like a poppy or poppy in full bloom, exuding a deadly fragrance, which is poisonous.

"Never." Although Ruan Su didn't know how Bo Xingzhi's mother died, she knew that she would never let the previous tragedy happen again. Because she is Ruan Su!

She took a step forward, took the initiative to stand beside the man, and took the man's big palm.

Bo Xingzhi lowered his eyes and exuded warmth, "Secretary of State Jing, let's go, this is my wife, and she will be able to enter and leave the presidential palace freely in the future."

After speaking, he took out a long-term pass and stuffed it into Ruan Su's hand, "This is my pass, here you are."

Ruan Su was taken aback, "Give it to me, what do you do?"

"I'll do another one." Bo Xingzhi's thin lips outlined the arc of temperature, and there was a hint of petting in his eyes. "My wife enters a presidential palace and still works hard, so my husband is too incompetent."

He smiled again, "From now on, I must let you live here upright and stay with me."

There are wolves in front and tigers behind. It would be ridiculous and cowardly if he continued to hide.


he wants!

Ruan Su, he wants too!

If he can only protect the people around him when he stands at the highest point, then he doesn't mind to get over the thorns and stand to the top!

Ruan Su felt the deep warmth radiating from him, and her heart was also warm. She clenched the pass, and threw the one who grabbed Jing Baizhi in her hand directly in front of her, "Miss Jing, Give it back to you!"

Jing Baizhi blushed with anger and his neck was thick, but he could only call Ruan Su dryly, "You are too much!"

Jing Sa's face is very ugly. Did she lose this round?

If she forcibly captures Ruan Su, Bo Xingzhi does not pay attention to her, and the Ye family does not matter. I am afraid...Bo Xingzhi and the Ye family are united, and there is also the dealer... I heard that Ruan Su is also very close to the dealer recently.

At the present moment, it is not appropriate to be too impulsive in the past, and we have to consider long-term considerations.

Jing Sa's old fox-like eyes bend, and he pretends to be very decent and said, "Since Miss Ruan has returned this pass to Azhi, then we will take the first step."

Jing Baizhi was still a little unconvinced, and after being glared at by Jing Sa, she had to follow her away.

"Mommy, why did you let go, she is so arrogant!"

Jing Baizhi said depressed when he left the gate of Bo Xingzhi courtyard.

Jing Sa suppressed all his expressions, his eyes became gloomy and uncertain, "In the future, I will grow up a little bit, how can I give birth to such a stupid thing as you! Even if a pass is not good, how can I give you the burden in the future." "

Jing Baizhi was taught a lesson by her mother, and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, all because of Ruan Su, if she hadn't teased herself, she would not have been reprimanded by her mother.

Jing Baizhi was very irritable.

He followed Jing Sa with a stinky face all the way.

At this time, Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand directly back to the small building where he lived.

"Is there anything going on looking for me in such a hurry? I was busy..." Bo Xingzhi didn't want to tell Ruan Su that he was scolded by the president. He looked at Ruan Su anxiously, "Why did you break in?"

Fortunately, he came back in time. If it was later, Jing Sa's woman didn't know what she would do.

"It's like this, Xie Jinyan called me today." Ruan Su told Bo Xingzhi about Li Zhuoyan's illness, "I originally wanted to call you to tell you, but you didn't answer... I called. Several, I'm afraid you are in I just..."

So she was so anxious at the time that she couldn't think about it, so she tried to step in...

She sighed for a long time, "Maybe I have been a little angry recently, and my mind is a little bit unconscious."

"Where is it, aren't you worried about me?" Bo Xingzhi pecked her lips and said with a serious face, "Acute leukemia is not a joke. If you are not careful, you will die. We still do everything. Please inquire and see if you can find the right bone marrow."

"En." Ruan Su nodded his head, "You are safe, then I will go back first."

But Bo Xingzhi violently stretched out his hand to hug her into her arms, and her thin lips gently rubbed against her auricle, the burning breath seemed to be nonexistent, "What are you going back for?"

Ruan Su's face was hot, and he pushed him, "Don't make trouble."

"Don't you visit my bedroom?" Bo Xingzhi stared at her ambiguously, almost staring a hole in her face.

Ruan Suxiu's small face was flushed, "Are you stupid? I was here when I helped you treat your eyes, and I've visited it a long time ago. You let go—"

"I won't let it go. Anyway, today's things are making trouble. Who doesn't know that you are with me?" Bo Xingzhi's thin lips showed a faint joy, but his tone was a bit miserable, "At least accompany me to dinner. go back?"

Ruan Su couldn't see the man pretending to be pitiful, she sighed helplessly, "Well, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."

Bo Xingzhi's eyes suddenly burst into brilliance, as bright as a star, "Really? Home-cooked dishes are fine."

Obviously they are husband and wife, but they live like Cowherd and Weaver Girl every day.

He became more eager in his chest, and the day that stood at the top came early.

There happened to be some meat in the kitchen refrigerator in the Bo Xingzhi Courtyard, as well as common ingredients such as eggs and vegetables.

Ruan Su took the local ingredients, fried tomatoes and eggs, sautéed seasonal vegetables, and made a garlic sauce stir-fry. Three home-cooked dishes were paired with her scallion pancakes baked by herself.

Bo Xingzhi helped to cook the red bean porridge. After the steaming meal was served, Bo Xingzhi felt very happy.

But this happy mood did not last long.

The appearance of an uninvited guest interrupted the peace and harmony between husband and wife.

When the president appeared in the small building with a cold face, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su were having dinner, and he had a sullen face, "During the day you were so ridiculously sarcastic to the Secretary of State? Just for this woman?"

"Do you know what the Secretary of State represents to the entire empire? You are too presumptuous!"

"You are becoming more lawless, I'm not dead yet!"

Bo Xingzhi listened to his gun-like voice, and looked up at him lazily, "I welcome you if you come over for dinner."

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